Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 610: Disorderly expansion!

Chapter 610: Disorderly expansion!

The ghost tide broke out in the second year of the Blood Moon. By the third year of the Blood Moon, the war between humans and ghosts should have become more intense and tense according to common sense.

But at the beginning of the third year of the Blood Moon, the war had strangely calmed down.

The evil ghosts who caused chaos around the world have also been calmed down one after another. Under the order of the evil spirits, the nine evil evil armies have become more and more powerful, with clear goals, but almost no mistakes, and they are rapidly gathering towards the Tianshu base.

Under the ghost tide, every base of the Human League was in danger. Under the strange autumn of Gui Xie, they naturally stabilized and escaped the fate of fall.

Under the organization of the People's League, all bases have restored order extremely efficiently.

However, this time the order has completely given up on killing ghosts and evil spirits, and all manpower and material resources have been concentrated on the further implementation of the Dawn Plan.

At the beginning of the third year of the Blood Moon, for most ordinary people, it was like returning to a long-lost peace under the catastrophes one after another. There were no wars, no ghosts, and except for the increasingly strict order, it was incomparable. of peace.

To all those in the know, this brief moment of peace was obviously just the calm before the storm.

The nine ghost and evil armies that grew in size seemed to have no intention of harming the human alliance, but their goals were extremely clear.

Tianshu Base, the core of the Human League!

It's a direct attack on Huanglong!

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Since the target of Guixie was confirmed, the entire Human League order has fallen into an unprecedented high-load operation.

This high-load operation is not just to prepare for war, but to fight against the evil ghosts that are sweeping over the sky.

It lies in the further implementation of the Dawn Plan.

However, this time the Dawn Plan is even crazier and more thorough than the previous stages of the Dawn Plan.

In the past, the Dawn Project's cultivation of extraordinary wills has been rapidly expanding, but at least this expansion has been in a controllable order.

Each extraordinary will is carefully selected, and then undergoes long or short training in each extraordinary training base. After passing the preliminary assessment, they are allowed to visualize the will totem and control ghosts and evil spirits. Thus stepping into the realm of extraordinary will.

But this time, after Chu Mu used his spiritual radiance to protect his mental clarity, the previous system for cultivating extraordinary willpower was almost completely overturned.

Thirty-five large will totems and hundreds of small will totems were all refined under the influence of the majestic power of faith of all living beings, and then were continuously sent to people under the order of the Human Alliance. Bases of various sizes under the alliance order.

There are no restrictions on the cultivation of extraordinary beings in the past. All adults under the order of the mortal alliance can register with the evil-suppressing guards in various places, visualize the will totem, and then assign the corresponding ghosts and evil spirits to set foot on the extraordinary will.

There is no doubt that the implementation of the Dawn Plan this time has obviously completely deviated from the original intention.

Previously, the implementation of the Dawn Plan had always followed Chu Mu's will and focused on purifying the source of filth.

Therefore, any god with extraordinary will uses his body to control ghosts and seizes the creation of ghosts and evil spirits. At the same time, he also uses his mind and will to refine ghosts and evil spirits.

But now, the wanton popularization of extraordinary will has undoubtedly completely deviated from the most fundamental purpose.

An ordinary person who has not received any special training, does not have enough experience in dealing with ghosts and evil spirits, and does not have a strong will, even if he is blessed by the sword mark brand, he can barely step into the extraordinary will, but obviously, he can only barely step into it.

It's completely counterproductive, and it's basically impossible to expect his soul and will to refine ghosts and evil spirits.

Even if it were possible, the cost that would need to be compensated in the future would be too great, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Such extraordinary expansion regardless of the cost has obviously completely violated the original intention of the Dawn Project. A large number of people with extraordinary wills who are not even qualified will naturally do far more harm than good to the order of the Human League.

After all, having an extraordinary will and using one's body to control ghosts is not the immortality that people imagine, nor is it the ability to live freely in the world and have boundless power.

Every monster with an extraordinary will to control ghosts and evils will inevitably be corroded by ghosts and evil spirits at the same time that it seizes the creation of ghosts and evil spirits. It will also inevitably become a monster that cannot be tolerated by human ethics and morality.

The existence of half-humans and half-ghosts, no matter how brainwashed they are by the People's League's propaganda, it is obviously impossible to change the normal ethics and morals of mankind in just one or two years.

Even though there are knife marks to mark the soul to prevent the mind from being corroded by ghosts and evil spirits, this extraordinary rapid expansion and the uncontrollable expansion of the half-human and half-ghost group will naturally cause instability within the human alliance.

But even if it does more harm than good, at this point in time, it is ignored by everyone, and under the order of the Human Alliance, it is undoubtedly carried out.

Three years since the Blood Moon, the entire Human Alliance, under this extraordinary expansion regardless of the cost, has had tens of thousands of new extraordinary wills born every day on average.

Ninety percent of them were unquestionably unqualified according to the extraordinary standards set by the People's League.

However, this kind of disqualification is obviously limited to the disqualification of the People's League order.

As far as this belief system is formed by chance, anyone with an extraordinary will is a believer.

The only difference lies in the purity and firmness of the faith.

The purity of faith means that there are not too many distracting thoughts, and the power of the gathered faith is more in line with the sharpness of the sword and more pious.

The firmness of faith means that the power of faith can be made more abundant and stronger.

The existence of these two points is like the difference between a fanatical believer and a shallow believer.

The difference between the existence of the two is very obvious for individuals.

But for these millions of religious groups, it is obviously as insignificant as a drop of water falling into the vast ocean.

Moreover, with the scars of the sword imprinted on the soul, this kind of "shallow believer" will, sooner or later, subtly develop a firm belief that becomes firmer and purer.

And all of this, for Chu Mu, the "human god", is naturally an increasingly majestic gathering of beliefs among all living beings.

That force that could destroy heaven and earth, under the influence of this rapidly expanding extraordinary group, or... "believer group", he could clearly feel the power becoming more and more terrifying almost every minute.

Under this terrifying power, even though his physical body was still there, even though his "spiritual blessing" protected his true spirit at all times, he clearly felt like he was about to be completely annihilated.

However, this kind of annihilation is not annihilation in the popular sense.

It's because... his weak body cannot carry the faith of all sentient beings, nor can it complete the mission that all sentient beings hope for...

The person that all living beings hope for is not the weak person he is now...


(End of this chapter)

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