NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 279 Desire for Honor

Chapter 279 Desire for Honor (Ten Thousand Words Chapter)

On February 2003, 2, the Knicks ended their six consecutive Western away games and took a day off to return to Manhattan for another game against the Rockets.

After the All-Star Game, although the Lakers were double-killed by the Knicks and O'Neal suffered another injury, the overall record began to pick up and has now caught up with the Rockets.

With 30 wins and 26 losses, head coach Tomjanovich led this rebuilt team to achieve such a record, which shows that this championship coach has something good!

The Knicks had injuries during their away trip, but overall, they had little impact on the team's overall strength.

Although there may be some minor problems on the offensive end with Jackson and Prince in the starting lineup, as long as Li You plays normally and the big man eats the cake steadily, the Knicks can still crush most teams.

The game officially kicked off at 19:30 that night, and many Chinese fans came to Madison Square Garden.

Compared to Houston, perhaps due to the impact of ticket prices, there are far fewer supporters of Yao Ming. The Knicks did not leave many tickets for tourists.

After experiencing the All-Star Game, Yao Ming has completely secured his starting position. Although he often has to accommodate Francis and Mobley, his tactical status has still improved slightly.

Tomjanovich's physical condition seems to have deteriorated recently, and after the game started, he did not command as passionately from the sidelines as before.

The championship coach sat on the bench and watched silently as the Knicks used pick-and-rolls to dismantle the Rockets' defense.

Mobley missed a three-pointer from the right wing, Li You picked up a long rebound, and the Rockets retreated desperately.

"Let's go Knicks!."

Seeing that the Rockets completed the defensive matchup in time, the cheers and cheers in the arena rang out again.

Gasol didn't rush too fast. He trailed behind and stood at the top of the arc after half the game.

Yao Ming, who had just returned to the paint area, had no choice but to defend. The Rockets had no good solution for this high pick-and-roll.

As long as Gasol's screen quality is high enough and Mobley fails to complete the pursuit at the first opportunity, there is a high probability that he will give Li You points.

The Rockets also adopted different defensive strategies. At this time, Yao Ming took the initiative and chose to defend with a big delay at the first time, trying to cooperate with his teammates in double-teaming.

Gasol noticed the Rockets' defensive strategy and did not continue to cover. Instead, he immediately accelerated down the lane and stuck behind Eddie Griffin who was coming from the defensive position.

Facing a huge delay in defense, Li You, holding the ball in his left hand, first moved sideways, then accelerated twice and plunged into Yao Ming's arms.

Subconsciously choosing to slide back to the right, Yao Ming just moved, and Li You sent a through ball. Mobley, who was chasing after him, could only watch the basketball fly into the hands of Gasol in the middle.

The latter caught the ball, leaned against the defense, stepped toward the basket, and grabbed the ball with one hand with his left hand. Gasol easily completed the throw without much interference!

"Whoa!" The two-point ball hit the net.


The cheers in the stadium became more and more harsh. As the team boss, Francis certainly had to step forward at this time.

The Knicks' defensive strategy tonight is not complicated. Try to let the All-Star guard solve problems in the mid-range.

Coming to the right wing to receive the ball, Yao Ming immediately stepped forward to pick and roll. Jackson chose to squeeze through the pursuit, while Gasol retreated from the defense early.

The good quality of the cover allowed Francis, who was holding the ball in his right hand, to get rid of the pursuit for a short time. He immediately stopped in the blocking area and made a quick jump shot before the defense behind him arrived!

"Bang!" Hitting the iron again in the middle distance

The rebound was easily collected by Gasol, and the Rockets could only retreat quickly, and Yao Ming continued to run back.

Seeing the Knicks launching a transition attack, commentator Nesler subconsciously asked in the ESPN commentary box:

"Why are the Knicks so determined to let go of Francis' mid-range jumper?"

