Chapter 130, beheading

The legendary sword master Miyamoto Musashi fought only a few dozen battles in his life.

Two days first class is very strong.

But it is far from reaching the realm of breathing swordsmanship.

Breathing method can make people's body temporarily have the power comparable to that of ghosts.

Under the blessing of the breathing method, a person can even swing a knife 2000 times in an instant.

This quick slash is enough to instantly turn the enemy into a piece of flesh the size of a fingernail.

Lu Mingfei's swordsmanship realm is definitely not up to Yuanyi's realm.

But in the ghost killing team, it can be regarded as an existence with excellent swordsmanship.

Now Lu Mingfei is able to breathe fully.

I have replaced my usual breathing with the breathing method.

And after Dashewan's guidance and scientific practice innovation.

They created a new type of breathing.

In scientific experiments and research, they discovered that there is a wonderful connection between immortal art, immortal cultivation, and breathing.

Pranayama is breathing air into your lungs to activate your body.

The same is true for Xiuxian breathing, absorbing the natural power of heaven and earth for his own use.

The same is true for ninjutsu in the ninja world to absorb the natural energy of the outside world and reconcile it with its own chakra to maintain a balance.

If the breathing method breathes spiritual energy, does it mean that even sleeping is cultivating? If the breathing method absorbs the energy of nature, does it mean that a person can be permanently in a fairy state.

If you think about it, you must do it. A scientist must have the spirit of curiosity and inquiry.

Orochimaru went crazy when he had this idea.

Just like a madman.

Lu Mingfei remembers that time was very cruel.

It is not an easy process to combine breathing method, cultivation of immortality, and immortality.

Even Orochimaru found Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Namikaze Minato asked them to assist in the experiment.

in a painful and long process.

Lu Mingfei began to frantically use the breathing method to absorb the natural force around him.

Jilai also summoned the Toad Immortal.

Tsunade summoned the Slug Rishi.

The nanny is in place, the instructor is in place, and the mad scientist is in place.

Although the results of the experiment are not perfect.

But it did allow the breathing method to be used for cultivation and to absorb the natural energy around it to perform the fairy mode.

However, the operating power cannot reach the normalization of the immortal mode.

Although he couldn't enter the fairy mode forever, it made Lu Mingfei realize another thing.




The current Lu Mingfei does not seem to be practicing, but in fact he is practicing every day, even when he sleeps, and he breathes and breathes non-stop for 24 hours.

The speed of that cultivation base rose crazily.

But if you enter the zebra mode in this state.

Then the cultivation speed will be cut by 2/3.

That's why it's not perfect.

Breathing method, cultivating immortals, and stripes can't fully achieve true fusion.

Only focus on one of them.

Lu Mingfei usually focuses on cultivation.

This is also the reason why Lu Mingfei was able to achieve Foundation Establishment in just over a month.

There are scientists and chat groups for this guy.

Hang up!
In the dojo, the two stood facing each other.

The long knife is unsheathed.

Sword drawing is a killing technique.

Not suitable for sparring.

Yuan Zhisheng does not intend to use it. He is proficient in the purest ancient style of swordsmanship in Japan, Hozoin Kasaya Sword, Yagyu Shinyin-ryu Wudaotori, Natural Rishin-ryu Tianyi Stick, Jingxinzhiliu Posala Dance, Jingxinzhiliu Reversing Blade Style, and Heart-shaped Sword Style.

So even if he didn't use the sword drawing technique, he still thought he would win.

Lu Mingfei said it doesn't matter.

Yuan Zhisheng holds the knife in both hands and holds it flat in front of his chest, which is an aggressive fighting posture.

Lu Mingfei took a step forward and performed his own move.

It's just that his moves are very weird.

Lift the knife high and place it on the right shoulder.

This method of raising the knife reminded Yuan Zhisheng of an ancient oriental criminal law.


Some people who have committed serious crimes will be punished like this.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the yang energy is at its heaviest, sinners are dragged out into the streets, when the executioner orders.

The executioner will raise his machete aloft.

Human bones are very hard.

Even the sharpest knife can get stuck in a bone for this reason.

So beheading also requires skill.

The executioner will start polishing his arms when he was a child, swinging the knife non-stop, and after ten years of practice, when he can chop off a tree the size of a human head, he will be qualified for the job.

A knife fell, and the heads were separated.


In the ancient East, people believed in death and believed that people would turn into ghosts after death.

Even a prisoner becomes a ghost after death.

In order not to be entangled by ghosts.

The prisoner must die cleanly, without even feeling a little pain.

Every line has its taboos.

The same is true for the line of executioners, who must be beheaded with a single knife.

Lu Mingfei's posture at this time is the posture of an executioner holding a beheading knife high.

This high-altitude cutting method can instantly cut across all objects blocked in front of the blade.

Guarantee the separation of the human head, clean and tidy.

This is the sword technique to deal with ghosts in the world of Demon Slayer: Blade.

But it is still useful in the human world, because people will die if they don't have a head.


Lu Mingfei's breathing method changed into a fighting state.

At this moment he stopped practicing.

It was at this moment that the lion woke up.

A terrifying aura emanated from Lu Mingfei's body.

This is the aura honed countless times between life and death.

In the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade, Lu Mingfei fights non-stop with ghosts, which are immortal creatures.

I don't know how many life and death battles I have experienced.

And the battle of life and death will change a person drastically.

There is also the coercion of the immortal cultivators.

That is the unique momentum of immortal cultivators, and it is the power from nature.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei's momentum was extremely high.

Even Sakura, who was standing aside, was stunned.

Crow and Yasha also stopped eating snacks, their hearts were beating wildly.

It was as if they had turned into babies and appeared in front of the African savannah lion, and the terrifying lion was staring at them, as if to enjoy this irresistible delicacy.

Yuan Zhisheng subconsciously stimulated the dragon blood in his body.

The pupils turned golden yellow.

Burning golden yellow.

Inheriting the royal blood, he broke the boundaries of mixed races and was more inclined to dragons than humans.

In this state, he possesses power beyond S rank.

Yuan Zhisheng is also serious.

Because the opponent is very strong, if it is not serious, it is disrespectful to the opponent.

Feeling the astonishing dragon power of her young master, Sakura came back to her senses.

So he raised his hand.


With Sakura's arm falling.

Black lines appeared on Lu Mingfei's cheeks.

That is the unique flame pattern of the breath of the sun.

The heart roared like a thunderbolt.

A wind appeared in the empty dojo.

But how could there be wind in the hole.

No, that's not the wind, that's the breath.

Lu Mingfei's breathing produced wind.

(End of this chapter)

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