Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 547 Missing Whereabouts

Chapter 547 Missing Whereabouts


There was a sound of the knife, and the light of the knife passed by. A sand-tailed scorpion in the formation, which was as motionless as a dead object, was divided into two parts under the action of the light of the knife.

The body structure of the sand-tailed scorpion is also extremely clearly reflected in Chu Mu's eyes through this demonic body divided into two.

Ever since I stepped into the Vast Sea Cultivation World, whether it was to study the bloodline magical power, bloodline pedigree, or to gain a deeper understanding of the demon-centered cultivation system in the Vast Sea Cultivation World.

He has dissected and studied almost countless monsters from first level to third level.

Although he only entered this strange desert sea for a few days, there were undoubtedly countless sand-tailed scorpions that fell into his hands.

At least, as far as he knew, this sand-tailed scorpion was undoubtedly a living creature.

There is the sea of ​​consciousness, there are meridians, there are blood vessels, there is Dantian, there is flesh and blood...

Sand-tailed scorpions possess the characteristics of all living creatures.

As for the puppet, even if it is a flesh puppet, or even an authentic flesh demon puppet, even if there is no abnormality on the outside, extremely clear abnormalities must be detected in its internal structure.

After all, the power of living beings comes from practice, from the plundering and refining of the energy of heaven and earth, and from the concentration of great power in oneself.

The source of power for dead things like puppets obviously does not come from self-cultivation, but from spiritual stones and external energy. To turn these external energies into the power of puppets, one must be required. corresponding system.

For example, array forbidden inscriptions, such as flesh and blood demon patterns...

These must be clear inside the puppet and cannot be concealed.

Unless, this puppet system is not within his knowledge, or in other words, its mystery is beyond his imagination.

But the problem is...such endless sand-tailed scorpions...

It seems unrealistic that they are all puppets...

Chu Mu pursed his lips and looked up at the sky. Then, as if he thought of something, he laughed to himself.

Ultimately, this is a good habit, but to some extent, it seems to be a source of trouble.

If an ordinary monk were in the same situation as him, he would have been preoccupied with escaping and would not care about these unusual and strange things.

Even if he was aware of it, he would probably put it aside for the time being and escape for his life first. He would not have the energy or cognition to notice it, or even use it to his advantage.

It's even less likely that he would be like him, for these anomalies, and even evolve into what he is now... gambling on his life!

"Forget it..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Chang took out a breath and his eyes became firmer.

He raised his hand and wiped it, and the last sand-tailed scorpion that turned into a dead thing instantly shattered.

Immediately, he looked outside the formation again. Following his thoughts, the rotating Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation once again opened a crack several feet long.

Outside the formation, the tide of sand-tailed scorpions surged like a tidal wave. The moment the crack appeared, they seemed to have found a place to pour in, and they poured into the formation one after another.


As if holding the Heavenly Constitution in his mouth, Chu Mu drank softly, and the red chains intertwined and spread. In just an instant, the dozens of sand-tailed scorpions that poured into the formation were instantly restrained and suppressed.

At the same time, the cracks in the formation healed. Chu Mu took out a pill and drank it. His pale face seemed to be a little more rosy.

Only then did he look at the dozens of sand-tailed scorpions that were once again imprisoned in the formation.

There is no doubt that as the cracks in the formation heal, the connection between these dozens of sand-tailed scorpions and the existence behind the scenes has been completely cut off by the formation.

At present, although these dozens of sand-tailed scorpions are still alive and active, judging from the weirdness just now, it is estimated that before long, like the previous sand-tailed scorpions, they will slowly lose their souls and eventually turn into a body similar to silence. Sealed dead things.

The refining of the Bullying Pill focuses on the word "kill alive".

In other words, it must be used as a spiritual material for refining the Heaven-Deceiving Pill only when the living beings are alive.

However, after seeing the weirdness just now, Chu Mu was not sure whether the refining of the Heaven-Deceiving Pill could still be completed.

After all, the purpose of the Deception Pill is to smelt all the essence, energy and spirit of a living creature into a single pill.

When a monk takes this elixir, in a sense, it is even equivalent to "taking possession of one's body"!

However, what is different from seizing one's body in the usual sense is that the initiative of the two is not the same.

The purpose of seizing the body is to annihilate the opponent's soul and forcibly seize the opponent's body, while the Deception Pill is to forcibly refine the pill that has been transformed into the opponent's essence and spirit, so that it possesses the aura of the soul of the person being refined, thus achieving the goal of confusing the real with the fake. The effect of concealing the truth from the sky.

And the premise of all this is naturally a living creature, not a dead thing like a puppet.

Dead things obviously cannot possess spirit...

And the sand-tailed scorpion in front of me...

For living things? Or a dead thing?

Chu Mu was not sure either.

After pondering for a while, a touch of real fire reappeared.

Chu Mu was not too entangled. If he could, he would rather believe what was recorded on the jade slip that the endless sand-tailed scorpions were just a test.

A kind of test for monks who enter the ruins of this cave.

In this way, these strange things seem to be barely reasonable.

After all, if it is a trial, the word "trial" can undoubtedly explain a lot of things.

Because of the trial, it must not be a dead end. Nine deaths should be a lifetime.

"Nine dead and alive..."

Chu Mu seemed to have some realization and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

The scorching sun hangs high for nine days, and the eternal night falls for nine hours.

In the world of immortality, nine is also the ultimate number.

Nine is also the supreme number. Even in the world of immortality, there is a legend about nine transformations into immortality.

Doesn’t this nine have a profound meaning here?

