NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 309 The emerging new stars

Chapter 309 The emerging new stars (daily chapter)

On October 2003, 10, the Knicks' opening game was not exciting, but for New York fans, seeing their opponents break through the defense was a worthwhile ticket!

At the end of the game, Madison Square Garden was still noisy, except for the Spurs, who left dejectedly.

Tim Duncan returned to the tunnel early. The boss sat on the bench for a whole quarter in the 4th quarter. The atmosphere team did not dare to say anything since the 4th quarter.

The team's new players performed mediocrely, which also made Popovich look ugly after the game. He also said nothing when he came to the technical stage to shake hands with D'Antoni.

Noticing Popovich walking towards the tunnel with a grimace, Kevin Harlan looked at the technical statistics in the commentary box and briefly commented:

"When playing against the Knicks, the start is very important. If we are still behind by double digits in the third quarter, the final result will most likely be a loss."

"This has something to do with the playing styles of the core players on both sides. Lee's control of the game has reached another level."

81:112, tonight the Knicks defeated the Spurs by 31 points.

Doug Collins was also looking at the technical statistics. He naturally noticed that Duncan performed very well in the next two quarters, and couldn't help but comment:


"The tactics are single and there is a lack of threats from the outside. The Spurs still have a lot to learn if they want to win the championship."

Kevin Harlan stopped commenting too much. Li You only played 30 minutes in this game;


With the Spurs' performance, the two of them knew that this year's Western Conference still had to rely on the Mavericks, Timberwolves, and Lakers who were willing to spend money.

Especially because he was still wearing 5 rings on his left hand, he was making gestures with everyone he met, which made Mutombo very jealous.

The gorilla dragged his old teammates to show off that this year's large ring is indeed beautiful and sparkles under the lights.

Li You was also greeting his friends on the sidelines, Tina Fey waved, and the two simply hugged:

"How does it feel to be a screenwriter for a film for the first time? I guarantee that it will be a hit next year!"

Tina Fey immediately tilted her head when she heard these words, smiled and patted Li You on the chest:

"I'm a screenwriter, not a director. If the box office results are not good, it's because they changed the script randomly!"

"Lee, Rachel, my good sister, after we finish shooting, we will come to watch the opening game. She is your biggest fan."

After a brief introduction, Tina Fey had a smile on her face, but she secretly pinched Li You in her hand, reminding him that this was "the grass next to the nest".

Rachel McAdams dressed up specially tonight, wearing black slim-fitting jeans, a blue shirt, and a conspicuous red headband with her blond hair tied up.

Li You only felt that it looked familiar, and then recalled that this was the most common dress Milinda wore when she was in school.

Milinda looks a bit like the future Emma Stone, but in essence she is a delicate girl with an oval face, big eyes, and fair skin. Her personality is a little weird, and there is absolutely no "bitch" in her body.

As if she felt that she had attracted attention, Rachel smiled sweetly, showing her dimples, and said obediently:

"What a wonderful game, Li. I have been paying attention to you. Although it is a bit presumptuous, can you attend my birthday party next month? Tina and the others are both there."

Tina Fey knew Li You too well, so she pinched him again and reminded him quietly again.

"Of course, Tina's friends are my friends, and I will definitely be there at the birthday party."

After Li You said these words, a harmless smile appeared on his face.

Rachel felt a little proud. She had been studying this "skin" for a long time, including the "pseudo-makeup" on her face, which was all her result.

After successfully "killing the plum", Rachel smiled sweetly again and said in a delicate voice:

"On the 16th, I'll pick you up then, and we've made an agreement!"

There was a camera shooting in this direction, and Rachel deliberately tapped her toes, giving her the perfect image of a sweet blonde girl.

Finally, Li You hugged his friend again, noticed Tina Fey secretly staring, and couldn't help but whispered in a funny voice:

"I like this blonde chick!"

Li You waved to the fans in the stands again, then turned and left. Tina Fey saw Rachel next to her waving too, so she could only kindly remind her:

"Just be friends, don't think about developing other relationships!"

Rachel smiled and took her plastic friend's arm, and replied in a disgusting voice:

"I know! Li is cooler than he looks in the magazine! Did you notice the look in his eyes? He doesn't look like he is 25 at all, he is both mature and young."

