Chapter 194
Be still.

It took about a quarter of an hour before Chu Mu slowly opened his eyes.

Randomly picked up one of the volumes of body training exercises, the name on the cover: Nine Turns Golden Body Jue.

Very domineering name.

But in the world of cultivating immortals, whether the skills are strong or not has never been determined by the name.

I don't know how many years the world of cultivating immortals has been passed down. Countless cultivators have gone on to embark on the journey of immortality. I don't know how many cultivators have changed and created skills.

The kung fu that seems to be so impressive may be the work of a casual cultivator who has spent decades in Qi training.

The seemingly ordinary exercises may have been passed down from ancient times.

But one thing is very clear, there are strong and weak exercises, but it does not mean that the stronger the better, the most important thing is that it is suitable.

It is suitable for spiritual root aptitude, suitable for personal cultivation environment, and even suitable for personal nature.

If it doesn't fit, it doesn't make much sense.

It's like the dual practice of Dharma and body that was originally integrated, and gradually evolved into the current Qi training and body training, which is obviously the same.

When the book was opened, what caught the eye was the pictures and texts similar to other exercises.

Unlike his first exposure to Qigong, the body training is in the same line as Qi and blood cultivation, so it is not too difficult to understand.

Flipping through the pages one by one, even though the exercises are indeed very common, even inferior to the body-training exercises of those street goods in Fangshi, Chu Mu still read them very carefully.

As for the body training practice, a general context system gradually formed in my heart.

It took about an hour before I could put down this book of Nine Turns Golden Body Jue.

Chu Mu thought for a moment, then picked up another volume of body training exercises and started to read.

From dusk and sunset to sunset and dusk, it took a full day and one night, including Man Niu Jue, a total of five volumes of body training exercises, before Chu Mu thoroughly sorted them out.

Body refinement practice, like the former qi and blood practice, is an inhuman and increasingly inhuman process.

According to the description of these exercises, the ultimate goal of body training corresponding to the Qi training environment is to forge the Dao foundation!

The same as the purpose of Qi training environment, it is also to build a foundation!

However, according to Chu Mu's conjecture, the practice of Qi training may be the foundation of mana and spirit, while the practice of body training is the foundation of the body!
According to the description of the exercises, the four levels of body training correspond to the four stages of Qi training, the beginning, middle, end, and completion, and at the end, it is the foundation of the Tao.

Its most obvious change is the I Ching washing marrow, icy muscles and fine bones!
Practicing qi is to practice mana and cultivate the soul.

Body training means cultivating qi and blood and accumulating spirit and soul.

In the system of spirit, qi and god, body training and qi training are obviously a completely complementary relationship.

Between the two, under the effect of this relationship, one plus one will inevitably be greater than two!
Similarly, if you practice both, the resource consumption must be far beyond normal.

After all, the essence of body training lies in aura, and there is still an indispensable connection with spiritual root aptitude.

After gaining a detailed understanding of the practice of body refining, Chu Mu even felt that the so-called Foundation Establishment Pill was indispensable, and probably had something to do with the lack of body refining.

After all, practicing qi practice completely abandons the body, which is the so-called essence.

The three of spirit, energy and spirit are complementary to each other.

If one is missing, there can be no problem.

Thoughts were circulating, and Chu Mu didn't get too entangled with this question. Whether it was right or wrong, it wasn't the current him, and he needed to tangle up.

Not to mention, right now, he is preparing to make up for this missing item.

A Body Tempering Pill entered his stomach, Chu Mu got up, and with a slight movement of his mind, all the belongings in front of him were put into the storage talisman.

In his mind, the cultivation method belonging to the Barbarian Bull Art also emerged.

In the past, Qi and blood practice was mainly based on tranquility, that is, pile work.

But the current Bull Art is a combination of movement and stillness.

The method of practice is not to meditate like practicing qi practice, but to change and maintain one by one practice posture, just like the Wu Qinxi in the previous life.

Every movement is equivalent to a way of cultivation, corresponding to the internal organs of the human body.

Normal body-refining practice is also based on exhaling spiritual energy into the body, strengthening energy and blood, and nourishing internal organs.

However, the limitations of spiritual root qualifications are also doomed. From the very beginning, Chu Mu did not pin his hopes on this aspect.

Whether it was the practice of qi and blood at the beginning, or the cultivation of qi after stepping into the world of cultivating immortals, it is clearly proved that his aptitude is very poor!

External force is very important to him!

The medicinal power of the Quenching Pill burst out in the body, and the qi and blood in the body, under the action of the medicinal power, also grew stronger little by little.

The body that has been stagnant for a long time seems to have broken through a certain limit under this body training practice, and is moving forward bit by bit towards a stronger unknown.

The practice lasted for half an hour before it stopped.

A mouthful of turbid air is exhaled like a sword.

In the body, there is a long-lost surging power.

Chu Mu seemed somewhat intoxicated.

Compared with the power brought by mana, this kind of power from the body seems to be more direct and more obsessed.

Even if, the power brought by mana is even more mysterious!

It didn't exceed Chu Mu's expectation. After a body training practice, his whole body seemed to have not been washed for more than ten days, covered in dirt and extremely uncomfortable.

