I'm really strong in basketball

Chapter 127 Fighting for New York!

Chapter 127 Fighting for New York!

Madison Arena became a sea of ​​joy.

All Knicks players, coaches, and staff rushed onto the court and surrounded Liu He.

At this moment, Liu He finally relaxed.

Feeling relieved, Liu He's body swayed as an endless feeling of exhaustion came over him.

Pachulia supported Liu He and said in broken Chinese: "King of New York, don't bow your head, otherwise the crown will fall off!"

Then, the New York fans in the audience became restless and started cheering.


"Devil Liu He!"

"Super star!"

There are even a few New York fans who call him the "King of New York."

With the support of his teammates, Liu He enjoyed the admiration of the most picky fans in the world.


So far, the Knicks have achieved a record of 17 wins and 5 losses.


In addition, in less than 2 months since the start of this season, Liu He has already completed three kills, with a 3% success rate.

Because of this data, many fans began to call Liu He "Mr. Key", "King of Killers", "Big Heart Devil"...

In addition, Crawford also scored 24 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals in this game.

His outburst was the key to the Knicks' upset victory over the Pistons.

At the press conference after the game, Nelson said bluntly in front of the media: "When the team was 15 points behind, I gave up, and so did the rest of the team. Anyway, tonight is a back-to-back, and Hill can't play. For a strong team like the Pistons, it’s normal to admit defeat!”

"But Liu He said: The fans have not given up, how can we admit defeat first?"

"New York fans, Liu He is fighting for you. It is you who gave Liu He the strength to create miracles! Without you, there would be no miracle!"

Liu He's hair stood on end.

This old guy has gray hair, but he is still full of passion. No wonder he is known as a mad scientist.

When you say this, New York fans will be moved to death and love me to death!

Sure enough, the New York reporter at the scene looked at Liu He with light in his eyes.

And Liu He is this light!

Crawford also added: "You know, I used to play in Chicago. Since Michael retired, I felt that there would be no next Michael in this world. But tonight, I realized that Michael is here By my side. Michael's strength, Michael's skills, Michael's honor...Liu He is still far away. But mentally, Liu He is already as tall as Michael. He inspired me! He inspired all his teammates! Also To all the New York fans! New York, never give up!"

Liu He was shocked again.

Crawford's evaluation is too high, a bit too much.

But looking at Crawford's sincere eyes, Liu He realized: If this is also a performance, then Crawford's acting skills are also great!

In fact, after several months of getting along, Liu He became very familiar with Crawford.

Crawford is a very pure and real player. He does not play because of money, he simply loves playing.

Every summer, while other players are enjoying their vacations or trying to improve themselves, Crawford always organizes street ball games in his hometown of Seattle to enjoy the most fundamental joy of basketball.

At the end of his career, Crawford always chose teams that could still make him burn, rather than teams that won the championship.

This night, Crawford was really conquered by Liu He's spirit of not giving up.


In short, after this press conference is over.

Because of the words "fight for New York", New York fans' love for Liu He skyrocketed instantly.

Now New York fans see Liu He, Liu He is radiating light and already has spiritual attributes.

On the other side, Larry Brown "sincerely" reviewed his problems in this game.

"It's all my responsibility for losing!"

"In addition, Tyshawn failed to restrain Liu, allowing Liu He to score too many goals. Richard also failed to block Crawford, allowing Crawford to easily get into the paint. Ben was against the basket. There are also some problems with the protection..."

Good guy, it's all your responsibility.

How come after detailed analysis, the players are all blamed?

Larry Brown knows the highest level of blame-shifting.

It seemed that he had caught the pot, but in fact he had already left and passed the pot to others.

Prince, Hamilton, Ben...the back is stable!

At the same time, the results of the first round of this season's All-Star voting were released.

In the Western Conference, Yao Ming leads the center position and dominates the Western Conference, receiving 85 votes.Followed by Brad Miller, Marcus Camby.

Forward position:

Duncan led the way with 60 votes, followed by Garnett, Nowitzki, Anthony, Stoudemire, Peja, Webber, Marion, Gasol, and Odom.

Historically, the popularity of "Wolf King" Garnett has always been much higher than that of Duncan.But in this time and space, Garnett was robbed of the All-Star starting spot by Liu He, won the game in person, swept the playoffs, was defeated by 58 points, and lost the opening game this season. This caused Garnett's popularity to decline seriously, and was eventually surpassed by Duncan. .

