Survival male god

Chapter 268 The Lost Oasis Civilization

Chapter 268 The Lost Oasis Civilization

The vast majority of animals can only rely on instinct to act, especially lower-level animals, such as insects, reptiles, and arthropods.

A small number of animals can receive information from the outside world, summarize the laws of nature, and adjust survival strategies for environmental changes. They are considered to possess a certain degree of wisdom.

How smart can a scorpion be?

It's probably no different from a crayfish. It knows how to eat, drink, poop, and attack aliens. Other than that, there's nothing else...

Many small animals can only move in a small area throughout their lives, and live and die.

Migration, a higher-level life activity, basically only exists in large animals, such as birds and mammals.

They are much smarter than insects and small arthropods. Most of the time, both are in an upper-lower class relationship in the food chain, that is, the relationship between consumers and producers.

Do scorpions also migrate?

Chen Jing had never heard of this kind of thing, but it was not impossible.

As arthropods, king crabs in the deep sea will undergo large-scale changes due to changes in water temperature and food.

But this situation obviously does not apply in the Sahara Desert.

Why do these huge groups of Israeli golden scorpions migrate deep into the desert?

Could it be that subtle changes in air humidity or temperature allowed them to predict the arrival of summer heavy rains in advance, so they seemed to have taken refuge in the high mountains?

But heavy rain in the desert will hardly affect the life safety of desert creatures.

This is a blessing for the entire Sahara, and the idea of ​​​​refuge is a bit far-fetched.

He couldn't figure it out, and Chen Jing didn't bother to bother with it.

Sitting in front of the fire now, he felt that there was always a faint smell of urine in his mouth.

Later in the afternoon, unable to find a source of water, he had to drink his own urine to stay alive.

This is not a very difficult decision. Chen Jing had drank it in his previous life, but many viewers would say they couldn't stand it.

After all, just thinking about this kind of thing makes you feel off-putting.

After eating two pieces of camel jerky, Chen Jing felt very anxious. He knew that he had to drink some really clean fresh water.

"The old rule is to use the condensation method!"

"This time, I have more materials, and if we use our creative thinking, the results will definitely be better than before."

The condensation method naturally still requires digging a pit. The sand cools down quickly at night, and the temperature in the sand is even lower than the surface temperature.

This time, Chen Jing did not use stones to condense the dew.

He placed a water bag made of camel skin at the bottom of the sandpit, opened the mouth, and then filled it with yucca leaves 360 degrees downwards.

"The cross-section of these sword-shaped leaves is actually arc-shaped, like a bracket. The groove in the middle allows dew and rainwater to flow to the trunk. This is also one of the methods used by many plants to absorb fresh water from the surface in addition to their roots. .”

"There are more than a dozen leaves here. In the early morning, if two drops of water can be condensed in an hour, the total number of leaves will be enough for a small cup."

"When I get up tomorrow morning, if everything goes well, I may be able to collect more than a hundred milliliters of fresh water."

"This is enough to alleviate the life and death crisis!"

"If I had ten of these devices, I would never run out of water, but that's impossible."

"I can't carry that many bags with me, and I can't find that many yucca leaves."

"In the final analysis, this is just a temporary measure. If I want to fill this water bag, I still have to find a real water source, a river, or a freshwater lake in an oasis, a pond, or even a quagmire..."

"OK, that's it. It looks good. I will tell you how much fresh water I have collected early tomorrow morning. In a while, I will start sowing."

At night, as the bonfire gradually weakened, Chen Jing put down the sow, wrapped himself in camel skin, and fell into sleep.

It was still the Sahara Desert. He dreamed that he seemed to have become an indigenous resident, singing and dancing around a big fire with his relatives and friends.The fragrant roasted camel meat and mutton chops were brought to the table by a beautiful lady wearing tulle, and they were fed in a sweet voice. The scene was extremely fragrant.

But just when he was about to eat and drink, the beautiful woman suddenly lifted her veil, turned into a skeleton, and rushed towards her.


Chen Jing sat up suddenly. The night was as cold as water, the bonfire had been extinguished long ago, and he couldn't see anything around him. He could only hear the chirping of various insects.

"I didn't practice Baduanjin before going to bed, and I actually had nightmares!"

When I opened the system panel, I saw that the time was just after four in the morning, and I had slept for almost six hours.

Chen Jingfu lay down again, but this time, no matter what, he couldn't fall asleep.

Ancient Egypt, like China, is one of the four major ancient civilizations in the world.

However, like ancient Babylon and ancient India, there have been serious gaps in the inheritance and continuation of civilization.

More than 7000 years ago, the extremely prosperous Nile Valley civilization was a shining star in human history. To this day, the pyramids and the Sphinx still shock the world.

However, the descendants of the Pharaohs and the inheritance and culture of ancient Egypt have been lost and cut off on a large scale.

Today's Egypt has long been changed beyond recognition, and we don't even know what hieroglyphs are. Today's culture and etiquette are mostly the result of the invasion of European civilization. The human race is also a legacy of war and is not pure.

So where did the Saharan "Oasis Civilization", which was almost contemporary with the ancient Egyptian civilization, go?

The level of prosperity between the two is almost the same. Ancient Egypt left behind such masterpieces as the pyramids as a reference.

As for the oasis civilization, nothing was left behind. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

So what is the surprising connection between the mysterious disappearance of the two?
After thinking for a while, Chen Jing felt that he was probably crazy. Some random information and absurd nightmares made him think so much for no reason. It made no sense.

There is no record in any classics about the oasis civilization in the hinterland of the Sahara Desert.

Even its existence is the speculation and conjecture of scholars, without any actual evidence.

Now these ideas are almost meaningless.

Shaking his head, Chen Jing threw those messy thoughts out of his mind and continued to close his eyes.

At eight o'clock in the morning, I woke up again. The clouds in the distance were like pink and white, and a red sun hung high, but it had not yet shown its true majesty to the heaven and earth.

Chen Jing got up energetically and started broadcasting.

After checking whether there were any bugs on his body, he rushed to the place where he got water.

The leaves of the yucca all became wet, and clear water marks could be seen.

Chen Jing first picked them up one by one, then picked up the camel skin water bag, reached out and squeezed it, and his face suddenly lit up with joy.

"Not bad, not bad, more than I expected. In nearly ten hours, this device collected almost [-] ml of fresh water. The efficiency is very high."

"But it's a pity that the air is not so humid now, otherwise, more could be collected."

In fact, Chen Jing was already very satisfied.

He couldn't wait to pull off the rope, put his mouth on the mouth of the water bag, and took a few sips. He felt that the dew was soaking his heart and mind. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the water had a slight aftertaste.

"Those who eat dew are immortals!"

"To be able to drink such sweet fresh water in the desert, to be honest, I wouldn't trade it for an immortal."

"Go back and pack your things and prepare to go up the mountain. I hope there is what we want in the mountain!"

 Next chapter before 12 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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