Quietly twitching her lips, Tina Fey couldn't help but complain. This girl was reading Forbes magazine. The New Yorker recently briefly introduced Li You's Peninsula Manor.

With the blessing of a beautiful knife, Li You looks "shockingly" handsome, and his whole body exudes the "scent" of banknotes.

The Knicks split the data in the opening game, the game was one-sided, and there was no suspense early on.

In the opening game between the Heat and the 76ers, the "shrunken version of Li You" unfortunately lost.

At 74:89, Stan Van Gundy's first game coaching the Heat ended in defeat.

In 41 minutes of playing time, Wade made 18 of 8 shots, scored 18 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists and 5 turnovers. As a new player, this performance has already made Heat fans ecstatic!

After head coach Randy Ayers took over the 76ers, he didn't make many adjustments to the team's tactics. In summary, he still handed the ball to Iverson.

Iverson, playing at home, also lived up to the fans' trust!


Although Larry Brown was gone, Iverson didn't care. After winning the game, he returned to his previous confident state:

"I feel that my physical condition is very good. I don't care about those comments. As long as I play on the court, I just want to hold the ball and rush to the basket."

"I don't want to talk about game arrangements. This is my original impulse. I want to show my true self in front of the fans!"

Iverson made a statement after the game. He thought everyone would praise him, but he didn't expect everyone's response to be mediocre.

Over the past few years, Philadelphia's sports media have also realized that "original basketball," "genuine basketball," "inefficient basketball" and "fighting spirit" cannot win championships.

Therefore, when Iverson talked about his spiritual attributes, everyone had only one feeling:

"The Sixers have a bleak future."

The Mavericks and Lakers games receive the most attention.

Before the start of the game, Mark Cuban made a big signing and the Lakers F4 appeared. The showdown between the two teams triggered discussions among many football commentators.

The Mavericks immediately dug a hole at the start of this game, and many fans were disappointed.

At 15:29, at the end of the first quarter, the Lakers took a double-digit lead.

Although the Mavericks fought back later, as the Lakers played another 3:22 in the third quarter, the game was completely out of suspense.

93:109, the Lakers F4 got off to a good start. In the Staples Arena, the Los Angeles fans were equally excited. The old guys still have gas!



Both veterans started the game, and the Lakers team sent out 32 assists. The Los Angeles fans who bought tickets to watch the game had only one feeling:

"Silky! Smooth!"


"I know what you want to say, now let's take a look at our game and our cooperation!"

"Come and witness the new Lakers team, I swear, we will win the championship!"

Gary Payton was also satisfied with his performance. During the interview, he confidently answered in his sharp voice:

"Older age means more experience in the game. Don't ask me like an ordinary veteran. My body is not inferior to that of young people."

"The same goes for Karl. Believe me, this will be a season for the Lakers!"

Kobe missed the opening game due to psychological injuries.

Phil Jackson has already started to go astray. After the illegal invasion, he disliked Kobe very much.

Without core players, Phil Jackson didn't mention Kobe too much in the interview, but just said something about the situation:

"Kobe is recovering well after knee surgery, but he still has to readjust his mental state."

"Both veterans have excellent game experience. The Mavericks are a strong opponent. I am very happy to see their outstanding performance tonight!"

O'Neal never talked to Kobe, but Gary Payton and Karl Malone helped sort out the atmosphere in the locker room.

The two veterans really wanted to win, and Karl Malone took the initiative to comfort Kobe after the game:

"Don't worry about the comments from the outside world. Those people just want to have fun. Believe me, as long as you perform well, those fans holding white boards will soon cheer for you!"

Even though it was the home court of the Lakers, there were still fun people in the Staples Arena yelling at Kobe.

Wearing a black formal suit, Kobe was secretly grateful after hearing Malone's words. This was one of the few encouragements he received after the illegal invasion:

"I know, I will adjust my physical condition, don't worry about me, I will definitely help you win the championship!"

Karl Malone put his arm around Kobe's shoulders, acting like a good big brother, and waved to Vanessa who was watching the game on the sidelines:

"Yes, we will win the championship!"

