Survival male god

Chapter 247 Vision

Chapter 247 Vision
Chen Jing had no idea that those polar bears would hit the ice wall like crazy.

What he didn't even expect was that there was such a big hole below the cirque at the top of the mountain in the center of the island.

Rolling, hitting, head-breaking...

A bone-deep cold enveloped the body, as if the skin, flesh and blood were all frozen to crack.

Chen Jing felt that he had descended at least 30 meters. He broke through many layers of snow and ice shelves and fell into the dark ice cave.

The snow and ice above were so thick that no light could penetrate, and nothing could be seen inside.

The right cheek and eyebrow corner were scratched by the ice, but there was almost no pain.

The temperature here is so low that the nerve endings on the skin tissue have been frozen to the point of almost losing consciousness.

Chen Jing huddled in the gap and did not dare to move rashly. He was afraid that if the structure in the ice cave became unstable, the ice and snow would collapse directly and bury him here.

You must try your best to ensure that your movements are gentle and gentle.

Chen Jing slowly raised his arms and gently tapped the ice wall in front of him. When he found that there was nothing unusual, he slowly straightened his body and stabilized his center of gravity.

He only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet to the sky. It was so cold that even his thinking slowed down.

"It's really unlucky that I fell into an ice cave. It's more than twice as cold inside as it is outside. The temperature is probably as low as minus [-] degrees..."

Chen Jing whispered, and the camera head fell into the gap, showing his embarrassing appearance to the eyes of the audience.

"It's too cold here. I have to find a way out within an hour, otherwise my life will be in danger."

"But it doesn't work here. There is no ground to climb up at all. These ice cracks are hard and smooth. The ones that collapsed are just ice floes that were later frozen on. There is also a lot of loose snow."

"It seems that the formation age of the black ice in this ice cave is much older."

"It's even possible that the ice existed on the seabed before the island was uplifted."

"I smelled a very strong sea smell, like the sea breeze blowing in tropical seas in summer."

"Stay here and find a way up, or search in the ice cave?"

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Jing chose the latter.

As an adventurer, he naturally has a curious heart about everything.

You will never settle for less, and of course, that’s what the audience wants to see.

In addition, Chen Jing also discovered that his ice ax was lost when it fell.

The importance of this thing is self-evident. If you can find it again, your success rate of escape will definitely be greatly improved.

For both emotional and logical reasons, he should explore the ice cave once.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Jing turned on the searchlight of the camera head.

A faint white light suddenly illuminated three feet around him, and the light was refracted in the opaque black ice.

The entire ice cave became brighter, but the light was not so dazzling.

Chen Jing crouched down and moved with great difficulty between the narrow ice crevices.

"When I fell, I fell at least 30 meters. Look, the ground here is actually flat land and ice. I should be inside the huge ice bucket frame at the top of the mountain."

"But I'm not sure if there are exits elsewhere, so let's look for it first!"

"It would be best if there is a convenient place to climb up. If there is really no other way, I'm afraid I can only go back the way I came."

Chen Jing's voice sounded like he was talking to himself, echoing in the ice cave, overlapping and overlapping, giving it a psychedelic feel.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a wall.

There, an ice ax with a sharp hook was embedded deeply into the ice, leaving only the handle exposed.

Chen Jing walked over and pulled it out of the ice.

A smile finally appeared on his face.

It felt like everyone was relieved.

"Here's my ice ax, I found it!"

"This is absolutely great news. With this thing, no matter where I am, as long as there is an exit, I can climb up."

"It's just that the underground situation is complicated. The internal structure of the ice cave looks like a maze. We haven't found a new exit yet. We may need to explore for a while."

"I can't say too much. The temperature here is really low. I feel like my tongue is frozen and knotted."

"I have to preserve the heat generated in my body as much as possible."

After saying this, Chen Jing stopped talking.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk, it's just too cold here.

After arriving in the Arctic Circle, to be honest, the temperature most of the time is pretty good, and it is far colder than many places in the East Siberian highlands.

