NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 234 What’s the future to look forward to?

Chapter 234 What’s the future to look forward to? (daily chapter)

On July 2001, 7, at 23:20 that night, the NBC channel replayed G5 of the Finals. At the same time, it also invited Jeff Van Gundy to provide fans with an in-depth analysis of the game.

Becoming a super champion coach, Jeff Van Gundy has had a particularly fulfilling two months!
The bald young coach was almost embarrassed on the spot. Many times he was anxious and wished he could play "play" by himself. This led to the fans being able to see Li You holding the tactical board at the last moment.
But as a guest commentator, Jeff Van Gundy is absolutely clear-headed, explains the tactics clearly, and can comment on the players' performance humorously. He also has all kinds of data at his fingertips.

In recent years, he has frequently appeared on sports programs, and Jeff Van Gundy has discovered another talent:
"If my coaching career is over, maybe I can become an excellent on-field commentator."

The bald young marshal has discovered this a long time ago, just like he can always provide insights in the video class, explain the game, and clearly understand the situation on the field.

When the video was played into the fourth quarter, Jeff Van Gundy was explaining the round when Li You faced a double-team and assisted Ben Wallace to score at the basket:

"This is Lee. He always likes to test the defense. It can also be said that he expects his opponent to double-team."

"Kobe made a mistake defensively. He should not have gotten stuck sideways, but should have quickly squeezed through the screen and tried to return to frontal defense."

"It is definitely a wrong choice to expect O'Neal to make up for it in time. When I saw Kobe making sideways interference on the sidelines, I knew the Knicks would definitely score points in this round."

Jeff Van Gundy has been bragging about Li You for the whole game, and some strong shots have turned into reasonable offenses. His partner Doug Collins couldn't stand listening anymore, so he quickly changed the subject and asked:

"After Ben leaves the team and Pau Gasol comes to the Knicks, what tactical adjustments will the team make?"


While he was playing happily, Jeff Van Gundy was stunned when he heard this question, thought for a moment, and then said:
"Gasol is in good shape in the summer league. It can be seen that he is already a mature professional basketball player."

"I will further discuss this issue with the coaching staff after the pre-match training camp starts."

The replay went to the last ball, and when Li You hit a long three-pointer to tie the score, Jeff Van Gundy did not forget to continue to play:

"This is definitely a very subtle tactic. Pat receives the ball in the high post and Lee just runs without the ball."

"The most important thing is the shooting position. The Lakers players would never have thought that Lee would shoot nearly two meters away from the three-point line."

"No one can replicate a shot like this. Lee created a miracle and tied the game. I knew the Knicks would get the match point!"

He can't stop blowing, Jeff Van Gundy has completely entered Li You blowing mode
When the replay of the game ended, Bob Costas laughed heartily on the sidelines, and Jeff Van Gundy almost shouted, "Li You is the best." It was really refreshing to explain the game in this way.

In the studio, the camera focused on the three of them again. Jeff Van Gundy was wearing a crisp black Armani suit, and his face was a little rounder than during the finals.

Wearing a white shirt, a "red scarf" and a shiny forehead, Jeff Van Gundy looks like a famous coach and directly compares himself to Doug Collins on the side.

Comparing the photos of him with hair and dark circles when he first took over the Knicks, he is definitely a completely different person. Years of success have completely transformed Jeff Van Gundy.

Bob Costas was also wearing a black formal suit, sitting on the far left. After the recording ended, he entered the gossip session:
"Doug, you will coach the Wizards next season. It is said that this is an invitation personally sent by Michael Jordan. Does Michael Jordan really intend to return to the court?"

After hearing the question, Doug Collins, who was sitting on the far right, also looked happy, but the news had to be kept secret:
"I don't know, but I like to meet new challenges. The Wizards have great talent and I think young people will surprise the league!"

Jeff Van Gundy, who was sitting in the middle, was very happy when he heard this topic. He was eager to come back with dunk and beat the Wizards. This is so easy!

Unable to hear the answer he wanted, Bob Costas was not in a hurry and turned to Van Gundy and asked:
"Jeff, in the morning, the Magic offered Alan Houston a seven-year contract. How would you evaluate this deal?"

"So far, the Knicks' championship starting lineup only consists of Lee and Hill!"

In the morning, the Magic and the Knicks formally reached an agreement on a sign-first swap. The Magic sent the 2002 first-round draft pick to the Knicks in exchange for Alan Houston.

