Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 663 Mission? Benefit?

Chapter 663 Mission? Benefit?

With just one order, in less than a day, more than a dozen pregnant female cultivators stepped into the True Legend Palace.

It is only three months, which is not worth mentioning compared to the gestation time of a cultivator who often takes several years. But at the moment, Chu Mu's purpose is not to study the entire pregnancy process, but only to study the stage when the fetal spiritual root appears. Peeping.

He needs to determine every change in the mother's body and fetus during this stage, so as to glimpse some traces of the birth of the spiritual root.

Then with these traces, he followed the clues bit by bit, filling his... fantasy bit by bit.

For ordinary monks, this process is probably confusing and unbelievable.

But for him, a touch of spiritual blessing is completely different from ordinary monks.

Cultivation to immortality, cultivation of truth...

The vast majority of monks practice step by step and follow the path of their predecessors. What he cultivates is to seek truth and ask questions, to take the essence and discard the dross, and to fully adopt it for his own use.

After hundreds of years of immortality, countless days and nights, a touch of spiritual blessing, and bursts of thinking and wisdom time and time again, he has long been accustomed to seeing the truth in the subtleties.

Several months passed silently as Chu Mu was focused on nothing else.

This type of super large flying boat has undoubtedly exceeded the boundaries of ordinary magic weapons and even ordinary immortal creations.

Just like some war weapons in the previous technological era, they are often a symbol of strength.

This longevity flying boat is also a symbol of the strength of the longevity sect. In terms of the size of the longevity sect, the symbolic significance of such a large war instrument is far greater than the actual significance.

Even regardless of the resources required to refine this flying boat, the immortal skills required to refine this flying boat already cover all aspects of immortal cultivation.

This type of super-large war equipment often requires a huge force, and it can only be built by relying on its huge internal resources.

Formation, weapon refining, puppets, talismans and seals...

On the flying boat, surrounded by war instruments, the palace stretches. Monks wearing immortal robes shuttle through it, either patrolling or dropping spells in front of various formations on the flying boat to maintain this huge building. The operation of the flying boat.

Above the pavilion, Chu Mu looked at the magnificent flying boat. As his eyes moved, the data he believed in also emerged in his mind.

In just a short moment, thousands of disciples of the Changsheng Sect gathered and formed a formation of several monks. They stood silently in the square, waiting silently.

This process only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour. As the last few streams of light disappeared into the airship, the longevity airship, which can be called the symbol of the Immortality Sect, slowly rose up under the awe-inspiring eyes of countless monks in the Dingbei camp. It rose into the air and slowly headed towards the northern border.

In the blink of an eye, March passed.

I saw streaks of escaping light shooting into the sky from all over the stretching Dingbei Camp. One after another, the Changsheng Sect monks landed in the square outside Lingtian Palace and gathered in an orderly manner.

The reason why it is said that this super large immortal creation exceeds the ordinary limits is very clear.

On this day, Chu Mu came out of Weiyang Palace, and when he arrived outside Lingtian Palace, the Dingbei Camp and outside Lingtian Palace were already filled with hustle and bustle.

Just like the immortal flying boat in front of you, looking around, you can see the palace stretches, the formations are intertwined, and there are almost countless immortal mysteries hidden in it.

This super large immortal creation, with its huge size and the various system knowledge involved, is undoubtedly destined that this super large immortal creation cannot be successfully refined by one or several weapon refiners. .

Not long after, with a flurry of words, the sky slowly darkened. At the scorching sun at noon, the sky seemed to suddenly change day and night contrary to common sense. The light quickly turned into darkness. A ship was completely white and flawless, with a faint glow. The fluorescent flying boat floats silently in the sky.

"About five hundred feet wide, and the length...should have exceeded three thousand..."

After a short period of restlessness, under the orders one after another, the thousands of disciples of the Immortality Sect gathered in the square also stepped onto the longevity ship in an orderly manner.

The flying boat is huge, covering the sky and the sun, and it is a ferocious psychic war machine. Even if it is in a silent state, the pressure of the magic weapon is enough to make most of the immortal cultivators in the Dingbei Camp tremble.

With the power of one person and the strength of several people, even if he wants to cast an artifact of this size, at least for now, it is still difficult to reach the sky.

Therefore, as far as he knew, the Changsheng Sect only cast nine of these immortal flying boats ten thousand years ago, and then completely sealed them up, never starting the construction of the immortal flying boats again.

Today, he still clearly remembers the trembling terror that made people tremble when this immortal flying boat arrived in the Jade Emperor Valley.

Back then, he was like countless low-level monks, looking up at the existence above the flying boat.

"Times have changed..."

Chu Mu's eyes were dark, and he seemed to be a little bit sad.

After a moment, he seemed to calm down a little, and his eyes moved towards the direction of the flying boat.

In the northern borderland, the Changsheng Sect.

That startling glimpse back then was still fresh in his memory.

When this trip comes again, times have also changed...

