This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 229 The problem with this matching mechanism is too big

Chapter 229 The problem with this matching mechanism is too big
For Bai Anliang, fighting against Kung Fu actors in the industry was a clear path.

Martial arts practitioners all have this bad habit. They won't accept it unless they are beaten firmly.

Zhen Zidan, Wu Jing, even Xie Tingfeng, a half-martial arts star, are like this.

Therefore, even the Kung Fu Emperor will not be an exception.

Oh no, it seems that the eldest brother is not so determined in his achievements, maybe it is because of his age.

People who practice martial arts in their prime or at the end of their peak years still have that spirit in their chests, but the eldest brother's spirit should have almost dissipated.

In human terms, you know your old arms and legs. If you meet a young person, you will die.
Of course, being able to make colleagues including Li Lianlian have the urge to compete is actually proof that Bai Anliang is already quite famous now.

Maybe his accumulation in movies is still a little thin, but when he accumulates various names in other areas, his reputation is too big.

However, director Chen Ker-sin felt helpless when he saw that the two had put aside their appointment.

The two highest-paid people on the crew have a fight. If something goes wrong, how much money will be lost?

Forget about using fists and kicks, these two bastards still want to fight
He quickly changed the subject, "Boss Bai, don't shave before the movie starts. You'd better get stronger."

This is a request made to Bai Anliang.

When he was selecting the candidates, Guang was worried about Bai Anliang's strong aura and charlatanism. Now when he sat with Li Lianlian, he suddenly realized that the two people's painting styles were a bit incompatible.

To be honest, Li Lianyan is actually quite handsome. His looks are definitely among the best among kung fu actors. With his abilities, he is handsome and dashing when acting. However, Bai Anliang can compete with idols for food. The contrast between the food and the food is very obvious.
Of course, being handsome is not a big problem, and having a tender face is also not a big problem. After all, the other protagonist Kim Sung Oh also has the same situation.

The level of makeup is improving day by day, making ugly girls look more beautiful, and it is certainly easier to make handsome girls look rugged.

And for the sake of remuneration, Bai Anliang naturally wouldn't have any objections.

"Director Chen, you told me earlier that I have been focusing on losing weight recently. How much stronger do I need to be?"

"Zhao Erhu needs that kind of fierce general temperament. I think you can control this yourself. After all, the action design is also left to your Bai family class."

"Are you still losing weight?"

At this time, the heroine finally interjected, looking a little curious.

The heroine is also an acquaintance, Xu Jinlei.

Bai Anliang has a pretty good relationship with her.

Well, it's just a very ordinary friendship, not mixed with anything weird.
Bai Anliang can still have a non-physical relationship with a woman, as long as the woman's appearance is not his cup of tea.

Similar to Wang Fei, this is similar. Bai Anliang has played mahjong with her opponent so many times, and Bai Anliang doesn't even have the slightest bad intention.

It's not because Wang Fei is Xie Tingfeng's ex-girlfriend.

Not to mention his ex-girlfriend, it’s not like he didn’t cough up his current girlfriend either.

In fact, some reasons can also be seen from the casting aspect.

Why did Chen Kerxin choose Xu Jinlei to be the heroine of this movie?

Because he made up his mind to find a woman who didn't look like Pan Jinlian.

Not beautiful, not gorgeous, not noticeable
With this condition, Bai Anliang, who almost flirts with a beautiful female artist, has no interest in him.

He didn't even ask who would play his wife.

Really no interest.

Having said that, although the heroine is his wife, the plot seems to have been cheated by Li Lianlian, who plays the eldest brother.

This time I need to change to a sexy and glamorous one. Maybe Bai Anliang will have to be a little more angry when he goes back to discuss with Li Lianlian~
Is it you who cheated on your brother?Die!
but now.
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, good brother, I’ll give it to you!

"I don't want to lose weight. I want to lose fat to make my figure look better. I used to have to do it with others, so I don't care much about things like muscle lines. And having fat is more capable of resisting blows. Now I basically don't need it anymore. I want to be an actor." It’s not about practicality.”

"So do you have any tips?"

Regardless of whether it is weight loss or fat loss, any woman who is interested in improving her figure will be very interested in this kind of topic.

However, the fact that Xu Jinlei can ask this means that she has not been there much since she applied for a card at Bai Anliang~
For most female celebrities, the easiest way to lose weight is to go on a diet.
After all, not everyone can spend so much time in the gym.
This meeting between the cast and crew of "The Legend" can be regarded as the most complete integration of the main creatives before the filming started. Not surprisingly, this cast can make the fans have an orgasm just by showing it.

