This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 235 The richest man in the racecourse!Smash it for me!

Chapter 235 The richest man in the racecourse!Smash it for me!

"Give me another eight hundred, and we will capture Shu City within fifteen days!"

"There is no joke in the army!"

"Ten days, capture Shucheng in ten days!"


Watching Li Lianlian's literary plays at close range, Bai Anliang has a lot of feelings and gains.

Regardless of whether it is Li Lianlian or the eldest brother Cheng, their acting talents are concealed by action scenes.

The acting skills of these two people are not bad. After encountering the right role, the acting skills that burst out are not at all worse than those of the so-called movie kings.

Just like Pang Qingyun in "The Proposal", he is murderous, violent, cruel, and struggling. Li Lianyan simply brought this role to life.

Even the unrealistic and naive side of his idealism has not been left out.

It feels completely different from his previous screen roles.

A movie was released at the beginning of this year, "Fearless".

Bai Anliang naturally went to see it.

In addition to Zhou Jialun's song of the same name, Bai Anliang was also deeply impressed by Li Lianlian's acting in this movie.

It can be said that the two characters Huo Yuanjia and Pang Qingyun are similar in some aspects, and the viciousness made Li Lian's performance almost break through the screen.

Of course, the famous scene in the beginning where the father is being disciplined in the mourning hall is really a bit tricky.

No wonder he was criticized like that by the descendants of Fearless Yuanjia.
In terms of acting alone, Huo Yuanjia played by Li Lianlian is definitely much better than Ip Man played by Bai Anliang.

The movie itself is actually of the same genre as "Ip Man".

Even the media is targeting it this way.

Hmm. And then the mainland box office of "Huo Yuanjia" only exceeded [-] million. From this aspect, Bai Anliang has won.

The question is, where is the win?
Although when "Ip Man" was released, Bai Anliang had the blessing of external recruitment, which can be regarded as boosting the box office of the movie.

But Li Lianlian is much more famous than him, and the two of them are not on the same level in terms of box office appeal. Why is Huo Yuanjia's box office so small?

Ahem, the "a little bit" here is of course just an exaggerated rhetoric. A box office of over [-] million is not a lot at all these days.

Not to mention that people can still reap the global box office by relying on Li Lianlian's international fame.

But just looking at the domestic box office and some audience reviews, Bai Anliang felt that "Fearless" was not satisfying enough.

They both fight gringos, but the mental outlook of the protagonists in the two movies is different.

Huo Yuanjia is high-spirited and murderous at the beginning of the movie, and wants to be the best in Jinmen.

Then the movie spends a lot of space describing his changes in mentality, telling everyone how he changed from a brave and ruthless martial artist to a great master.

That's not what "Ip Man" does.

Ip Man, played by Bai Anliang, looks amiable as soon as he appears. There is not much violence, and he already looks like a martial arts master.

The series of stories that followed, especially the Japanese invasion, gradually released the "seal" of the character. In the part where he beat the Japanese violently, he was full of violence, which was actually not much different from the original Fearless.

But it's the other way around.

In this way, the audience will feel very happy.

It's a bit similar to Shuangwen, where you want to promote but first suppress.

Before pretending to be a slap in the face, you usually pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

"Ip Man" omits the process of how the protagonist changes his mentality from a brave and fierce warrior, and it lacks a lot of preaching, which is very important.

Most viewers who go to the cinema to watch a movie either want a visual feast or want to have fun.

We don’t go to the cinema to take classes.

You can learn something from the movie, but you can’t open the mouth of labor and management and stuff it in~
Therefore, Bai Anliang felt that Huo Yuanjia, played by Li Lian, was indeed very impressive and his acting skills were very good. It was worth learning from him, but what about the screenwriter and director of the movie?
"How did you learn from him? What did you gain?"

Hearing Xu Jinlei's question, Bai Anliang nodded, "The harvest is not small."

"for example?"

"If you can act as you are, act as you are. Don't challenge yourself by playing some weird roles."

Xu Jinlei:? ? ?

what? !

She felt that Bai Anliang was teasing her, but in fact, that's what Bai Anliang really thought.

To put it bluntly, why do many media say Bai Anliang is the new Kung Fu Emperor?Just because he has done well in movies in the past two years?
It's because he's handsome.

Don't think that the appearance of an action actor is not important. There are countless martial arts champions from the mainland, but only those are famous.

