Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 617: In this world, God does not exist!

Chapter 617: In this world, God does not exist!

The war raged on.

This battle lasted for nearly ten years.

Countless ghosts and evil spirits emerged from the deep sea, all like the madness before death, one after another, one after another.

Perhaps only this war can make the world appreciate the richness of species in this world.

Countless ghosts are all derived from the fear in people's hearts. They are the embodiment of countless ghost legends in this world's thousands of years of history.

And countless evil spirits are derived from the mutations of the native species in this world, and everything can be turned into evil spirits.

The fall of countless ghosts and evil spirits, the fall of countless human soldiers, the overwhelming blood energy, and countless resentments fill the world, but as long as they are exposed to the sun, they will melt like ice and snow.

Above the sky, the god exerted his mighty power on the world without any hesitation, giving Guixie no chance to make a comeback.

The Blood Moon Divine Court is getting darker and darker, and the desperate madness within the world has not brought any improvement to its situation.

In just ten years, in this land of chaos, the Sun has never stopped plundering the Blood Moon.

In fact, this progress seemed to be much faster than he expected.

Although His resistance was like death, it was just like the ghosts and evil spirits that came one after another in the world. They could not play a big role in the destined fate.

The power of the world, under this never-ending plunder, is finally about to be unified.

The power of foreign invaders has also been suppressed to a minimum.

In the divine court, the God of the Great Sun once again stepped down from the throne.

This time, the gods stepped out of the Divine Court, and the glow turned into a rainbow bridge, extending from the Divine Court to the dark Blood Moon Divine Court.

The gods looked down at the world, and their divine eyes were fixed on the Blood Moon Temple, as if they were looking at the existence of a heretic, with a fierce murderous intention flowing through them.

At this moment, the shadow behind the god solidified, and thin lines rippled. The god slowly raised his hand, and a majestic power derived from the faith of all living beings condensed. A huge palm that could cover the sky and the sun slowly fell down. .

Just like the countless ghosts and evil spirits melting under the blazing sun, under this giant palm, even with just a little power of the palm wind, traces of dissolution can be seen in this Blood Moon Divine Court.

In just a short moment, the dark brown-red palace was almost visibly melted and annihilated. The strands of black energy surged with claws and claws, turning into countless ghosts and monsters roaring madly. But under this majestic power, , also to no avail, unable to achieve any effect, and then disappeared one after another.

It wasn't until the main body of the palace was completely annihilated that the black shadow sitting on the blood-red throne appeared again in the sight of the god and Chu Mu.

The shadow still has no specific form, a shadow is like a black hole, and all the evil and chaos in the world are included in it.

In the past, Chu Mu had always felt that it was difficult to see through this shadow.

But now, this shadow, under the influence of the world's authority, has become extremely clear.

This is also a god, a god like the God of the Sun.

However, the believers of this god are not like him. They need to rely on themselves to influence the world and make the world place their faith in him.

This god does not exist based on faith, but with the blood moon as its core, it pollutes the world, spawns ghosts and evil spirits, and grows stronger by absorbing the blood and lust of all living beings in the world.

During the three years of the blood moon, the death of countless creatures in the world almost made this god almost unbelievably powerful.

But this god is just an outsider after all, and such an act that completely breaks the rules of the world and even destroys it is naturally not tolerated by the world.

The instinctive resistance of the world also led to the birth of a god. Even though this blood moon god has great power, he has always been suppressed by him without a doubt.

The power of the world does not require him to put too much thought into it. If he grabs it, he will have it at his fingertips, instead of having to expend a lot of power to suppress the instinctive resistance of the world like the Blood Moon God who was resisted by the world.

"Every cause must have an effect..."

"Perhaps it is because of Him as the cause that this effect occurs..."

At this moment, Chu Mu suddenly had a strange idea.

This chance to step onto the throne of God is perhaps not just a coincidence?

The world is in danger. Gather the power of the world to nurture local gods and fight against the evil gods invading from outside...

Causal loop?

Human thinking has emerged, and the great power dominated by divine thinking has not stagnated.

The huge palm that condensed into the sky fell towards the shadow without any mercy.


There was a shocking roar, and the world trembled.

