NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 194 Real superstars are all non-stick pans

Chapter 194 Real superstars are all non-stick pans (daily chapter)
On Saturday, July 2000, 7, what New York fans loved to see finally happened!

The New York Times broke the news that Grant Hill planned to attend Li You’s first party after moving.

"Jordan's successor" Anfernee Hardaway has indeed passed away, but Grant Hill is still very popular.

Although the Detroit media sometimes complains about Grant Hill's playing style being "too soft", most fans still like Hill's performance on and off the court.

Most fans also expressed their respect for Grant Hill, who played through injury last season. They can't ask for too much. This "Jordan successor" really tried his best.

Pistons fans are extremely angry about these news. If they change to another team, everyone may not have such a big reaction, but not the Knicks!

Thinking of the Detroit twin stars gathering in New York, many local media also complained again:

"Big ball markets are destroying the NBA, and they are taking away everything with their beautiful swords!"

Although there is no truth to these comments, after all, the Pistons can also offer Grant Hill a maximum salary contract, but this article has resonated with many small ball markets.

The 1999~2000 season was hailed as a "beautiful victory". Fans in small ball markets saw no hope. Many team owners have already given feedback to the league that "spending money" in large ball markets should be restricted!
The New York Post's information is not accurate. There were no sports and entertainment stars at the party on Saturday night. Most of them were business people from New York and Connecticut.

Of course, Li You's influence is not that great, but Bloomberg, who plans to run for mayor, began to shake people after getting the news.
The new house on 82nd Street was put to good use this time. It was in a perfect location close to the Metropolitan Museum. No matter how many people came, there was enough space to hold the party.

On the night of the 8th, Li You's new home was brightly lit, and most of the people attending the party were dressed in formal attire.

At the beginning of the year, Giuliani announced his candidacy for the Senate and also planned to run for the governorship of New York.

However, at the end of May, the hard-line mayor reluctantly announced his withdrawal from the race due to health issues.

In mid-June, Giuliani announced that he was separated from his wife and planned to divorce.

He seemed to be at the lowest point in his life, but when he attended the party, he couldn't tell at all. There was also a young and beautiful blonde girl next to him.
After several days of decoration, the second floor has become more lifelike. The newly purchased grand piano has also come in handy. The melodious music played by the pianist of the party company also made everyone who visited feel comfortable.

Most of the ladies are concentrated in the large living room facing south, and some are strolling upstairs to enjoy the night view.

Most of the men gathered around Cheney, Lieberman, and Giuliani.

Bloomberg smiled awkwardly at Lee, a former secretary, a Connecticut senator and the first Jewish vice presidential candidate.

The two are now considered rivals, and the Elephant Party currently has the final say in New York. Bloomberg intends to leave the Donkey Party. His behavior of having milk is a mother has obviously made some people very dissatisfied.

"This is not work time, and I want to thank Lee for at least making people like the Knicks again since he came to New York."

“It’s definitely exciting to have multiple franchise teams in a city!”

Giuliani raised his glass in the direction of Li You, indicating that there was no problem. Soon Lieberman straightened his back and joked:

"I agree with that. In the past, I only focused on the Yankees. After all, we all like winners."

“It’s great to see Lee continuing his studies at Connecticut, law school is a great choice!”

Because of his height, Li You in the back could only smile and raise his glass. He always felt that the old guy was mocking Cheney's background on the other side.

One is from Yale Law School, and the other left Yale because of academic issues.
Cheney didn't pay attention to the other party's hidden ridicule, but said seriously:

"I also like winning! Li is a smart young man. Maybe we will have a chance to cooperate in the future!"

Seeing the former minister raising a glass, everyone followed suit and joined him for another drink.

The big bosses stopped tit-for-tat, and soon everyone started talking about the national conference at the end of July, and many people started to have petty issues.

Bloomberg let out a sigh of relief. Li You, who was wearing a smart black formal suit, could tell that he was startled by Lieberman's appearance.

"Li, remember to attend my campaign next year. I plan to place a lot of Internet ads by then!"

“Old-school campaigning methods are outdated and young people prefer opinion leaders.”

Billionaires choose to spend money to win votes, which Li You is not surprised about:
"No problem, just a little effort. Wait for me for a moment. I still need to chat with our mayor for a while!"

After whispering "Wait a minute," Li You waved to Jin Zhao, who was wearing a dark blue formal suit on the other side, and then hugged him and moved closer to Giuliani.

Old Roots was also chatting with the mayor about his family's personal problems. When he noticed Li You's appearance, he immediately joked and complained:
"Lee should meet my son's girlfriend. Seriously, I don't like his choice, a psychiatrist? I hope he finds a lawyer."

After saying this, Old Roz winked at Jin next to Li You. When Giuliani saw the two of them appearing, he also smiled and said:

"The job of the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District is not easy at all, and the pay is not high, so you must be mentally prepared."

Jin glanced at Li You, and then answered seriously:
"I'm ready and I prefer to work in the public interest."

The Saturday party was quiet and decent, but by Sunday night it was time for real fun.

