This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 244 The role of having a beautiful woman by your side

Chapter 244 The role of having a beautiful woman by your side

Move. Move like a rabbit?

In this situation, Bai Anliang could only imagine such an adjective, which he felt was more appropriate.

"It's pretty, but is it easy for you to walk?"

Good question, of course it’s very inconvenient!
But when you go back to wear them and go out, there will definitely be a piece of underwear there to restrain them~
But now, girls’ subtlety will fascinate you to death!

Damimi's inner activities are very rich, but the expression on her face has not changed much. Her smile is so sweet.

Staring at Bai Anliang with big eyes, waiting for him to praise himself~
Bai Anliang did not disappoint her either. Bai Anliang gave her a thumbs up. After a few words of praise, he said, "Turn around and take a look~"

Da Mimi turned around shyly, and Bai Anliang realized that the dress was actually empty at the back, revealing her smooth and beautiful back.

However, what makes Bai Anliang most satisfied is not the back, but the little bit of flesh on the crotch that is slightly stretched by the rope.
Viewed from the back, the upper body is thin and straight, but the lower body begins to become plumper.

To be honest, Bai Anliang quite likes this kind of clothes.

There was such a big opening in the back, and when he stretched out his hand to hug it, his hand could reach forward and down.
In fact, that's what he did.

On the way to attend the premiere of "A City of Gold", Bai Anliang started to act dishonest in the car.

That hand never left Damimi's back.

And she herself was letting Bai Anliang do whatever she wanted. She could only protest in a low voice, "Don't wrinkle my dress~"

It won’t be wrinkled, Bai Anliang is not playing with dresses~
Not to mention, it’s really fun.

Wherever you reach out, it's round and round~
Of course, this must be matched with Damimi's resentful look that wants to refuse but welcomes it. Without this look, the fun would be half lost.

"Brother Anliang, you look quite tired. Why don't you squint for a while?"

"Wait until the movie starts before going to sleep." Bai Anliang had already made up his mind. When the lights at the movie premiere were turned off, it would be his time to sleep.

As a result, Damimi raised objections, and the reason she gave was very good, "No! I will snore when I am tired. If someone finds out, it will make a big fuss."

Bai Anliang was confused, "Am I still snoring?"

She bit her lip and nodded, "I snored once."

"Which time?"

"On several occasions, I was actually very tired, but you seemed to be working until early in the morning. When I woke up, you were snoring."

ah this~
Bai Anliang really didn't know that he still had the habit of snoring.

But thinking about it, it must be a small probability event, because as of today, Damimi is the only one who has said this.

The other girls all praised him for sleeping honestly~
No snoring, no teeth grinding, no moving around, no sleep at night, it is definitely the best sleeping partner. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It has a broad mind and strong arms, and can hold a girl to sleep all night. Beautiful girls from all walks of life are welcome to come and verify.
"I'm really tired lately. How about you take the lead today."

Bai Anliang suddenly said such a sentence without thinking, which made Damimi a little stunned.

What does she dominate?On this occasion today, she was Bai Anliang's pendant, following him to join in the fun.

If she had gone by herself, she would probably not be able to get into a media camera in such a place where big names gather.

However, when Bai Anliang lay down on the seat and his whole body showed a very relaxed posture, Damimi suddenly understood that her face could not help but darken. Is the co-author taking the lead?
What a stinky gangster!Just this half-hour drive is not honest~
Bai Anliang: If you don't act like a gangster, you will really fall asleep.

"Brother Anliang, I'm wearing lipstick~" Damimi hummed, somewhat reluctantly.

She attaches great importance to the opportunity to appear with Bai Anliang today, and does not want to cause any problems with her appearance in front of the media cameras.

If your lipstick gets stained, you may not have time to refill it.

"Don't you have any lipstick in your bag? By the way, do you like this bag?"

"Huh?" Da Mimi turned to look at the Hermès bag she had specially brought out today, "Brother Anliang, do you also know that Sister Bingbing gave us the bag?"

Little girl movie, deliberately changing the topic.

Bai Anliang wasn't such a beast that he forced her to have a verbal argument even if the girl didn't want to. He sat up a little straighter and asked, "Did she give it to you? This little girl is really good at giving herself gold." Yes, use my money to do favors for her."

Damimi blinked her eyes violently, feeling as if she had discovered some "big secret"!
"Your money?"

