In 1983, a small island started from a large farmer

Chapter 447 The disciples went to the island

the next day.

Li Duoyu woke up from the double room in the restaurant.

Her head was dizzy and swollen, her body smelled of alcohol, and she was only wearing a pair of shorts. Xiaoying seemed to be no longer in the room.

Li Duoyu looked at the watch on his left hand and didn't expect that it was already nine o'clock in the morning. He had never woken up so late since his rebirth.

The atmosphere was very good last night. Li Duoyu did not drink, but stayed awake and returned to the room.

But why are you so tired?

Li Duoyu looked around. Although it was a restaurant that had just been built a few years ago, it might be because the original boss didn't go to the State Guesthouse, or because there was insufficient funds.

There is no difference between this restaurant except that the beds are better, the rooms are larger, and the sound insulation is relatively better.

There is also no such thing as a bathroom. If you want to go to the toilet, you have to go to the public toilet. If you want to take a shower, you still have to get water from the first floor.

After Li Duoyu woke up, he patted his head. He obviously just drank some wine, but his whole body was sore.

While Li Duoyu was rubbing his waist, he glanced at the bruises and remembered them all.

Sure enough, being young is good!
At this moment, Zhou Xiaoying pushed the door open and came in with a basin of water and two round oyster cakes in her hand.

After seeing him wake up, Zhou Xiaoying said angrily: "It stinks so much. Wash it quickly."

Li Duoyu grinned and said, "Have you washed it yet? Why don't you wash it first? I'm not in a hurry."

Zhou Xiaoying cast a murderous look: "If you want to wash it, wash it quickly. If you don't wash it, I will throw it out directly."

"Wash, of course."

After Li Duoyu finished washing, he ate two pieces of oyster cakes, and then drank a glass of boiled water.

Before leaving, Zhou Xiaoying neatly folded the quilt on the bed, closed the door, and then left.

When they arrived at the restaurant lobby, many students from other places had already gathered.

Zhang Defa kept apologizing to his boss: "Boss, I really didn't mean it. How about I pay you some money?"

When encountering such a customer, Boss Huang was also very upset. If he didn't know how to drink, he would drink less and vomited all over his bed and quilt.

This quilt may not be usable in a short time. It will have to be dried for a period of time before the smell can be removed.

Zhang Jianhua, with dark circles under his eyes, opened his mouth and complained: "I shouldn't have slept in the same room with you, damn it, but you kept me awake all night."

The restaurant owner originally planned to charge a symbolic dollar, but after seeing Li Duoyu's arrival, he immediately changed his mind and said, "Forget it, it's just a quilt. I'll just have someone wash it a few more times."

"Then thank you boss, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. We have encountered many guests like you and we are used to them."

After everyone had a brief chat, Zhang Defa followed Yao Xue and Zhang Jianhua on the shuttle bus back to Rongcheng.

After all, everyone has to continue working tomorrow, and Li Duoyu returned to Qingkou Pier with several classmates.

There are quite a lot of islands under the jurisdiction of Shangfeng Town. The total population of the land in the town is not as large as the total population of the islands.

Back when they were studying together, they were relatively close together, and those who came from an island would usually hang out together.

Li Duoyu remembers that some of his classmates looked down on them because they were from the island. They were so weird all day long that they didn't even want to call them by their names, so they especially liked to call them "water monkeys."

Li Duoyu remembers very clearly that their favorite sentence at the time was:
"You water monkeys, just stay in the water. What are you doing ashore?"

Li Duoyu was very angry at first, but later he realized that it didn't make sense at all. Those classmates just looked down on them from the islands.

So, Li Duoyu, Agui and some classmates from other islands got together. If they looked down on them, they would be beaten until they looked down on them.

Just like the head teacher said, he was considered a good student at the beginning, but because he was busy fighting for four years in junior high school.

After beating him, he became a troubled boy and the most naughty student in the eyes of the class teacher, but the classmates on the island all liked him very much.

Especially Zhang Zhenping and Li Shuangjie. They climbed over the wall together and were scolded together.

Li Duoyu had long forgotten many details. Apart from drinking last night, Li Duoyu had been listening quietly.

Listen to them talk about their past.