Seven years and $7 million, with a player option in the last year, Alan Houston got what he wanted. After completing this contract, he can retire directly.

In addition to the trade exception, the Knicks only received a first-round pick in this blockbuster deal.

Of course, as a free agent, Alan Houston can also sign directly. If he can get draft picks, he can also give back to the team.

Thinking of this deal, Jeff Van Gundy felt a little annoyed. The Knicks' current offensive space is not ideal. In theory, it is correct to stick to defense, but the curly boss wants a gorgeous offense.
However, in the show, Jeff Van Gundy naturally has to maintain his famous coach style:

"Allan is a fantastic player and we don't want to lose him."

"But by signing this contract, the Knicks have nothing but blessings!"

"I believe that every player will not refuse to cooperate with Li. Victory, data, and championships can all be achieved in New York."

"I'm just excited about the team's current lineup. In the new season, fans will be presented with a brand new Knicks team!"

The two people in the studio did not know the inside story of the team, but the current dilemma the Knicks are facing is that they cannot sign suitable star players.

Players who can shoot three-pointers and defend don't have to worry about work in the league. The reality is that most players still shoot from the hip.

After all, there is only one Li You in the league, and most teams still use the same old tactics, relying more on the low post.

The Lakers are also facing this predicament. In the Western Conference, no one wants to make a deal with them. After all, if they want to reach the finals, everyone wants their opponents to stretch their legs.

The draft picks don't have much trading value, the star players on the team cannot be moved, and there are no big fish in the free market.

Doug Collins felt that the Knicks were going to be poor. With the current configuration, the three-point shooting would definitely drop. Looking at Van Gundy’s proud smile, he couldn’t help but joke:
"I think the Knicks' dominance has declined. You are no longer a unique team in the league. Lee will face more challenges after lacking offensive space."

Even if he hasn’t figured out what tactics to use in the new season, Jeff Van Gundy still said confidently at this time:

"I believe in Lee, he will always find a way! The Knicks will still dominate the Eastern Conference."

Everyone in the studio was speechless after hearing these words. Good guy, the head coach relies on the players to figure out a solution?Doug Collins was even more helpless to complain:
"Sure enough, the Knicks only have one tactic."

On July 7, the Knicks signed free agent Stephen Jackson.

This transaction did not attract any attention. After being selected by the Suns with the 97th pick in the second round of 14, Stephen Jackson did not gain a firm foothold in the league.

With no guaranteed contract, the Suns quickly gave up on the high school prospect.

After that, he moved to many leagues. He produced some data with the Nets last season, but was directly given up in the offseason.

Signing Stephen Jackson is just a lottery ticket to supplement the bench.

The reason why he chose the Knicks was mainly because New Jersey is close to New York. Stephen Jackson, a working man, found it more convenient to move.
General manager Glenfield was still very satisfied with the two consecutive transactions. During an interview at the Tarrytown Training Center, he said with a smile:
"Jackson fits the Knicks team culture very well and he can play his role off the bench!"

"We welcome hard-working players, and under Lee's leadership, I believe he will hit career highs!"

The reporter of the New York Times seems to be still worried about the previous Alan Houston trade. He has not published an article in the past two days to criticize it. This is the limit:
"Ernie, can you talk about the previous deal? Why didn't we keep Allan?"

This topic is a bit sensitive, and you can't say that the champion defender will lie flat if he can't roll up.
Grunfield simply changed the subject and introduced the chips obtained from the transaction:

"Allan is an excellent championship guard and we are very grateful for his contributions to the Knicks."

"But this deal is a win-win. We got a good pick. The Magic's first-round pick comes from the Suns. Maybe we can gain something in next year's draft!"

In order to get Alan Houston, head coach Rivers also worked hard, showed his sincerity, and gave away the first round that the Magic got from trading Hardaway.

After hearing this news, the attention of the New York media was diverted. Thinking of Marbury's team leadership ability, everyone agreed that this matter was reliable!

Championship guard Sprewell brought Gasol to the Knicks, and Alan Houston may be able to repeat the same story.

On the morning of the 25th, a column in the sports section of the New York Times analyzed in detail the first-round pick owned by the Knicks and finally concluded:
"The future is promising!"

New York fans are not fools. Currently, the team has too many new players, most of the starting lineup is gone, and it has basically been completely rebuilt.

However, everyone was so confident that there was still no opponent in the Eastern Conference. After reading the newspaper, they suddenly had hope again.