Chu Mu's eyes moved slightly, and while his thoughts were flowing, the real fire was burning, and the silver-white sand-tailed scorpion was also stained with a bit of red.

As time passed, with an almost desperate cry, the silver-white sand-tailed scorpion finally turned into a scarlet-colored pill.

Before the real fire was extinguished, Chu Mu raised his hand and wiped it. Several sand-tailed scorpions on the side that had turned into dead objects were swept by the real fire one after another. Under the terrifying high temperature, the monster's body was instantly melted into blood. Finally, Chu Mu Under his control, the blood energy evolved and turned into a sand-tailed scorpion body about ten feet in size.

The entire sand-tailed scorpion's body is almost lifelike, and there is almost no difference from the sand-tailed scorpion that has been refined into the Heaven-Deceiving Pill.

It was only then that the red fire lingering in front of Chu Mu finally slowly dissipated.

Chu Mu raised his hand and flicked it, and the bead that bloomed with bright silver light sank into the center of the sand-tailed scorpion's eyebrows. As a silver light bloomed, there was a vague feeling in the dark. The connection seemed to be born accordingly.

At this time, if you use your spiritual consciousness to perceive it, you will be able to detect that this vague connection is very similar to the connection between these sand-tailed scorpions and the unknown existence behind the scenes.

The only difference is that this simulated connection lacks a bit of the sand-tailed scorpion's aura.

That is the identity mark belonging to the sand-tailed scorpion.

With a thought in Chu Mu's mind, this man-made sand-tailed scorpion's body automatically opened a crack of about ten feet.

And there happens to be a space for one person, which can accommodate people.

Chu Mu raised his hand and touched it, and the Heaven-Deceiving Pill floated in his palm.

The pill is scarlet red, and the violent aura of a monster is very clear.

There is no difference at all between this Heaven-Deceiving Pill and the Heaven-Deceiving Pills he has refined in the past.

From this point of view, this strange sand-tailed scorpion seems to be an undoubted creature.

Chu Mu looked at it for a moment, then moved his eyes slightly and looked around. The tide of sand-tailed scorpions was still raging. It was still no different from when he first came here, and from the bloody killings he had done these days.

At a glance, every sand-tailed scorpion is like a cold killing machine. The aura of the living being is obvious, but there is no emotional fluctuation that belongs to the living being.

Cold, indifferent.

The majestic ancient tower stands, and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation suppresses it here. Even if they go forward one after another to die, there is not the slightest flinch, not the slightest fear.

Like a living thing... yet not a living thing...

Chu Mu raised his head and looked at the sky. The final direction of that mysterious connection was to this strange sky.

It was as if the legendary Sand-Tailed Scorpion Mother was above the sky, overlooking everything in the world, and looking at him, the foreign intruder, indifferently.

It... also doesn't have any mood swings. Even whether it is a sand-tailed scorpion mother is still extremely uncertain.


Chu Mu murmured softly, his slightly hesitant eyes seeming to slowly become firmer.

He rolled up his sleeves, and the scarlet pill hanging in the palm of his hand sank into his mouth. The pill entered his belly. When the power of the medicine burst out, Chu Mu stepped out and sank into the belly of the sand-tailed scorpion.

The cracks shrink and slowly heal visible to the naked eye.

In the end, a silver-white sand-tailed scorpion stood majestically in the formation.

At the same time, the towering Kowloon Prison Tower outside, with a burst of red light rippling, the towering ancient tower dozens of feet high quickly shrank and circled. In just a few breaths, the ancient tower turned into a red light and disappeared into the divine fire. The formation disappeared.

In the vast desert sea, among the endless tide of beasts, there is no such Nine Dragon Divine Fire Formation standing here.

However, without the Nine Dragons Prison Suppression Tower as the core of the formation, the power of this Nine Dragons Divine Fire Tower has also dropped by several levels, completely missing the previous terror of annihilating everything.

The surging tide of sand-tailed scorpions came one after another, and only a few were destroyed by the refining of the formation. Most of them waved their sharp claws, and the continuous attacks fell on this majestic formation one after another.

In just a few breaths, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation, which had stood here for several days, was visibly crumbling like a great grinding mill that had wiped out countless sand-tailed scorpions.

And just when the formation was about to shatter, as if returning to the light, the already dim red suddenly brightened, and the almost dazzling red light completely infected the sky in just an instant.

Countless sand-tailed scorpions that came one after another were suddenly wiped out by this sudden explosion.

Immediately, the crimson light that filled the sky quickly spread towards the surrounding area, from covering a radius of one hundred feet to two hundred feet, three hundred feet...

It expands like blowing air!

Under such expansion, the red real fire, which was originally hot and terrifying, has obviously become a bit more violent.

When this expansion reaches a critical point, the red light that expands and spreads seems to tremble suddenly, and then...


The roar reaches into the sky!

This Nine Dragons Divine Fire Formation exploded with a bang.

The red real fire expanded like air, rising like a giant fireball!

Fire rain burst out all over the sky, and everything for miles around was ablaze with red. The yellow sand melted and turned into almost bright crystals. The countless sand-tailed scorpions that followed were instantly wiped out and turned into fly ash and melted sand.

Bloody, burnt, fire rain...

A terrifying scene of hell on earth has been staged in this desert sea.

And in the center of the great formation, where the fireball burst out, except for a bottomless pit with a radius of hundreds of feet, Chu Mu, who had been attacked by countless sand-tailed scorpions, was nowhere to be seen... …

Whereabouts unknown......


(End of this chapter)

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