The reason why Li Lianlian is the Kung Fu Emperor is that in addition to his skills, his appearance when he was young was also outstanding among Kung Fu actors.

For example, Xu Zhengyang in "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai" can be compared with idol stars.

This advantage in appearance and body shape gives him a sense of style that is rare among action stars.

This appearance advantage also allows Li Lianlian to shuttle freely in various genres of films.

At this point, the eldest brother suffered a lot.

Due to the limitations of appearance conditions, the eldest brother Cheng has almost no eye-catching costume styles.

Even before the double eyelid surgery, the eldest brother had a more ordinary face. Fortunately, he found a way into action comedy.

Bai Anliang also has his own advantages in this regard.

Put on a suit and go to that station, that handsome face seems to be born with a sense of story.

Even if he has a straight face and no expression, his sharp skills are enough to be the protagonist in the action movie field.

In summary, this is a world where people look at faces.

Bai Anliang: From now on, I will definitely not play roles that can easily put me in trouble.

As a human being, it is important to recognize yourself.

Of course, you still have to learn. Bai Anliang feels that as long as he doesn't be blindly confident and thinks that he is really the best actor, he will slowly learn and learn with time, and he may become an experienced actor in the future~
However, although Bai Anliang likes to get together with Li Lianlian and learn from his acting skills when filming, after filming, he basically has nothing to do with him.

Li Lianyan, who is coded, always talks to him about things like agarwood and dzi beads. Bai Anliang has no interest in Wenwan at all.

Guan Gong in his house has to install neon lights, Lao Toole is really not suitable for him.

I just love playing with girls, so~
"Are you playing cards today?"

When it comes to playing cards, Xu Jinlei's literary and artistic goddess appearance immediately breaks down, and she grits her teeth, "You want to win my money again? You have almost won half of my salary for this movie."

Bai Anliang showed his hand: I am good at dealing with women, and playing cards can be considered as dealing with them~
Regardless of whether you are a diva or a big star, when it comes to the card table, you are still a pig to be slaughtered by him.Of course, let's play some cards for fun. We don't advocate gambling.

Huang Tian is above, he blames someone for being a sworn enemy of gambling and drug addiction!

"I'll give you a chance to get your money back. Didn't you say that I was playing cards randomly?"

"Just in time, someone came to visit me today. I'll find a foreign aid to teach you a lesson!" Xu Jinlei said with some dissatisfaction.

Huh, foreign aid?Are you looking for a good sister to send money?
Zhang Yadong: It’s me again~
This talent in the music industry and Bai Anliang are really destined to be together.

I ran to knock on the door of Gao Yuanyuan's house before, but it was Bai Anliang who opened the door, which made this guy confused.

Later, the two even squatted downstairs to smoke together. Can they be considered friends?
Hmm~ It probably doesn’t count.

After all, what Bai Anliang was thinking at that time was that whenever this kid jumped around, he would be beaten up.

As a result, you are now jumping up to him?

Looking at Xu Jinlei, then at Zhang Yadong, Bai Anliang said: "Oh~~~~"

"What are you doing? We are good friends!" Xu Jinlei emphasized.

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

good friend?He doesn't believe it~
The love histories of these big beauties in Beijing are richer than the last, and there is nothing wrong with the messy scandals if they are all taken as true.

Girls who can be associated with the words literature and art or rock and roll are very emotional. In human terms, they mean: rich in emotion and easy to tease.

As long as you hit a certain point in the other party, that is, the feeling comes, and it will immediately become a vigorous love story.

Of course, it could also be a spectacular night of revelry.

Zhang Yadong looked at Bai Anliang with something wrong and defensive.

The relationship between him and Xu Jinlei~ How should I put it, no matter what, there is still ambiguity.

As a result, Bai Anliang appeared again.

I heard that Xu Jinlei and Bai Anliang were filming together, and they were playing a couple named Zhang Yadong. I couldn't sit still. I had to come and see it.

Now, who doesn't know that Bai Anliang is very good at flirting with girls?

Which of the actresses who acted with him has not suffered a "violent attack"?
Bai Anliang: Fuck your motherfucker!When did labor harm all the actresses who worked with her?
Make an analogy
Forget it, let’s not make any analogies.

In short, there is none. There must be something that slipped through the net.

He can't possibly pick up actresses in every movie!
"Playing mahjong? Okay, let's play together~"

Obviously, Zhang Yadong wants to compete with Bai Anliang on the mahjong table.