MSG’s own program naturally reported on the transaction information of the past few days, and also interviewed Knicks fan groups:

"I hope Marbury can lead the Suns to the No. [-] pick!"

"We are all Suns fans in the new season!"


This side is amusing themselves, and after the news came out, Phoenix fans were furious. Anfernee Hardaway is very popular in the Suns, but no one is satisfied with the playoff results in recent years.

The Arizona Republic is the largest daily newspaper in Arizona, with a daily circulation of about 30 copies. The next day, several columns in the sports section criticized New York. In summary, it means:
"No one likes the Knicks. Arrogant New York fans will destroy the team sooner or later!"

Whatever New York fans like, newspaper articles will cater to readers. Seeing Phoenix's reaction, they stepped up their efforts and concocted an article:
"Rearranging the 96 draft picks"

The article highlighted the gap between Marbury and Li You, the sons of New York.

After reading the newspaper, the New York fans were happy and gave Marbury a new title:

"A true son of New York!"

Li You has been busy giving back to his alma mater this week. By the way, he donated US$100 million to the law school, attended an alumni gathering, and became familiar with Connecticut.

The main reason why Hamilton returned to college training was that he did not want to participate in McQueen's private training camp.

In one-on-one duels, McDuck can really defeat these young people in many cases, but after winning, it will inevitably be trash talk again.

Head coach Calhoun felt unhappy as he watched Hamilton, who was once so high-spirited in the NCAA, become increasingly depressed in recent years.

Li You hasn't touched a ball for more than a month. At this time, he is dressed like an ordinary college student, wearing a simple white printed T-shirt, light-colored jeans, and canvas shoes.

Watching Meng Xin’s training, head coach Calhoun began to sigh again:
"I think Hamilton's growth has not been as expected. He could have done better, but as a result, there seems to be no progress in the past two years."

The NBA schedule is very intensive, and players will not change their style of play after entering the league.

After all, I have been exposed to basketball since I was a child, and the habits developed through decades of basketball will not be easily changed.

Hamilton's handling of the ball has not changed at all since he entered the league, and he is still stretched.
Of course, Li You knew what coach Calhoun meant. He believed that Hamilton was not suitable to play for the Wizards. After all, he was a champion guard in Connecticut. The old coach hoped that his disciple could make a name for himself.

"I believe Richard can make a name for himself and there will always be coaches who will appreciate him."

"However, there is a high probability that Doug Collins will not give him too high a tactical status. This person should have obtained the position of head coach with a mission."

After hearing Li You's words, head coach Calhoun began to shake his head again. This is the NBA. Many times, superstars dominate the team.

Hamilton completed the basic training meticulously, and Connecticut's newbies looked at Li You on the sidelines from time to time.

Although Li You can always be seen on campus recently, for these newbies who are eager to play in the NBA and make money, it is still a bit exciting to have close contact with superstars.

Coach Calhoun had to shout twice to remind the players to pay attention, and then he smiled and gossiped to Li You:
"Most of the Knicks' starters are gone. To be honest, Lee, this situation should be rare." "Many newspapers are saying that you are a difficult person to get along with. These guys just know nonsense for sales!"

The NBA league still pays attention to "brotherhood". Typical examples are McQueen and Pippen.

Although the relationship between the two off the court is average, the media always likes to exaggerate that the two are true brothers.

This statement is correct. After all, the relationship between the two will continue to be messy in the future, and even their seniority will be messed up.

Li You doesn't care about the loser's slander. The "good big brother" has a good relationship with him, and everyone is in a win-win situation.

At least Li You can guarantee that in the next few decades, his teammates who have completed three consecutive championships together will be touting them hard, and there will never be a "I'm crazy, I love my aunt" plot.
"Playing is to make money. In the Knicks, you really can't get more data, nor can you get a higher tactical status."

"After all, I'm only 23 years old and everyone is young. I'm very satisfied that we didn't get into a quarrel."

"Ray and Robinson bicker every day. To be honest, I don't like this kind of competition."

Li You made fun of Ray Allen by the way. Recently, this good brother has started to be honest and output the "big dog" again, angrily complaining that his teammates are too lazy and don't like training.

By the way, he also secretly mocked George Karl for coaching players like Gary Payton once he has become outdated.

That is to say, Milwaukee's media influence is not good. If it were moved to New York, the number of people eating melons would increase several times.

Head coach Calhoun could only smile bitterly again when he thought of Ray Allen. He had been paying attention to a few people, and naturally he also noticed his disciple's outstanding performance in the playoffs.