After pondering for a while, Chu Mu raised his hand and touched it. A jade slip hung in his palm, and the results of several months of research at Dingbei Camp were also recorded in it. In March, according to his instructions, Yan Qiuling found nearly a hundred pregnant female cultivators to cooperate with his research on spiritual roots.

Even though it had only been a few months, the few clues he had gleaned from it were enough to give his plan, which was originally a pure fantasy, a bit more practical basis.

Although it is still far away, at least there is some hope and it is not a complete fantasy.

"Time...should be enough..."

After just a moment, Chu Mu put down the jade slip, and with a soft murmur, he looked at the huge longevity ship that covered the sky and the sun.

The Flying Boat of Immortality has nine palaces, twelve palaces, and thirty-six rooms.

According to the longevity ritual system, the Nine Palaces are the places where the Nine Meridians Master and the Sect Master live.

The twelve halls are the residences of the Yuanying Taishang of each lineage and the true successors of each lineage.

The thirty-six rooms refer to the group of houses distributed throughout the Everlasting Flying Boat, where ordinary sect disciples live.

Normally, only nearly a thousand monks are needed to maintain the operation of this immortal spaceship and even operate these countless war instruments. Counting the reserve force, the establishment is only a few thousand monks at most.

But judging from the carrying capacity of the airship, if it is fully loaded, this immortal airship can accommodate up to nearly 100,000 monks.

However, except for a few special circumstances, there are usually only a few thousand sect disciples permanently resident in the immortal flying boat to maintain the operation of the flying boat.

Not to mention the nine and twelve palaces, even the thirty-six rooms are vacant all year round.

But this time, thousands of disciples of the Eternal Life Sect were already riding on this Eternal Life Aircraft, heading to the Eternal Life Sect in Northern Xinjiang together.

As far as he knew, the thousands of disciples of the Eternal Life Sect who were riding the Eternal Life Boat this time were the disciples who had been carefully selected and stationed at the Dingbei Camp in recent months by the Eternal Life Sect.

On the way to the Eternal Life Sect, according to the plan, the Eternal Life Aircraft will also stop several times along the way. Nearly 20,000 Eternal Life Sect disciples will gather from all over Dachu in Fangshi where the Eternal Life Aircraft stops along the way. Get on this longevity flying boat and head to the longevity sect together.

As for the reason for such a big fight, although he did not deliberately inquire about it, it was obviously not a secret to him, the true successor.

It is nothing more than the place of suppression and imprisonment in the ancient Heavenly Palace.

It is related to the ancient Heavenly Palace, and it is related to the Heavenly Palace field of the Righteous Dao Alliance, which can be called an iron wall...

No matter how much attention is paid to the Changsheng Sect, it is obviously not too much.

And the power that a behemoth like the Changsheng Sect can gather is naturally not comparable to what he can do alone...

As far as he knew, the Changsheng Sect's large-scale war and recruiting tens of thousands of Changsheng Sect disciples was just the prelude.

As for what will happen after this prologue, it all depends on the outcome of this Nine Meridians Conference.

The fate of these tens of thousands of disciples of the Immortality Sect, and even the fate of more disciples of the Immortality Sect in the future, will inevitably depend on this Nine Meridians Conference.

After all, that place of trial is not a place of chance...

But... one after another, moths fly into the flame!

For the ancient Tiangong at that time, this kind of moths rushing to the flame, under the influence of Tiangong Yunzhen, may be a natural mission.

But for the Changsheng Sect, it is still unknown whether it is a mission to care about the safety of the immortal world, selfish interests, or the interests of the sect...

Chu Mu looked at the disciples of the Changsheng Sect who were walking around on the flying boat, his eyes were faint and revealed...


The longevity flying boat left the Dingbei camp and headed north, stopping several times along the way. The originally extremely empty flying boat gradually became more populated.

After several months of journey, this immortal flying boat crossed half of the Chu territory and spanned more than a million miles. By the end of the year, the vast celestial mountains towering in the north were finally revealed in the sky.

The fairy mountain stands tall in the sea of ​​clouds and the sky. The majestic mountains stretch to the sky between the ups and downs, with no end in sight.

The spiritual energy that is so rich that it is almost substantial turns into clouds of spiritual energy that surge among the mountains, lingering around them. The stretching palaces and pavilions rise and fall with the mountains. Under the sun, little golden lights flicker, showing the atmosphere of an immortal family.

Under the mountain peak, the Huihong Mountain Gate stands in the sea of ​​clouds as if it has never changed since ancient times. The three characters of Changsheng Sect are far apart from each other. If you look directly at it with the naked eye, it will be perceived as if it penetrates into the soul.

Under the gaze of countless monks, the clouds and mist surrounding the Immortal Mountain slowly dispersed, creating a giant portal that could accommodate the Eternal Life Ship.

This longevity flying boat that came from the Dingbei front line converged its aura, silenced the formation, and slowly sank into this giant portal to the longevity sect under the perception of majestic spiritual consciousness that lingered... …


(End of this chapter)

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