"Ang~ I have shares in her studio, so I don't have to pay dividends at the end of the year. But she told me that she bought a few bags with the dividends and gave them to a few of you. She didn't leave a cent for me."

Obviously, Fan Xiaopang is not a stupid and generous woman, and she is fundamentally different from Da Tiantian.

I didn't mention this on purpose, but it was actually a bit of a prank.

She just wanted to see Qin Lan and the others puzzled over this matter.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either adultery or theft?She was actually borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha, and she did this on purpose.

It can only be said that after being together with Bai Anliang for a long time, he has become a bit bad and full of bad taste.

Oh, yes, she actually didn't forget to buy one for herself. The most expensive one was the bag she gave to herself. It cost more than 100 million yuan, which was a lot of Bai Anliang's wool.

Who told this stingy guy that he hasn’t even given him any decent gift after knowing him for so long~
If you don’t give it away, I will buy it with your money!
Subjective initiative is brought to the extreme.

And in Da Mimi’s heart: The case has been solved~
But now I know what's going on. It turned out that the co-author had done something like this.

Now, she likes this bag even more, because it was given by Bai Anliang!
"Wow! Brother Anliang, this gift is so valuable."

Damimi hugged Bai Anliang's arm and didn't say anything like "I can't accept it" at all.

receive!Why don't you accept it?

As long as it's from Bai Anliang, she dares to accept anything.

She didn't even blink at the Saxifrage that she gave to Liu Yifei after giving it to her.

She enjoys the worthless roadside flowers like sweets, and the very valuable luxury bags, she also has no psychological burden.

"As long as you like it~"

All the money was spent, so Bai Anliang wouldn't feel too distressed. After all, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't do anything outrageous like asking the girls to return their bags.

But he was not without worries
After all, it would be very troublesome if word of this got out.

Because there are quite a few girls who are relatively close to him.

Of course he could afford to give away packages worth hundreds of thousands each, but if there were too many, the total number would be a bit scary.

Fortunately, Damimi is a considerate girl. She blinked and answered, "I won't go out and show off~"

Just when Bai Anliang wanted to continue to praise her, he saw her body suddenly bend. Then there was the sound of a zipper being opened.Hmm. Well, after accepting such an expensive gift, she was still thinking of ways to "repay" Bai Anliang.

This girl is particular! ——
The premiere of "A City of Golden Armor" was indeed quite lively.

There was an endless stream of celebrities from all walks of life in the industry to support the event, and the amount of media was so large that it seemed like this was not an awards ceremony.
Moreover, the leading actors of this blockbuster come from three regions: the Mainland, Xiangjiang, and Wanwan, including Gong Li, Zhou Runfa, and Zhou Jilun.

Therefore, there were quite a number of media at the scene who spoke Cantonese or had a Wanwan accent.

It does feel a bit like a grand gathering of the film and television circles from across the Taiwan Strait and the three places.

On this occasion, Da Mimi became introverted. She hugged Bai Anliang's arm and followed suit, looking like a little daughter-in-law.

After all, even if there are many big names today, Bai Anliang's fame can still help her "blaze a trail".

He is also one of the big names.

And it’s popular right now, so it’s very topical.

If he is an idol, then he is definitely top-notch.

However, although he did not follow the path of the idol school, Bai Anliang did reap a lot of dividends in this regard. This can be seen from the voices calling his name at the scene, with more girls' voices than before.

Face is really important. After all, it’s much easier to deceive female fans’ money than male fans’ money.

Although she didn't hear anyone calling her name, Damimi's performance was still good. At least she could stand still. She was in good condition when taking pictures, and her figure that was close to full form was quite eye-catching. The overwhelming flash of lights when entering the venue made Damimi unable to hold back and reached out to block it.
Internal complaint: No wonder Brother Anliang specially picked up a pair of sunglasses and put them on when he got off the bus~
At first I thought he was pretending to be cool and have a concave look, but that’s why he co-wrote it~
No, after the flash, Bai Anliang took off the sunglasses directly.

But Da Mimi is still thinking about herself. How can a star be afraid of the flash?You must find a way to practice later, and you must have the ability not to blink in front of the flash.

However, after walking on the red carpet, she still felt a little unfinished, feeling like she was done before even putting on a few poses.

I'm a little sorry for wearing this shirt today.

"Don't worry, you will definitely win a lot of eyeballs."