On October 10th, there were 29 games on that day, of which the most watched game was naturally the game between the Cavaliers and Kings.

The championship coach and the chosen one are making their debut. Regardless of the outcome, everyone wants to see what kind of data the excluded LeBron James will hand over.

The first game after returning to the coaching bench was an away game. After flying to Sacramento, Jeff Van Gundy accepted an interview.

The bald young marshal still shows his famous handsome style, wearing a straight black formal suit, a white shirt and a red scarf. Seeing this outfit, the sports media felt that it was reliable.

When asked about what kind of data LeBron James will produce tonight, Jeff Van Gundy smiled slightly:

"Statistics don't matter. What matters is that LeBron needs to complete his task."

"I don't want to define him as a scorer. He has just entered the league and many skills need to be polished."

"I would rather see him drive his teammates on both offense and defense during the game."

Realizing that the bald young coach wanted to turn LeBron James into a point forward, many sports media looked at each other.

Jordan becomes Pippen, Jeff Van Gundy directly changes the script for James

James, who was ostracized by the team, accepted such a role calmly in an interview:

"I've watched Magic Johnson play and I've witnessed the Knicks' success, and I never considered myself a scorer!"

"I'm going to try to lead the team on both ends of the floor. Coach Van Gundy has taught us a lot about defense and I'm still learning."

“It’s completely different than playing in high school and it’s definitely a challenge!”

LeBron James, wearing a Cavaliers training uniform and a headband, was very well-behaved during the interview and took the initiative to praise the coaching staff and teammates.

James did accept the request of head coach Van Gundy. Instead of throwing and catching the ball, it is better to act as a ball handler.

Although he is a high school student, James also knows his status in the team. He is really not interested in competing with role players who are destined to leave the team.

Noting that several people still didn't take it seriously, LeBron James didn't complain. Instead, he kept comforting himself in his heart:

"You will be traded away in a few days!"

In this much-anticipated game, LeBron James finally produced some good data:


In the fourth quarter of the game, the Cavaliers only scored 4 points in a single quarter, were beaten by the Kings, and eventually lost the game.

Ricky Davis, who let himself go, was not polite either. He made 21 of 8 shots and also scored 20 points.

Charlie Ward ate up some time before James could successfully make his debut. Otherwise, this game would have become a battle of taking over the blame.

90:109, the Kings won by a big score, and the Cavaliers also won a victory.

LeBron James' performance did not surprise critics.

Although he contributed several good steals and performed several beautiful dunks, everyone hopes that the chosen one can produce more explosive statistics. This game was broadcast by ESPN. After Kobe Bryant illegally invaded, the 03 rookie received more attention.

TNT just played Li You last night. After LeBron James made his debut, the trio was also a little disappointed:

"He is still adapting to the league. He often thinks of the game too simply. His jump shot still needs to be polished. He handles transition attacks quite well."

"I think LeBron James will be successful, and just like Coach Van Gundy said, the team really needs better talent."

Kenny Smith never offends the players and still comments on the game in a regular manner, but Charles Barkley doesn't care about this and gives the conclusion with a big grin:

"James won't be a problem for Lee in the next few seasons!"

"He has obvious technical deficiencies, and his physical talent is indeed very good. On the defensive end tonight, coach Van Gundy should have deployed a zone defense, which also made James out of the team system at times."

"However, the performance of the Cavaliers players was not very good. As a championship coach, he will definitely emphasize the team's defensive discipline. The Cavaliers are indeed unqualified in this regard."

When Ernie Johnson heard the conclusion sworn by his partner, he thought for a moment and then added:

"Chuck is right, coach Van Gundy does have a longer-term plan!"

"I've got some news that the Cavaliers should be making a trade soon, and maybe that's a good thing for James."

"With a higher tactical status and more shooting rights, James should be able to fully demonstrate his talents!"

Since Li You will definitely not win the MVP this season, players who are interested in this award are gearing up and shouting for themselves!

Garnett's salary this season is as high as 2800 million U.S. dollars, which is equal to two Li Yous. The Timberwolves' salary has also exceeded 7000 million U.S. dollars, reaching the third position in the league.

After getting two powerful helpers, Kevin Garnett is in high spirits and feels that there is a lot to do this season!