To them, it was only eight or nine years ago, but to Li Duoyu, it spanned a full fifty or sixty years.

Once people get older, they become particularly nostalgic. Some people who used to be disgusting are not so annoying now.

Although his actual age has increased, Li Duoyu is still used to picking out celery when eating vegetables.

On the way to Qingkou Pier, a group of classmates clamored to see the fishing boat given to him by the islanders.

Zhang Zhenping said with emotion: "This year, when I went to sea, I saw your ship several times, and I was so envious that my mouth almost watered down."

"If I had known it was yours, I would have gone directly to your Dandan Island to find you."

One classmate was speechless and said: "Is it that exaggerated? The boat is not a woman, why are you drooling?"

"You know a hammer. For people like us who seek the sea, boats are much more important than women. You have never seen Duoyu's boat. It's really beautiful and drives fast. When I passed by , that water wave is really beautiful.”

"Then don't marry a wife and live with the boat."

"Sorry, I already have two children. If I make money, I plan to have a third one."


When the shuttle bus arrived at Qingkou Pier, we found that it was extremely lively today.

There were many people watching, and seven or eight large Jiefang trucks with tarpaulins had just arrived at the dock.

Many soldiers jumped out of the back of the car. Each of them was carrying a large backpack used in wartime.

The only difference was that they did not hold guns. Most of them held shovels, pickaxes, and the like, and some carried large iron pots on their backs.

These soldiers all look very young, on average less than twenty years old, and some of them still have a childish look on their faces.

But everyone is very tanned, even darker than the islanders like them.


As the whistle blew, an officer wearing a hat shouted in a deep voice: "I'll give you two minutes, put down your things, and assemble and report to me immediately."


The soldiers put down their weapons one after another, and stood up as quickly as possible to form four square formations, each with three rows, and quickly started counting.

"one two three four"

After the count was completed, a platoon leader shouted: "Report, platoon, 34 people, all present."

"Second row, 35 people, all present."

"Third Platoon. One person was injured in the leg and asked for leave to raise pigs in the company." "Fourth Platoon. Everyone is here."

Old classmate Zhang Zhenping asked curiously: "Suddenly there are so many soldiers, are they going to fight with the other side?"

Li Shuangjie shook his head: "How is that possible? These are engineers at first glance. They are carrying shovels and the like. They are probably digging holes or helping to build roads."

Although Li Duoyu had guessed what these soldiers were coming for, he was still a little confused. After all, Secretary Chen said that the official construction would not start until next week.

Zhang Zhenping saw the white fishing boat parked in the pier from a distance.

"There are so many fish, what's so interesting about this?"

Before he finished speaking, he noticed Li Duoyu walking in the direction of Brother A Bing and directly greeted the senior officials of the town.

"Secretary Chen, didn't you say you would come next week? Why did you come so soon?"

Secretary Chen smiled bitterly and said: "This task is very urgent. Everyone is ahead of schedule. The leader asked them to go to the island to set up a temporary accommodation first, so as not to waste time when the actual work starts."

"By the way, you happen to be here. Let me introduce you. This is Company Commander Xu and instructor Zhang."

"This time, their company helped build the dock and open the road."

Li Duoyu quickly introduced himself: "I am the village director of Xiasha Village, Li Duoyu, thank you very much for coming to help."

Secretary Chen continued:

"Duoyu, Captain Xu is going to the island today. I'll leave this matter to you. I have something else to do in the afternoon and I have to go to the county seat."

"You're in such a hurry, why don't we go to the island and sit for a while."

Chen Shulin glared at him: "Can't you be anxious? The fishermen on your island always cause trouble for me. Not only do they want to hit people with their boats, but they also dare to open their guns. People have reported it to the county committee and asked me to give an explanation. , Mayor Gao has already gone over to review it."

Li Duoyu scratched his head: "Then I'll trouble Secretary Chen and Mayor Gao."

Chen Shulin said helplessly: "I was scolded by the leader, so don't take it easy. Write me a self-criticism of at least 5,000 words in the next two days, and then give it to me."

"For five thousand words, you might as well kill me."

Seeing Li Duoyu greeting them, Zhang Zhenping asked Zhou Xiaoying, who rarely spoke, "Xiaoying, are these soldiers going to your island?"