Guard position:

As the newest face of the NBA, Kobe Bryant topped the list with 76 votes.McGrady ranked second with 65 votes.Followed by Nash, Ray Allen, Marbury, Ginobili, Parker, Bibby, Beard, Finley, Cassell.

And in the east;

Center position:

O'Neal, who was robbed of his starting position for two consecutive years, finally returned, ranking first with 82 votes.Followed by Big Ben, Big Z, Mourning, and Bosh.

Guard position:

Iverson returned to his peak this season, ranking first with 53 votes.James ranked second with 50 tickets.Then came Wade, Francis, Kidd, Billups, Hamilton, Pierce, Arenas, and Crawford.

Historically, James received more votes than Iverson this season.But in this time and space, Liu He has become the shadow on James' head.Every time Liu He met, James was beaten.Liu He's brilliance was too dazzling, covering up all the other members of the 03 class.James can't stand out in his class, and he certainly can't stand out in the entire NBA.

At the forward position, when the NBA released the data, fans were stunned.

The number one forward: Liu He, with 151 million votes, almost twice as many as Kobe Bryant and 66 more votes than Yao Ming. Iverson is almost a fraction of Liu He's vote.
This is the power of the Chinese market, plus the world's largest city, New York, Wang Zha's combination.


Second: Grant Hill, 77 votes.

So far this season, Hill is averaging 18.2 points, 5.7 rebounds, 4.6 assists and 1.5 steals per game.

And Hill didn’t completely reap the dividends from China and New York.

Historically, Hill had his second spring season with the Magic this season, eventually ranking No. 2 in the Eastern Conference forward position, second only to Carter.You must know that Hill was the All-Star vote-winner and the Superman Balloon Star back then. Many fans who liked him before are still there.Now that Hill is back, they certainly won't be stingy with their votes.

Now with the two major additions of China and New York, Hill has directly surpassed Carter.

Third: Carter, 60 votes.

Then came O'Neal, Rasheed, Jefferson, Jamison, Okafor, Prince, Gooden, and Howard.

Maybe it's because Howard has been having such a miserable life recently, being beaten by Liu He, Kobe Bryant, Anthony, and Yao Ming in succession, so he received fewer votes than in history.Okafor, who was previously praised by Liu He as the No. 04 candidate in 1, received a lot more votes.

At this time, Carter's fans discovered something terrible.

That is, Carter, who received 60 votes, is only ranked third among the forwards in the Eastern Conference. Doesn't that mean that Carter will be on the bench?

How does that work?
"Liu He is really the All-Star starting killer!"

"When he's in the West, Garnett has to be his substitute. When he goes to the East, Carter has to be his substitute."

"Forget it, Carter, don't touch Liu He. Last year, it was a bit unreasonable for Garnett to serve as Liu He's substitute. After all, Garnett's statistics were much better than Liu He's. But this year, Carter's statistics are better than Liu He's. Much worse.”

"Let's talk about performance. You Carter didn't work hard for the Raptors. He was passive and sabotaged, forcing the Raptors to trade him, and ruined his reputation. Look at Liu He, leading a team as bad as the Knicks to the Eastern Conference. Are there no comparisons among the top four?"

This season, Carter's statistics in the first 20 games dropped sharply to 15.9 points, 3.3 rebounds and 3.1 assists, which was regarded by fans as being passive and sabotaging.

Moreover, a scandal broke out that leaked the team's tactics at the last moment, forcing the Raptors to trade him.

In the end, the Raptors were forced to trade Carter away.

However, nearly 20 years later, things have turned around.

Michelle, the head coach of the Raptors at the time, broke the news: Carter didn't want to leave at all, but was forced to leave by the team.The day before leaving, Carter was pleading with management to let him stay, no matter what.But the Raptors still ruthlessly traded Carter.

In order to force Carter away, the Raptors first fired the previous head coach, fired Carter's team doctor, and then revoked the special parking space designated for Carter's mother...

As for Carter's sharp decline in statistics, if you look more carefully, you will find that Carter's playing time in these 20 games is 8 minutes less than last season, and they are all in the critical fourth quarter.

People lie, data doesn't.

As for leaking the tactics?
What tactics does the Raptors have at this time?

Carter holds the ball and plays in isolation, Carter catches the ball and plays in isolation, Carter plays in isolation after picking and rolling...Does it really need to be leaked?

Doesn’t the opponent know?

Bird tells you: I will kill you here later.

