Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 557 Ancient Secrets

Chapter 557 Ancient Secrets

"Scorpion eggs..."

Chu Mu murmured to himself unconsciously. At this moment, it seemed that even the clear mind under the coordination of "Spiritual Brilliance Blessing" could not maintain a stable state of mind.

He stared blankly at the mysterious font that was difficult to discern with the naked eye. After a while, he almost looked down with difficulty at the dazzling scarlet mark on his wrist.

Scorpion eggs gestate...Scorpion eggs mature...

The literal meaning is obviously clear.

This dazzling scarlet and lifelike sand-tailed scorpion pattern is actually a... scorpion egg!

"So, is it similar to a curse? Or is it a backlash?"

Chu Mu seemed to have a clear understanding.

This experience was not his first.

In the Demon Realm world back then, he was forced by the real demon to refine the Demon Realm Heart. Every time he killed a demon that evolved from the Demon Realm Heart, he was forced to endure a wisp of backlash from the Demon Realm Heart, and eventually evolved into that demon. Terrifying demonic erosion.

For ordinary people, it is obviously difficult to escape from the fate of being completely corroded and demonized.

If he hadn't happened to be cultivating the True Fire of the Sun, and had natural restraint against evil spirits such as demonization and erosion, coupled with the refining of the Nine Dragons Suppressing Prison Tower, he wouldn't have been able to survive until now.

And this time...

This scarlet color obviously cannot appear for no reason.

The greatest possibility obviously lies in this.

Killing is also a backlash.

And this backlash eventually condensed into the so-called "scorpion eggs".

In other words... the more killing, the faster the "scorpion eggs" will be gestated, until the final "scorpion eggs" will gestate and mature?

But why...

This stone tablet, or this so-called "Pure Soul Mountain", will require the "scorpion eggs" to mature before you can enter it?

Chu Mu looked around and saw endless sand-tailed scorpions, faithfully fulfilling their mission as always, blocking and killing all foreign monks who came close to this place.

It seems that the existence of this "Pure Soul Mountain" is a fatal threat to the sand-tailed scorpion group...

Chu Mu took a deep breath, and as the soul blade trembled in the sea of ​​consciousness, an invisible sharpness also circulated around his body.

In an instant, all the negative emotions in my heart were removed.

His eyes became clearer, and under the "spiritual blessing", his thoughts burst out, and soon, a clear sequence of events was sorted out.

From the time he entered this desert sea for trial, to the endless bloodshed, to his hidden disguise, and finally to this place...

Obviously, no matter who it is, as long as they come to Fangshahai, there will be bloody killings, and this one... "Scorpion egg!"

And the appearance of the "Pure Soul Mountain" in front of us, the meaning of the appearance of the stone tablet, and the conditions for entering it...

In other words, this "scorpion egg" is actually the core of this secret trial realm...

However, the backlash of the world of the Demon Realm is due to the refining of the Heart of the Demon Realm. It is because the body of the soul enters the illusory land of the Demon Realm, and the soul directly comes into contact with the monsters, that the backlash occurs.

And this side of Mohai was just killing sand-tailed scorpions, so why did it breed "scorpion eggs"?

Or should we say that this desert sea is also... "illusory"?

"Jinghun Mountain..."

Chu Mu silently recited this term, one pure, one soul...

The mountain of pure souls...

Purify the soul?

"If the scorpion eggs come from our slaughter of sand-tailed scorpions, then if we want to mature the scorpion eggs, in other words, we need to kill more... sand-tailed scorpions?"

Qin Zhaoxue also regained her composure, looked at Chu Mu, and heard a message.

"If we look at the conditions of this mountain, if nothing unexpected happens, this should be the case."

Chu Mu nodded slightly, this was undoubtedly obvious.


No one can be sure whether this "scorpion egg" is good or bad. Is this Pure Soul Mountain one of the trials or a... trap?

Qin Zhaoxue frowned slightly, she naturally wanted to get this.

But the question is, how to distinguish the true from the false?

This seems to be another unsolvable problem.

At this time, after Chu Mu thought for a moment, the conversation suddenly changed:

"Chu once heard that in ancient times, there were several catastrophes that swept through the entire world of immortality. They were all caused by sand-tailed scorpions. The horror of the catastrophe was not even weaker than the invasion of demons."

"Does Miss Qin know the secret?"

Qin Zhaoxue was slightly startled, and after a moment of silence, something as clear and crisp as a silver bell slowly rang in Chu Mu's ears.

"What you heard, fellow Taoist, should be correct."

“In our clan’s secret book, there are also quite detailed records of the Sand-Tailed Scorpion catastrophe in ancient times.” ˆ˜ˆˆ “These records all come from our clan’s predecessors’ exploration of ancient secrets, and their credibility should be acceptable. "

"According to the secret book, the Sand Tail Scorpion Mother is not a native creature of this world of immortality..."

Chu Mu was surprised: "Non-native creatures?"


Qin Zhaoxue affirmed: "The appearance of the sand-tailed scorpion should have a lot to do with the upper realm. According to the records of our clan's secret book, it should be related to a war in the upper realm that year."