"It's possible. I've heard Duoyu talk about this."

Zhang Zhenping said in surprise: "I really went to Dandan Island. What kind of big project is your island doing? You actually transferred all the soldiers to help."

Zhou Xiaoying thought for a while: "Duoyu didn't explain it to me very clearly. It seems to be some kind of big windmill, used to generate electricity."

After hearing about the large windmills used to generate electricity, Zhang Zhenping immediately understood. He had been to Haidao County and saw several large windmills there.

It’s really huge!
"Your island is so awesome. Our Langqi Island is no smaller than your Dandan Island. Why didn't this project fall on us?"

Zhou Xiaoying said in embarrassment: "I don't know about this. If you really want to ask, just ask Duoyu directly."

At this time, the steamer heading to Langqi Island had already sounded its whistle, and Zhang Zhenping glanced at the fishing boat that was close at hand.

"Duoyu, Shuangjie and I's boat is here, let's go first."

Li Duoyu rushed over: "Is it so fast? Didn't you agree to go and see my fishing boat?"

"No, the ferry to our island is about to leave. Now I'm going to see your fishing boat. I can only touch it once or twice. It's not even satisfying. I have to leave immediately. Next time I go to your island, I'll take care of you. Learn more about it.”

"Okay, next time you come to our island, I'll treat you to wine and dinner."

"That's what you said. Oh, by the way, I'm also raising kelp this year. If I can't raise it well, I'll have to ask you, an expert."

Li Duoyu replied: "No problem. If something happens, just come to the island to find me, or you can write a letter to ask me to come over."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

As the whistle sounded again, Zhang Zhenping and Li Shuangjie ran directly to the passenger ship that had begun to untie the rope.

"Two more, wait"

"Damn it, I've been urged by the horn so many times, but I don't know how to hurry up."

Next, Li Duoyu drove the fishing boat back to the island first. After Zhou Xiaoying got off the boat, she went home directly.

In the past, there was only one child to worry about at home, but now there are three for the time being.

When Li Duoyu first boarded the dock, Lao Lu, who had just returned from fishing, immediately called him.

"There are many fish. The cloves seem to have all become bigger and less transparent. Let's see if my batch of cloves is okay."

Li Duoyu frowned slightly, but still picked up the clove fish and inspected them. He found that these clove fish were already four or five centimeters long, and some had thin scales.

"This quality is not good, I won't accept it."

"Then our work today was in vain."

Li Duoyu smiled: "There's no way, we already agreed from the beginning."

After hearing this.

Many fishermen sighed: "If the flood season lasts for one more week, I can change to a bigger boat next year."

"I'm so angry. There will be electricity soon. I still have five hundred yuan left to buy a color TV."

"You can also buy black and white ones."

"That's different. Since you want to buy it, you have to do it in one step. If you have seen a color TV, why would you think about buying a black and white TV?"

Li Duoyu looked around and found that there seemed to be one less person at the dock today, so he asked: "Old Mi, where have you been today? Why aren't you here?"

"Early in the morning, he complained of stomachache and was sent to the hospital. Life is miserable. His stomachache has been there for so long, and his children don't know how to come back and take care of him."

"That's it."

However, Li Duoyu was not very worried. If he remembered correctly, Lao Mi was still alive when he came back from the island country.

Seeing that most of the fishing boats fishing for cloves had returned, Li Duoyu said directly to them: "Everyone, please pay attention to the radio. There will be something I need your help with later."

"What's the matter? Tell me directly?"

"I said it on the radio."

Li Duoyu went directly to the eel factory and used the broadcasting equipment.

"Dear fellow villagers, I am Li Duoyu, the village director of Xiasha Village. I have two important things to inform you.
I will continue to purchase the cloves that meet the requirements. I will not accept the cloves that do not meet the requirements.

In addition, the soldiers who came to help us build a new pier will land on the island today. Don't just go and watch, and don't start a conflict. There are also village cadres who will come to the pier later. "

"I'll inform you again."

In less than ten minutes, all the village cadres arrived at the pier. At this time, a passenger ship appeared in everyone's sight. The ship was densely packed with soldiers wearing military green clothes. (End of chapter)

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