I played the world alone

Chapter 110 The Weird Collection

Chapter 110 The Weird Collection

The area of ​​the basement was larger than previously thought, covering almost half of the ancestral house.

After going down, you can find that there are already many soldiers stationed below, sorting out all the supplies present.

Lu Chen took a glance, and could see that the basement was about four to five meters high, and a long corridor spread to the depths, and on both sides were rooms one by one, and the door plates were written with different years.

Each room is filled with various items collected in that year.

At first glance, this kind of behavior has already begun almost since the establishment of the Pan Group.

Sure enough, it was indeed Lian Teng who planned it behind the scenes.

Soon, Xu Xun had ordered someone to fetch a sorted list of items for him to review.

This is all the information that the Pan family has entered before, including the detailed purchase time, place, amount, and the background of the source or the reason for the purchase.
Regardless of whether it is true or not, the people of the Pan family have recorded it honestly, which is convenient for their current investigation.

Xu Xun couldn't help laughing: "After looking at it, I found that there are still a lot of stolen goods here, which were collected through black channels. These things will definitely not stay here, and they will all be confiscated by the police."

"At the same time, the police, industry and commerce, and taxation will also investigate their past illegal activities. It is not difficult to guess that the Pan family must have not used their brains in this regard over the years."

"I'm afraid this wave will at least hurt the Pan family."

Lu Chen nodded, took the list and read it carefully.

Since the target of the next flashback has been determined, the target he focuses on this time is the Empire on which the sun never sets.

It is a little regrettable that, probably because of the pursuit of cultivating immortals, the Pan family mainly collects domestic things, various antiques, as well as some Taoist gadgets and scriptures, etc. Foreign ones only account for a small part.

And there are even fewer empires on which the sun never sets.

However, in it, he still found a few things that looked interesting and could be used to write articles on.

A rusty metal top.

A green-stained copper coin from an unknown dynasty.

A cute hand-sewn doll with black blood stains.

The Pan family also has a detailed introduction to these.

The second copper coin was bought from an antique dealer in China, and it should be an evil object hidden in an ancient tomb.

Both the metal spinning top and the doll were bought by the Pan family at a party of supernatural beings abroad at a huge price.

That mysterious underground party was formed by some people who claimed to have supernatural powers.

In fact, such gatherings are very common everywhere, and those who claim to have special powers often claim to have the ability to see things that others cannot see or telepathy.

The more special ones are teleportation or perspective and so on.

Of course, most, or all, of these are false.

Some may just want to be famous and eye-catching, some may just want to make money, and of course there are quite a few young people who are purely in the second grade and want to show off to their friends.

And this kind of gathering is also divided into low-end and high-end. The low-end is just for young people in the middle and second grades to hold activities to gain attention. The high-end is to participate in various supernatural programs, or hold some auctions that need to verify their identity and assets.

Due to various reasons and various interests involved, no one will expose this kind of lie, and even many rich people are happy to see it, and take the initiative to tout this kind of atmosphere.

According to the information, the Pan family participated in the latter kind.

And it can be regarded as the most advanced one.

Before entering, you first need a letter of introduction from an insider of the association, and then you need to verify your capital. If you don't have a net worth of hundreds of millions, you won't even have a chance to enter.

After entering, the party really begins.

Some "supernatural" people began to perform their magical abilities, and some "treasures" they had treasured for a long time will also be put up for auction.

That's how these two things came about.

Although these two separate costs may only be a few cents at most, once they are given the background of occultism, the price of each item can reach millions of dollars in an instant!

Lu Chen's eyes moved to look at the detailed information behind.

"Lister's toy top."

"Legend has it that the lonely little Lister whipped this top every day to vent his boredom and frustration in life. Even after his death, people often heard it spinning on the floor suddenly, as if an invisible person was spinning it."

"People were frightened and frightened, and they called the priest to exorcise the demon, but the priest was frightened and became insane and became seriously ill."

"Later, this spinning top was bought by a famous witch and used it as a precious collection."

Later, it fell into the hands of the Pan family.

The story of the blood-stained rag doll is simpler and more bloody.

"An alcoholic father went berserk with an ax and killed his wife and two sons after a bout of drunkenness."

"The only surviving little girl was hiding under the bed at that time, holding the doll tightly in her arms, and watched her mother's head rolling down in front of her with blood. She could still clearly see the fear in those wide-open eyes, as if she was still looking at her."

"The murderer's father was later arrested, while the little girl was stimulated to the point of insanity and was admitted to a mental hospital."

"But this doll seems to be her spiritual support, and she does not agree to let other people touch it anyway."

"But she finally chose to commit suicide three years later, and the remaining doll became an ominous symbol in everyone's eyes. More than once, people said that they saw the doll moving by itself, and they could hear voices in the middle of the night."

"At that time, a psychic said that there were ghosts entwined around it, so he bought it at a very low price, and then exhibited it around, earning a lot of tickets."

Later, it was also bought by the Pan family who did not believe in evil at all.

There are quite a few similar objects with strange rumors here.

Gramophones, looms, music boxes, some famous paintings, etc...

And these two can be regarded as the more typical ones, and they are also old objects that have been here for decades.

However, the Pan family has collected so many strange objects, but according to their own records, all kinds of ghostly and haunted things abroad are very stable when they come to them, and there is no trouble at all.

I don't know if it's because the ghosts from abroad are not acclimatized to the environment after arriving here, or if they are restricted by local rules here, they dare not make trouble.

At first, the Pan family had the courage to collect because they had the backing of immortal cultivators in the early years and were not afraid. But after seeing so many deceptions and the development of science and technology being exposed, they will inevitably feel that those so-called demons and ghosts are all deceitful things, and none of them are true!

(End of this chapter)

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