The divine court was annihilated and the black shadow collapsed. Only then did Chu Mu truly see the inner shape of the black shadow.

Wearing a black shirt, his face is resolute, almost exactly the same as his own face shape and even its extension.

At this moment, the four eyes looked at each other, both sides were calm.

The next moment, the giant palm was completely pressed down, and the almost short-lived black shadow form completely collapsed under this majestic power that could destroy the world.

At this moment, the last bit of authority in heaven and earth gathered together.

Heaven and earth are all under your control.

The blood moon began to crumble, and the countless ghosts and evil spirits that were still plundering between the heaven and the earth seemed to have suddenly reached the end of their lifespan. One second, they were still fighting with the People's Alliance armed forces. The next moment, it was like ice and snow melting. Large tracts of ghosts and evil spirits were completely wiped out with the collapse of that blood moon.

The scorching sun is getting stronger, and the bursting light completely illuminates every corner of the world. Nothing can block the sunshine.

Whether it is the bottom of the sea where the sun never shines all year round, or the secluded jungle, or the ghosts everywhere, or even the darkness in the hearts of living beings, at this moment, there seems to be a ray of dawn shining through, purifying the residue of the filth in the world.

The majestic power of the gods, like the tide, rises in the scorching sun and washes every part of the world without leaving anything behind.

The dead land returns to the loess with vitality. All things that have been polluted by time are either completely wiped out in the world, or they seem to go back in time and return to a state of vitality.

Countless half-human, half-ghost souls who are supposed to control the power of ghosts and evil spirits, and refine the power of ghosts and evil spirits, are now the focus of the cleansing of this power.

Like the spring breeze blowing on the face, that ghostly and evil power is a nightmare for any extraordinary will. Under the washing of this power, it also melts like ice and snow.

The power of ghosts and evils does not exist, but there is a trace of the mark of the gods. It replaces the lost power of ghosts and evils and maintains the existence of extraordinary will. It is derived from the instinct of gods. It seems that they want to continue to maintain the status quo of the god's birth and enjoy it. He is the only true god in the world who worships him with faith.

At this moment, all living beings are looking up at the blazing sun. The belief system cultivated over decades in the rising sun calendar, under this reality of pacifying ghosts and evil spirits, an unprecedented and majestic belief in all living beings suddenly burst out and converged towards that great sun. .

The sun shines brighter and brighter, washing the world like a wave of power, one after another, endless. And in that land of chaos, the bright silver light has completely filled every place in the land of chaos. Only one of the two divine palaces now stands.

The world's authority is completely unified, everything in the world is under control, and all the darkness and filth in the world have no possibility of resistance and will undoubtedly be completely purified.

"Prosperous wealth has never fallen into this world..."

The gods exerted their mighty power, and Chu Mu pulled the thin thread, but his brows became increasingly doubtful.

The last bit of authority was gathered together, and the authority of the world was unified. For him, there was naturally no so-called secrecy and obscurity in this world.

The answer is still very clear.

In this life, whether now or in the past, there is no trace of the existence of wealth.

It is true that it has not followed him into this world.

In this world, there is no second path of impurity.

Only this Blood Moon Evil God with Blood Moon as the core tried to force him to sink completely and occupy the magpie's nest.

After thinking for just a moment, Chu Mu's eyes were fixed on the worshiping living beings in the world.

The system of the kingdom of God on earth has long been stable. The existence of gods has come to the world, and it has long been normal for people to worship gods and believe in gods.

His eyes moved slightly, and in the next moment, his eyes moved and were fixed on the god in front of him.

Immediately, with a flash of spiritual light like a torch, he slowly approached the body of the god.

In just a few breaths, the thin thread broke apart, and the shadow standing behind the god became completely integrated with the god.

This time, he ignored the danger of complete destruction and completely integrated his illusory self into this god.

For the first time, the power of the gods was reflected in his perception without any barriers or any obscurity.

And he is integrated with the gods, and the power of the gods is clearly reflected in his perception, which undoubtedly means that he, an anomaly, is also very clearly aware of the power of the gods, instead of the aloofness that he deliberately concealed in the past. state.