Although it is just a cleansing spell that can clean up the dirt all over the body, maybe the habit of the previous life is still at work. In the current stable environment, Chu Mu is more inclined to wash with clean water.

The water in the tank was a little cloudy, but this was obviously not a problem for a cultivator.

When the cleansing spell is cast, the filth will be gone.

Scoop up a bucket of clean water and pour it over the head. While washing away the dirt, it seems to have completely washed away the blood stained by this trip to the black market.

Putting on clean clothes, Chu Mu sat on the head of the bed, closed his eyes slightly, and sorted out the first body training just now bit by bit, as if he was not asleep.

His guess was right.

After taking elixirs for a long time to practice qi and practice, there is indeed an accumulation of erysipelas in his body.

As for body training, the process of strengthening the body will indeed remove the impurities in the body.

And this impurity must include the mixed erysipelas that he guessed.

The reason why he is so certain is that after this body training practice, he can clearly perceive that the bottleneck of the seventh level of Qi training, the invisible obstacle in the dark, has weakened a bit.

Although it was very subtle, it was undoubtedly very clear compared to what he had prepared for a long time ago.

That is to say, as long as the body refinement practice continues to improve, as the body functions are strengthened, no matter whether it is the pill for body refinement or the pill for Qi training.

The mixed erysipelas left in the body will be eliminated bit by bit during this process.

After all, his body training has only just begun.

The answer has been determined, and the hidden danger can definitely be eliminated. Chu Mu seemed to feel relieved, he let out a long breath, and opened his eyes.

The jade slip that recorded the Artifact Refining Handbook also appeared in his hand at this moment.

At this moment, the Haoyue battle armor, which can be called a model of violent aesthetics, seemed to appear in front of his eyes again.

Chu Mu felt that it would be more appropriate to call it the Haoyue Mecha.

With a slight movement of his mind, the psionic bomb belonging to the crafting creation appeared in his hand.

Artifact refining technique...or in other words, the romance of weapon refining and puppet learning seems to be here.

That bright moon battle armor, that long-lived flying boat that covers the sky and the sun, that terrifying psychic cannon, that small flying insect magic weapon, and this psychic bomb in front of him...

This seems to be the romance derived from the aesthetics of violence...the romance of the limit of imagination!

Dazed for a long time, also fantasized for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before Chu Mu woke up from that fantasy, and his spiritual consciousness slowly enveloped the jade slip.

A huge knowledge system was also presented in his perception the moment his consciousness touched the jade slip.

Refining foundation, what is foundation?

How many aspects are involved?
Even if it is just a basic introduction, it is an extremely large knowledge system.

Huge enough to be intimidating!
Chu Mu knew it long ago, and he was also psychologically prepared.

But the time span this time was far beyond his expectations.

It took nearly a month for him to sort out the knowledge and information in this jade slip.

There is a lot of knowledge, and he needs to sort it out, and more!
The structure of knowledge, no matter how basic it is, must range from popular and simple to esoteric.

The foundation of the refining technique is naturally the same.

The initial knowledge was very easy to understand, and as the knowledge was sorted out, more and more knowledge that was difficult for him to understand naturally became more and more.

And this is just to sort out the so-called basic knowledge system of refining equipment, so that he can really understand the structure of the knowledge system of the basic refining equipment.

Specifically, he still needs to study hard bit by bit, understand knowledge step by step, and then apply knowledge.

And this process can only rely on himself, and he needs to face the knowledge, so that he can learn without a teacher.

No one will teach him, and he has no way to get teaching.

In the next few months, Chu Mu's life seemed to have returned to the original Nanshan Town.

It's just that it was two o'clock and one line at the beginning, at home, to Mr. Li's medicine hall.

But now, he is alone in this room, studying hard, studying hard, and occasionally going out of the room to wander around the town to relax.

As time passed, the communication between neighbors naturally became closer, and the doors that were once closed were gradually opened more often.

As time passed bit by bit, Chu Mu also understood and absorbed bit by bit the huge knowledge system recorded in that jade slip.

With the passage of time, compared with the ever-changing Yuhuanggufang City and the bloody jungle outside, this ordinary Yuning Town does not seem to have changed much.

The most common scenario is that old people go and new people come.

Some people have saved enough spirit stones, or have made a breakthrough in cultivation and found something that can earn more spirit stones, and then moved into Fangshi.

There are also some people who may know that there is nothing wrong with the fairyland, so they left this small town alone in the middle of the night, and they don't know where they went.

There are also practitioners who have just entered the fairyland who don't know where they came from, lived in a certain room that was vacant for unknown reasons, and started wasting day after day.

Old man Chen is still pushing the dung cart day after day, and the female cultivator opposite is also providing a short-term tenderness to the immortal cultivators who have been wasted in the town day after day.

At some point, Li Changping also married a couple, the eldest of the Niu brothers, who was also newlywed.

Next to the door, an old cultivator moved in. He was old but not old. He had already become the main client of the Goulan female cultivator, and he never tired of it day after day.

In such a leisurely life, several months passed quietly.

Another early spring is coming quietly.


(End of this chapter)

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