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Chapter 730 Blessings and misfortunes

Inviting Solskjaer today, the purpose of the summer trip is very clear.

Discuss your future.

In fact, it was quite painful for Xia Xing to make this decision.

He loves Manchester United very much.

After all, he has been a Manchester United fan since he was a child. Both his parents like Manchester United. Later, he joined the Manchester United youth training camp and has a close relationship with Ferguson.

But he also has to plan for his future.

There is nothing wrong with Manchester United, and all previous coaches have their own characteristics.

But the management is just terrible.

This can be seen from their purchasing strategies.

After Mourinho left, Mendes was finally able to talk to Xia Xing about certain topics.

For example, the club's process of signing Pogba and Sanchez.

This is something Mourinho disagrees with, but it was forced in by the club.

After learning some inside information, Xia Xing became even more disappointed with Manchester United's management.

Today, he must decide his future.

After learning of Xia Xing's decision a month ago, Mendes applauded with both hands!

"Xia, you're right to think about it this way! Even if you like Manchester United, you can't completely tie your future to Manchester United. No right or wrong, no regard for interests. Only a fool would do this! What's more, Manchester United doesn't really do anything for them. Whatever you pay, even if you have, you have already paid back the honor of leading the team to six championships. In the future, you must think more about yourself!"

Xia Xing understood what Mendes said and agreed with it.

If not, he won't negotiate with Solskjaer.

The only regret is that I can no longer get along with the Manchester United fans like family members.

Although the Manchester United management is rubbish, the Manchester United fans are still very good and treat him well.

Inviting Solskjaer today, Xia Xing must make a decision.

If the club doesn't make decisive moves, Xia Xing will never stay!

Go ahead and fool fools with those clichés that seem to delay time!

Therefore, Xia Xing is very confident today.

Especially after seeing Solskjaer's series of body movements and verbal expressions after entering the door, Xia Xing knew it very well.

No show.

It seems that his departure from the team is inevitable.

But just as he was about to formally showdown with Solskjaer, the phone suddenly rang.

And after Solskjaer answered the phone for a few minutes, the sadness on his face relaxed.

After hanging up the phone, Solskjaer looked at Xia Xing and spoke slowly.

His expression was strange.

It feels like frustration and disappointment, but also like joy and relaxation.

Very contradictory.

"Xia, there is something I have to tell you,

"The topic you are most concerned about is Pogba's transfer.

"To be honest, since you told me that request,

"I talked to the club management,

“And the club’s attitude is clear – you are indispensable, everyone else is secondary!

“So, if you have to choose between the two, of course the club will choose you.

“During this period, the club is also trying to figure out the bottom line.

"Communicating with several clubs privately,

"Let's see if we can get a good price for Pogba.

"There are even several interested clubs..."

Xia Xing interrupted directly: "Please tell me the results. It's just research and no action, right? You know the fundamentals of me..."

Solskjaer interrupted Xia Xing again, with a complicated expression on his face.

“But just a few days ago, Pogba got injured on holiday!

“And it’s a groin strain, which will require at least half a year of injury.

"That damn guy, he had too much fun this holiday,

"His injury has made the club's transfer work very troublesome.

“Originally, the club already had good intentions.

"but now,

"A wounded soldier can't be sold at all.

"So the club is doing two things now. "First, help Pogba recover from his injury and return to competitive form as soon as possible.

"Second, continue to maintain continuity with several interested clubs to ensure that Pogba can make a smooth move later.

"So, xia, the club has been working tirelessly on your request.

"But this special situation is beyond human control.

"Even if you want to let Pogba leave the team, you have to wait until he recovers from his injury.

“We cannot let the club’s hundreds of millions of euros in transfer fees go down the drain.

"What do you think?"

Xia Xing was silent.

He turned to look at Mendes and read something in Mendes' eyes.

Mendes also didn't know about Pogba's injury.

At this time, Mendes got up and went to the back room to make a phone call.

After a few minutes, he returned to the living room and nodded slightly towards Xia Xing.

Solskjaer is telling the truth, no problem.

Xia Xing exhaled forcefully: "It seems that Pogba and Manchester United are somewhat destined, haha."

Solskjaer also looked helpless: "Yeah, if Pogba is sold, maybe the team can continue to recruit in a few more positions. It's a shame."

Xia Xing whispered: "Blessings come and misfortunes come..."

Solskjaer didn't understand: "What?"

"It's okay," Xia Xing waved his hand, "Then let the club's medical team work harder. After all, no one wants to see injuries like this."

That’s it for today’s topic about Pogba.

Until Solskjaer left Xia Xing's home, he did not talk about related topics again.

Although this result is not satisfactory to everyone, it is not difficult for everyone to accept.

A status quo that cannot be considered a temporary measure.

Pogba is injured. No matter how dissatisfied Xia Xing is with him, he will not ask the team to get rid of Pogba.

This is neither morally nor administratively appropriate.

It is inappropriate regardless of personal interests, team interests, or management interests.

Therefore, Xia Xing could only give up.

After leaving Xia Xing's house, Solskjaer started the car and drove slowly towards home.

The car phone rang, it was from the club's sports manager.

"How's it going, man? Are you done?"

"Well, Xia didn't say anything else. This matter should be suppressed for the time being."

"That's good!"

"But this is not a long-term solution. From now on..."

"We'll talk about the rest later. There's no rush."

"Well, okay, that's all I can do anyway. Having said that, I feel really uncomfortable telling lies."

"You are the head coach of the club. For the benefit of the club, it is okay to say some qualifying words appropriately."

"Modifying words? Haha..."

"Okay, that's it, good night buddy."

The other party hung up the phone, and Solskjaer braked and stopped at the red light.

The streets were empty at night, and even if the light turned green, Solskjaer was in no hurry to drive forward.

He suddenly had a strange feeling.

Although the steering wheel is still in his hand, it seems that he has lost control of the vehicle.

I no longer know where to go in the future... (End of chapter)

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