Jeff Van Gundy on the side was speechless when he heard this question. This guy was complained by the fans for a reason, and his professionalism was indeed a bit meaningless:

"This season, Francis's shooting percentage on mid-range jumpers is less than 30%. His long two-pointers are pretty good, but his shooting percentage is also less than 40%."

"Under such circumstances, the Knicks' interior line will certainly choose to protect the basket."

"In the first few minutes of the game, Francis couldn't find the touch in time to respond, so the Knicks could take it easy."

"Francis should trust his teammates at this time. Maybe he should give the ball to Yao more often. They have to narrow the point difference in time."

The two wanted to continue discussing in the commentary box. At this time, Li You, who was holding the ball in his right hand, had already rushed to the right flank.

The Knicks' two wings rushed across half court early. Jackson ran to the right corner immediately, and Prince followed to the left wing.

Kurt Thomas and Gasol were still the same as before. When Li You slowed down to observe the matchup on the court, the two stopped at the left and right elbows again.

Mobley did not choose to stick to the defense, control the defensive distance, and constantly look at the movements behind him.

Li You turned to look at Prince outside the three-point line. The latter was being guarded by James Posey. After receiving instructions, he first pretended to speed up and cut from the center, and then suddenly ran sideways.

With the help of Kurt Thomas' off-ball screen, Prince got rid of the defense and immediately accelerated to cut to the basket without the ball.

Mobley on the right wing saw Li You suddenly throwing the ball to the upper left side of the basket, and subconsciously turned his head. Then he saw Prince leaping high, coming into the air to easily grab the ball, grabbing the ball with both hands and slamming it into the basket. !

"Boom!" Alley-oop dunk succeeded!


Wonderful tactical coordination, cheers echoed throughout the stadium.

The point difference was widened, and Francis no longer chose jump shots at this time. In the offensive round, he made a pick-and-roll on the right wing, and immediately accelerated the breakthrough and rushed to the basket with the ball in his right hand.

Gasol raised his hands high, and Francis' top shot finally hit the basket. Fortunately, the referee immediately called a whistle.

Unconsciously, the Rockets began to speed up again, and the number of such possessions after halftime was increasing.

Yao Ming is silent on the court, and Mobley doesn't like passing the ball to big men. Once the Rockets fall behind, there is a high probability that the two guards will take over the game.

D'Antoni on the sidelines crossed his arms and looked at the time, then returned to his seat with a smile and hung up. If nothing else happens, the Knicks will maintain a double-digit lead.

Francis made both free throws to help the Rockets finish chasing points. Then everyone quickly retreated from defense. Several people on the court kept reminding each other and quickly completed the defensive matchup.

With no one leading the defense, Li You advanced very quickly. The Knicks still followed the same old routine. The two big men stood in the elbow area early, and the two wings stood in the left and right corners respectively.

The "V-shaped" offense is not complicated, but Yao Ming has difficulties on the defensive end.

Noticing that Gasol began to move upward again to set up the pick-and-roll, Yao Ming, who was somewhat hesitant, still chose to delay early.

Under a high-quality screen, Li You, holding the ball with his left hand, simply moved quickly laterally to get rid of Mobley's pursuit. Facing Yao Ming's delayed defense, he suddenly lowered his center of gravity and quickly completed the dribble under his crotch with his left hand.

The moment Li You grabbed the ball with his right hand, Mobley, who was chasing him from behind, instinctively made a move. However, he didn't expect that Li You seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. He quickly led the ball forward with his right hand, just in time to avoid cutting the ball.

Yao Ming's body couldn't keep up with his brain, so he could only subconsciously turn his head and saw Li You squeeze past him and grab the ball again with his left hand in the paint area.

Near the baseline on the right, James Posey moved toward the basket, and Eddie Griffin also followed back to defend the basket.

Although the two of them are very fast, Li You's release speed is faster. He just picked up the ball with his left hand and completed the ball behind his back.

The two people who returned to the basket were stunned. The basketball flew straight to the right corner. When Stephen Jackson received the ball, there was no one in front of him. He adjusted slightly and made a steady jump shot!