It wasn't until this moment that Chen Jingfang truly realized how cold the Arctic was under normal circumstances.

Very few animals can survive in such a harsh environment.

The key is because if the temperature is too low, food cannot be supplemented. With the rapid loss of energy, the lower the temperature, the easier it is to have problems!
Not long after walking, Chen Jing made an astonishing discovery in a place where he could only move forward on his stomach or half-crouching.

A large area of ​​densely packed and neatly arranged shellfish appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Is this... a mussel?"

Chen Jing's eyes widened with an exaggerated expression. He stretched out his hand and pulled it on the ice. A shell about half the size of a palm was caught in his palm.

“That’s right, mussels!”

Chen Jing was extremely excited and raised his voice to an eighth tone again.

"This kind of shell is widely found in the ocean and has certain requirements on water quality. The mussels in the Arctic Ocean are called the best mussels in the world because of their sweet and plump characteristics."

"They like to live in clear oceans and cling to the bottom of giant ships, including the bodies of various large marine creatures."

"This gives them an extremely broad living space."

"It sounds amazing, but in fact, in the right season, the Inuit people in the Arctic will use shovels to dig holes in the ice like I am doing now, and lean down to look for mussels growing on the ice."

"No one knows that such delicious food is hidden under the solid ice."

“In cold areas, Inuit people rely on eating raw food, including reindeer meat and various fish meat, to supplement the protein and vitamins needed by the body.” “Mussels are undoubtedly the most important thing in the minds of Arctic Inuit people. , one of the most popular delicacies.”

"I'm going to try it now. Food can provide a lot of energy to the body, and I just need this kind of thing."

As he finished speaking, Chen Jing forcibly opened the shell of the mussel, revealing the light yellow flesh inside.

"The gonads and digestive glands of shellfish usually carry some dirt and bacteria. These are inedible parts. Once they are pinched off, they can be eaten with confidence."

"In fact, it is not so reassuring that low temperature cannot kill bacteria and microorganisms, since the death of many diseases."

"Today's Inuit people will leave their habitat regularly and go to the nearest hospital for physical examination to eliminate the hidden germs in the body. But sometimes, this is not so effective, which leads to the life of the Inuit people. In fact, it’s not as beautiful as everyone thinks.”

"Like other Arctic indigenous peoples, they live a very difficult life. It's cold all year round and they eat raw fish and meat. They don't even dare to waste the fat on bear skins and deer skins. They have to scrape and eat them."

"Actually, there are many famous Arctic foods, such as the legendary pickled puffins and pickled shark meat. Compared with these two foods, canned herring looks much more impressive."

"I have to say that the fresh mussels are really good. They have a smooth texture with a hint of crispness and tenderness. They are slightly fishy in the mouth and have a slightly sweet aftertaste. I have to eat as much as possible to resist the cold."

Chen Jing picked up the mussels one by one, opened the shells and ate the meat, while the current temperature of the space he was in was displayed on the screen - minus 42 degrees Celsius!
Chen Jing ate more than twenty mussels in one go, and a system notification sounded in his mind.

It turns out that the glutton's milestone reward has been unlocked. It is currently 10/10. After the heart of the python, he has eaten three more rare ingredients.

When I ate Arctic cod before, it didn't trigger it. The grayling should count, but now eating mussels actually triggered it.

This shows how rare Arctic deep-sea mussels are, even more so than Arctic cod.

Well, in addition to the really delicious taste, I am afraid that the difficulty of obtaining it is also one of the reasons why it is listed as a delicacy!
But the reward from the glutton really made him feel dumbfounded.

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking all the milestones of "Taotie Guest", obtaining the special title - "Taotie Guest", obtaining points x10000, obtaining evolution points x1, and special evolution points x1]

[Gourmet Guest: Special title, no level. Wearing it increases physical strength by 30.00%. When eating any food, the energy conversion rate increases by 30.00%. You will never feel sick because of eating certain foods. They are all wonderful things from God. gift]

Chen Jing's eyes lit up when he saw the introduction of this title.

