NBA: Miracle Workers

Chapter 117 Not One, Two, Three

Chapter 117 Not One Two Three
On the night of June 1998, 6, Jazz fans finally witnessed the Knicks award ceremony at their home court.

In the finals last year, the Bulls accepted the award at the United Center Arena. Jazz fans couldn't see the award ceremony, and the unhappiness passed away.

But this year at the Delta Center, seeing Ewing roaring, Jeff Van Gundy throwing his fists in celebration, and Li You calmly pretending to be X in front of media reporters, Jazz fans couldn't hold back.

Many people left the field in disappointment, but there are still some diehard fans who have stayed on the field and continued to output.
Karl Malone may have had a burst of mentality. After the game, he simply shook hands with the Knicks and walked towards the player tunnel without looking back.

Missing key free throws for two consecutive years, this powerful power forward couldn't bear it, and was heartbroken by the Salt Lake City media.

As everyone in the Knicks returned to the visiting team's locker room, Charles Sr. and the team's management were sympathetic to the players:

"Good job!"

"We finally won the championship, enjoy this championship moment!"

Old Charles, who still retains control of the team, smiled and patted Ewing, who had served the team for many years.

No matter what the past results are, there is no need to recall the experience of losing to the Bulls. The championship in his career has surpassed most players.

In the locker room of the visiting team, it was very noisy at this time. Ewing was still very excited. After hearing the words of encouragement, he kept hugging everyone.

At this time, James Dolan began to share the cigars he had prepared, calling for Li You and Oakley to smoke together.

It's just that this kind of behavior was quickly stared at by Old Charles, and there was an award ceremony after that, so he didn't take Mr. President seriously
"It's okay, I have the champagne and cigars ready, and then we will fly straight to Las Vegas."

James Dolan, who has not yet gained control of the team, always wants to find his own sense of existence, and added in a low voice.

After winning the championship, Charles Sr. will also hold a private party at the hotel, inviting staff from Salt Lake City and New York City.

Knicks family and friends will be there, as for Las Vegas, that's James Dolan's personal preference.

"Cool! Lee, you will become the youngest Finals MVP in NBA history!"

"You broke the record set by Magic Johnson again!"

Ben Davis of the atmosphere group came here chattering and yelling. From the moment they defeated the Jazz, everyone fell into a state of self-indulgence.

Ben Wallace also booed at the side, and soon, everyone who changed into the championship T-shirts surrounded Li You and yelled together:

On the chest of the white T-shirt is the logo of the Knicks plus a championship trophy. Although the printing is a bit crude, it does not affect everyone's emotions.

"The award belongs to all of us! It's time for us to claim it!"

Li You smiled and complimented, and then greeted everyone to return to the arena. Ewing, who was almost dazzled by joy, remembered what he had lost.

The gorilla looked at Li You, who was surrounded by most of the team's players, and the general manager Glenn Field was also talking and laughing, chatting and spanking, and he just had a lemon in his heart.
It's useless to be bitter. Everyone knows that Li You made a great contribution to winning the championship.

Whether it is the lore in the Eastern Conference finals or the 4 points in G40 of the finals, it all shows Li You's strength.

Oakley seemed to see the sadness in Ewing's heart, and said in a low voice indifferently:
"Pat, this is the best ending, with a big contract and a championship!"

Seeing everyone cheering and walking out of the locker room, Ewing finally whispered:

"The championship is indeed the best ending!"

The gorilla is currently a proper winner in life, caught up with the previous salary increase, signed a big contract with the Knicks at the end of his career, suffered a serious right wrist injury, and instead won the championship.

Oakley wanted that kind of experience at the end of his career, and he didn't want to leave the city after playing in New York for so many years.

In the center of the venue, the Jazz team logo and the podium have been set up, surrounded by major sports media.

Although there were constant boos in the arena, the Knicks in a good mood didn't care about it.

The host of NBC, Bob Costas, saw that everyone had arrived, and after saying hello to the old Charles, he immediately took the microphone and said loudly:

"It is a great pleasure to witness this historic moment with the fans. Let us invite NBA Commissioner David Stern to present the championship team with awards."