"Whoa!" The three-pointer hit the net.


After the exclamation, the cheers of the New York fans almost broke through the arena. Li You made a pick-and-roll and toyed with the entire Rockets defense. From passing to passing, he looked particularly silky.

Although Nessler in the commentary box was slow to react, he still shouted excitedly when he saw the basketball entering the basket:

"Incredible! Li made a magical assist, how did he do it!"

Jeff Van Gundy was also secretly stunned when he saw it. Li You could "see it" in the past, but this season he seemed more calm.

The bald young coach didn't say a word. He just looked at D'Antoni, who was celebrating happily on the sidelines with his hands raised in the air, and felt sad in his heart:

"Just a puppet of a superstar."

In the last few rounds of the first quarter, Francis stood on the free throw line again. Looking back, Kurt Thomas made a jumper.

At 24:37, the Knicks continued to maintain a double-digit lead.

Yao Ming took a break of less than 2 minutes in the middle of the first quarter. He couldn't help but take two deep breaths while sitting in his seat during the break.

The Knicks took 24 shots in the first quarter. This casual and violent offense caused the Rockets to lose their game rhythm early.

As a rookie, Yao Ming can only run along, which is not a pleasant feeling.

Coach D'Antoni didn't give too many instructions. Stoudemire in the current substitute lineup is in excellent condition, and the task of several players on the field is to score.

In the commentary box, Nesler stopped talking about the game at this time. Feeling the joyful atmosphere in the arena, he began to sigh again:

"Times have really changed. Every time I come to New York, I can feel the fans' love for the game."

"Maybe in the Western Conference, big men still dominate the game, but it's different here. Fans prefer outside superstars like Lee."

ESPN's broadcast this season has not been successful. Most of the schedule has passed, and the game with the highest ratings in the regular season was set by Li You.

The taste of fans has indeed changed. Young people no longer like to watch big men attacking in the low post, and slow-paced games are no longer popular.

Some teams are also making changes, trying to speed up their games and cater to fans' preferences.

However, it is still difficult to sell tickets in small ball markets. The lack of stars is the most critical problem, and the league cannot solve this problem.

After being in the commentary box for a year, Jeff Van Gundy is certainly aware of this change, but he is a championship coach and will not consider catering to the fans. For him, winning the championship is the only pursuit:

"Fans' preferences will change with victory. The Knicks are currently the biggest winner, so everyone likes this kind of game."

"But as long as other teams can also win the O'Brien Cup, the new champion can bring a new trend!"

The bald young marshal was talking eloquently, and Nessler beside him started gossiping again:

"Jeff, are you going to call this year's McDonald's High School All-Star Game?"

After looking at his partner, Jeff Van Gundy immediately admitted it, and then added with a smile:

"LeBron James' talent is amazing, he has a chance to become the next Lee!"


In the second quarter, the Rockets failed to organize an effective counterattack, and Li You entered a fishing state again.

Continuous away games, coupled with back-to-back games tomorrow, also made him feel a little depressed.

Whenever Li You starts to fish, the ones who benefit are the role players. Jackson and Prince, who are rare starters, are getting better and better as they play, and they spare no effort to express themselves on the defensive end.

Before the end of the half, in two consecutive transition attacks, Jackson attacked from left and right and hit chasing three-pointers on both wings.

Seeing Jackson pumping his fists and roaring, the New York fans cheered louder.

At 47:65, when it entered halftime, cheerful music sounded again in the arena.

In the Knicks locker room, Stoudemire was not affected by the schedule. The rookie was playing more and more energetically:

"I should be able to win the Rookie of the Month award! In February, March, and April, I won the second half of the awards. The Rookie of the Month award should be mine!"

Caron Butler has won the Rookie of the Month twice in the Eastern Conference, and Yao Ming has won it once in the Western Conference.

Considering the upcoming schedule, Stoudemire does have a chance to get the trophy.

