Star card system

Chapter 563 The most hated enemy!

West Brom players did their best today.

Every player went all out to defend and did their best.

In 90 minutes of the 85-minute game, Manchester United's offense was perfectly locked down.

This is already great.

If they could perform like this in every game, they wouldn't be in the relegation zone.

But in the end, they still failed to hold on until the end.

Xia Xing, who was almost locked up in the normal game, suddenly got out of the way and hit the ball with a powerful shot, tearing open the net in an instant!

1 is better than 0!

Manchester United tears apart West Brom's defense!
They finally broke the deadlock!

The goal was scored, and Mourinho finally felt at ease on the sidelines.

Take a long breath.

Steady, steady.

West Brom retreated across the board, and they no longer had any ability to counterattack.

In the end, Manchester United won 1-0, scored three points, and continued their winning streak.

After the game, West Brom coach Alan Pardew walked away for a while, waiting for Xia Xing to finish.



Xia Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw the other team's head coach calling him.

After the game, there was an opponent's head coach waiting to say hello to him. It seemed that he had never encountered this situation before.

Did he have any complaints about me because of this goal?

Shouldn't it be...

Xia Xing still knew something about this coach.

This is what Mourinho introduced to everyone before the game.

He just took over as West Brom's coach on November 11, and his goal is to avoid relegation.

But it seems that the road to relegation will not be easy.

But why is he looking for me?
Want to buy me?

It's unrealistic. Let's not say whether I will leave Manchester United. Even if I transfer, it is impossible to go to the relegation team.

what's going on……

Thinking in his heart, Xia Xing still kept walking, walked over and said hello politely.

"Hello, Coach Alan Pardew, I'm sorry for beating your team, you did a great job today."

Alan Padu looked Xia Xing up and down, his eyes full of talent-loving appreciation.

"Xia, you are amazing.

"Although you defeated my team, I still respect you very much.

“There was nothing wrong with your goal, it was wonderful and I am totally convinced about the loss.

"We did our best, but you have played a game that is not inferior to this world. What else can I do?
“This game was a heart-wrenching loss.

"Of course, I'm waiting for you here not just to praise you.

"Seeing your face reminds me of one of my former disciples.

“He is also from China and came from China’s youth training camp.

"He is just like you, he has comprehensive skills and is good at both offense and defense. I like him very much.

"We worked together at Charlton for a long time and I really liked him.

“I once said that if he can land in the Premier League earlier, then he will definitely become a top star in the Premier League!

“But he went to play abroad too late and lost his best opportunity.

“But even so, he was still the best player in China at that time.

“When I see you now, I always think of him in the past.

"If he came to play in the Premier League earlier, with his talent, hard work and physical condition, "even if he can't reach your height, he can definitely occupy a place in a wealthy team.

"When I see you, I feel very sorry..."

Alan Padu walked away, Xia Xing looked at his back and sighed softly.

In fact, China has talented young football players, but it lacks discovery and training.

When they needed growth the most, they failed to receive excellent youth training, which delayed their progress.

But even so, there are still many talents who stand out.

However, in the end, only a handful of achievements can be made, and it is really a waste of time.

I am so sorry.

When I retire one day, if I have the opportunity, I really hope to help those Chinese teenagers who love football.

Manchester United's winning streak in the Premier League continues. After Manchester City unexpectedly tied the goal, Manchester United's lead has been extended to 10 points.

In the Premier League, Manchester United is truly unbeatable right now.

After winning against West Brom, the Manchester United soldiers had a good two days of rest.

Because there is a dense playing field, the players have to ensure their condition and physical fitness.

After the game on December 12, Manchester United's two-front battle began on December 17.

This is the quarter-finals of the EFL Cup, and Manchester United's opponent is Leeds United.

At Elland Road, the home ground of Leeds United, Manchester United players received the most violent boos.

"Guys, today we are facing Leeds United!" In the locker room, captain Rooney told everyone, "We must play up the spirit of 12 points and defeat them!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This game is a tough battle.

Because for both parties, the other party is the most hated enemy!

The rivalry between Leeds United and Manchester United is famously known as the "Rose Feud".

The feud between the two teams began with the historic feud between Yorkshire and Lancashire.The hostility between the two regions can be traced back to the "Wars of the Roses" in the 15th century.It was an intermittent civil war over the throne of England.

Although the two cities of Leeds and Manchester are 64 kilometers apart, the hostile relationship between the two parties has not been eliminated, and has even been retained as a tradition by the two clubs.

So every time the two teams meet, it's a fight to the death!
Leeds United once dominated the Premier League, and Rose Derby often appeared.

But with Leeds United's decline, such lively scenes have become rare.

And today, the Rose Derby returns to the Premier League!

On the sidelines of the pitch, Mourinho and Leeds United coach Christianson passed each other as if they were nothing.

And there was no friendly expression from either player.

This is what the Rose Derby tastes like!

But fans don't know that Mourinho and Christiansen just had a phone call yesterday afternoon.

The two are old acquaintances.

In the summer of 1996, Mourinho, who was highly regarded by Robertson, followed the old coach to Barcelona.

He is a translator and often expresses his opinions on the team's tactics and training.

At that time Christiansen was playing in the lower leagues in Barcelona's echelon.

The two had known each other before and had a good relationship because of their affinity.

Although we had no experience working together after that, we had occasional contact and the relationship was still good.

I didn’t expect that the first meeting would be a derby of this level.

"Man, when I see you tomorrow, I won't say hello to you. Don't say I'm trying to be a big deal."

"Jose, don't worry, I won't talk to you. After all, I still have to hang out at Leeds United, haha."

"Tomorrow's fight will be crazy, right?"

"Of course! It will definitely beat you playing Liverpool and Manchester City!"

"I knew it! You crazy people! See you on the field tomorrow! I'll kill you!"

"Just wait and hear the boos filling the Elland Road stadium!" (End of Chapter)

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