After defeating the Bucks in the opening game, Garnett directly addressed the media after the game:

"This is the ninth season of my career, and my body and skills have reached their peak!"

"It's time to get some honors. I will go all out this year. I think I am the best inside player in the league right now!"

The best outside player is destined not to win the MVP. This award will naturally go to the best inside player.

The sports media all heard what Garnett meant, but no one refuted it. Garnett is indeed capable of winning this award.


Compared with LeBron James, Garnett not only won the victory, but also had more gorgeous statistics, and the popularity of the chosen one was sucked away.

Sprewell also joined in the fun and started pretending again during the interview:

"Kevin is a nice guy and I will pass on my championship experience to him!"


On October 10, Chinese fans also welcomed the Rockets’ first show of the season.

Carmelo Anthony also received a lot of attention, but his performance was mediocre in the away game against the Rockets.


85:102, the Rockets defeated their opponents and ushered in a good start to the new season.

Due to the deterioration of Tomjanovich's physical condition, he will no longer be the head coach this season. The person who finally took over the team became Spurs assistant coach Mike Brown.

Among the candidates, Mike Brown did not rely on his resume, but on understanding the thoughts of Rockets owner Alexander.

After failing to interview for the Knicks head coach last season, and after being severely beaten in the Finals, Mike Brown finally realized the limitations of the Larry Brown system.

Therefore, in this interview, Mike Brown turned into the boss's "licking dog", clarified the team's core players, understood the boss's intentions, and finally successfully won the head coaching position.


After the game, the Chinese sports media gathered around Yao Ming. Everyone wanted to hear his evaluation of the new head coach. Compared with the championship coach, Mike Brown really didn't have a decent resume.

In the locker room, Yao Ming was smiling and answered everyone's questions quickly and seriously:

"Every coach has different tactical ideas. Coach Mike Brown is very good. In tonight's game, we sent out 21 assists, while our opponent only had 10."

"We suppressed our opponents on both offense and defense. I think we can make the playoffs this season!"

Yao Ming is still very happy with the arrival of Mike Brown, because the head coach has designed many tactics for him.

Of course, the coaching staff also made some requests and suggested that he become stronger.

Everyone was relieved to see that Yao Ming liked the new head coach very much. Then the next day, the domestic sports media produced another article:

"Yao Ming only needs one game to win the trust of the head coach!"

"The Rockets are starting again. Yao Ming believes that the team has a chance to reach the finals in the new season!"

"The underrated tactician - Mike Brown!"


On October 10st, the first 31 points of the new season was born!

Ray Allen suffered an injury, and ball commentators believed that the Sonics would lose early.

But in back-to-back games against the Clippers, Rashard Lewis broke out again.


At 124:105, the SuperSonics defeated the Clippers again. Old Dunleavy, who had just taken over the team, ushered in two consecutive losses.

Lewis's performance both inside and outside really stunned some sports commentators. However, in the post-game interview, the second-round pick from the Knicks was very calm:

"This is just an ordinary regular season game, and the opponent's strength is limited!"

"I won't be complacent just because I score more points. My experience with the Knicks made me understand that basketball is for five people."

"If Lee wanted to score, he might have averaged 40 per game, but he didn't choose to do that. By his side, I learned how to be a leader!"

Lewis already acted like "I'm the boss" during the interview, which made Ray Allen a little depressed. After all, this partner also has a ring.

The 50-point performance made many sports media forget the existence of Ray Allen. Looking at his teammates surrounded by others in the locker room, Ray Allen hit upon another lemon:

"You promised to help me?"

Except for Milicic, the 03 rookies have all made their debuts in recent days. Although they have not performed very well, there is no "parallel import" phenomenon among the high-ranking rookies.

More stars also make sports commentators happy, which means there are more topics to talk about.

Garnett, who was bragging two days ago, was slapped in the face with a boomerang in just two days.

Sprewell made 18 of 4 shots and scored 9 points, showing his true qualities as a champion defender. Cassell made 10 of 2 shots and scored 8 points, also showing good form.

61:84, the Nets defeated their opponents, and the Timberwolves only scored 4 points in the 9th quarter.

In the losing tunnel, Garnett, who scored a team-high 23 points, left the game early after the game.