It's a pity that the Milwaukee football market is not that interesting. Even if the local sports media promotes it hard, its influence is still not as good as that of several major football markets.

During lunch time, Li You received the Scarlett siblings, and the three of them had lunch in Hartford.

Hunter, who is in the summer vacation, has been walking around the University of Connecticut these days. He seems to be very satisfied with the campus environment. However, it is not easy to get into this school. For a while, he can only vow to study hard.
On the top floor of the Hartford Building, this building has just been built, and the top-floor restaurant is also in trial operation. Li You was invited and has been dining here recently.

The scenery on the top floor is naturally very good, and Hunter didn’t care about his sister’s depression and kept talking with a smile:
"If my grades are not good enough, I plan to go to college in New York and visit my grandma often. I still prefer Manhattan to Hartford."

Li You ate deliciously, and occasionally would share some steak with the big loli opposite him. Perhaps because his brother talked too much, Scarlett suddenly gave him an elbow.
"Don't talk while eating. Haven't you noticed that everyone is looking at us?"

Hunter was very depressed. He had been having fun these days, but his sister turned into an annoying person:

"I've told you a long time ago that the box office of the movie will definitely not be ideal. No one will like a movie about youth troubles."

It was promoted at the Seattle Film Festival at the end of June, and had a premiere in Los Angeles not long ago. The results showed that the movie "Ghost World" is likely to be launched again.

Although she only played a supporting role, Scarlett found that she was becoming box office poison. Even if she worked hard, her results would always be mediocre.
Hunter didn't care about his sister's mood. In fact, he had watched every movie. At this time, he gloated:
"Thora Birch has a good figure, but it's a pity that her dress in the movie is too ugly! The audience will definitely not buy it."

The award nomination has nothing to do with the second female lead. It was released on a limited basis in the United States in early August, so the box office performance of this movie is destined not to be too high.

Li You nodded indifferently, and then was glared at by the girl opposite, and was stepped on under the table:
"Anyway, I'm still young and still have a lot of time. I can always find a suitable script."

She always felt that Li You and his brother were perfunctory with her. Scarlett was secretly annoyed. While frowning, she secretly vented her anger on Hunter:

It was rare that Li You had time in the evening without attending a party. He returned to his home in Hartford. After an in-depth communication, the girl finally vented her depressed mood.

Unlocking a behind-the-scenes piece of embarrassing knowledge, after overtime, Scarlett came to the study room. Her face was still slightly red. She noticed what Li You recorded in his notebook. The girl looked over curiously:

“Red Football LLC (Red Football Capital)?”

Li You, who had just taken a shower, only wearing a bath towel and covering his upper body, noticed the girl coming to him, heard her voice, and immediately smiled and nodded:

"An investment institution will be established soon. I will go to the UK for inspection next month. There will be a good investment in the future!"

Her hair was wet. The girl was wiping her hair, showing off her figure thoughtfully, and asked curiously:

"Investment? Will it cost a lot of money?"

"It will probably cost hundreds of millions of dollars! This is a secret decision, remember to keep it confidential."

The girl seemed to understand, but she was still shocked when she heard "hundred million" yuan. After sitting in Li You's arms, she asked somewhat innocently:

"Why not invest in movies? Hollywood is also very profitable!"

Feeling the other person's slender waist and noticing the girl's curious eyes, Li You rarely pretended to be sexy, but said seriously:

"It's hard for most people to make money beyond what they know. I'm no exception to this. It's only 23 o'clock. Do you plan to keep discussing these things?"

He kissed Li You generously, and soon the girl said in her ear:

"Carry me to the bedroom!"

Li You picked up the blushing girl and walked to the bedroom, and some memories appeared in his mind:
"I am a loyal player of FM!"

On Sunday, July 7, the Magic held a grand welcome ceremony for Alan Houston.

The mayor of Oakland also attended the event, and head coach Doc Rivers didn't see anything wrong with giving away a first-round pick.

In an interview with sports reporters, the league's best coach confidently stated:
"Next season, the Magic will rise again and we will reach the conference finals!"

"Look at the talent we have, no one can stop us!"


Although McGrady felt a little sour in his heart, with good teammates, he felt that he would definitely be able to break through the first round.

Although it felt good to have a business exchange with Iverson, he still wanted to go further. Therefore, in an interview, McGrady simply said:
"Allan is a real winner. He has 4 championship rings. I believe he can lead the team correctly!"

