Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 573 Evil Ghosts

Chapter 573 Evil Ghosts

city ​​c.

Rooftop Village.

In this materialistic technological age, this village located among the mountains is undoubtedly a bit out of place.

Even under the policy of secular order, everything modernized is reflected in this mountain village, but everything modernized cannot change the customs of the mountain village itself.

As the saying goes, relying on the mountains to feed the mountains, relying on the water to feed the water, this Roof Ridge Village is naturally a place to rely on the mountains to feed the mountains.

The existence of the mountain has undoubtedly given rise to countless legends since ancient times.

For example, the ghosts and monsters in the mountains, zombies and monsters...

However, as the saying goes, evil cannot defeat good. In the ancient fantasy, since evil spirits that harm people exist, there is also a righteous path that protects people.

In Wuji Village, a place that relies on mountains and eats mountains, there have naturally been countless legends surrounding the mountains since ancient times. Naturally, they have evolved into taboos and deep-rooted customs.

Naturally, there is the so-called patron saint of Roofji Village, who enjoys the worship of villagers and prays for blessings.

These customs are undoubtedly extremely incompatible with this materialistic technological era.

However, Wuji Village is located among the mountains, and its connection with the outside world is only limited to a mountain road that is hundreds of miles long and spans the mountains.

The nearly isolated environment is naturally doomed. In the eyes of the outside world, these customs that are ignorant, backward, and even... cruel are destined to continue for a long, long time.

September 9th is the Double Ninth Festival to the outside world, but to Wuji Village, it is the annual God Sacrifice Ceremony.

However, the god worshiped by Wuji Village is not the righteous gods in the legend, but a tiger.

According to the legend of Wuji Village, it was under the protection of this tiger that the ancestors of Wuji Village were able to take root and multiply in the mountains and survive to this day.

In recent years, it seems that due to abnormal climate, the climate in the mountains has changed, and the harvest of relying on the mountains has naturally been greatly reduced.

I don’t know when, but a saying began to spread in Wukong Village, that is, in recent years, the sacrifices to tigers in Wuji Village have become more and more superficial and lack of sincerity. Therefore, the tigers were angry and caused disasters. Only because of the abnormal climate in these years has it become difficult for Roof Ridge Village to maintain its support.

Obviously no one can tell whether this statement is true or false.

But the abnormal climate is a fact.

The sacrifices are superficial. As far as this rooftop village is concerned, it seems to be true.

After all, no matter how closed Roof Ridge Village is, in this technological society, it will inevitably be impacted by the outside world.

The past tradition of human sacrifice was obviously impossible to continue.

The laws and order of the outside world will certainly not allow it.

It’s just that customs and taboos are deeply ingrained?

And this rumor...the principle of three people becoming a tiger seems to have become a reality in this mountain village.

If you tell a lie ten thousand times, it becomes the truth.

This is the case for the villagers of Wuji Village.

Even if they don't believe it, few people dare to refute it due to various concerns in people's hearts and the deep-rooted customs and taboos.

The ignorance of a few people firmly believes, and the majority of people follow the crowd.

It is destined that this ceremony to worship the gods on the Double Ninth Festival must be a tragedy.

But this tragedy did not come from the villagers of Wuji Village, but from an outsider.

A girl who got lost in the mountains while hiking.

For those who believe in ignorance, there are suitable sacrifices.

For those who follow the crowd, dead Taoist friends are not dead and poor Taoists, and the psychological burden is greatly reduced.

Her appearance undoubtedly became a balance point for people in Roofji Village, an existence that everyone can accept.

At this moment, in the hundreds-of-year-old Tiger Temple, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of villagers, the girl was tied up with five flowers. Sobbing in despair, she was carried to the ferocious clay sculpture of the Tiger in the temple.

There are elderly villagers with strange makeup and strange clothes of different colors. Some are holding wooden sticks, some are holding bamboo weavings, and some are holding red lanterns. They are surrounded by people in the Tiger Temple. The girl with a desperate face twisted her body strangely and muttered words, as if she was praying for something.

The rest of the villagers stood around this strange scene, most of them with calm expressions. Occasionally, when they saw the desperate girl, many of them showed unbearable expressions, but soon they would deliberately avoid looking, as if they could not see her. For pure general.

Finally, as a splash of bright red fell on the tiger clay sculpture, the girl's desperate eyes no longer had any sparkle.

Only her widened eyes seemed to still be telling her despair, her unwillingness, and... her... resentment towards these executioners.

The villagers who were watching and the old man with strange makeup all left one after another as if they were afraid of touching some taboo after the blood splattered.

The girl's body just collapsed in front of the clay sculpture. The blood was still flowing slowly under the gaze of the wide-eyed eyes, staining the soil and the tiger sculpture red.

If nothing else happens, the girl's body will have to be kept here for three days.

According to the custom of Wuji Village, these three days are the time for the tiger to enjoy the sacrifices.

During this time, no one can disturb you. To disturb someone is to offend the tiger, which is an unforgivable sin.