Artest, who had a sprained shoulder, was not in a good mood. When he mentioned awards, he thought of DPOY.

This season, "Big Ben" has a great chance to continue to win awards, and Artest is naturally unconvinced:

"The guys who are voting are only looking at blocks, can't they look at other numbers?"

Grant Hill was walking around in the locker room wearing a gray suit. Hearing Artest's words, he said thoughtfully:

"Other data? Defensive efficiency? This data seems to be less popular."

Pulling the tie around his neck, Artest didn't understand much about these high-level statistics, but he was so confident that his numbers were definitely not bad:

"It seems like this is the thing. I should be ranked in the top 10 in the league! I am the best perimeter defender this season!"

Seeing Artest looking at him, Li You nodded first, and then told Artest some unfortunate news:

"Ron is indeed the best perimeter defender, but you are wrong about one thing. In fact, the sports media who vote will refer to a lot of data."

"Ben's defensive efficiency value should be No. 1 in the league, so more people will choose to vote for him. This is the advantage of interior players. They can fill up the data table."

Hearing that "Big Ben" ranked first, Artest was even more depressed. For the first time, he had a desire for high-level data.

It is definitely not an easy task for outside players to win the best defensive player award. All Li You can do is help shout after the game.

In fact, all Knicks players will praise Artest in interviews, as will the coaching staff. He has indeed shown excellent defense this season.

Especially with the support of the home whistle, most outside ball holders will be compromised when encountering Artest's aggressive defense.

In the second half of the game, Li You regained some momentum and also contributed two beautiful steals on the defensive end.

At the end of the third quarter, the Rockets had a complete break, and D'Antoni took the opportunity to replace Li You. The atmosphere team got a lot of playing time tonight.

In the two games, Yao Ming sat on the bench in the fourth quarter. He complained when he met other opponents Mobley and Francis, but at this time these two did not say a word.

The atmosphere of both sides was refreshed. When the final buzzer sounded, the score was fixed at 95:114, and the Knicks easily won the game.


When he returned to the locker room and was interviewed by Chinese media, Yao Ming still showed a trace of frustration:

"We're a long way from a championship team, and the Knicks have a lot of talent in their rotation."

"On top of that, we had a hard time keeping up with each other's game."


When asked about Li You's performance, Yao Ming also smiled and looked even more helpless:

"Do whatever you want, that's how I feel, I still have a lot to learn."

For Li You, every time he plays against the Rockets, there will be more "ten-year-old fans" on the other side of the ocean.

The Chinese sports media are even more looking forward to the Rockets' next game, the last match between Yao Ming and Michael Jordan. This stunt has been promoted for half a month!

After the home game, the Knicks had to get on the bus to play a game with the second team on the second day.

The Nets currently have a record of 37 wins and 21 losses, which seems unremarkable, but they are ranked third in the Eastern Conference.

Kidd, who is about to turn 30, has entered the peak period of his career, and his personal data has also increased.

In the early years, Kidd would still pursue a triple-double, but as he got older, his rebounding data began to fall into place.

The Nets also played back-to-back games. They gave the Cavaliers warmth last night and allowed their opponents to win their 11th victory of the season.

After returning home, the Nets, like the Knicks, were a little moody.

In the third quarter of the game, during the Knicks' offensive round, watching Li You change direction in front of the top of the key to get rid of Kidd, break through the middle and go straight to the basket, the Nets' home commentator Ian Igor said depressedly:

"At the age of 25 versus 30, Kidd seemed to have forgotten how to defend Lee. His game experience did not play any role."

His partner Bill Raftery saw Kenyon Martin jump to block the shot early, and he also complained loudly:

"Martin seems to have forgotten his defender. I can guarantee that this guy must have forgotten Coach Scott's instructions in the video class."

As soon as the two finished speaking, Kurt Thomas, who was near the baseline on the left, moved to the basket, received a pass from Li You, and immediately dunked with both hands!

