I played the world alone

Chapter 142 Honest Desire

Chapter 142 Honest Desire

After a night of undercurrents surging.

The next morning.

On the street, a black car with an ordinary black appearance was driving fast.

This is a special vehicle of the Imperial Security Bureau. Although it looks plain on the outside, it is actually extremely bulletproof. Large-caliber firearms may not be able to break the window glass at close range. The stability of the vehicle itself can directly confront a fully loaded truck!

However, because special customization is quite expensive, such vehicles are rarely dispatched.

But today was that extremely rare accident.

At this moment, on the rear seat of the car, a middle-aged blond man in a yellow windbreaker, a round hat, and a cigar in his mouth was slowly tearing open the confidential letter given to him by his superior, and poured out a secret intelligence document from it.

"Tsk tsk..."


"Are you asking me to make a movie? Although I did hear that the recent Harry Potter series is being filmed, is there a shortage of actors?"

"What do you think I can play with this honor? Voldemort? Oh, it can't be Dobby."

He made a joke, but the driver in the front row and another detective in the passenger seat didn't smile, but looked tense.

This is of course not a joke.

From the red seal on the letter, it shows that this is definitely not just for fun.

"If you are well-informed, you should be able to know what happened in the high-level circle last night."

The man shook his head: "You know, I haven't paid attention to this matter for a long time."

"But you are still one of the trump cards of our security bureau, Sweet." The colleague sighed softly.

The man named Sweet shook the letter noncommittally and exhaled smoke.

"Tell me what you need me to do."

"Yesterday, they found a wizard who was suspected to be real and could use all kinds of magical magic."

The words were not surprising, and Sweet was stunned as soon as he opened his mouth.

It took a while to come back to his senses, and he twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Did I hear it wrong or is it actually April Fool's Day?"

The other party shook his head and was very serious: "No, Sweet, this is not a joke. To be honest, it is hard for us to believe it, but it is the truth."

"But this matter is too unbelievable, and it will easily attract the attention of other countries. It must be kept secret until the investigation is clear. So they chose you, Sweet."

"Your professionalism is obvious to all, and you have never failed in your career. If you can complete the task this time, it is no exaggeration to say that this will be the most beautiful stroke on your resume!"

Sweet looked down at the letter again, and checked several times that there was no mistake.

Although he still felt that this was impossible, there must be something wrong, but he still chose to follow the order first.

"I see, I will contact those target people first, but I will definitely need your assistance later."

"Do not worry."

The vehicle soon stopped at the entrance of a high-end hotel.

Pushing open the car door, Sweet folded the letter and put it in the inner pocket of his clothes, straightened his clothes and slowly got out of the car.

It was the morning at this time, and there were many people coming and going in front of the hotel, as well as many tourists from other countries.

For example, there are two couple tourists with oriental faces in front of them, accompanied by a beautiful blonde lady from her own country. It sounds like they are going to visit several famous scenic spots.

Sweet glanced casually out of professional habit.

Identified as non-threatening.

Compared with him, that man is just a little boy. His body has basically no trace of exercise or fitness. He can subdue him with at most two moves.

It should be the second generation of rich people somewhere.

I really envy these guys who can enjoy the good life without doing anything.

While sizing up, the other party inadvertently also turned his head, looked at him, and nodded politely while being slightly surprised.

As the other party walked away, he didn't pay attention any more, and paid more attention to the vicinity of this hotel.

"Hmm... There are quite a few spots suitable for sniping, it would be too stupid to choose such a place."

However, considering that the two poor boys who have always lived in poverty and never enjoyed a luxurious life made the request, it seems understandable.

This is one of the best hotels in the city, but for rich people who come here for tourism or business, as long as they want to enjoy the best service, this place must be at the top of the list.

So when the ministers promised the two boys the best treatment last night, they immediately chose this place.

Oh no, there are some more.

Sweet recalled the list written in the letter just now.

Top steak, big lobster, foie gras caviar and red wine and other expensive delicacies.

There are more than one top sports cars and yachts worth millions of dollars.

Of course, there are many hot female models.


It is very in line with their characters and desires at their age.

But these seemingly outrageous demands made others breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't be afraid of them asking, just be afraid that they won't ask!
Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

And Sweet is happy to see it happen.

"At least from these things as material, the mental model of these two so-called 'wizards' is almost complete."

Having studied psychology, he is already very proficient in this kind of small trick.

Walking into the hotel, he took out the copy room card that he had prepared, and soon the waiter took him to the presidential suite on the top floor.

After the waiter left, he opened the door, and a strong smell of alcohol came to him.

Look at the messy environment again, the pillows on the sofa were all dropped on the floor, and the expensive carpet was full of stains from various paper towels or alcohol, and of course there were a lot of food residues.

Of course, he also saw several pieces of women's underwear scattered on the ground.

Mmm, very sexy.

"I really had a party here last night..."

Sweet tasted it with a normal expression, looked around, and saw a figure in the bedroom on the left.

But seeing that they were not wearing any clothes, they didn't rush in. Instead, they took an alarm clock, set it up, and threw it in like a grenade.

After a few seconds.

"Jingle Bell!"

The person on the bed sat up instantly in fright, and after seeing the situation in front of him, he quickly picked up his clothes and put them on himself.

Sweet didn't urge her, just stood at the door and swiped her phone casually.

After a while, several women ran out of the bedroom. After glancing at him at the door, they immediately walked away quickly with their heads down.

Then came the two young lads.

They were wearing nightgowns from the hotel, and they were still yawning, probably because they played a little late last night, and he couldn't help feeling a little dazed when he saw the door.

"who are you?"

Seeing their unkempt appearance, Sweet became more and more suspicious of the authenticity of what they said.

But these things will not be stated.

He bowed slightly.

"My name is Sweet, and I was sent to help you find the tomb of the ancestor of the wizard."

 Here is a report on the results of the first order. The first order was 780. Unfortunately, it was not able to reach 800. However, it has been rounded up, and there is still a chapter to be added (tomorrow)!
(End of this chapter)

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