NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 302 Only Basketball Accompanyes Me

Chapter 302 Only Basketball Accompanyes Me (Daily Chapter)

July 2003, 7, even though it was a Sunday, as the Eagle County incident fermented, the entire United States began to follow suit.

Before the illegal invasion incident, through the sports media, most of the impressions left on people by Kobe Bryant were that of a "good boy" from high school who was introverted, not good at communicating, and loved basketball.

Jerry West, who once worked for the Lakers, once praised Kobe’s love for basketball:

"In addition to training and games every day, Kobe dedicated everything to basketball."

And after this incident fermented, this persona was completely broken!

Kobe is not the good boy in people's minds. He seems to be no different from those black stars. He still can't control his crotch after getting married.

Media reporters from all over the United States rushed to Eagle County with "long guns and short cannons". Everyone wanted to interview the champion guard.

However, after getting legal help, Kobe has not accepted any interviews, and has not responded to calls from the Lakers and teammates. Talking too much would be wrong. Under the advice of his lawyer, Kobe has remained silent.

Phil Jackson refused to comment, and Lakers officials could only remain neutral at this time:

"Kobe chose surgery and did not notify the team. We have not communicated with Kobe yet, and we are currently unclear about the specific circumstances of the incident."

The truth of the matter is no longer important. In the media propaganda, the image of Kobe's illegal invasion has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

ESPN's program almost gave Kobe a slap in the face, but this weekend the guys broke another big news:

"Shaquille O'Neal's wife Shani seems dissatisfied with her husband's past experience"

After winning the championship last year, O'Neal chose to propose to Shani. Los Angeles sports media even broke the news about the romantic scene at the time and sent his sincere blessings!

As a result, less than a year later, the two seemed to have a relationship crisis. In the ESPN program on Sunday, the sports commentator vowed:

"O'Neal is very angry now. He thinks Kobe's lies have destroyed his family!"

"He said that he had sent text messages and called Kobe, but so far he has not received a response. O'Neal hopes that Kobe can give him an explanation."

Not long ago, in a TNT program, Charles Barkley said that he would never talk about the "OK Group" again, but within half a month, he was slapped in the face with a boomerang.

At this time, the trio no longer discussed the Knicks' tactics and Li You's inhuman statistics.

All the enthusiasm for the 03 rookie class has dissipated. People now want to know whether Kobe Bryant did it and what O'Neal did back then.

Kobe's fans did not believe that their idol would invade illegally. While sending threatening emails to the person involved, they also dug up the Gold Club incident.

The rumor at that time was that the Knicks held a collective silver party, and Kaplan flew over a dozen beauties to provide services to the Knicks.

Many years have passed since this incident. Kobe fans have been extremely active on the Internet since they found out, and they seem to want to change the topic:

"The Knicks had a silver party together, Clay-Lee must have done it too."

In short, if our idols suffer, don’t worry about your idols either, because everyone has done it anyway!

Young New York fans have been very happy these days, and they have experienced the joy of laning.

Over the years, the New York media has dug deep into Li You's love life. Everyone knows that Li You has many blonde friends, but no girl has complained about it.

Even Jennifer Connelly, who found the successor, joked in an interview:

“Lee is a good friend of mine and we did have a great experience but we were both focused on our careers.

"My eldest son still loves him! Every Christmas, he brings Kai a gift!"

Not only talking about Li You, because of Kobe Bryant's incident, a large number of fans dug up the "hard work" of past NBA stars off the court.

At that time, the "Three Js" in Dallas almost came to blows after they became like-minded, and Kidd's love affair also became the target of ridicule among fans.

As for the old stories of Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan from earlier years, they have also been uncovered.

As a witness of that era, fans want to learn about Charles Barkley's views through TNT's programs, and eat some big melons along the way!

In the studio, before speaking, Kenny Smith folded several armors for himself and then said:

"I respect women, but I don't like some people taking this matter to a racial level!"

"Now that the court has not given a final result, we should be skeptical, think independently, and trust our judicial system."

Some extreme white people began to protest in Eagle County with signs reading "Don't associate with black people", and more and more people who didn't care about the NBA were attracted.

Charles Barkley also had some headaches. He couldn't tell the truth about his old friends on the show. He didn't talk as loudly as before, but said seriously:

"We all know that every time we play on the road, players are going to have offers."

"It's not a big deal. As long as you are single and you can maintain your physical condition, you can enjoy this life most of the time."

"Players encounter a lot of temptations and they will naturally make mistakes, but it's hard for me to believe that Kobe would do such a thing."

"I don't want to make a comment now, as Kenny said, we should trust the law!"

The two said they believed in the law, but in fact everyone understood that Kobe, who was formally charged, would not go to jail.