At this moment, the originally silent power of the gods suddenly rioted!

The majestic god is madly impacting this extremely clear anomaly, impacting his remaining self-consciousness. He instinctively hopes that his self will be completely integrated with the god and completely preserved in this world. !

With a gleam of spiritual light, the impact and persistence of divinity and humanity, Chu Mu looked at the world indifferently.

With the power of the world, the power of the gods cleanses the world over and over again. Without the support of the core blood moon, the ghosts, evil and filth in the world, under the power of the gods, are like rootless duckweeds in the wind and waves, without any protection. The power of support disappeared in an instant.

In just a short moment, the world took on a new look, and all the dead and evil things disappeared. Only the scorching sun hung high, and the faith belonging to the gods rose into the sky like rainbows and clouds.

The blood moon collapsed, and the ghosts and evil spirits were wiped out, but...the faith still existed, and even became more pious.

The scorching sun is high, and the gods are still sitting in the clouds. Between heaven and earth, the human alliance of this divine kingdom has been in the process of forming a stable divine kingdom for decades.

Everything is...faith comes first and serving the gods comes first.

There is no filth in the world, but this world is no longer the spiritual world reflected by his subconscious mind.

It has transformed from a world of lifeless technology to a world of faith where gods come to the world.

There is no way for man to conquer heaven. There is only faith and prayer. There is only this God of the Great Sun.

"There should be no gods in this world."

The gods murmured to themselves and uttered human words. A touch of human brilliance was like a candle in the wind, but it stood firm under the impact of divinity.

At this moment, the divine power sweeping across the human world, under the control of human nature, instantly broke away from the control of divinity.

The majestic power of the gods is like a huge tsunami, sweeping through the world again and washing the world.

But this time, what is being washed is not the filth that no longer exists, but directly cutting off the foundation of the gods, washing people's memories, washing people's beliefs, and even washing away all traces of the existence of gods in this world.

In the dark, the mighty power of the gods, under the control of human nature, is like a pair of giant palms, forcing the world that has completely deviated from the original order to return to the original track.

There is no spirit in this world.

There should not be a god in this world.

There shouldn't be any extraordinary power.

The Blood Moon Calendar, the Rising Solar Calendar, the Human Alliance, the Evil Suppressing Guard, all of them should not exist.

Countries are still countries, and the catastrophe of a world war woven by the world's powers has penetrated into the minds of everyone in the world under the influence of this divine power.

Everything about the catastrophe, everything that should not have existed, was directly erased without a trace.

When the last touch of divine power left the world, the heaven and earth suddenly became dim. Then, the heaven and earth reappeared with light, and the light from the sun shone in the world again.

However, this scorching sun is not the god of the sun that is derived from the beliefs of all living beings, but a flaming planet that is covered by the secular world, a mundane sun.

The changes that have changed the world have not caused any fluctuations in the world.

People were thankful that the war that had been woven out of them was over. Countries that had been re-divided one after another began what they thought was post-war reconstruction, starting people's new lives, and a brand new post-war era.

No one would know that just a moment ago, there was still a catastrophe where ghosts and evil spirits were rampant. The blood moon calendar, the rising solar calendar, ghosts and evil spirits, the coming of gods, the will to communicate with gods, and even the kingdom of gods on earth, everything was buried in Deep in the world, no one will know.

Within the rules of the world, no one will notice any abnormalities.

At the top of the world, in that land of chaos, the Blood Moon Divine Court has long been destroyed, and the majestic Great Sun Divine Court has also collapsed.

The gods derived from the faith of all living beings, after a dazzling silver glow burst out, turned into a silver glow that filled the sky, scattering in this chaotic land and in this human world.

Dust to ashes, dust to dust, originates from the faith of all living beings, and will eventually be annihilated by the faith of all living beings.

In the mortal world, gods should not exist.

After the majestic divinity was wiped out, the trace of humanity that he struggled to hold on to, the illusory green shirt reappeared, and he slowly walked out of the land of chaos.

Like a meteor streaking across the sky, it flew past this human world.

Finally, at the end of the world, the illusion became transparent, slowly dissipated, and then disappeared into this spiritual world without causing any ripples...


(End of this chapter)

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