Although the labor negotiations broke down again and the NBA league was about to be suspended, David Stern had a smile on his face at this time, first hugged the old Charles, and then said briskly:
"Thank you to the City of Salt Lake City and the City of New York for their strong support for the league, and also to the staff at the Delta Center and the enthusiastic Jazz fans!"


The Jazz fans who were still in the arena immediately booed when they heard this. David Stern continued to say with a smile as if he hadn’t heard the sound of the scene:

"Salt Lake City is the best host, thank you for creating a warm and fair atmosphere for the finals."

"Thanks to the Utah Jazz and the New York Knicks, you are both excellent teams, and they have contributed to the wonderful finals for fans all over the world!"

The Jazz fans who stayed at the scene always felt that this was a mockery of them, spit out their mouths, boos everywhere, and only a small number of New York fans cheered.

Looking around at the Knicks again, David Stern raised his voice and said loudly:

"It's a great honor to witness such a historical moment. In the 1997-1998 season, the team that won the NBA championship was the New York Knicks!"

"The third championship in team history, let us congratulate them together!"

With a smile, David Stern handed the golden O'Brien Cup to the old Charles who kept clapping on the sidelines.

After the two embraced, David Stern applauded and Charles Sr. smiled and held up the trophy.


Everyone on the Knicks behind him began to cheer loudly, and the dream came true. When the old Charles smiled and handed the trophy to Jeff Van Gundy, the bald young coach was so excited that his eyes were red.

The head coach won the trophy again, and the crowd continued to cheer. Li You signaled to let a few veterans touch the trophy first, and the bald young coach realized that he almost did something wrong.

Ewing, who won the O'Brien Cup, kept grinning, and Oakley and Starks couldn't help cheering.

Soon, the host Bob Costas was interviewing the old Charles with a smile:

"The third championship in team history. We all know that last year, the Knicks also underwent some changes. We want to hear your thoughts after winning this championship!"

With the addition of metaphysics, Old Charles also felt that he was lucky, and the trusteeship management was very effective:
"For this championship, I just want to express my gratitude and thank you to the New York fans who have been with the team all these years."

"Maybe we lost a lot of games before, but in the end, we succeeded! Of course, we also want to thank everyone in the Knicks team. The championship is inseparable from everyone's efforts."

"Coach Van Gundy has successfully activated this team, and Glenn Field has brought us an important cornerstone of the championship!"

"Almost forgot, I also want to thank the teams that didn't draft Lee, Philadelphia, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, etc."

"The 18th pick, perhaps this is God's will, we have harvested the best player in the draft that year!"

Old Charles' words immediately made a small number of New York fans shout happily:

Everyone in the Knicks also booed loudly, ignoring the boos on the scene, Li You helped the hat on his head, and applauded with a smile on his face.

Bob Costas saw Jeff Van Gundy, who was about to cry, and immediately greeted him with a smile:
"Come on! Jeff, this is your team too, the 36-year-old champion coach, this is definitely an amazing achievement!"

In 1982, 37-year-old Pat Riley led the Lakers to win the championship. In 1998, 36-year-old Jeff Van Gundy broke this record and became the youngest champion coach in NBA history!
For Jeff Van Gundy, the experience of the past two years was like a dream. When he took the microphone, he still shed tears and said excitedly:

"I want to thank our players, they have always supported me!"

"Lee is a talented player. He can always control the rhythm of the game and lead the team to win the game."

"Pat, Oakley, John shaped our locker room culture, thank you to everyone on the Knicks team, you made me get this achievement"


The bald young marshal began to reminisce about bitterness and sweetness, and after blowing hard, the Jazz fans turned their heads and left in anger.

When David Stern took the microphone again with a smile, everyone on the Knicks team started booing loudly and pushed Li You forward.

"20 years and 161 days old, I am very happy to witness this historic moment tonight. Congratulations to Clay-Lee! The Most Valuable Player Award in the finals, this is also your perfect season!"

Unlike the future FMVP of the finals, this award has not been renamed at this time, and the trophy is not a shrunken O'Brien Cup, but a golden spherical trophy about the same size as the O'Brien Cup.

