Chapter 265

The highest meeting of the human race, the giant ax meeting.

In front of the Great Ax Temple.

"...The situation is like this, so this time I want to thank Chen Buhu for bringing the most powerful treasure back to the clan." The Lord of Chaos City looked at the stunned and shocked strong men of the human clan in front of him, coughed and said. "In addition, the issue of the use and distribution of the most powerful treasures will also be decided at this meeting."

The Masters of the Universe immediately recovered from the shock and all looked at Chen Buwang who was smiling, feeling that the smile was so unpredictable.

No amount of words can describe their mood at this moment.

'Damn it, he can't be the illegitimate son of the original universe...'

A funny idea suddenly popped up in the mind of a certain universe master.

"A thousand powerful treasures! Then don't we all have a share!" Some universe masters were even more excited and blushed.

In the past, the human race did not even have the most powerful ax.

But now, they suddenly got a thousand pieces of the most powerful treasures. This huge surprise made these masters of the universe almost go blank.

Who doesn’t want to get a piece of the most powerful treasure?
Previously, Chen Buhu controlled the Six Gods of the Divine Eye Clan and gave the founder of the giant ax the most powerful armor. Many people saw it and were envious in their hearts, but they didn't say anything. After all, Chen Buhu got it by his own strength. , they couldn't help much, not to mention that Chen Buhu's closest teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, was not given the most powerful treasure!Even if the giant ax gets them, there is nothing to say!

But now, the tribe suddenly got 1000 pieces of the most powerful treasure!
With such a large number, doesn’t everyone have hope?

However, although everyone was excited and eager, no one was the first to speak on the issue of distribution. Instead, they all looked at Chen Buwang.

This most powerful treasure was dedicated to the tribe by Chen Buhu alone. They were embarrassed to speak, as it would appear that they couldn't wait to take advantage, which would be a bit embarrassing.

Seeing this, the Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "Everyone can speak freely. After all, this is a major event related to the future of the entire ethnic group, and with so many resources, every human master of the universe will definitely be able to allocate the most powerful treasure, but how to allocate it? , and a reasonable plan is needed.”

The universe masters of the human race nodded one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

1000 pieces of the most powerful treasures... how to distribute them is indeed a big problem.

The current number of masters of the universe in the human race, including Chen Buwang, is only 19!Although it has been inherited by ancient civilizations, a new master of the universe has not yet appeared.

Although the human race had three top cosmic overlords before (the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, the Lord of the Ancestral Tree, and the Lord of the Star Prison), to be honest, this refers to the strength and does not represent the realm.

Just like the first to sixth levels of the Lord of the Universe are determined by many factors such as secrets, genetic levels, treasures, etc. The sixth-level Lord of the Universe refers to the fifth-level Lord of the Universe who has the most powerful treasure, and has a relationship with the realm. nothing.

Therefore, the Lord of the Universe can be born from a high-level Universe Lord, and does not necessarily have to break through from a Universe Overlord or a top Universe Overlord.

There are more than 6000 universe masters in the human race, and their talents are not bad. With the inheritance, a large number of universe masters will surely be born from them in the future, but it will take time.

The Lord of Peng Gong took the lead and said: "Let's not talk about it for now. The giant ax is the only one among us who is the strongest in the universe. We should choose one set of the most powerful treasure!"


Every Master of the Universe nodded in agreement.There was even a look of expectation in their eyes. If the giant ax was equipped with a set of the most powerful treasures, I don't know how powerful it would be.

The Lord of Chaos City and Chen Buhui looked at each other and smiled: "That's natural. There are just a few axes in the most powerful treasure that Chen Buhui brought back. It's up to the giant ax to choose." The ax is the most suitable for the giant axe. The founder's weapon!

What he is best at with the giant ax is the ax technique... and he has become one of the strongest people in the universe with his axe.