Therefore, as soon as the sacrifice was over, the Tiger Temple was completely sealed off. Just in case, the village even arranged for two young strong men to keep vigil outside the temple.

As night falls, the coldness in the mountains has undoubtedly begun to show signs of autumn and winter.

The two men who were keeping vigil at night also set up a bonfire in front of the Tiger Temple. They had several bottles of spirits and meat grilled on the bonfire. A mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine. The two men also had a very happy conversation.

During the conversation, it was inevitable to talk about the girl as a sacrifice.

In their words, the two of them seemed to be unable to hide their regrets. A young girl with a graceful appearance was a rare thing in this mountain village.

As the conversation got more exciting, the two hot-tempered men couldn't help bursting into bursts of tacit laughter.

But at this moment, neither of them noticed that the closed temple door had slowly opened at some point.

The flickering light of the fire dimly illuminated the darkness in the temple, and the body that collapsed in front of the tiger sculpture seemed to have disappeared.

In the darkness, the tiger sculpture stands tall and majestic, but at this moment, the tiger sculpture, which was originally a clay sculpture, has a more ruddy color of life under the dim light of the fire.

Two clay sculpture eyes the size of copper bells seemed to be looking at the two men outside the temple who were not smiling lewdly. In their eyes, instead of the lifelessness of the clay sculptures, they seemed to have a little more desire? A little more bloodthirsty?

When the night falls and the first ray of morning sun shines over the mountains, this should be the time when the smoke from the cooking pots is curling up in this rooftop village nestled between the mountains.

People should prepare breakfast and prepare dry food for the mountains.

But in the early morning of this day, the entire Roof Ridge Village was completely silent. There was no sound or any trace of human activity.

In the past, it would have taken a long, long time for the outside world to notice the anomalies in Roof Ridge Village.

But this time, or in other words, under the changing order of the world today, the anomalies in Roof Ridge Village were tracked down almost immediately by the drone fleet patrolling this mountain forest day and night.

Soon, several drones flew over at low altitude, and the impact of the mountain villages captured by the drones was transmitted to the information center almost in real time.

Under the extremely efficient early warning procedure, these scenes of images were finally presented to Chu Mu with extremely clear clarity.

The picture is very clear. It is flying from a low altitude, close to Roof Ridge Village, surrounded by mountains, and the rising sun is shining on the scattered houses. Under the almost beautiful scenery of the mountain village, a scene is almost terrifying and terrifying. Presented with extreme clarity.

In the grain drying field of Wuji Village located on the mountainside, among the stacks of grain and hay, there are several "haystacks" mixed with blood and white, which are very dazzling.

When the scene is zoomed in, one can clearly see that this so-called haystack is actually a pile of countless stumps and broken arms.

Each one was a hideous-looking head, mixed with severed arms, organs, and pieces of flesh...

All human body structures eventually merged with the almost solidified blood, forming a series of terrifying mountains of flesh.

"The changes in Roof Ridge Village were detected by the Eighth UAV Squadron of City C at 5:12:38 this morning."

"The last daily inspection of Wuji Village was at 1:36 this morning. At this time, there was no abnormality in Wuji Village."

"After noticing the anomaly, at 5:13 sharp, the Eighth UAV Team reported to the City C Emergency Command Center. At 5:13 and 26 seconds, the City C Emergency Command Center followed the instructions Your instructions, Master, have activated the emergency mechanism, and while reporting to the higher-ups, City C’s rapid response team has also been dispatched to rush to Roofji Village with the Suppressing Magic Talisman.”

"By now, City C's rapid response team should have almost arrived at Roof Ridge Village."

"The command center has prepared helicopters, and the nearest airport has arranged aircraft on standby. If you want to rush to the scene, it is estimated that you can arrive at Roof Ridge Village within three hours."

"Regarding the information on Roofji Village, the C City Emergency Command Center is also urgently collecting information. Within ten minutes, there should be a detailed file report..."

When the scene was frozen, Wang Yue also reported in an orderly manner.

Chu Mu nodded slightly and said nothing, but stared at the frozen scene.

Although the images captured by technology are just pure images, you can't feel the atmosphere of the scene at all, and you can't detect the slightest abnormality from them.

But just from this picture, Chu Mu could almost conclude that this was definitely not the work of secular forces.

The reason is very simple. Just from the expressions and eyes of those broken heads, it is not difficult to see that each of them experienced extreme torture before death.

It is not difficult to torture hundreds of villagers to death in just a few hours with ordinary power.

But if you want to do this when there are daily inspections every few hours, then obviously, the possibility is basically zero.

Even if he could do it, he would never be able to escape the surveillance of his huge network.

"Torture and destruction...So, you still choose people's negative desires?"

"Despair... resentment? Pain?"

Chu Mu's eyes moved slightly, but his expression remained calm.

In this case, from the perspective of the world of immortality, it undoubtedly belongs to the category of evil spirits and ghosts.

In a world without demons, people's negative desires and blood energy are obviously the few sources of energy that support existences such as ghosts and evil spirits...


(End of this chapter)

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