Survival male god

Chapter 255 The real way to get water

Chapter 255 The real way to get water

The sky in the Sahara is very high, and not a single cloud can be seen under the blue dome.

The land is undulating and shows a variety of colors. There is more than just sand here.

There are also oases, deserts and mountains!

At this moment, Chen Jing was walking in the desert. A few hundred meters in front of him, there was a low hill covered with vegetation.

"On a desert adventure, there are two things that can easily kill you."

"That's dehydration, and heat stroke."

"Both of these situations can only occur within a few hours at most."

"Generally speaking, the best advice is to stay put and wait for rescue."

"But in this no-man's land, help usually doesn't come, so we have to find our own way out."

"The continuous high temperature will make you dizzy and lose control of your body. If you fall to the ground due to heat stroke, you may have become the soul of a vulture before you realize the danger."

"They will peck out your eyeballs and use their sharp beaks and claws to tear off your flesh and blood. This is how many desert travelers died tragically in the Gobi Desert."

"So before I act, I need to make some preparations."

Chen Jing took off the gauze scarf on his head and placed the camera behind him. Under the blocked angle of view, a column of water shot out from his crotch and poured on the gray scarf.

The audience was stunned and had mixed expressions.

【"Damn it?"

"Is Jingshen peeing?"

"Spicy eyes!"

"Can you please pay attention to your image? You are the ambassador of international peace and our people's hero."

"He is, after all, a superstar with a net worth of over 10 million. He is peeing in public with hundreds of thousands of people watching in the live broadcast room. It is simply outrageous."

"Show off my mouth!"

"It's even more heavyweight upstairs."

"This live broadcast style is really a bit wild and uninhibited..."

"Just highlight a down-to-earth aspect, right?"]

Two-thirds of the entire scarf was wet. Chen Jing adjusted his pants, then turned the camera and wrapped it around his head with a look of unnecessary use.

"To prevent heat stroke, we need to keep our heads as cool as possible."

"As long as there is a way, I won't have no way at all. In short, there is no way!"

"Urine definitely doesn't smell good, but it's a matter of life, so I don't care whether it's buried or not."

"Doing this will at least allow us to survive for a few more hours in the scorching desert. It's a life-saving trick. Write it down for me."

While talking, Chen Jing even laughed at himself.

"Forget it, I guess no one except me would go crazy and run to a place like this to survive."

"But let's just say it, it's really cooler. Now hurry up and look for water!"

"My temporary target is on the hills ahead. Look carefully. There is some vegetation there. It can be regarded as a small oasis. This is not the hinterland of the desert."

"There will still be people passing by. We just saw the tire tracks of many vehicles. I thought, maybe we can find something there?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the hills in the distance.

But after just a few steps, Chen Jing squatted down and put his palms on the ground, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Guess what I caught?"

"A desert gecko. There are quite a few of them in the Gobi Desert."

He raised his hand and showed the gray gecko he caught in front of the camera.

"According to my original personality, I would just throw it into my mouth and chew it. Eating small meals frequently and replenishing food as I go is a good habit for survival in the wilderness."

"But now, the desire for water goes far beyond food. There will be many such little animals. Let's let it survive. Good luck, little guy!"

Chen Jing threw away the gecko in his hand and moved on.

"Everyone, remember, in the desert, fresh water has a much higher priority than food."

"You can survive for two to three weeks without food, but you are lucky if you can survive for more than 24 hours without water."

"In fact, maybe in just a dozen hours, you will lose your life due to various complications caused by dehydration, such as neurological disorders, organ failure, etc..."

"Speaking of this, do you know how I just figured out the direction of travel in the shortest possible time?"

Chen Jing posed a difficult problem to the audience.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is still high in the sky. Only at sunrise and sunset can the direction be determined based on it.

And there is no way to judge north and south by rotating the pole shadow and cutting the center line, which would take at least two or three hours.

For a moment, no one knew how to answer. ["Could it be that you're blind?"

"Or peeked at the compass on your phone?"

"I really don't know this time, please tell me."

"There aren't even trees on the ground. Is Jingshen really blind?"

"You are overthinking it. He must have a special way of identifying directions in the desert."]

Chen Jing had no intention of continuing to lie. He nodded and pointed to the sand dune in front of him that was only 20 meters high.