Xeon Xeon also depends on whether it is suitable or not. A person who uses an ax suddenly gets a sword-shaped Xeon Xun, although his strength can be improved by using it.But after all, it is not as good as using the "axes" Xeon Xeon!
With such a Xeon and Supreme Treasure in hand, his strength of the giant ax will definitely reach a new peak!
Chen Buwang looked at the giant axe, and the giant axe also looked over at the same time. The giant axe’s eyes were bright and full of gratitude. Chen Buwang smiled and nodded, thinking secretly, "The giant axe originally had the eighth-level top secret method. This time, he got the most powerful treasure. The axe, I am afraid, will be able to reach the ninth level of peak combat power immediately, and the burning divine power secret technique can be upgraded to a level, that is, the tenth level of peak! It is already the level of the original ancestor, and a perfect set of the most powerful treasure, Let the giant ax have no shortcomings in terms of domain, restraint, soul, life preservation, divine power replenishment... etc."


This can be said about the founder of the Great Ax in the near future!
And Chen Buhui feels that the giant ax should be able to take a step forward soon, because with the guidance of inheritance, whether it reaches the ninth level of the secret technique or masters the second level of the burning divine power secret technique, the giant ax can take its strength to a higher level!

Is the level of the most powerful treasure secret pattern not enough?Isn’t there still a Void True God-level treasure?
I'm afraid it's not more invincible than the original ancestor!One person can sweep across the cosmic sea!

"In addition to the giant axe, there is also the master of the universe of our human race." Chaos City Lord said, "Although Chen Buwang brought back a lot of Xeons and treasures, it can be said that even if we were present with one set or two sets, there would be no The problem is, there are quite a few clones among us...but!"

Under the eager gazes of the Lords of the Universe, the Lord of Chaos City changed his tone. "Although the most powerful treasure is good, it must be able to exert its power. Therefore, I think that the master of the universe who cannot create the most powerful secret method or is not strong enough cannot issue the most powerful treasure for the time being."

The expressions of some universe masters suddenly changed slightly, and they felt as if they were filled with joy but were suddenly splashed with cold water.

In the past, among the human race, only the Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Darkness, and Lord of Peng Gong were at the fifth level.

Others such as the Lord of Ice Peak, the Lord of Longxing, the Lord of Huangjian, the Lord of Qingdong... etc. are all fourth level, and even several third level!

Although it has been inherited by ancient civilizations, the time is too short, and not everyone can forget it, and the Lord of the Universe can create the seventh-level secret method!

Some of them have not even created the most powerful secret method.

And the words of the Chaos City Lord have already made it very clear, no matter whether it is insufficient level of secret technique or insufficient strength, it cannot be bestowed with the most powerful treasure.

This is also taking into account various aspects.

First, he is not strong enough to exert the power of the most powerful treasure. If he wants to exert the power of the most powerful treasure, he must at least reach the fifth level of the secret method to barely meet the requirements!

Second, if you are not strong enough, you will easily be robbed of your most powerful treasure.If this is the case, it is better to use the pinnacle treasure!

The scene became cold for a moment, but every universe master did not object to the opinions of the Chaos City Master after he sobered up.

It makes sense after all.

There are many powerful and precious treasures of the ethnic group, but they cannot be distributed randomly and without restrictions. The weak should not get the most powerful treasures.

Thinking about the universe masters of other forces who don't even have a single pinnacle treasure, but they can each have a set of pinnacle treasures, they are actually very happy.

And it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to get the most powerful treasure in the future. As long as you keep improving yourself and meet the requirements, the most powerful treasure?Free distribution!

Just thinking about this has already made these masters of the universe full of motivation.

In this early stage, I am afraid that only the Lord of Chaos and other relatively powerful universe masters will get the most powerful treasure. However, this depends on personal strength, which is completely fair. Others will be convinced even if they don't.

But then they thought about the thousands of powerful treasures in the warehouse, just leaving them like this?They were also a little distressed. They didn’t have any of them before, but now they can’t use them all!
(End of this chapter)

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