Chapter 278 Transfer of Real Estate
Zhou Shengtao patted Chen Yu on the shoulder, took out a sign from his body, and stuffed it into his hand.

"Xiao Chen, can I forget you about such a good thing? I have already prepared it for you. Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, you will take this sign and go to the designated place to participate in the foreclosure. At that time, not only these buildings, but also other assets, if you are interested, you can also buy them together."

However, Chen Yu became excited. If these buildings go through the formal process, they won't be able to win tens of billions of dollars, but if they go through the legal auction process, they might be able to win them for billions of dollars.

"Thank you, Team Zhou, why don't you let the brothers go to the store to eat something, I will treat you today!"

Zhou Shengtao waved his hand: "I still have some things to do, you don't know, in the past few days Wu Zhonghe has mobilized all the underground forces in the entire Sioux City, making our related personnel in a hurry."

After saying a few more words, Zhou Shengtao led the crowd away in a hurry.

Chen Yu adjusted his breathing a little, trying to suppress the joy in his heart, and then he began to calculate his current assets.

The store's turnover has basically already determined the bulk of the profits, basically all of which come from the factory, and recently the combined orders from the West and China have billions of dollars in profits, and he can fully mobilize this money.

In addition, he has billions of dollars in deposits, which should be enough to buy the property rights of these buildings.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu felt a little more excited, but he didn't stay here too long, but hurried back to the shop.

During this period of time, he didn't care enough about the store, so he just took advantage of today to make up for it.

Chen Yu, who experienced it personally on this day, found that the current size of the store is indeed not enough.

When it closed at [-]:[-] p.m., the store was still crowded with a lot of people, and even the takeaway guys lined up at the door.

In desperation, Chen Yu could only continue to operate, and the operation did not end until two o'clock in the morning.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will have to set up a special menu for the midnight show.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Chen Yu dragged his exhausted body to the auction site.

When he arrived here, he found that the place was already fully occupied by people. It seemed that everyone wanted to find something wrong here. After all, the assets acquired by the law were about half cheaper than those on the market.

Chen Yu didn't care too much, and just found a place to sit down.

After all, he had already obtained the identity card of the foreclosure before coming here, so he saved a lot of trouble.

While he was waiting for the auction, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Son-in-law, you are here too!"

Chen Yu turned his head and saw Tong Ming walking in through the side door with several bodyguards.

"Dad!" Chen Yu hurriedly got up, and he hadn't seen Tong Ming for a while.

Tong Ming didn't say much, just pressed Chen Yu's shoulder, and then sat down beside him.

"This kind of large-scale foreclosure is rare, and Wu Zhonghe used to be a powerful figure in Sucheng."

"The assets he controls are quite large. If he can take all of his assets, he can definitely be called the richest man in Sioux City!"

Chen Yu had already investigated all of Wu Zhonghe's assets before he came, and found that this guy had a lot of illegal assets.

Although this guy is not the richest man in Sioux City on the surface, but adding up all the assets under his name, he can even enter the Forbes list.

"Dad, it seems that you are determined to win Wu Zhonghe's assets this time!"

Tong Ming waved his hand: "Not to mention, there are quite a few people in Sioux City who are eyeing on its assets. I believe this time the foreclosure is extremely fierce."

Chen Yu also nodded, it was so cheap that anyone with a brain wanted to take it, and today not only rich people from Sioux City gathered here, but also top families from other cities.

If these people bid wildly by unscrupulous means, the value of the final foreclosure may be higher than the value of the original asset.

Chen Yu breathed out slightly, and was about to ask the system to analyze the assets of everyone present, when Tong Ming suddenly took a list of assets and stuffed it into his hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, your goal this time is the buildings opposite the shop!"

Chen Yu didn't say much, just nodded. After all, Tong Ming was a member of the Tong Group who created it all by himself, and his business acumen and thinking were far beyond ordinary people. A little analysis could tell Chen Yu's purpose.

"I thought the restaurant would be able to maintain the status quo after opening the factory, but I didn't expect it to become more and more popular, and many foreigners and Internet celebrities came here to check in and travel. There is no place to stay near me..."

"I know everything!" Tong Ming laughed, "When I first started my business, I didn't consider many things, and I just took it one step at a time. Besides, your business now has its own model, and some things are up to you, and I'm your backing. What are you afraid of?"

Chen Yu was very relieved, smiled, and didn't say anything more, just quietly waiting for the foreclosure to start.

Just then, a well-dressed hostess slowly walked up to the rostrum, and as the broom in his hand fell on the stage, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Thank you all for coming to the auction site. I won't say more. The first asset we auction is the Wu family's playground in the eastern suburbs of Sioux City. Interested owners can bid now."

The voice fell, and the big screen next to it also simultaneously gave a reserve price.

Chen Yu didn't have much interest in the playground, and the location of the playground is a bit remote, so even if he bought it, it would be useless.

Even so, there were still many people bidding one after another. It didn't take long for the amusement park to be auctioned off with a value of [-] million.

To be honest, this price is already very low. If we honestly build a playground of the same size, it will cost at least 24 billion.

The scene reached a climax all of a sudden, and everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the next auction of assets.

At this moment, Tong Ming standing next to him suddenly stood up and raised the price tag in his hand.

It was a piece of undeveloped land, full of construction waste, and the location was far from the city center. In people's eyes, it was simply a wasteland.

But for Tong Ming, this piece of land is close to one of his industrial development zones. If it is taken down, its value can be multiplied by at least ten times.

Therefore, no one competed with Tong Ming at all, and he almost bought it at the lowest price.

(End of this chapter)

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