"All methods of identifying directions need to be adapted to local conditions and used flexibly."

"Whether you are based on climate, topography, temperature, vegetation and animal living habits, it must be combined with the on-site environment. Some methods require you to understand the local information to a certain extent."

"The wind of the Sahara Desert transforms the sand dunes here into unique shapes, layer by layer, undulating continuously. The sand slopes in the direct wind are shallow and long, stacked up like stairs."

"In northern Africa, during the summer period, the main prevailing air flow is the northeast monsoon from the Mediterranean."

"In this way, we can determine that the windward part of the dune faces the northeast, and the leeward part faces the southwest."

"The direction we are heading is northwest. No matter where you go, as long as you encounter sand dunes, you can use this method to determine the general direction."

"There is only one situation where it may not work, and that is when you encounter a sandstorm in the heart of the desert. The violent airflow will turn everything around for hundreds of miles. At that time, the only ones who can judge the direction are animals, such as ostriches and camels..."

"This is why the camel is the most important means of transportation in the desert. It can even be said that it is the most intimate companion of desert travelers, no different from family members."

"But I don't have a camel, so I still have to rely on myself."

Not long after, Chen Jing arrived at the hill.

Many typical desert vegetation grow here, such as Haloxylon ammodendron, camel thorn, mountain chrysanthemum and cacti, as well as the most local characteristic plant, date palm.

"A small oasis, but still relatively desolate. There are two date palm trees here. They are not very healthy and are quite old!"

"It is a flowering plant of the palm family with a trunk and leaves similar to those of a palm tree, and is widely cultivated in the Middle East, Arabia, and North Africa for its edible fruits."

"It is called desert bread. People also use date palm trees to make various tools, build houses, etc. In the small towns near Cairo, we have seen many thatched houses built with date palm leaves, which have good thermal insulation. very good."

"I have to stop. In the desert, unless the situation is very urgent, we'd better not move around in the hours before and after the sun is strongest at noon."

"The water in your body will be lost so quickly that you won't even feel it. You will lose one liter of water every hour. The dizziness caused by dehydration is very fatal."

"I'm going to stay here for two hours until the sun starts to set."

"But before leaving, we have to search the entire hill to see if we can find fresh water and useful supplies."

Soon, Chen Jing made a new discovery.

He pointed to the shade under another date palm, where there was a pile of charcoal and round brown particles that looked like some kind of excrement.

"Look, there are a lot of camel dung under this tree, and there are also footprints left by people, including piles of ashes. Someone has indeed been here before, maybe with the same purpose as me, maybe just resting here, who knows? "

"But at least there's a greater chance that we'll find something to exploit."

"Even if it's a leftover plastic bag, wire, or rope, it's all useful. In fact, it's better to have a container or metal."

"Look for it!"

This discovery made Chen Jing extremely happy.

He endured the heat and continued searching in the hilly oases and nearby areas.

The reality, however, is often discouraging.

He found nothing, not even a trace of fresh water. It had probably not rained here for a long time. Everything was dry and the plants were covered with sand and dust.

However, Chen Jing was not discouraged. He had already been mentally prepared and had backup plans.

He held a wooden stick in his hand and walked towards the hillside.

There, a Peruvian heavenly wheel pillar as thick as a human leg stood quietly on the ground.

Chen Jing swung the wooden stick, let out a low shout, and smashed it down hard.

The gray-green plants suddenly broke.

"In the desert, many plants have good water storage capabilities, and if you don't find fresh water that you can drink directly."

"Then in an emergency, we can properly extract water from them."

"For example, the Peruvian Heavenly Wheel Pillar in front of me has a name that is popular among the public. There is also a more popular name."

"The Immortal Pillar!"

"But remember, the stems and flesh of this plant usually contain alkaloids. Excessive consumption can also cause physical discomfort or even food poisoning."

"So we can only dig out some fresh stem meat, chew a small amount, and add some water to the body."

"Then stop it and you need to be sensible, the real way to get water is not with them."


Chen Jing chewed some of the stem meat of the Immortal Pillar, swallowed the unpalatable juice, then spit out the tissue and pointed to the location of the two date palm trees.

(End of this chapter)

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