It can be considered finalized.

Previously, the casting choices other than Li Lianlian were actually quite confidential.

Many people have no idea who played the other characters in this movie.

Kim Sung-oh was very reluctant to accept the film, and was forced to do so by Chen Ker-sin.

And Bai Anliang is an "unexpected surprise", deliberately hiding it to attract people's appetite.

And now that the news has come out, the sensation it has caused is also very gratifying.

The passionate collision of old and new kung fu emperors, the storm of good looks of old and new male gods.
That's right, although Jin Chengwu has a relatively low sense of presence and doesn't say anything when meeting him, his face is enough to attract attention.

And Bai Anliang is really busy.

He has to compete with Li Lianyan for his skills, and he has to compete with Kim Sung-oh for his looks.
It was really the right thing to hire him for this movie. The topical effect alone can be worth a large amount of publicity funds.

Not only that, they made a good move by choosing Xu Jinlei as the heroine.

Although the looks of these sisters are a bit ordinary in the entertainment industry, their reputations are really great, and the reputation of a talented woman is much more important than their faces.

After all, good looks are not a rare thing in the entertainment industry, but talented women are so rare!

Because most of these female celebrities really don’t study~
And Xu Jinlei doesn't care how much the label of "talented girl" actually contains, she does have some achievements.

Hmm. Like, blog queen?
Just this year, Xu Jinlei’s blog on Sina has only been open for 112 days, and the number of hits exceeded 1000 million.

This thing feels a bit like the number of fans of the scarf in the future?

He is now a top internet star.

No, after meeting with the creators of the show, the blog queen started to update again, short stories about the crew of "The Voucher". She knows how to publicize. Catching Bai Anliang and Jin Chengwu to praise talented women and praise people is not like those on the Internet. "Sitting on the ground to ovulate" is just as vulgar, written like a horse-riding romance novel~
The images of the domineering little wolf dog and the quiet little milk dog come to life on the page.

It's a pity that Xu Jinlei is not rotten enough. Otherwise, if he uses some spring and autumn writing skills, he might be able to create a bunch of CP fans of Bai Anliang and Jin Chengwu before the filming of the movie starts.

Of course, this movie may not satisfy those handsome people who want to watch handsome men.

Chen Kexin is ready to "ruin" the handsome guys.

They will definitely be disgraced~ By then the average person will have a beard, and the fujoshis will not be able to smoke even if they want to.
"Your fist contains the hardest bone in your body. If you make a fist with your middle finger and use the right amount of force, you can hit someone's sternum two centimeters with one blow."

"If your skull is smashed at an angle of fifty degrees, it can easily drive someone else's nasal cartilage into the back nasal cavity."

"Your elbow is the most powerful part of your body. If you use your elbow from behind, you can easily break someone's cervical spine."

"Your knees are the best shock absorbers in the world. You can jump from several meters high without getting hurt."

"Because you have the world's most advanced sternum frame structure, you can easily break the ligaments with a hand speed of four punches per second, and your brain will instruct you how to strike next and how big a blow to use within a thousandth of a second. With such intensity, your adrenal glands will complete the stroke one second before the shot is released, sending hormones bursting into every muscle." "."


Looking at Bai Anliang who was recording the opening promotional video of the show, Wu Jing, who was an audience member next to him, swallowed subconsciously.

Good guy, he's covered in murder weapons, right?
Dude, are you talking about fighting?Why do I feel that the meaning behind the words is the same: Kung Fu is a killing technique!

Bai Anliang: Fart, labor and management are clearly saying that humans are terrifying erect apes with unlimited potential.
"Mr. Bai, this title doesn't seem to pass the review, and you're too detailed, in case someone follows suit."

Such worries are actually reasonable.

After all, parents report cartoons and underwear ads. If Bai Anliang engages in this kind of thing, if someone comes back and says, "My child follows suit and beats his classmates seriously," then he might still be covered in shit.

Fortunately, he has a backup plan.

"Don't tell me how deep your kung fu is, how powerful your master is, and how profound your sect is."

"Kung fu, two characters, one horizontal and one vertical."

"Wrong, lie down."

"Only those who are standing are qualified to speak."

This part is actually a voiceover, and the scene is to be accompanied by a fighting scene.

