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Chapter 575 The Catfish Effect

Chapter 575 The Catfish Effect

On the morning of the third day, the Manchester United Club held a brief ceremony.

Farewell to Mkhitaryan.

There was no farewell match, no public farewell ceremony, only Mourinho's separate farewell to Mkhitaryan on the training ground.

It looks a bit shabby.

But that's it.

As far as Manchester United is concerned, Mkhitaryan is just a player who has been playing for the team for more than a year. He has no deep feelings for the club and would not say farewell with a big fanfare.It was just a farewell before the transfer was signed.

For Mkhitaryan, this experience was not so emotional for the club Manchester United.

However, he still has many warm friendships on this team.

For example, Xia Xing, Lukaku, Smalling and other teammates, and Mourinho.

Regarding Mourinho's efforts to retain him, he was very clear and moved.

But the club wanted to trade him for Sanchez, and Mkhitaryan knew it.

Therefore, it is not wise to stay. Leaving early is the right choice.

Stepping on the familiar turf of the training ground, standing in front of his teammates, Mkhitaryan, wearing a suit, looked at everyone sincerely.

“Guys, I’m leaving.

"Well... I'm very reluctant to give up.

“Although saying this sounds a little bit official, this is my sincere expression.

"I like you guys very much, I like this team very much,

“Every scene of running on the court with everyone last season will remain in my mind forever.

"No matter how long it takes, I will be proud to say to someone,

“I was part of four-time champion Manchester United!
“I’m extremely proud!

"Now I have to leave. It's a pity that I can't play in the Champions League with everyone.
"I hope Manchester United can still win the championship this year and be soft.

"I wish everyone the best!"

Teammates stepped forward to hug Mkhitaryan.

Lukaku: "Man, I'm so reluctant to let you go..."

Smalling: "I really like you."

Xia Xing: "I hope one day we will have the opportunity to play football together."

Listening to the words of his teammates, Mkhitaryan's eyes were slightly moist.

Finally there is Mourinho.

He stepped forward and hugged his beloved disciple vigorously.

"Young man, I have a feeling that we will meet again in the future! Then we will fight the world together! Come on!"

Mkhitaryan left, and Xia Xing, as a representative, sent him out of the club gate and into the car.

The two hugged again.

"Captain, next time we meet, we will be our opponents."

"It will definitely be difficult to play against Arsenal next time."

"Of course, haha. I wish you all the best and win the Golden Globe again next year!"

As the car left the Carrington training base, Xia Xing smiled bitterly.

I really can't get used to the way this guy looks in a suit.

All the best, man!

This morning's training went as usual, as if nothing happened.

For a club like Manchester United, people coming and going is normal and not a big deal.

In the afternoon, another brief ceremony was held again at the Carrington training base.

Meet Sanchez.

We saw off Mkhitaryan in the morning and welcomed Sanchez in the afternoon.

The Carrington training base was really lively on this day.Different from the warm farewell in the morning, the welcome ceremony in the afternoon was obviously much more deserted.

The people are still the same, there are still no fewer people, but there is less goodwill.

Mkhitaryan is in Manchester United, and his snake oil attributes make him very important to the team.

It can make up for the shortcomings of multiple positions, and is good at passing and shooting, especially since it does not pose an absolute direct threat to any position.

So his teammates like him very much.

Sanchez is different.

He is the former number one star of Arsenal, a top five superstar in the Premier League, and a top forward.

This kind of positioning has a competitive impact on many players in Manchester United.

So when Sanchez introduced himself, the applause was not that loud.

Mourinho frowned slightly.

Rooney, who is injured, is not here today. Carrick is not good at speaking, and his welcome speech seemed dull.

Mourinho sets his sights on Xia Xing.

Xia Xing understood what Mourinho expected, so he stood up decisively and looked at Sanchez with a smile.

“Man, it’s great to be teammates with you.

“Manchester United is a great club, and what we don’t lack most is big-name stars, and what we need most are big-name stars.

"Next we will face a four-front battle, and there are many games.
"I believe you will be able to bring your good form at Arsenal to Manchester United.

"Come with us to fight for championship honors!
"You are welcome!"

Xia Xing’s sunny passage made the atmosphere much better.

Sanchez's face, which had been a little serious just now, also showed a smile.

"Thank you, xia,

"Finally I can no longer compete with you. This feels so good.
"I am extremely excited when I think about receiving an assist from you.
“When I think about being able to play football with everyone, I can’t wait to play now!
“Please give me your advice in the future!”

This time, Xia Xing took the lead in applauding, and the applause was much louder than before.

Mourinho breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Xing is really a full of young man.

What he said just now, "There is plenty of competition," is to point out that there are teammates in the same position and don't let competition affect personal relationships.

This guy is really a natural captain.

"Alexis, I was very happy when I heard that you were joining the team.

"Who would say no to a world-class striker?

"Your talent will definitely help the team and I am looking forward to it.

"Come on guys, sprint for all the champions!"

There is only half a day of training time, leaving little time for Sanchez to integrate into the team.

But even if it was only half a day, Manchester United teammates had enough knowledge about this talented forward.

Really strong!
When handling the ball in the frontcourt, Sanchez's skills are definitely Manchester United's first level!
It is no exaggeration to say that apart from Xia Xing and Pogba, Sanchez can rank No. 3 in the team's technical level!

His Manchester United teammates were amazed by his handling of the ball in the frontcourt several times during the training match.

What a first-class star. He's so awesome.

Seeing how powerful their competitors were, Manchester United's forward players also tightened up.

Even Lukaku, who usually seems a bit lazy, was running very actively today.

Rashford even looked at Sanchez's technical moves from time to time and was secretly learning.

Other offensive players have also been obviously affected by Sanchez, and their status has improved to a certain extent.

This makes Mourinho very satisfied.

very nice.

If the addition of Sanchez can create a "catfish effect", that would be quite good.

The next half of the season will be the most important half of the season for Manchester United!
(End of this chapter)

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