O'Neal tells you: I will dunk you next round!

Is this also a leak tactic?

Carter is not as good as Bird and O'Neal, but he was still qualified to show off at his peak.Carter: I'll fight you alone later.

This shouldn't be considered a leak tactic, right?

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether this thing actually exists.

In fact, the Raptors are already planning to rebuild, with Bosh as the cornerstone.In order to give Bosh more ball rights and train Bosh, it is natural to send Carter away.

Someone asked: If you want to trade someone, shouldn't you help him brush up his data and increase his transaction value?The Raptors suppressed Carter, this is unreasonable!
Analyzing the specific situation in detail, what kind of existence was Carter on that Raptors team?
Without Carter, who would recognize you as a Canadian basketball team?

If the Raptors dare to take the initiative: trade Carter...

The management certainly can't wait until tomorrow, they have to see God tonight.

Therefore, the Raptors can only choose to force Carter and create a scandal for Carter. Only when Carter is stink can they propose a trade.

Of course, all this is just analysis, and only the parties involved know the truth.

However, fans who follow Carter should know that Carter has always been a Buddhist type of person. He has no desire to compete and does not care much about honors or statistics. He just likes to play ball.

Even at the end of his career, if he had the chance to win the championship, Carter would not want it. He would rather find a team that would give him playing time to shine.

For a person with such a personality, Liu He wouldn't believe it if you said that he would do things such as being passive and sabotaging his work and leaking tactics.

So Carter really doesn't care about starting the All-Star Game, or not as much as Garnett did last season.

But Carter fans still care.

At this moment, Carter's fans united to canvass votes for their favorite star.

In any case, Carter is also the four-time All-Star vote winner, and his popularity is very scary in this era.

Carter's fans believe that as long as they work harder, Grasshopper will definitely be able to enter the starting lineup.

Then they despaired.

With the combination of the Chinese market and the big city of New York, let alone Liu He, even Hill is a gap that they cannot overcome.

What happened to the vote king?
Hill: Who's not already a vote winner?
If Hill hadn't been injured that year, it really wouldn't have been Carter's turn to be the vote winner.

Style of play, character (it’s not that Carter’s character is bad, but that Hill’s character is too good. Hill is a rare good guy in the NBA, and his nickname is “Good Boy”), temperament, appearance, background, origin, strength at his peak... I hope You can't beat Carter in any way!
So, after failing to canvass votes, Carter's fans came up with a new idea, which led to a very interesting consequence.

Of course, that is an afterthought.

Recently, Liu He sent Carter a text message.

Last year, I remember that after Liu He beat Bowen violently, Carter was the first to stand up and support Liu He, the "violator"!

Out of human nature, Carter has been in trouble recently, and Liu He is still interested.

"Vince, it might be a good idea to change places. Look at me, New York is a new challenge and a new battlefield. I enjoy it every day. Start your new journey, you can do it too!"

Carter responded quickly.

"Man, thanks for the reassurance. New Jersey is a warm place no matter what."

I don't know if this warmth refers to the temperature, or to the fact that the Raptors chilled Carter's heart.

In addition, back to No. [-] pick Howard.

After finishing their road trip in the West, the Magic finally returned to the East. Howard, who was physically and mentally scarred, thought he could finally take a breather.

However, when he saw the upcoming schedule, Howard cried.

In their first game back, the Magic ushered in the upstart Eastern Conference team, the favorite team to win the championship, the Heat.

Howard is about to face "Shark" O'Neal for the first time in his career.

No matter how arrogant Howard is, his ambition surpasses O'Neal's.

But facing the current NBA No. 1 and the most dominant center in NBA history, it's impossible for Howard not to feel guilty.

In the interview before the game, the reporter asked O'Neal unsurprisingly: "What do you think of Howard, the No. [-] pick? Can he achieve your achievements in the future?"

O'Neal replied: "Oh, I haven't played against that guy yet, so I can't give an accurate judgment. But, I know the strength of Liu He and Kobe. Liu He scored 52 points against Howard. Kobe... I don't remember. How many points did he score? Anyway, it was a very high score, but definitely less than 74 points! So, isn’t Howard’s strength already clear?”

74 points is O'Neal's career-high scoring record just created last season, and is currently the NBA's second-highest single-game scoring record.

O'Neal mentioned this deliberately just to diss Kobe.

You, Kobe, are great, but you will never be as good as me, O'Neal.