Compared with the sensational Simpson murder case that year, Kobe, who is also a well-known athlete, made a very small mistake. He only needs to pay a few dollars, and the fair judicial system will naturally give him justice!

The two partners no longer spoke as freely as before, and Ernie Johnson really didn't want to talk about this topic, so he could only follow:

"Kobe will hold a press conference in a few days, and then we can hear the whole story from him."

"Everyone can remain patient during this period, and we will also provide real-time reports."

The trio had repeated arguments during the show. After the recording, Charles Barkley sighed in a low voice:

"No matter what the outcome is, Kobe is completely finished. His sponsors will soon terminate his contract, and there is a high probability that the Lakers players will not speak up for him."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Vanessa chooses to divorce him at this time, and it will be difficult for him to gain the support of the alliance."

Kenny Smith thought of the 03 rookies who entered the league, and then thought of Kobe's current experience, and nodded in agreement:

"It's really too bad and there's a good chance this case will go on for a long time."

There was no surveillance in the hotel room, which allowed the white girl to take the initiative. Ernie Johnson did not speak anymore, but began to sigh in his heart:

"No one can save you!"

On the morning of the 6th, Li You wore a black formal suit and attended Ken Griffin's wedding in South Palm Beach.

Most of the people present today were investors and close friends of this rising hedge fund star, but not many of their families were present.

As a French-American girl, Anne Dias originally hoped that her grand wedding could be arranged in France. However, when signing the prenuptial agreement, the two had some conflicts.

There was some unpleasantness between the two sides, and in the end Ken Griffin chose to have it in Palm Beach.

The manor in Ivana's hometown is actually very luxurious, and weddings are often held. This time Ken Griffin reserved the venue, and the service staff showed 120% enthusiasm.

In addition to some partners and Wall Street people, there were also members of the Elephant Party. Ken Griffin might be their future pocketbook, so he naturally had to take good care of it.

The picturesque scenery of blue sky, white clouds and green grassland witnessed the two newlyweds exchanging rings. After a loving kiss, everyone at the scene cheered.

Li You applauded, and Daniel Ziff beside him suddenly smiled and whispered:

"Griffin really hasn't been carried away by love, otherwise the two of them will definitely have a fight in the future!"

The richer the family, the more painful it will be once they break up. Daniel is the youngest son in the Ziv family, and this kind of thing happens a lot.

Li You turned to look at this person and noticed that his girlfriend was not with him, so he also joked:

"I believe they are true love. Griffin often goes to New York to visit his girlfriend. He even contributes a lot to Dias' company."

Like Li You, Daniel also has a chicken coop shape on his head today. With his messy and broken hair, he looks younger.

Subconsciously brushing his hair, Daniel made sure that his two brothers were not here, and then said with a smile:

"Li, there are many beautiful girls. We need a partner who can tolerate us. Dias is not such a person. She is also very strong."

"Listen to me, and have a few children with Ivana in two years, so that her stingy father won't ask you to pay membership fees!"

When they talked about this topic, the two of them laughed.

There was a grand pool party here in the evening. Ivana, who was wearing a white dress, was busy instructing the service staff at home to stay away. Naturally, she didn't know Li You's "evil" plan.

It was almost noon when Li You saw Bobby and his friend Alvin.

Since making a lot of money, Alvin has completely let himself go after graduating from Connecticut Law School:

"The world is so big, I want to see it!"

I spent more than three years traveling around the world, saw lions on the African savanna, witnessed penguins in Antarctica, played with wild South American girls, and almost fell into the hands of a girl who became a door-to-door son-in-law.

The ideals you once had have long been left behind. Now that you have money, just live life and work? Absolutely impossible!

Noticing the vicissitudes of his friend's face, Li You smiled from ear to ear, patted him hard and joked:

"Why are you back? My good brother, where did your beloved sister Natasha go? I thought you were going to stay in Ukraine."

Ivan's blond hair, with his slicked back hair, had lost its luster. He was past his prime in his 30s, and his body was a little overdraft. Thinking of that bad fate, he said helplessly:

"I'm hurt. They just like my money. Now I just want to live a good life!"

Bobby shook his head when he heard this. He knew that this guy just had no money.

"Good job in Fairfield County, your boss should be retiring in two years!"

"Jonathan Benedict is very prestigious. For the sake of his classmates and old friendships, if he can let you become the assistant chief prosecutor, you may have a chance to become the chief district attorney in a few years."

Hearing Li You's words, Alvin began to sigh again. He went home for half a year and worked under the district attorney through a relationship. He could only do odd jobs every day. This was not the life he wanted.