The two people looked at each other in the commentary box, and heard the cheers erupting in the arena. They were unable to complain for a while, and finally Igor could only whisper:

"I have an ominous feeling that we may face the Knicks in the playoffs!"

Raftery had completely given up on treatment, and after hearing his partner's words, he mocked himself:

"Isn't this a good thing? The team doesn't have to fly around. We can get to Manhattan in less than 40 minutes by bus."

"Maybe Kidd can bring us a surprise this year. For me, the conference finals have been very successful!"

"."    The two began to joke about the home team in the commentary box. When the Nets were attacking, Kidd was also a little depressed, and huddled up on the opposite side. No matter how hard he tried to stretch the defense outside the three-point line, the Knicks circled around the paint area. .

Although Kenyon Martin is as fierce as a tiger in the fast break, he falls into a positional attack and is really anxious in post-up singles.

It's unreliable to expect big men to attract double-teams in the low post and score, so for several rounds, Kidd dove into the paint and tried to draw fouls.

The effect was not ideal. When Kidd came to the top of the arc, he simply started to cooperate hand-to-hand.

At the elbow area on the right side of the free throw line, Kenyon Martin immediately turned sideways after receiving the ball. Kidd accelerated again. After receiving the ball, he released the ball with his right hand and accelerated the breakthrough.

Kurt Thomas stepped forward immediately and delayed, and Li You continued to pursue the defense.

Kidd, who was slowing down, was frustrated to find that Li You had just cut off his passing route.

This kind of hand-to-hand ground pass has been successful for the Nets many times, but it has always failed when playing against the Knicks.

Kurt Thomas and Li You did not stick to each other, but gave Kidd a certain space to shoot. When they came to the right near the baseline, Kidd immediately stopped and succeeded in a drifting mid-range jumper!


Both teams struggled in the first half, but the Nets' slow start cost them the price.

With frequent positional attacks, Kenyon Martin could never find a good opportunity. He made 7 of 2 in the first half and had two fast break dunks. The rest of the offense under the basket was all iron-clad.

Kidders was never able to find his touch, and Kidd and Jefferson had to shoulder more offense.

Constantly loudly commanding his teammates, if he wants to equalize the score difference, he naturally has to rely on defense. Kidd hopes to have more opportunities to switch offenses.

It was also a handover after halftime. When Li You gave the ball to Gasol, he accelerated to the left corner without the ball.

Prince noticed Gasol receiving the ball near the three-point line at the top of the arc. When he saw Li You coming to cover, he first pretended to go to the baseline and cut in, and then accelerated and ran back up the line.

Against Jefferson, he just followed his body instinct to defend. As soon as the two of them reached the left block, Kidd loudly reminded his teammates:

"Watch the basket!"

Suddenly accelerating and cutting diagonally, Prince leaned against Jefferson and accelerated towards the paint area directly in front of the basket. Since his back was to the top of the arc, Gasol sent a through ball, and Jefferson had no reaction to it.

After receiving the ball, Prince, who came to the lower right side of the basket, first feinted the ball and deceived the opponent's defensive focus. Then he relied on Jefferson to get up and hit the board and put the basket successfully!

After completing the goal, Prince made a hand gesture to the referee, but the bottom line referee did not respond, and the score difference was still a bit large.

The two new players were also competing tonight. In the first half, Jefferson made several cuts and scored, and in the second half, Prince also responded.

Kidd, who caught the ball from the baseline, looked ugly. The Knicks' tactical success rate was extremely high, which showed that they had many defensive problems.

There was not much time left in the third quarter, and Kidd was a little impatient. This time, he used Jason Collins' pick-and-roll at the top of the offensive arc to quickly change in advance and hold the ball with his right hand and go straight to the basket.

Li You chose to go off the line to defend. Although he did not expect Kidd to be so determined, Kurt Thomas moved early and returned to the basket to interfere.