It can be seen that at this time, the OK combination was completely broken, and the two began to compete openly.

Obviously the reporter was asking about Howard, but O'Neal couldn't help but pull Kobe out and beat him up, which shows how deep his resentment towards Kobe is.

In fact, this is not the first time O'Neal has dissed Kobe since traveling east to Miami.

He has talked about Kobe many times in interviews before:

"I have been teammates with him for seven or eight years, but we actually didn't play together at all!"

"My personal thought is, if you've never played with someone, how do you get to know them? I never played with that guy because he was just weird."

"The best thing about Kobe? Do you want me to be honest? I really don't know. Let me tell you, I am willing to open my arms to anyone, but he never accepts my hugs, so I don't know him, what? I don’t even understand it, and it’s quite sad to think about it.”

"I was so touched that he (the new Heat teammate) was willing to pass the ball to me! Some people have worked with me for four, five or six years, but they still don't want to give me the ball!"

"If the Lakers had drafted Liu He in 96, I think I would have eight championship rings now. It's a pity."

In the 08 Finals, after the Lakers lost to the Celtics, O'Neal excitedly rushed to the nightclub and sang loudly: "Hey, Kobe, how does my ass taste? Without me, Kobe wouldn't have won the Finals!"

Of course, Kobe did not let O'Neal go. After winning two consecutive championships in 09 and 10, reporters asked Kobe what the significance of his fifth championship was. Kobe said: "One more championship than the Sharks!"

Back to the interview.

The reporter who asked the question was a little confused. Although O'Neal's remarks about dissing Kobe were very explosive, he did not answer his question.

O'Neal looked at the reporter like a fool: "Even a guy like Kobe can beat Howard, why would you compare a guy like this to me?"

In one sentence, both Kobe and Howard were scolded.

These words made Howard furious.

Then when the game came, O'Neal showed off his power and frequently asked for the ball to launch attacks.

After the first quarter, Howard looked at the data.


Howard instantly became honest.

Not only did he become honest, he also became sober.

Only then did he realize how terrifying O'Neal really was.

Trying to surpass O'Neal is a joke.

In fact, until the last few years of O'Neal's career, O'Neal could not play for too long due to physical problems.But as long as he can play, he can still be [-]-[-] with Howard.

But that was O'Neal in his twilight years and Howard at his peak.

What now?O'Neal, who is at his peak, and Howard, a rookie, are not on the same level at all.

After beating Howard, O'Neal went off the court to rest contentedly.

Howard woke up from his nightmare and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the nightmare is not over.

After O'Neal left the game, Wade, who had not played much before, stood up and pulled Howard out of military training again and again, or rushed directly into the penalty area to challenge Howard, beating Howard to the point of death.

Why did Wade deal with Howard?That's not because of Liu He!
Liu He and O'Neal clearly broke up, but Liu He always flirted with O'Neal from afar, which made Wade very unhappy.

How can Wade, the current incumbent, watch Liu He, his predecessor, still hook up with O'Neal and have no connection with him?
In order to completely get O'Neal's whole body and mind, Wade planned to beat up Howard to conquer the goddess's heart.

So in this game, Wade was more cruel to Howard than O'Neal.

Everyone knows that the skills of high school players are generally rough, especially the thankless defense.Always reach out when you shouldn’t!

Especially for a rookie like Howard, this problem is even more obvious.

With the bonus of NHC rules, Wade is now one of the players with the best breakthrough ability in the league.He took full advantage of Howard's weaknesses, attacking Howard again and again, and soon got Howard into foul trouble.

After Howard left the game, the Magic's defense in the penalty area became even weaker, and Wade made a killing in all directions.

From this point of view, although Howard's technology is rough, it is still remarkable.

But most fans only see the statistics after the game.


Data doesn't lie, but most fans don't look at the data.

Howard's 6 turnovers and 6 fouls can certainly explain a lot of problems, but because of foul trouble, he only played 17 minutes and scored 6 points and 6 rebounds. Considering that he faced O'Neal, the league's number one center, his efficiency was actually pretty good.

But many fans will not look at it in such detail. They will only notice that Howard scored 6666 data and was completely crushed by O'Neal and Wade in mixed doubles.

So far, in addition to the OK combination and Yao Ming, the 03 Platinum Generation has completed three kills against Howard, the 04 No. [-] pick.


Anthony scored 45 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 1 steal.


The pressure is on LeBron James, the No. 03 pick in the [-] class.

(End of this chapter)

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