When David Stern handed the trophy to Li You with a smile, the atmosphere team of the Knicks shouted along with a small number of New York fans:

David Stern patted Li You on the shoulder and sent his blessings with a smile:

"I hope to see you win this award again in the finals in the future!"

"This is what I'm working towards! Thank you for your blessing!"

After everyone on the Knicks toasted in turn, Alan Houston handed the O'Brien Cup to Li You with a smile.

One in each hand, Li You came to the front of the stage, with a confident smile on his face, and raised two golden trophies in his hands.


A small number of Knicks fans began to cheer loudly, and the surrounding media reporters began to frantically click on the cameras, and the sound of clicks kept ringing.

Beat Magic Johnson's record, and as long as they stay healthy, they're about to witness another superstar rise.

Host Bob Costas has explained many of Li You's games, and this year's playoffs left a deep impression on him:
"Congratulations, Lee! Unbelievable achievement! Unbelievable that you are not yet 21."

"This is the first time in your career that you have achieved such an achievement when you come to the stage of the finals. Let me talk about the secret of your success. I believe that young players in the future will regard you as a role model!"

Li You handed the trophy to Ben Wallace in the atmosphere group. Seeing the golden FMVP trophy, everyone cheered and took photos together.

"The secret of success is to train hard and keep polishing your basketball skills!"

"That's what coach Calhoun taught me in college, and I've always followed that teaching."

"To be able to win the championship, we must also thank our opponents, who made the Knicks better!"

"Thank you to the fans who have always supported us, thank you to my friends and teammates, thank you to our coaching staff and everyone on the team. This award belongs to everyone."

"Finally, I would also like to thank Uncle Varga who has been helping me in Albuquerque. Without their help, I would not be where I am now."


The Knicks defeated the Jazz 4:1, and Li You started all five games in the finals.


He averaged 17.4 shots per game, shooting 47.0% from the field, 8.4 shots from beyond the three-point line, 50.1% from three-pointers, 5.6 free throws per game, and 84.3% from free throws.

When Li You was interviewed, NBC also showed this data.

Many fans in front of the TV were taken aback when they saw the 50% three-point shooting rate. This is the data that was played in the fifth game when they were stretching their hips outside the three-point line.

Li You did not reminisce about the bitterness and sweetness like the bald young coach, and several Knicks veterans also got more interview time.

Unlike a bachelor like Li You, tonight, most of the family members of his teammates were present, and Ewing was equally moved to tears during the interview, as if he wanted to vent all his depressed emotions over the years.

In an interview, Alan Houston and Larry Johnson were simply happy, and they had never experienced the history of the Knicks' hard work.

And Oakley and Starks are bragging about X, and by the way help the Knicks loan for next year's championship.

The equipment manager, Old Mike, was very low-key. He just smiled and took Li You and the trophy for a group photo:

"Like I said, Lee, you're a big star!"

The carnival that belonged to the winner completely broke the defense of the Jazz fans at the scene. By the time the Knicks took a group photo, most of the Jazz fans in the Delta Center Arena had already left.
Li You was holding the FMVP trophy with a smile on his face, Ewing was grinning and holding the O'Brien Cup, the two were in the center, and everyone formed a group to complete this group photo.

The photos will definitely appear in the Madison Square Garden in the future. After Frazier and Reed, the third championship in team history is of great significance to the Knicks.

The Jazz staff didn't like seeing the Knicks throwing champagne in the locker room at all.

It was the second time in team history that they reached the finals, but they could only watch their opponents celebrate wildly at their home court.
Jeff Van Gundy didn't care about being chilled by everyone, and continued to yell unconsciously with the atmosphere group.

After the champagne was sprayed, Li You, Oakley and the others lit their cigars and began to puff.

James Dolan seemed to like such a lively atmosphere, and yelled at the same time:

"I like the championship! I like this feeling!"


At the press conference after the game, Karl Malone looked bitter and bitter, as if he had not been able to adjust from the loss:
"I know my body, I will continue to maintain this state, the Jazz will win the championship"

Utah Shuangsha continued to state that they would continue to chase the championship next year, but the media in the audience did not buy it, because the two were too old.