Faced with such a defense, Kidd did not choose to pass the ball. Instead, after taking off with both feet, he briefly shouldered the defense, pulled the lever in the air, and got out of the way to block the shot.

The moment Kidd took the shot, he felt that the ball must be there. Before it hit the ground, he saw the basketball flying into the air and being blocked!

Li You, who was chasing from behind, blocked the shot. After landing, he twisted around and controlled the ball. On the other side, Kidd, who staggered and almost fell into the street, cursed secretly, but it was too late to pursue him.


The cheers that erupted again in the arena made everyone on the Nets even more depressed. As soon as they retreated to the midline position, Jason Collins was passed by Li You.

Kenyon Martin, who had enough energy to chase after him from behind, could only watch Li You striding to the basket, grabbing the ball with his left hand and dunking with one arm!

Coach Scott shook his head on the sidelines. He could naturally see that the players had tried their best. After all, no one wanted to lose two games in a row.

After completing the dunk, Li You looked at the Nets and shook his head. He could understand the opponent's mood. Such a home court was really terrible.

The game continued, and until the last few rounds of the third quarter, the Nets failed to attack continuously.

After three quarters, the score reached 78:63. Kidd returned to the bench and threw the towel angrily.

In the commentary box, the home commentator Igor was already chatting about gossip:

"It seems that Li will definitely win the MVP this year. No one can match him in terms of personal data and team record."

"Everyone will vote for him, and I even think he can get unanimous votes."

Raftery glanced at his partner, didn't mention the game anymore, and continued following the topic:

"Universal vote? This is impossible. There are several cities that will never vote for Lee."

"I can guarantee that reporters in Philadelphia will not vote for Lee. He almost destroyed Allen Iverson and the 76ers have not won once!"

"Think about it, is anyone still paying attention to them now? Everyone knows that even if Iverson leads the team to the Eastern Conference Finals, Lee will still easily eliminate them."

"I will not vote for such an opponent, no matter how good he is."

Igor chuckled for a while, and finally began to mock himself:

"In this way, the Nets are very lucky, at least we beat Lee."

"Hell! Stop talking about it, don't forget we were swept out of the Eastern Conference finals last year!"


Kidd, who was sitting on the bench, looked directly at the rotation lineup.

He performed well tonight, hitting 14 of 7 and scoring 18 points. Although he made 3 turnovers, Kidd thought he had done his best.

When Richard Jefferson saw his boss like this, he couldn't help but comfort him in a low voice:

"It doesn't matter, this is just a regular season game. We just flew back to New Jersey. Everyone is in bad shape. We will definitely reach the finals this season."

The second-year rookie's comfort was of no use. Kidd could feel that Li You was still rising and his control over the game was getting stronger and stronger.

Considering the age gap between the two, the silent Kidd became increasingly depressed and his future was bleak.

In the fourth quarter of the game, the main lineups of the two teams played for more than 4 minutes. The point difference never narrowed, and Kidd finally gave up.

At 104:90, after the game, another burst of cheers erupted in the arena. At this time, head coach Scott couldn't hold back anymore and folded his arms and cursed in a low voice:

"Shet! This damn home field!"

On February 2, the Knicks played their last game in February.

The Magic also made a trade after the All-Star break, sending away McGrady's good friend Mike Miller and acquiring Drew Gooden from the Grizzlies.

This transaction naturally made McGrady very angry, but coach Rivers' chicken soup was still strong enough. After some comfort, there were no problems in the locker room.

When asked why this transaction occurred, head coach Rivers confidently stated:

"To compete for the championship, the team needs outstanding big men!"

"Drew Gooden is very talented and he can make up for the shortcomings in our lineup."

At 29 wins and 29 losses, the Magic's record is neither good nor bad, but there shouldn't be too many problems with their playoff spot.

Coach Rivers' words have also been recognized by some football critics. Last season, the Knicks lost in interior defense. If they want to compete for the championship, they really cannot have obvious shortcomings.