Mike Miller is also very happy. Although he is only a new player, Orlando reporters call the three of them "the strongest trio in the league."
Everyone welcomed the arrival of the championship defender, and Alan Houston also smiled brightly during the interview:
"I'm very happy to join the Magic. I'm impressed by Coach Rivers and the passionate fans. This is a new journey and I can't wait to play on the court!"


The Knicks have a promising future, the Magic have formed the "strongest trio", the Nets are about to turn around 360, and the Spurs are unwilling to be left alone!

After learning from experience and giving up the "little general", he made another blockbuster deal:
Traded Derek Anderson, Steve Kerr, and a 2003 second-round draft pick in exchange for Steve Smith from the Trail Blazers.

After this transaction occurred, it was also announced that the Trail Blazers would be disbanded, and Paul Allen did not want to continue to "spend money and get beaten."

Most sports commentators are cautiously optimistic about the Spurs' deal. The 32-year-old Steve Smith is no longer as courageous as he once was. Compared with the Eagles, his data has dropped a lot.

But without making a trade, relying on the current lineup, the outside line is destined to be beaten in the playoffs. Therefore, trading Smith seems to be to appease Tim Duncan.

Although Duncan is not as hyped by various media as Li You, he is very popular in San Antonio.

Popovich was often called out of class, but Duncan recognized him. The superstar didn't say anything, and the rookie coach's position was very secure!
Seeing that the Spurs, who finished first in the Western Conference last season, also strengthened their ranks, the Lakers couldn't sit still.

However, O'Neal's salary next season will be US$2143 million and Kobe's US$1125 million. Their salaries will account for most of the salary cap.

Coupled with the salaries of Robert Horry, Rick Fox, and Derek Fisher of more than 1000 million U.S. dollars, if you want to strengthen, you can only make up for it with scraps.
The first person who couldn't sit still was O'Neal. Although he kept a low profile during the offseason and mostly only participated in sponsor activities, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times at the end of the month, Shark complained:

"I don't know why there hasn't been any movement, who have we signed? What reinforcements have we made?"

"I haven't even heard the names of some of the players! Why don't the Lakers pursue Alan Houston? I think he would be a good fit for the team."

"Until now, I don't see the management's desire for a championship!"

The Lakers did sign some free agents, but the main lineup did not change much. The only additions were the atmosphere group.

The team's top star expressed his dissatisfaction. Mitch Kupchak, who just served as general manager last season, said in distress:

"No one wants to trade with the Lakers!"

As a last resort, Phil Jackson can only be used to appease star players.

As a championship coach, even though Phil Jackson has some "KFC" tendencies, most sports media will still give him face.

"Competing for a championship is never easy. I think the Lakers have the talent they have to win the championship."

"After several years of failure, we have gained more experience. Shaq is right. The team should indeed make some reinforcements, but I hope everyone can tap into their potential."

"Just like McDuck, face failure calmly and then become stronger until you defeat your opponent and gain success!"


The Los Angeles Times affirmed Phil Jackson's point of view, but after expressing his position, the championship coach became anxious and cooperated with the general manager and began to strengthen through personal connections.

On Monday, July 7, the Lakers finally signed a well-known star:
36-year-old Mitch Richmond joined the Lakers as a free agent.

Seeing this deal, Lakers fans almost broke the defense. Even the young and strong Fisher couldn't do it. How do they expect a 36-year-old man to become a defensive leader?

Fortunately, the news about the Lakers was quickly overshadowed by the news that Michael Jordan opened a private training camp. Everyone exclaimed:

"McClub is coming back?!"

On the morning of the 31st, Li You was dressed casually, accompanied by Ivana and Old Mike, and there were some JFK staff around the three of them.

When the crowd saw Li You and started to watch again, Old Mike had to dissuade him with a low voice:
"No autographs, no photos, guys, we need to catch a flight today!"


Flying to London and meeting Bobby, Li You planned to stay in the UK for half a month and visit some football clubs to get familiar with him.

The New York Times reporter was an old acquaintance and simply followed him to the VIP room.

Ivana, who was wearing sunglasses and a white floral dress, didn't pay attention to the reporters and shared snacks with Li You calmly.

"Li, is Mike really going to return to the court? Aren't you going to join his private training camp?"

Li You blinked and winked at the other party. Instead of answering the question directly, he joked:
"I don't want to participate in his training camp. Michael is already 38 years old. Beating him will not give me any sense of accomplishment."

"Of course, I welcome Michael's return, so next season will be more interesting, right?"


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(End of this chapter)

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