Kidd, who had just signed a big contract, was unusually angry after the game:

"MVP is not about whose voice is loudest, the ball should do the talking in a basketball game!"

"The Eastern Conference Finals is not our end. I hope the team can make changes. I know the potential of my teammates!"


Kidd spoke to the media naturally because he had some dissatisfaction with head coach Byron Scott. He hoped that the coaching staff could further delegate power. He wanted to completely control the team!

Smelling the gossip, the sports media added fuel to the fire the next day and concocted an article introducing the conflict between Kidd and the coaching staff.

On Saturday, November 11st, after a few days of rest, the Knicks finally faced off against the Magic at home.

After the start of the new season, the Magic lost two games in a row, and both McGrady and Houston had some physical problems.

The former's waist injury has become a persistent problem, and the latter's knee injury is more serious than the team doctor predicted.

In the game that night, the Magic still dug holes at the beginning, and Rivers' roar could not change the situation on the court.

At 17:32, at the end of the first quarter, the Knicks took another double-digit lead.

The team's new aid, Tyronn Lue, entered a state of confusion after the start of the game. He did frequently give the ball to the main scorer as required by the head coach, but everyone took turns to strike, and there was nothing he could do.


In addition, the team's new aid Juwan Howard also scored 5 of 1 and scored 2 points. During the break, head coach Rivers could only give out chicken soup.

When the rotation lineup came on, Jirisek seemed to be infected by his teammates, and he also failed to complete the tasks assigned by the head coach.

There were no free throws, only iron shots. As the Magic scored 2 points again in the second quarter, the game was no longer suspense.

At 34:58, halftime ended, and Madison Square Garden turned into a sea of ​​joy again.

In the third quarter of the game, the Magic's offense still failed to improve. In the end, Li You clocked out in the third quarter and got off work early.

Mutombo, who was preparing to appear on the stage, sighed while moving his body:

"Our performance was average, but we didn't expect that our opponent was in a worse state tonight."

"It turns out that the game is so easy!"

It seems that recalling the time when he was in the 76ers' "four guarantees and one", Mutombo felt uncomfortable. He understood that there was actually a gap between the two sides in basketball concepts.

Li You fist bumped with the atmosphere team who were about to appear on the stage, and also gave Mutombo a brief introduction to the Knicks' situation:

"Next week's schedule is also very easy. In fact, many times, it is difficult for us to lose!"


In the end, this game became a practical exercise for the Knicks. 83:112, the Magic ushered in a three-game losing streak.

With only one day off, the Magic team returned home on Monday night, the 3rd, and continued to lose miserably.

108:68, McGrady made 20 of 5, scored 19 points, and led the Knicks to continue winning!

In the first week of November, the Knicks will have two more matchups with the Bucks.

After easily defeating his opponent, Li You led the team to a 5-game winning streak.

On the night of the 8th, at 88:111, after defeating the Bucks at home, MSG also interviewed Li You.

Li You didn't play more than 5 minutes in 32 games. Li You was completely caught off guard. Fortunately, the number of assists increased steadily, indicating that he was still very involved in the game.

"Lee, can you talk about the changes in the team in the new season? In these games, I noticed that Gasol often attacks in the low post."

Walter Frazier, who was smiling after winning the game, asked the football commentator a curious question. Li You didn't think too much and answered very naturally:

"Pau is a big man with excellent athletic ability. We all know his static talent. When attacking in the low post, he can not only score but also assist his teammates."

"Let every player do what they are good at. This is the basketball philosophy the Knicks follow!"

At the end of the game, the New York fans at the scene did not leave early. Feeling the lively atmosphere in the arena, Mutombo walked towards the tunnel and bumped into Ewing:

"You told me the Knicks could win the championship. I had some doubts before, but now I really believe it!"

The gorilla looked at his friend, subconsciously raised his left hand, and then said proudly:

"No one in the alliance is our opponent!"


 Thank you book friends for your subscription and support (*)

  QAQ has been seriously stuck recently.

  I'm going to pick up the pace a little bit,

  There may be fewer games and more daily routines.

  I wrote most of the competition today and deleted it.

  I just skipped some meaningless ones.



(End of this chapter)

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