Bai Anliang was amused by this guy's inexplicable fighting spirit, and he even made a joke, "We've known each other for a long time, how about you make me an album or something later, and let me join in too?" Musical scene.”

Zhang Yadong:? ? ?

You really dare to open your mouth~
Who is going to release an album now?Are you treating the music scene as a brothel?

Zhang Yadong was very unhappy with Jing Tian before. If it weren't for the money and the condition of her voice, Zhang Yadong would not be willing to do it.

As for Bai Anliang, although I don’t know how good his singing is, Zhang Yadong said decisively: It’s definitely not good.

Stop thinking about it and just dream about it.

Of course, he didn't say this directly. After all, life is precious, but he said that he didn't have time for the time being.

Bai Anliang didn't take it seriously, he just mentioned it casually~
"Then after we finish filming in the afternoon, let's have dinner together in the evening?"

"No, I'm a little tired today."

Zhang Yadong doesn't really want to have dinner with Bai Anliang. After all, he is here to visit Xu Jinlei. What's wrong with you and Bai Anliang~
As a result, Bai Anliang nodded and actually looked at Xu Jinlei, "He doesn't want to eat, how about we eat?"

Xu Jinlei was also a bitch and nodded, "Okay~ fight after dinner."

Zhang Yadong: Actually, I’m not that tired.
After teasing Zhang Yadong, Bai Anliang did not continue to torture this buddy.

After all, he wasn't really planning to take advantage of others, just tease her.

He turned around and continued filming.

Today is another big show, and the scene has been prepared for a long time. Hundreds of extras have been arranged by the venue management.
Director Chen Ker-sin experienced a bad start, but now he is filming more smoothly. This does not mean that he suddenly has a thorough understanding of this type of drama and has a thorough understanding of it.

It's purely about delegating power.

Professional things are left to professionals. He concentrates on shooting the details that he wants to pay attention to. The planning of big scenes is directly left to the action director Huang Tu and the camera crew.
In this way, the efficiency is improved a lot.

However, Bai Anliang feels like something is not quite right today~
The horse beneath him became restless and snorted after he got on it.

Li Lianlian, who was riding a horse next to him, seemed to have noticed something, "Why is your horse so awkward?"

Before he finished speaking, the horse Bai Anliang was riding jumped up. After a long neigh, it started to go crazy, jumping up and down as if it wanted to throw Bai Anliang off.

This sudden state almost caused Li Lianlian to fall off his horse.

Fortunately, the horse he was riding was only frightened and took a few steps back.

By the time he came to his senses, the crazy horse Bai Anliang was riding had already run out for more than ten meters. It was still swinging its body randomly, jumping up and down, trying like crazy to throw Bai Anliang off. .

Damn, you can go down, but if you are thrown down like this, and then stepped on by the horse's hooves a few times, you know how much injuries you will suffer.

Bai Anliang reacted very quickly. He didn't have time to grab the reins, but at least he grabbed the horse's mane.

But the most terrible thing was that before his feet had time to step on the pedals, he could only hold the horse's belly tightly, barely holding on.

Such an unexpected situation made the entire crew agitated.

"what happened?"

"Ouch! Crazy Horse Show?!"


A group of people stared nervously at Bai Anliang on horseback, but few dared to get close.

The crazy horse is no joke. A kick to the body will at least result in a broken bone. No one who steps on the horse dares to get close.

People from the Bai family class dare.

After Huang Tu saw this situation, he immediately rushed over with his men, but he still felt like he couldn't make a move even though he was a few meters away.

That horse was so crazy, it was like a horse suffering from mania. It tried to get close several times but was forced back.

Da Pao was a little anxious. He raised his fist and wanted to rush over. Fortunately, Huang Tu, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stopped him.

At this time, as the scene screamed, Bai Anliang still failed to stabilize his body on the horse and was thrown high into the air.

But at this moment, he subconsciously reached out and hugged the horse's neck, twisted his body in mid-air, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and used inertia.
Under everyone's stunned eyes, smash it to me!
He unexpectedly threw the horse over his shoulder.
The horse that was hit hard on the ground was still struggling to get up. At this time, a figure suddenly rushed in front of him, raised his fist and hit the horse's head hard several times.
After a while, the horse finally stopped moving.

(End of this chapter)

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