knife point guard

Chapter 264 [Su Xi’s popularity]

Chapter 264 [Su Xi’s popularity]

Suzy has been living in Los Angeles and leading a colorful life.

The Los Angeles media ridiculed Susi because he did not join the Lakers but instead joined the East Coast Knicks. The media treated him like ice and fire.

From the initial popularity to the sour irony now.

Su Xi makes movies and does not do her job properly.

Su Xi went out to sea to fish and became bored playing with things.

Susie and her girlfriend kissed in Beverly Hills and taught bad things to the children.

Susie and Scarlett Johansson went to an open-air drive-in movie theater and ruined the trend.

Susie went to Las Vegas to play like Jordan.

Suzy and Jessica Alba party and bring bad vibes to Hollywood.

Moreover, during this process, Su Xi was often accused of various scandals, and female celebrities who had nothing to do with him were also believed to be suffering from his "tough hands". The sports pages in Los Angeles went to great lengths to portray Suzy as an evil basketball player who flirted with women and wanted to possess them crazily when he met a female star.

However, this is extremely inconsistent with the facts. Many girls in the mixed circle complained privately: The little sheep Su Xi looks like a Puritan at all. How can he look like a playboy? Did he have to be stripped naked and tied to the bed before he would submit?

'I even took off my clothes and blocked the door of his toilet...'

Susie had a lot of interesting things like this happen in Los Angeles.

No matter how the media in Los Angeles talks about Su Xi, it cannot change the fact that Su Xi attracts women. His charming characteristics make many women want to get married, including those who have a lot of money and a lot of fame.

The less they can get something, the more they want to have it.

Su Xi flew back to Asia in July, where he will start a month-long campaign.

Su Xi's trip to Asia is different from that of other NBA stars. They do business promotion on a casual basis. Suzy is going home. In fact, most of his work is charity activities. He is participating in a plan to equip primary school campuses across the country with standard open-air basketball courts. He not only donates money, but also brings complete design plans and training plans.

Su Xi sincerely hopes that domestic basketball will flourish.

Su Xi's Asian tour started in the island country, where he was welcomed by thousands of people as always. Not only the male fans were crazy, but the women were also crazy. This repressed nation showed an unprecedented release when they met Su Xi.

The craziest thing Su Xi did during her stay in Japan was... two beautiful housewives entered Su Xi's room as hotel attendants, and then two more women in uniforms claiming to be policewomen came in. Check out... Then, had O'Connor not arrived in time, Susie would have had to submit to the woman's will.

Su Xi was almost tied up at that time.

Fortunately, O'Connor arrived in time and saved Susie.

This incident instantly became a big news that triggered global gossip, and the Internet was shocked: such an operation could still be done.

Or a housewife who had a good life as a child would play.

Of course, the greater value of this news is: Is Susie the Sheep so charming? How can housewives be allowed to take such crazy risks and embark on the road of crime?

Su Xi was still extremely shocked when he was at the police station. He didn't expect such a ridiculous thing to happen to him. In fact, he felt weird when two 'waiters' came in and asked if he wanted room service. They were cleaning in a decent manner at first, then touched the edge of his bed, and then just ignored him. I didn’t care anymore... I chatted for a long time. I was very excited and even got into a physical confrontation.

Then, two policewomen came over and communicated in English. He said he was going to take him to investigate, but why did he tie a rope to me?

Su Xi thought it was a special legal provision at the time.


Su Xi stretched out his hand to hold his forehead. He felt unbearable pain.

Suhi asked organizers to step up security during the event over the next two days.

However, he also forgave the four women for their behavior and issued letters of understanding. As for whether there would be other punishments, Su Xi didn't care.

"Thank you, Mike. You came just in time."

Susie thanked Mike O'Connor afterwards.

Nevada Cannon smiled and said, "Actually, I think I came too early."

Su Xi rolled her eyes at him. Then he warned him: "Don't tell anyone what you saw."

O'Connor chuckled. Then, he sighed and said: "When I was working in the entertainment industry in California when I was young, the market was always occupied by this side. At that time, I looked down on them and thought they were just playing embarrassing technical things without any real experience. The ability to use swords and guns. But now..."

O'Connor shrugged his shoulders and spread his palms: "I'm convinced."

Whether you are convinced or not is none of my business.

Su Xi was too lazy to talk to him.

And he quickly ended his trip here and went to the peninsula to attend the event.

In 2005, the Internet was relatively in its infancy, and computer users were increasing rapidly. Su Xi's ridiculous news soon became a hot topic in the United States. Su Xi's experience was discussed on the Internet, and TV was not spared.

This even triggered a review among North American women: Why can’t we use our brains? Is the hotel security here safer than in Asia? They can break through four, so we should take action too!

Isiah Thomas also spoke about the incident.

"Those who say our team is not good this way or that way should take a good look at this news. Jack can escape even if he encounters four double-teams. You say our lineup is not good, but when Jack attracts four There is an opponent, can’t the remaining four of us defeat one of them?”