The Magic challenged the Knicks away from home. Both Houston and McGrady were present, but the content of the game was difficult to describe.

In 40 minutes of playing time, Houston made 21 of 6 shots and scored 18 points. McGrady made 25 of 10 shots and scored 28 points.

Although the two are a bit tough, they are already the Magic's best players.

It's not entirely the two people's fault for such a performance. The tactic of taking turns playing singles is really unreliable.

102:113, with Li You's heavy attack, the Knicks finally survived the difficult schedule with a winning streak.


Handing over this data, Li You was also a little tired after the game. The sequelae of the consecutive away games some time ago have not completely dissipated.

After greeting his old teammates, Li You noticed that the new kid Stoudemire was still full of energy and kept waving to the fans. When he walked to the player tunnel, he congratulated in advance:

"Work harder and win the Rookie of the Month award for the next two months. The Rookie of the Year award this season will be yours!"

Stoudemire was so confident about this that when he was about to walk to the locker room, he still asked in a low voice:

"Lee, play more rotation time, uh, Knight is good, but I like playing next to you!"

The rookies are not stupid either. As long as Kurt Thomas and Gasol have good touch, they can score double figures in every game by eating cakes and free throws.

Scoring so easily would make anyone jealous. Li You glanced at Stoudemire and walked into the locker room with a low smile:

"Man, Nate's right behind you!"

The two people behind looked at each other awkwardly, and finally Stoudemire laughed dryly and continued to act dumb.

The Knicks have a day off on Saturday, March 3. There are still 1 games to play this month, but the schedule is relatively easy and there are no consecutive away games in the Western Conference.

The media in New York recently found another hot news. The news that Red Football Capital’s acquisition of Manchester United Club was rejected has attracted the attention of the melon-eating masses.

Li You did not respond to this. The cooperating firm, Skadden International Law Firm, directly issued a statement:

"Red Football Capital will not infringe upon the rights and interests of Manchester United. This is just normal business behavior!"


The Wall Street Journal also followed suit. This time several hedge funds were behind it, and no one believed that there would be normal business practices in the future.

On a rare weekend, Milinda also came back from the UK. The two of them had sex together at home and stayed in bed until noon before getting ready for breakfast.

The weather is getting warmer, and Happy Husky’s eyes are no longer clear. This silly dog ​​hasn’t seen its mistress for more than a month. Since yesterday, she has been running around to vent her happy emotions.

Milinda, who was wearing a large pajamas, smiled and patted the dog's head while watching Li You fishing on the bed:

"The shares acquired from the secondary market cannot completely control this club. There are also two private major shareholders, and the other parties seem to be not short of money."

Seeing the girl Da Bo who had returned to bed with most of her pajamas off, Li You hugged her and buried her head in front of her again. The two laughed for a while, and then breathed heavily and replied in a low voice:

"Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Maybe the relationship between these two and Ferguson has broken down."

"But we have to lobby on both sides!"

Milinda, who became naked again, tried hard to push Li You away, and reminded her again:

"We also have competitors, eh! Blue Football Capital was established by the Glazer family who bought the NFL team. The other party is also acquiring stocks in the secondary market."

Seeing the serious look in Dabo girl's eyes, Li You hugged her again, felt the rich touch in his hands, lowered his head and said with a smile:

"Then let's use our own methods. I should have more cash than them!"

On Sunday, March 3, the Knicks flew to Minnesota to challenge the Timberwolves away from home.

The Knicks' current record is 53 wins and 5 losses, and they have locked in a playoff spot. Therefore, most football commentators are more discussing records.

This morning, the NBA just announced its Player of the Month for February:

Li You of the Eastern Conference and Kevin Garnett of the Western Conference successfully won the award.

Throughout February, the Knicks achieved a record of 2 wins and 11 losses. Not only did Li You win the Best of the Month, Stoudemire and D'Antoni also won awards.