Jonathan was from Yale University and graduated from Connecticut Law School. Li You got to know this prestigious prosecutor through several alumni gatherings.

Ivan's father also graduated from Connecticut Law School, and in the end both parties worked together to get the job.

Akers Capital was in Greenwich, so Bobby had naturally dealt with the district attorney. He noticed that the two of them had stopped joking, and reminded him:

"In a few years, we can contribute to the election of district attorneys in Manhattan and Fairfield County. This can be done!" Li You smiled and nodded. After walking around, Milinda returned here. Deliberately pretending to be surprised, he said:

"God, Alvin, you look twenty years older than Clay. What have you been through in the past few years!"

After saying these words, Milin, who was wearing a white dress, hugged Li You and smiled wildly. With the extra practice in the past few days, her complexion has improved a lot, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

Touching his beard, Ai Wen no longer wanted to talk. Li You's appearance had not changed at all in the past few years. Except for the stubble that he deliberately grew, he still looked about 20 years old.

Jin was also shocked when he saw Li You's friend. He was really worried about being 30 years old.

Also wearing a white dress, with her blond hair tied up, her whole person became a bit serious. Jin smiled and said hello:

"Masson, the first time I met you, you were more stable than Clay described."

Jin's speech was a little fast, and his smile was a little girly. Alvin smiled bitterly, but he was the only one who was getting older.

Milinda is 3 years older than Li You. According to the news from Bobby, Jin is 5 years older than Li You.

"You don't have to hold back your laughter. We are all our own people. I really have to take care of myself."

Seeing this handsome guy who once changed his girlfriend every half month, turned into a vicissitudes of life, and thinking about her friend's ridiculous experiences, Milinda couldn't stop laughing:

"Two Ukrainian girls made you look like this, you should really ask Clay for advice!"


After the pool party in the evening, Li You was also slightly drunk. This was his happiest day recently.

Since tomorrow is Monday, the ridiculous days in a row are over, and the blond white rabbit is still a little nostalgic.

Looking at Li You lying on the big bed, Ivana suddenly showed off her rope skills.

Li You, who was slightly drunk, realized that his hands were tied and opened his eyes wide.

"Ha! I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

When encountering this novel trick, Li You naturally worked hard to cooperate:

"My Queen!"

By the end of the first week of July, NBA fans have completely forgotten about the free market. With the Eagle County case fermenting, everyone just wants to eat.

On the 9th, many media reporters blocked Vanessa. Although she was not interviewed, the pervasive reporters still dug up the information:

Vanessa appears to be pregnant!

After this news was announced, no one except Kobe's fans sympathized with him anymore, and everyone began to righteously criticize Kobe's behavior.

Everyone becomes a role model and judges this matter from the moral high ground.

Because Kobe never responded to O'Neal's text messages and phone calls, the Shark was already furious at this time!

O'Neal once again drew a line in the interview, and even publicly called for Kobe to tell him the facts:

"I cannot accept this slander. Maybe your news is not true, but now I just want to hear an apology."

"We won the championship together. I regard Kobe as my little brother, but he can't do this to me. If you read the news, give me a call!"

"I don't give a shit about your shit, but you shouldn't have gotten me into it!"

The media reporters could tell that O'Neal was really angry. It was none of his business at first, but now everyone is laughing at him.

ESPN recently began to report the Lakers' opinions on Kobe Bryant, hyping up the breakdown of the relationship between O'Neal and Kobe Bryant.

On the 11th, some media even broke the news that Vanessa was planning to divorce Kobe and that she was planning to leave the house with her daughter.

NBA players also expressed their opinions at this time and shared their gossip news in front of media reporters.

With only one championship, Kobe didn't have many honors, and the "Li You Recognition Award" didn't count at this time.

Most players have no respect for Kobe. On the contrary, many people think that this guy is just lucky to play in a big city and meet teammates like O'Neal and championship coaches like Phil Jackson.

Some players even began to express their opinions anonymously, adding insult to injury, and began to hope that Kobe would never recover.

In the second week of July, the impact of the Eagle County incident was still expanding, and Kobe never expressed his position to the public.

Media reporters can’t wait to move their cameras to Kobe’s home for a reality show!

On the morning of July 7, everyone from the Knicks came to Los Angeles to prepare for the ESPY Awards ceremony in the evening.

D'Antoni has been interviewed frequently recently, and at the end of the month Sports Illustrated will issue a special feature on the Knicks, with a group photo on the cover.

As a championship coach with 73 wins, D'Antoni naturally has a lot of interviews.

However, after arriving in Los Angeles, the coaching staff discovered that the most popular player in this city was still Kobe Bryant.