For the Knicks, who won the third championship in team history, the press conference was a blast:
"League's No. [-] Point Guard", "League's Best Backcourt", "League's No. [-] Center", "Strongest Inside Combination".
All kinds of titles have been thrown on the heads of the Knicks.

The media is still calm, no one mentions next season, the negotiations on the labor agreement broke down, and no one knows whether the league will start normally next season.

After returning to the hotel at night, it was already very late, but everyone present was full of energy.

This kind of private party is mainly for connecting feelings and exchanging information by the way.

Everyone in the party under the theme of champion champagne had a smile on their faces. In the luxurious banquet hall, everyone chatted with each other and laughed lowly from time to time.

The service staff of the hotel are all young and beautiful girls, and they do their best to deliver sweet and delicious champagne to everyone present.

Most of the Knicks were sharing their joy with their families, and Li You, who had changed into a black suit, was no longer transparent.

Peter Bowles, the former deputy mayor of New York, and Joseph Ruto, who replaced him, also came to get acquainted with him.

The chairman of the city council, Peter Valenti, was regarded as a powerful elected official in New York City, and he also gave Li You a smile at this time.

The mayors of the five major districts of New York City were also here, together with the city officials from Salt Lake City, the private party of Old Charles almost turned into a political gathering.

Ruth Messinger, who previously served as mayor of Manhattan, clinked glasses with Li You with champagne:
"Li, you will adapt to this kind of life, you can try to become an opinion leader, just like Bradley!"

Losing to New York Mayor Giuliani in 97, the old Jewish white lady seemed to have not given up on tossing, and gave Li You personal life advice with a smile.

Li You shrugged his shoulders and responded with the same smile:

"Thanks for the advice, but I'm not old enough to drink!"

"Oh! Funny boy!"

After winning the championship, James Dolan first took everyone to Las Vegas.

After gambling for two days and throwing money wildly, Steve Kaplan, a loyal Knicks fan, invited everyone to the Golden Club for a celebration banquet.

Within two days, several consecutive high-intensity confrontation matches almost made everyone excited.

Li You also learned more knowledge:

Suspension, windmill, side hit, rowing, push table
After this confrontation, Li You didn't have time to get the rewards of the finals. When he returned to his New York apartment on the 16th, he could only sleep soundly to relieve his overdrawn waist.
Received wind of the official lockout, the Knicks had to hold an early championship parade.

On the morning of June 6, Charles Sr. invited New York city officials to participate in the celebration.

Like the 1970 Champions Parade route, it starts from Wall Street in Lower Manhattan and goes along Broadway to Madison Square Garden in Midtown.

The whole of Manhattan was completely boiling this morning, and MSG broadcast the whole process live.

On the open bus at the front, Li You, who had regained his spirit, was wearing a championship T-shirt and kept waving to the fans around him.

"God! How many people are there? The whole of New York seems to be celebrating."

Alan Houston on the side yelled excitedly, there were too many fans around.

Singing "We are champion", the happy New York fans followed the bus and slowly moved towards Madison Square Garden.

After the lively parade, the activities continued, continuing the tradition of the past, and the Knicks held a grand celebration ceremony at Madison Square Garden.

Everyone on the Knicks team was sitting in the center of the arena, and most of the audience were old fans, many of whom were wearing old Knicks jerseys, yelling along.

Mike Breen and Frazier temporarily acted as hosts, the trophy was placed in front of everyone, and the cheers in the arena grew louder.

Ewing, Oakley, and Starks enjoyed this moment very much. They stood up and waved to the surrounding fans continuously, indicating that the noise should be louder.


Mike Brin held the microphone with a smile, waved his hand at Li You, and said loudly:

"Let us welcome the youngest FMVP in the history of the Finals together!"

Although he felt that the parade was held in a hurry, after feeling the enthusiasm of the New York fans, Li You also cheered himself up.

After receiving the microphone, he stood in the center of the venue, first put his right hand next to his ear, and signaled for louder cheers.

When the sound finally stopped, Li You took the microphone and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"I know what everyone desires!"

"A championship is just the beginning, believe me, the future belongs to the Knicks!"

"We're going to get more championships, not one, two, three, but four, five, six, seven."

When Li You said seven, all the New York fans present shouted happily:

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(End of this chapter)

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