Compared with the previous two monthly bests, Li You's data in February also declined:


Averaged 21.1 shots per game, shooting 51.0% from the field, averaging 9.6 shots from beyond the three-point line, and shooting 42.5% from three-point range;

He averaged 8.2 free throws per game and made 90.6% of his free throws.

In contrast, the Timberwolves performed even better in February, achieving a record of 2 wins and 12 loss.


He averaged 19.8 shots per game, shooting 56.6% from the field, and averaged 7.2 free throws per game, shooting 69.9% from the field.

With Garnett's outstanding performance, the Timberwolves' record has also begun to rebound, currently achieving a record of 39 wins and 21 losses.

Sunday's conversation between the best players of the month can be regarded as the biggest stunt of the day's game.

In TNT's pre-game show, the trio first carefully analyzed the strengths of the two teams, and then changed the subject to gossip about the unanimous MVP.

Charles Barkley gloated that Li You had a high chance of winning the award, but thinking that he could not win the unanimous MVP despite his outstanding performance this season, the smile on his face became even brighter:

"To be honest, although the New York media brought huge bonuses to Li, it also made him offend a lot of people."

"As far as I know, many players don't like Lee. You know, I always receive text messages from players' agents. The news is absolutely true!"

Kenny Smith looked at his partner strangely. Of course he knew that the other party often received text messages, but they were definitely complaining about them.

"We should put aside our prejudices and ask if Lee leads the team to tie or break the best record in history, what reason do we have to not vote for him?"

Seeing that his partner was pretending to be a good guy again, Charles Barkley curled his lips disdainfully:

"The 72-win Bulls didn't let Michael Dun win the unanimous MVP award. You expect everyone to like Lee, which is impossible."

Ernie Johnson, who was sitting in the middle of the studio, heard the two arguing and began to express his own opinions:

"For Lee, unanimous MVP is not important. If he can win the championship this season, it will be the fifth championship of his career."

"Whether people recognize him or not, Lee is going to be in the discussion of the best players of all time."

Once the topic turned to the best in history, Charles Barkley felt sour:

"The best player in history at 25 years old! I have a hunch that Lee will continue to dominate the Eastern Conference. Maybe he will reach the finals every season."

"If I were playing in the Eastern Conference, I would be desperate too. They haven't even paid the luxury tax yet!"

When the salary was mentioned, the three of them were silent, and there was no solution.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, everyone from the Knicks came to the arena early to warm up.

Ever since Garnett "fighted and retreated" last time, the tough guy who lost face no longer called himself brothers to everyone.

Grant Hill and Artest will both return from injury in tonight's game. Their injuries are not serious, but back-to-back games will still limit their playing time.

Li You has been in a good mood these two days. In addition to winning the Player of the Month, his talent panel has also changed:

[Grant Hill's extraordinary explosive power] has disappeared, and this talent has been completely digested.

The increasing number of major delays this season has caused some trouble for Li You, but it has also made him gain.

Everyone in the Knicks chatted casually in the arena, and rookie Stoudemire was smiling from ear to ear. This was the first award he received after entering the league.

D'Antoni was also smiling broadly, and his mustache was blowing sex with the assistant coach. Ewing was so excited that he was taking the job of head coach too easily.

Among everyone, Artest is the only one who is not happy. If he can get DPOY in his contract year, he will definitely get more dollars in the next contract!

After Li You and Gasol discussed tonight's defensive strategy, they noticed the absent-minded Artest.

Throwing the basketball in his hand to the opponent, Li You took the initiative to step forward and pat Artest on the shoulder:

"Ron, don't worry about the contract. Awards do affect the contract, but the Knicks don't care about the luxury tax."

"Let your agent talk boldly, and you will definitely get a good contract in the end."

Artest nodded, but he was still reluctant to part with the DPOY award. This was his capital for showing off. He glanced around, revealed a trace of longing and whispered:

"Li, you have a good relationship with ESPN. Can you get me some customized data?"

"I want to beat Ben Wallace's defensive numbers!"


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