Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 188 The Atmosphere Is Strange Ask for a Monthly Ticket!

Chapter 188 The Atmosphere Is Strange Ask for a Monthly Ticket!
early morning.

Chu Mu woke up from his thoughts.

Put a basin of water in the water tank in the room.

Splashing cold water on the noodles seems to make people sober up.

The surface of the water in the basin is rippling, and it seems that you can also see the reflected face.

With a slight movement of the mind, the original face was restored.

The reflected face also changed accordingly.

Looking at this familiar but somewhat unfamiliar face, Chu Mu couldn't help being a little dazed.

Familiarity comes from the familiarity of these years, and strangeness comes from the memory of the previous life.

How long has he been here?
Chu Mu thought about it, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Especially after stepping into the world of cultivating immortals, the concept of time seems to become more and more blurred.

And his lifespan, or in other words, the lifespan of any immortal cultivator, is much longer than that of ordinary mortals.

At the beginning of his journey to immortality, the lifespan of an immortal cultivator at the first level of Qi training is generally around 100 years.

With the improvement of the cultivation base, according to the statistics of the immortal cultivation world, each level of cultivation in the Qi training realm can basically increase the life expectancy by about five years.

To complete Qi training, that is at least one hundred and sixty-seventy years of lifespan. If one is good at maintaining one's Qi and blood, it is not impossible to see a lifespan of two hundred years.

The most important thing is that the lifespan of an immortal cultivator is different from that of ordinary people. Once an ordinary person's physical peak is over, it is aging, which is the decline of all aspects of the body's functions.

In the end, the older you get, the more vulnerable you are.

As for immortal cultivators, even if their lifespan is near the end of their lives, under the influence of their cultivation base, their physical functions can still maintain a relative peak.

Ordinary brilliant years may only last a few dozen years, but immortal cultivators have as many years of life as they are full of energy.

All in all, he has only spent a short period of time in his life now.

This strangeness will eventually dissipate as time goes by.

Dazed for a moment, Chu Mu splashed water on his face again, and his face was slowly changing again between the splashes until it fit this new identity.

After wiping off the remaining water splash on his face, he straightened his clothes in front of the bronze mirror, and then Chu Mu opened the door and walked out.

In the small town in the early morning, if a mortal wanders into it by mistake, he will never be able to tell that this small town is actually the place where the legendary immortals gather.

The smoke from the kitchen is curling up, some people are busy in front of the stove, the sound of water is rushing, some people are washing their clothes, some people are dumping the filth, and the dung carts are driving, and there is a smell of filth.

At first glance, there is no implication of a fairy outside the world, but it shows the atmosphere of secular life, just like a secular town, there is no difference.

The creations of the cultivating civilization are in the bottom gathering place, and it is difficult to see the slightest.

After saying hello to a few neighbors, asking and chatting with each other, Chu Mu left the town following the flow of people on duty.

When they reached the fork outside the town, they parted ways. One direction was where the spiritual field where the cultivators were wasted, and the other direction was towards the mountains, towards the dividing line of two hundred miles.

There are no traces of roads in the mountains, perhaps because every immortal cultivator does not like to take a fixed and ordinary road.

Chu Mu slowly walked forward in the mountains. According to the information description left by Wang Mazi, Fangshi is a relatively safe area with a radius of [-] li.

Therefore, after going beyond the relatively safe area of ​​[-] miles, even if the ban is still in place, the risk is greatly increased. The further you go, the higher the risk!
With the existence of previous experiences, this time he went out of Fangshi, according to Chu Mu's prediction, he would inevitably be worried, frightened, and these emotions.

But after stepping into the mountain, these expected emotions did not appear at all.

On the contrary, there is an inexplicable expectation, as if, deep in his heart, he is expecting someone to follow him!
Looking at the surrounding mountains and forests, Chu Mu's anticipation became more and more intense.

He has been dormant for several years, and the source of wealth has been opened up. In exchange for him today, if he doesn't verify it for himself, how can he have a smooth mind!

The idea is clear.

But after walking tens of miles, the warning appeared in the dark, and the anticipation that was originally high turned into unspeakable anxiety at this moment.

No amount of preparation can make up for a fatal problem. Apart from the one time he fought for his life in Fangshi, what combat experience does he have?
And that time, apart from throwing a few fireballs, he solved it with all his might.

Whether combat experience is important or not, the fights in the secular world undoubtedly proved very clear.

Step by step, there is an indescribable worry about gain and loss.

The dense forest was originally deep, but in front of his eyes, it was empty space that appeared from time to time, there were large pits that appeared suddenly, there were also collapsed and broken trees, there were traces of burning, and faint blood stains.

Looking around, everything in this forest seems to be like this.

Killing and being killed, unwilling to waste time in Fangshi, that is the naked law of the jungle.

Chu Mu seemed to be able to guess that the existence that was peeping in the dark should be thinking about what kind of beauty he was hiding under.


Not far away, there was a shocking roar, followed by shouts and shouts.

"Don't try to run!"

"catch him!"

Immediately, Chu Mu saw a figure flying towards him, and after that, a menacing figure chasing after him could be vaguely seen.


After seeing clearly what the fleeing man was wearing, Chu Mu couldn't help but tighten his heart. The man's clothes seemed to be the standard robes of the outer sect disciples of the Longevity Sect!
Chu Mu wanted to avoid it, but the man who flew over seemed to recognize him as an accomplice of the interceptor, so he slashed at him with a sword!
The sword light is raging, the man's qi training is at the ninth level, and the aura of the middle-grade magic weapon that strikes the long sword is extremely clear!
Chu Mu almost couldn't hold back a swear word!
Leaving the place of comfort, he had envisioned many scenarios, but he never expected that it would be such an indiscriminate disaster!

Almost in an instant, several barriers of raging fire appeared around his body, his kamikaze boots moved suddenly, his figure flickered, and he avoided the attacking sword edge.

The man missed a hit and didn't bother, seeing Chu Mu dodging, he continued to flee.

And in just a few short breaths, Chu Mu had already thrown a Rejuvenation Pill into his mouth, and there seemed to be a few more fire barriers around his body.

At the same time, subconsciously, four condensed fireballs were thrown towards the man!
By the time Chu Mu realized that the man was just trying to escape, it was too late.

The four fireballs, in the shape of a character, have already forced the fleeing man to stop.

When the man stopped to avoid, the three immortal cultivators who were chasing after him had already arrived.

At this moment, the mountains and forests were silent, and each of the three parties stood at a corner.

The intertwined eyes looked at each other, except for Chu Mu himself, the two chasing and fleeing parties seemed to be a little unclear about the situation.

The atmosphere seemed weird.

The corner of Chu Mu's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.


 Eight thousand more!

(End of this chapter)

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