That's right, Bai Anliang is here to pick up the King of Sunglasses' lines again.

The lines are really good, use them.

In fact, the recording of the program has already started, and he is now preparing for the broadcast.

Shooting a movie-quality title sequence can be considered as the final touch.

At this time, the promotion of the program "Hundred Warriors" has almost started.

Yanjing Satellite TV attaches great importance to this program and has spent a lot of resources on it.

No, Bai Anliang saw advertisements on the bus stops when he was riding.

The feeling of a variety show is not much different from that of a movie, except that there is no need to run road shows. It is a pity that there is no such thing as short video these days, otherwise, you can show exciting fighting clips.

However, due to the previous reputation of Baiwumen at home and abroad, the program has already attracted a lot of attention. It became popular before it was broadcast, and the in-site advertising has been sold out. Needless to say, now I heard from people at Yanjing TV that the program was inserted. The advertising bidding is also very hot.

Low cost, high return!
The cost of making a fighting show is really not high.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to hire some big stars to be judges. At most, you can occasionally have one or two flying guests to help out.

It doesn't cost much.

He was as high up as his eldest brother, yet they didn't even charge Bai Anliang any money, so he came over to do a favor for free and showed his face and shouted.

There is also the "friendly participation" of Wu Jing and Zhen Zidan.

The two of them were paid, after all, they were going to fight on stage in a serious manner.

Bai Anliang was too embarrassed not to give him the money.

However, they are both too embarrassed to open their mouths~
Well, I'm really embarrassed, not afraid.

As for professional talent Bai Anliang's juniors are now the best group of people in the country in the field of professional fighting.

What a coincidence, the junior brothers are still suspended, so if you are idle, you are idle~
Then spend some money to hire some foreign boxers to be targets.
Bai Anliang now has no shortage of contacts in this area. The domestic market is here, and the organizations of professional fighting competitions also want to get the traffic and attention. The first season is a test. If the effect is good, I guess It's time to sign a long-term cooperation agreement.

Now it's just an exhibition match, but in the future it might be a serious match, where we'll be competing for the gold belt.

Cultivate local fighting talents and introduce mature foreign systems and master performances
Only in this way can the show be on the right track, instead of relying on Bai Anliang to keep feeding.

By the way, Bai Anliang himself will definitely show up in this show, and it's not just limited to the opening scenes.

But what kind of positioning is more mysterious.

Many media still speculated that he was the host, and even said that he himself would become a contestant to participate.
Very simple.

Just the Big Devil script will do.

The first season of the show must be full of gimmicks.

Junior brothers can be cast in roles like this in the future, but in the first season it must be Bai Anliang himself.

He made Wu Jing and Zhen Zidan come on stage to fight each other. It would obviously be uninteresting if he didn't go on stage to show off.

Of course, he doesn't compete with professional players. He is the devil on the folk circuit.

The program is divided into two tracks, one is a civilian track and the other is a professional track.

Of course, there is no need to say anything about the latter. They are all professional players fighting each other on stage.

Bai Anliang also arranged for two junior brothers to participate.

So what is a folk track?
Hmm. Many "masters of martial arts".

When I first started recording, the coding was so bad that Bai Anliang almost laughed out loud.

The show he co-wrote was a comedy show.
However, this is all expected. The soil of domestic fighting has just begun to bloom, and the flower that blooms is still the only one in Hyakuwumen.

The shows we are doing now are full of comedy~
It really matches the title of the film.

The names of Tai Chi and Xingyi sound bigger than the last, and after putting on a posture, each one becomes more fun than the last.

Of course, civilian track athletes are originally responsible for entertainment. If there is no laughter, it will be a bad thing.

To be honest, the show hasn't aired yet, but Bai Anliang feels that the ratings for the comedy aspect may be higher than the professional ratings.

Competing among masters is fun, but there are still many fun-loving people in the world.

If he is careless, he should not be the "big devil".

Even though he wasn't considered a "professional", he was still too bullying.

To put it exaggeratedly, it is like a Go enthusiast who signed up for a community Go competition, and then stood on the final stage after pecking at each other with novices.

As a result, Nie Weiping, the chess master, came over at this time, and the Go enthusiasts were completely disappointed.

However, Nie Weiping picked up the microphone and said that I am today's referee and your opponent is Ke Jie.

The problem with this matching mechanism is huge!

(End of this chapter)

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