Yesterday morning, Kobe finally accepted an interview, but he did not answer relevant questions. He just made an announcement to himself:

"I will attend the press conference with Vanessa on the 18th, and I will answer all questions then."

After Kobe left these words, the media reporters were excited again. They had been waiting for half a month, and this melon was finally coming to fruition!

There were many athletes attending the ESPY Awards this year. When Li You arrived in Los Angeles, he didn't even have time to say hello to the others. As soon as he showed up in the evening, he was blocked by everyone in the Hollywood Theater.

There won't be so many reporters at the ESPYs. Obviously, everyone is waiting for the day after tomorrow to attend Kobe's press conference.

Unlike in the past, many of the people present today are editors, writers and senior reporters from the ESPY Academy.

Not only local media in Los Angeles, but senior media figures from the Associated Press, USA Today, Fox Sports, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Denver Post, etc. are all here.

New York Post columnist Steve Surby, who is familiar with Li You, asked without hesitation:

"Li, it is said that you have been to the Gold Club a long time ago. Is this news true?"

Li You, who was wearing a dark blue formal suit, looked at the people in the New York Post and couldn't laugh or cry. They were the ones who broke the news back then:

"Yeah, there's nothing to hide. Kaplan was a big fan of the Knicks, so naturally I've been to the club as well."

In the past two years, Kaplan, who was arrested, provided a long list of celebrities who visited the Gold Club. Not only Li You and NBA stars, but also celebrities such as Bill Gates also spent money there.

Denver Post reporter Woody Page didn't care about this kind of outdated news. He looked at Li You expectantly and asked quickly:

"Lee, have you followed the Eagle County incident? How would you evaluate Kobe Bryant's behavior?"

Having known for a long time that these guys would ask such questions, Li You shrugged his shoulders and said seriously:

"You might as well listen to the answer given by Kobe himself the day after tomorrow."

"When I was taking classes at Connecticut Law School, some seniors told me that justice is blind. Lady Justice cannot see the eyes of criminals begging for him. The goddess will eventually judge everything!"

"We should trust the judicial system, time will eventually give the answer!"

Many reporters nodded. In Europe and the United States, the statue of the Goddess of Justice is blindfolded, holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other.

This statue means that the goddess of justice will use the balance to weigh the sins and then judge the criminals!

Reliefs of the Lady of Justice can often be seen in law schools and judicial institutions. In the United States, many people like this sentence, which also symbolizes that this country has a high degree of rule of law!

Li You spoke beautifully about the scene, and since the day after tomorrow was Kobe's press conference, everyone stopped talking about it too much.

At 21 o'clock that night, at the Hollywood Theater, host Jamie Foxx started the show by telling jokes as usual.

Although he was in Los Angeles, this person was merciless when teasing O'Neal, and the "missing persons" joke was mentioned repeatedly.

Li You was sitting on the Knicks side. Even though he was near the front row, he could still hear people in the back gossiping about Kobe's illegal invasion.

Regarding this matter, Li You is too lazy to comment. Basketball players ultimately let their performance speak for themselves.

As long as you win enough, time will be the winner's friend, and negative news will eventually be washed away.

Although Li You said something very beautifully in the previous scene, in the legal industry, the goddess of justice has a different meaning:

It is true that the goddess of justice cannot see the pleading eyes of criminals, but as long as you have enough chips and feel the weight on the scale and the crisp sound of gold coins falling, the goddess will also take off the blindfold and look at you;

If you are a powerful man, you can use the rules to strangle the neck of the goddess of justice, and feel the tightening of her throat, and the goddess will also compromise for it;

If you have neither money nor power, but only a strong body, and you rush up to the goddess of justice, the pleasure brought by the sense of shame may also make the goddess forgive you.

At this award ceremony, Li Youxian won the NBA Best Player without any suspense;

The 73-win Knicks won Team of the Year;

D'Antoni won Coach of the Year;

For the Best Male Athlete Award, Li You defeated Armstrong and won the trophy again!

Although Kobe was still preparing for the press conference the day after tomorrow, he was sitting on the sofa and watching the ESPY awards ceremony blankly.

He has imagined many times that he will win the championship, win FMVP, stand on the podium, hold the best male athlete award, and accept the cheers of everyone present.

The cheers coming from the TV made Kobe wake up. Seeing Li You lifting the trophy, smiling and talking, Kobe felt that he had been abandoned by the world.

Although Vanessa and her daughter are at home, the two parties have rarely communicated in recent days.

"Thank you to those great seniors and my opponents. It is you who have made me what I am today!"


Hearing Li You's voice coming from the TV again, Kobe could no longer suppress the grievance in his heart, grabbed the basketball next to him, and cried silently:

"Only basketball stays with me."

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(End of this chapter)

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