A big house can indeed entertain more friends. After walking around with her eyes wide open, Kristen Ritter realized that she probably couldn't afford such a house even if she was working hard.

The little follower has become a lot prettier again. After finishing the New York Fashion Week in February, she flew around and made a lot of money in half a year.

Hunter Johnson was gossiping around Li You. The New York newspaper reported last night's party. Mentioning the two big guys, Hunter said yearningly:

"I also want to run for office in the future. How about Mr. Lieberman? I like his speech!" Britney Spears and recent popular songs were playing on the second floor. Li You was watching the night view on the roof when he heard Hunter's question. , patted the other party on the shoulder, smiled and joked:
"Remember to study hard and let your sister take care of you if you have the chance. Being a capable actor is more suitable for you!"

"Didn't you notice that the girls downstairs all like you?"

Hunter glanced around, but didn't find Scarlett, and then hurriedly complained:
"She took on a boring comedy, and I knew it would be a hit at the box office even before it was filmed!"

Scarlett, who came to the roof, heard her words as soon as she finished. Even though he was a lot shorter, Hunter didn't dare to fight back even after being punched twice. He could only look at his sister depressedly.

"Lee, can we stay here tonight?"

Scarlett raised her head and asked expectantly. Hunter heard her sister's words and immediately complained a few more times:
"Grandma told us to go home early!"

"This is the Upper East Side. It's very safe. We are adults now!"

Facing her brother who was causing trouble, Scarlett felt that she had lost face and twisted him twice more.

When Li You smelled the champagne, he knew that the girl in front of him had probably drunk too much. He agreed casually, and the other party immediately cheered.

When the little follower appeared on the roof, he was also drunk and blinded. He hugged Li You without letting go and said in a tired voice:

"Li, I like the bedroom on the fifth floor. Those bitches want to crawl into the bed. Let's go do some fun things first!"


On July 7, the New York Times broke the news that Grant Hill had reached a verbal agreement with the Knicks. After the freeze period, he will officially join!

"Jordan's successor" arrived in New York, and fans were overjoyed when they saw the news.

However, after this news was announced, the Knicks immediately exploded. Everyone knew that if they wanted to get Grant Hill's maximum salary contract, they would have to make some transactions.

Considering that Grant Hill plays the No. 3 position, Larry Johnson was furious when he returned to New York.

In an interview with the New York Post this morning, Larry Johnson couldn't help but complain a lot. To sum it up, he said:

"I contributed to the Knicks! I contributed to the team's three consecutive championships!"

After winning three consecutive championships, it is very unseemly to eliminate the veterans.

Although general manager Glenfield has not yet accepted an interview, as soon as this starts, the veterans will most likely leave the team, and only Ewing may stay in New York.

Interestingly, when the New York media wanted to interview Li You, the only one they saw was agent Mark Bartelstein:
"Li has recently flown to Los Angeles and he has to attend some sponsor events."

"He still has a lot of work to do in the offseason, and he has just seen the news about the Knicks."

Mark Bartelstein looked calm and talked while being interviewed by New York media reporters.

Li You just got the news. The one who wanted to make a deal must be General Manager Glenfield!
Larry Johnson thought New York fans would be angry, but instead there was more thunder and less rain, and everyone seemed to welcome Grant Hill more
"It's not that you're not good, it's that Grant Hill is so good!"

Although the trade has not yet happened, most sports media predict that "Big Mom" ​​and Oakley will leave the team with a high probability, and the Knicks will clear out declining players.

Ewing, who was still preparing for his retirement tour, immediately accepted the New York Post interview after receiving the news, and then unceremoniously blasted general manager Glenn Field:

"We just won three consecutive championships for the team, but what awaits everyone is not a big contract reward but a trade?"

"I don't know what he wants to do. We work together well and will still be a strong contender for the championship next season."

"It is definitely a wrong choice to break up the team! Veterans can also contribute in the locker room."


Ewing's interview in the afternoon quickly swept through all major sports media. The melon-eating public loved hearing about it. In the evening's TNT program, they also started to follow the gossip:

"I can understand Grant Hill's choice, and I can understand Larry Johnson's situation."

"Grunfield didn't do anything wrong. He just chose to upgrade the team's lineup. To be honest, if the trade really happens, the Knicks will be much stronger next season."

Mike Fratello gave his opinion with a smile. Apparently, this spectator didn't take it too seriously and continued to take advantage of the situation.

Kenny Smith felt sorry for Larry Johnson from a player’s perspective:

"Larry still has gas. Although he was troubled by a back injury this season, he also made contributions on both offense and defense in the playoffs."

"I don't think it's a good choice, you know, Grant Hill doesn't fit the Knicks' system."

The two debated with each other, and everything they said made sense. Soon the host Ernie Johnson reminded him with a smile:
"Why can't anyone interview Lee? I think everyone wants to hear his opinion at this time!"

Kenny Smith shrugged and didn’t say much, but simply reminded:

"This is the privilege of a superstar!"

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(End of this chapter)

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