Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 392 The beginning of the turmoil

Chapter 392 The beginning of the turmoil
Chu Mu walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck. Thinking back to what the monk had just said, he frowned and seemed a little confused.

The red clouds are under strict martial law, and everywhere you look, there is a scene of solemn killing.

According to his original thought, it was a dispute caused by the death of the young master Xuan She.

This seems to be the case.

Young Master Xuan She died, and the leader of Xuan Snake was furious, and all old and new hatreds broke out.

The outer sea is already in ruins, and the peace of the world of cultivating immortals in the vast sea has naturally been completely broken.

These were naturally within his expectations.

However, judging from what the Chen Family Establishment just said, the development of things seems to be somewhat beyond his expectations.

According to what the Chen Family Foundation Builder just said, the reason why Chixia Island was under martial law in the first place was actually because of the death of "Zhenren Tianyun"!

He personally extracted the soul of Master Tianyun to extract the elixir and refined it into the Deception Pill. Naturally, he knew very well whether Master Tianyun had fallen.

Strictly speaking, Master Tianyun was already considered dead when the Deception Pill was successfully refined.

However, the Deception Pill played a role in concealing the truth and maintaining the illusion of Tianyun's survival.

When the effect of the medicine was exhausted, the news of Tianyun's death was returned to the Chen family.

In the conversation just now, the Chen family foundation builder actually told him... Master Tianyun failed to break through the Nascent Soul, lost control of his energy and spirit, and exploded to death...

Jindan Cave Mansion is located on several fairy mountains in the center of the city. The power of self-destruction directly destroyed those fairy mountains and even razed the entire city center to the ground.

This self-destruction was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of monks in Chixia City. The aura of the divine soul cannot be faked, nor can the blood of the black snake that spilled out.

With the chaos in the vast sea, everyone in the world of immortal cultivation in the vast sea knows that in order to seek a breakthrough, Master Tianyun of the Chen family killed the young master of the black snake without authorization, condensed the blood of the black snake, and sought a chance to break through the Nascent Soul.

However, the blessing source was shallow, and the breakthrough failed in the end, and his body exploded and died.

His act of killing the young master of the Black Snake led to a riot in the Black Snake clan, causing a bloody storm and causing chaos in the world of immortality in the vast sea.

Very reasonable...

But... he remembers clearly that "Zhenren Tianyun" is a fake. It is Zhenren Yunxiao from Yunxiao Trading Company who used the "Deception Pill" to deceive the world. His own cultivation level is only in the middle stage of the Golden Pill. How can he make a breakthrough?How about losing control and exploding to death?


Suddenly, this word suddenly came to mind.

"Forbidden God Brand"...self-destruction...completely flawless...

In just an instant, a complete sequence of events emerged in his mind.

The news of Tianyun's death will inevitably be noticed by the Chen family as the effects of the medicine dissipate.

This is obviously a doubt that cannot be ignored. After all, a golden elixir cannot die for no reason.

However, in his opinion, this doubt is really irrelevant.

After all, even if the Chen family senses something is wrong and even knows the truth of the matter, this truth, as long as there is no conclusive evidence, will never quell the anger of the Black Snake clan.

The Black Snake clan wouldn't even care, they would just think that the Chen family was up to something.

As for the Chen family's revenge, it is even more impossible. The vast sea is in chaos, and the Chen family has no time to take care of itself. How can they have the mind to get involved in Da Chu's affairs.

But it seems that Xu Lingtian did not let this doubt exist... A forbidden god's brand, a self-destruction disguised as a failed breakthrough, coupled with the still-existing efficacy of the "Deception Pill", completely ended this plan and achieved true success. Seamless.

Chu Mu looked at the "Ninth True Messenger" in his hand with a faint look.

Although it is perfect, it is not... murder and silence...

If he remembered correctly, at that Yunxiao Merchant Alliance deep-sea stronghold, there were quite a few Yunxiao Merchant Alliance monks who knew the inside story.

He pursed his lips, and when the gloom emerged in his heart, he suddenly smiled.

Dead Daoist friends do not die poor Daoists!
He is the ninth true successor of Changsheng, and he is one of our own!

Those who know about the Yunxiao Merchant Alliance are... outsiders!
"You'd better be silenced..."

Chu Mu murmured to himself that he had not forgotten Fu Songkeng's revenge for abducting him and dragging him into that pit!

Immediately, with a slight thought in his mind, the flying boat sank into Chixia Port, then left Chixia Inner Harbor. After entering the island, it headed straight towards Chixia City.

After entering the city, Chu Mu did not return to Zhenjie Pavilion, but rushed straight to the center of the city. Although there were many houses, it was as prosperous as ever.

However, the drastically changed layout of the buildings and the missing fairy mountains clearly confirmed what the Chen family monk said.

Chu Mu inquired a little more, confirmed the fact again, and then hurried back to Zhenjie Pavilion.

After more than a year, the formation ban in the backyard still exists, Xu Yuan's bloodline foundation building is still continuing, and the Zhenjie Pavilion has a lot of inventory. His absence for more than a year has not greatly affected the operation of the Zhenjie Pavilion.

On the message transmission order, there were many unchecked messages accumulated. He browsed through them a little and got a general understanding of the current situation in the vast sea.

A golden elixir master who existed in Chixia fell, and caused countless bloody storms because of this golden elixir master. It is obvious that it is not just a matter of changes in the pattern of Chixia City.

Judging from these transmissions, the follow-up evolution caused by the "Deception Pill" has been almost earth-shaking changes.

In just a few months, Master Tianyun fell, and the Black Snake clan was furious. Almost all of the outer sea fell, and many island stages were destroyed by the beast tide.

The raging tide of beasts rushed into the offshore sea and plundered, causing countless casualties in the vast sea of ​​​​immortal cultivation world. It was not until more than a month ago that the vast sea of ​​​​immortal cultivation world was caught off guard. Under the organization of the Chen family, it was about 80 miles away from Chixia Island. A defense line was organized around the archipelago, which was able to hold back the tide of marauding beasts.

However, the defense line of the Moon Ring Islands only lasted less than half a month. Just half a month ago, the Moon Ring Islands suddenly fell.

There are different opinions about what happened in the process. Some said that there was a ghost in the Chen family, while others said that the head of the Black Snake clan came in person and showed his power. It is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

But what can be confirmed is that the Chen family definitely suffered heavy casualties in the battle on Yuehuan Island.

It is said that the Chen family's Nascent Soul masters fell on Yuehuan Island and were eaten alive by the masters of the Black Snake clan. Jindan Zhenren even lost several of them.

As for the next battle situation, it is a bit confusing. Some say that the beast tide is approaching Chixia, and some say that the Chen family has organized a defense line again.

The special geographical environment of the vast sea, and the current surging beast tide, obviously have greatly limited the spread of information.

What the actual follow-up battle situation will be is still unknown.

However, the martial law on Chixia Island has continued since Tianyun's self-destruction until now.

On Chixia Island, under the Chen family's massive campaign, people are also in panic...


(End of this chapter)

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