What a good thing. Not only does it increase physical strength by 30.00%, the energy conversion rate of eating is so high.

Although in terms of overall quality, it is not comparable to other powerful titles of legendary level.

But there is no doubt that this title is the most suitable for extreme survival among the titles he has received so far.

Increase physical strength, improve the energy conversion rate of food intake, and never cause gastrointestinal discomfort due to eating, eliminating any possibility of diarrhea, poisoning, etc.

Does this mean that at some point, he can eat some more extreme things to maintain basic vital signs?

For example, poisonous mushrooms, rotten meat, etc...

As for rationality, just don’t let the audience see it!
Bearing the title of gourmet, Chen Jing ate some more mussels, then unzipped the outer pocket of his backpack and stuffed them inside as much as he wanted. He made a large handful of them before he stopped.

Fortunately, he always carries a backpack. Such a big bag is enough for two meals.

Next, he can concentrate on finding the exit and no longer has to think about food.

It's just a pity that in this situation, he can't take too much away. If he can find a safe entry and exit route in the future, he can bring Zhou Hui and the others to pack up these seemingly inexhaustible Arctic supplies. Deep sea mussel.

After zipping up his backpack, Chen Jing held the camera head in his arms, lay on the cold rock surface, and moved forward a little bit.

"This is the surface of the island. It should have been sunk in the sea in the past. The ice shell sealed many creatures."

"These mussels are the best proof that they can adapt to such low temperatures and reproduce inside the ice caves. The islands actually have the nutrients they need to survive, such as microorganisms and algae."

"To be honest, it's a little hard to imagine. Is there still sea water under the ice and is it connected to the outside sea?"

Chen Jing stepped into the cold water, and his lower body was completely wet.

Of course, his posture also changed from crawling forward to bowing forward, with his back pressed against the cold ice stone.

The further you go inside the ice cave, the larger the space becomes and the more water accumulates.

Of course, there are more entities on the island.

The inside of the ice bucket eventually became almost hollow, and Chen Jing was able to walk upright inside.

What surprised him most was that even the temperature was getting higher and higher.

At first, his hands and feet were numb from the cold. After walking for more than half an hour, the temperature inside the ice cave actually reached two or three degrees below zero.

This is really strange.

At the same time, he saw something familiar in the water at the bottom of the ice cave.

Pieces of floating, translucent round disc-shaped thin ice around the edges are melting rapidly, and the air is also a bit stuffy, making people breathless.

"Is this...combustible ice?"

Chen Jing exhaled and picked up the ice floe in the water. He could feel that the density of this ice seemed to be greater than that of normal water ice, but it melted very quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, it seemed to shrink by a full circle.

Combined with the characteristics of difficulty breathing, Chen Jing was almost certain that these things floating in the water were flammable ice.

"Methane is almost non-toxic to the human body, but when the concentration is too high, it can cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, and weakness in the limbs."

"I feel a strong sense of suffocation now. The methane concentration here has probably exceeded 30.00%."

"Where does this flammable ice come from?"

"A long time ago, when we were still in the deep sea, was it frozen on the island?"

"Forgot to mention, mussels are also a kind of shellfish that likes a methane environment very much. Their gill tissues have many methanotrophic symbiotic bacteria."

Chen Jing waved his hand.

"I really can't talk any more. I have to maintain a certain blood oxygen level, otherwise I will be in a coma here."

"I have to find the exit as soon as possible!"

However, just as Chen Jing was about to leave, he glanced and seemed to see many white rays of light in the stagnant water.

He rubbed his eyes, unsure whether he was experiencing visual hallucinations due to lack of oxygen.

However, the next moment, the searchlight of the camera head swung into the water, as if some kind of electrical reaction had occurred. Inside the ice cave, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred!
Lines of blue-white silk threads, as bright as lightning, appear densely in the field of vision, numbering in the tens of thousands.

Chen Jing was stunned, and so were the countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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