Bai Anliang seemed to have noticed Damimi's thoughts and said directly.

"Hehe, I have benefited from you, Brother Anliang~"

"It's not just about getting the spotlight. I just saw a few 'old acquaintances'. Those unscrupulous media like to go down three directions when talking. Do you think I wear sunglasses to block the flash?"

Damimi nodded blankly.

But Bai Anliang told her, "Shit, I did it to block the dark circles. I haven't slept much in the past few days. I'm in such a bad state. I look like I'm dead, but I'm next to a girl with an amazing figure. Guess what those unscrupulous people are doing?" What will the media write about it?”

It dawned on me!

How can I write it?

That must be the messy topic about Bai Anliang being suspected of being squeezed out. Sometimes the integrity of the media cannot be overestimated.

Damimi lowered her head and looked at herself, huh?Didn't see the toes
"Brother Anliang, you are already wearing sunglasses, so no one will write like this, right?"

"Do you have dark circles under your eyes? Those are two ways to write it. You have grown so well in the past two years. They will take the credit for me~"

Damimi: It’s all your fault!There seems to be no problem.

When Bai Anliang deceived her before, he often mentioned some slanderous words such as "brother will help you grow up".

Do you want to take the blame now?Don't even think about it!
During the autograph interview, Bai Anliang put on his sunglasses again.

The questions asked by the red carpet host were relatively conventional. He made a few random remarks and helped the old man brag a bit, then prepared to take Damimi in to find a seat to sit and sleep for a while.

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I was stopped by someone.

An acquaintance, he couldn't ignore it yet.

"Brother Liang! Long time no see!"

"Hey, Director Wang Jing called me brother? Say it again and I'll record it and keep it in my collection."

Bai Anliang was a little surprised that Wang Jing, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, appeared on this occasion.

Why would this fat guy come here to join in the fun if he wasn't going to work hard filming?
But when I looked up, I understood.

I'm afraid it's not similar to Bai Anliang's purpose.
Wang Jing also brought a girl with him. The combination of these two is probably no less eye-catching than Bai Anliang and Damimi.

Because the girl next to him is so tall that her bare feet are estimated to be over 1.7 meters tall. She also wears high heels, and her height exceeds 1.8 meters by visual inspection. Standing next to Wang Jing, a 1.7 meter fat man, it is a joy to see. .

However, Wang Jing himself does not seem to care about this height difference. It can be seen that this guy is quite enjoying it~
The tall beauty next to a short, fat middle-aged man, this thing has the same effect as a military medal. When people look at it, they will immediately think that this man is awesome.

And he also knew the girl next to him, Bai Anliang, and Tang Yan, she was quite recognizable.

Just like Da Mimi, who can be identified by looking at her silhouette, Tang Yan's long legs are also a particularly conspicuous personal specialty.

"This beauty looks familiar."

"My company's artist, Yang Mi."

"Hello, hello, I, Wang Jing"

Wang Jing's enthusiasm made Damimi a little flattered. After all, the other party's name was also famous in the industry, but he was still so polite when talking to her. How can I be humble?
However, Bai Anliang didn't think there was any surprise. When he was dealing with Wang Jing in Xiangjiang before, he didn't know if it was because the Baiwumen beat him a little too harshly. Wang Jing would always say "Little brother Wang Jing."

There is no need to overestimate the integrity of this fat man. Like Bai Anliang, he is very shameless at certain times.

"When you meet Director Wang, remember to stay away from him. I'll scold you."

Da Mimi was confused. Do these two people have any grudge?I didn’t hear it just now~
As a result, Wang Jing laughed when he heard what Bai Anliang said, "Mr. Bai, you are ruining my image in front of a beautiful woman again. I am a gentleman. If you don't believe me, why don't you ask the beautiful woman next to me~"

The conversation finally turned to Tang Yan, but she had never spoken a word. She must have been Wang Jing's "accessory" today.

It was only then that he seemed to wake up from a dream and stammered to introduce himself to Bai Anliang, "Hello, Mr. Bai, my name is Tang Yan."

"Hello~ Director Wang's girlfriend?"

Bai Anliang asked such a straightforward question that Tang Yan didn't know how to answer it.

Fortunately, Wang Jing helped her out, "I would like to, but people don't like me. You see she was staring at you just now. Girls still like handsome guys like you~"

So, Bai Anliang still enjoys chatting with Wang Jing.

It sounds nice to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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