"It should be that the great supernatural power of the upper realm shattered the space, causing a severely injured sand-tailed scorpion mother to fall from the upper realm into the world of immortality."

"It's a pity that at that time, it happened to be the time when the demons invaded. The demons' catastrophe swept through the entire world of immortality. Under the invasion of the demons, the entire world of immortality was overwhelmed and retreated steadily."

"Being so preoccupied with herself not only allowed the Sand-tailed Scorpion Mother to survive the most dangerous and vulnerable period safely, but the bloodshed caused by the demon invasion also provided the severely injured Sand-tailed Scorpion Mother with a large amount of blood energy to heal her wounds."

"Therefore, just a few hundred years after the end of the demonic tribulation, in order to completely heal her injuries, the Sand Tail Scorpion Mother once again set off a catastrophe that swept the entire world of immortality..."

"That catastrophe was tantamount to annihilation for the world of cultivators who had just taken a breather from the demonic calamity. According to records, it was that catastrophe that almost directly laid the foundation for today's cultivation world. The fairy world is divided into pieces."

Chu Mu was confused: "In other words, in ancient times, the world of immortality was a whole?"

"It cannot be regarded as a whole. It should be said that it is a whole with the ethnic group as the system."

Qin Zhaoxue nodded: "In ancient times, all race monks were under the rule of a force called Tiangong."

"In that era, the Heavenly Palace hung high in the sky, located in the center of the continent, and ruled all the human monks in the world of immortality..."

"And all the demon clans in the world of cultivating immortals are under the rule of a force called Demon Court. Demon Court is located in the center of the vast sea, and countless demon beast groups are under its ruling orders."

"According to legend, there are ten thousand demon flags in the Demon Court, gathering the life souls of all major groups of the demon clan. When the Demon Court gives an order, the infinite demon clan will almost follow them."

"The Ten Thousand Monster Flags of each ethnic group of the Monster Clan are all imitated from the Ten Thousand Monster Flags of the ancient Demon Court."

"It is said that before the demon clan invaded, the entire world of immortality was a battle for hegemony between the human race and the demon clan."

"In that era, under the integration of the Heavenly Palace and the Demon Court, the two sides fought endless wars. The longest war on record even lasted for hundreds of thousands of years..."

"After the demon clan invaded, due to the terrifying pressure from the demon clan, the two sides had to reluctantly stick together for warmth. The human race and the demon clan temporarily formed a alliance."

"And when the demon invasion ended, the alliance between the two sides naturally ceased to exist in name only. The demon invasion ended only a hundred years ago, and for some unknown reason, the two sides started a war again before they even finished recuperating."

"And that mother sand-tailed scorpion is extremely cunning and has reproduced countless sand-tailed scorpions. She participated in this war as a demon clan and used the feedback from this war to rapidly grow the sand-tailed scorpion clan..."

"In the end, the war between the human race and the monster race will naturally become a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman will gain."

"In that battle, the entire world of cultivating immortals almost completely fell..."

"It is said that both the Heavenly Palace and the Demon Court have contacted the Upper Realm many times. However, at that time, the Upper Realm seemed to be experiencing some kind of disaster and there was no response."

"Until later, the Heavenly Palace fell, the Demon Court was destroyed, and the entire world of immortality was completely destroyed in a de facto sense. Both humans and demons were reduced to homeless dogs in the face of the endless tide of sand-tailed scorpions."

"This has lasted for nearly a thousand years. In the history of the world of immortality, this thousand-year spring and autumn period is also called the era of extinction."

"Just like the demon clan, countless monster beast races perished in this catastrophe. As for the human race, the inheritance of countless races was also cut off..."

"It was not until thousands of years later that the anomalies in the world of immortality finally attracted the attention of the upper world."

"A person with great supernatural powers from the upper realm came and took action personally to suppress this sand-tailed scorpion mother."

"After that, without the Heavenly Palace, the Demon Court's coordination, coupled with the monks with great supernatural powers from the upper realm, they only suppressed the mother sand-tailed scorpions, and the countless remaining sand-tailed scorpions were not dealt with."

"Therefore, the entire world of immortality, humans and demons, is naturally a piece of loose sand, and this has gradually formed the current fragmented structure of the world of immortality."

"For example, the ancient Immortal Dao Sect is said to have been founded by an elder from Tiangong. The predecessor of Daheng, Xingxiu Divine Palace, was also founded by an elder from Tiangong..."

"Therefore, in today's world of immortality, major forces often use this catastrophe as a dividing line when researching ancient secrets."

"Before the catastrophe of the Sand-tailed Scorpion Mother, it was classified as the real ancient times. After the catastrophe of the Sand-tailed Scorpion, although it is usually called ancient times, if it is specifically classified, it should be called the modern era."

"After all, the catastrophe caused by the Sand Tail Scorpion Mother and the era of extinction almost completely destroyed the entire world of immortality."

"Countless inheritances, countless skills and secrets, and countless wisdom crystallizations from our predecessors were almost all destroyed in that catastrophe. The inheritance was completely cut off and disappeared from the world."

"Even today, many of the so-called ancient skills are actually products of the recent past. There are very few true inheritance of ancient skills and secrets that can be passed down to this day."


(End of this chapter)

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