Thomas was smug.

However, New York fans are a little worried: Will there be so much gossip about Suzy the Sheep affecting the game? He was in Indiana because he didn't have the conditions to mess around, after all, it was in the middle of nowhere. New York is the largest city in the world, and celebrities from all over the world gather here. If Suzy the Sheep goes bad here, won’t our Knicks have no chance of success?

Su Xi tightened security in South Korea, but there was still an extremely chaotic scene at the event.

I don’t know who took the lead. Su Xi was explaining his journey to the championship, but suddenly a woman threw a bra on top.

A cover stirred up a thousand waves.

The atmosphere suddenly turned into nightclub mode.

Brass rained on the stage, and bras with various fragrances came one after another. Although Su Xi had strong defensive ability, she had perfect dodge. But it is still inevitable to hang a lot on the body.

Isn’t it said that the people here are conservative and the status of women is low?

Why did everyone become so cheerful when they came to my place?

The event ended quickly.

Su Xi made headlines again, especially when the bra rain fell on him. Many photos were taken at the scene, which once again aroused global public opinion.

Su Xi's image of the 'flesh Bodhisattva' is becoming more and more full.

And no matter what, I want to kiss and enjoy it.

The Los Angeles media also specifically asked Megan Fox for her opinion on this matter. Fox was promoting Transformers at the time.

She was dumbfounded at the time.

She had seen two pieces of news. But she didn't expect reporters to ask her this question.

Because she is not Miss Su yet. Although the outside world regards her as one of Su Xi's girlfriends, privately her relationship with Su Xi is very distant, and they are not as familiar as the media imagined. Megan Fox invited him to watch a movie, but he also declined. On the night when Su Xi won the championship, she sent a text message, but Su Xi didn't even reply.

Moreover, she wore Su Xi's jersey to attend the event, but Su Xi did not reply.

On the contrary, it attracted criticism from Scarlett Johansson.

Sometimes she feels aggrieved... Who is not a little princess? I am also a highly sought-after sexy female star. I gave such crazy hints, why didn't you give any signal?

You just need to take the first step, and I will take the remaining ninety-nine steps.

But Su Xi seemed to have ignored her.

He is indeed a playboy.

Megan Fox is getting more and more uncomfortable, but she can't let go.

At this time, the reporter raised this question.

Her mood improved inexplicably: It seems that everyone thinks that he and I are a perfect match.

Therefore, she smiled and said gently: "I suggest everyone to pursue stars rationally. Although everyone has the right to express their love, do not cause trouble to the person involved. Moreover, you must not do anything that violates the law. "

"But aren't you worried that Jack will be chased away by a group of brave girls in Asia? He is Chinese, what if he doesn't come back?" the reporter asked.

"I will go to China." Megan Fox said matter-of-factly, and quickly added: "I will go to Asia right away to promote."

A short interview reveals a lot.

Reporters love interviewing Megan Fox.

It's just that Scarlett Johansson always feels that she is putting on airs and pretending.


Su Xi finally returned to China. He liked the atmosphere here. Most of the activities here were attended by boys. Domestically, his image as a basketball player is relatively pure.

There are enthusiastic fans wherever he goes, and the activities he participates in are mainly basketball. When Su Xixing gets up, he will even go one-on-one off the court.

He taught his skills to many young players and shared them without reservation.

He hopes that the Chinese men's basketball team will become stronger and stronger.

Although he did not participate in this summer's Asian Men's Basketball Championship, he also declined next year's World Championship.

At his request, Yao Ming also did not participate in the national team this summer.

Because Su Xi helped the men's basketball team win the gold medal in the Olympics, domestic fans are very convinced and feel more confident. The Asian competition allows more young people in the country to improve. There is no need to combine Su Xi and Yao Ming in ordinary international competitions. When it comes to the Olympics, the Olympics are the most important: because the next Olympics will be held at home.

This is a very rare rest for Yao Ming. His body is not suitable for this kind of year-round competition.

For a giant player like him, it's best to do nothing and just play for a few months every year. This is the case with O'Neal. Although O'Neal has been criticized for being lazy and a waste of talent, he has not suffered serious injuries in his career.

Yao Ming is now gaining weight again under the command of Van Gundy, and his body needs rest even more.

Su Xi carried out publicity activities in several major cities in China, and then plunged into the grassroots level. He used his influence and money to do many tangible basketball public welfare projects.

CCTV also specifically reported on his grassroots charity.

Su Xi's reputation in the country is growing. In fact, he is already a national hero.

Su Xi won the gold medal in the Olympics and won the NBA Finals MVP twice in the United States. These are all things that excited the public.

Therefore, there are very few tidbits of news here in China.

Although some fan forums will discuss Su Xi's scandals, everyone intuitively believes that Su Xi is an upright person.

At the end of July, Su Xi attended a charity dinner in China.

Many domestic celebrities, stars, and big bosses attended.

Su Xi originally thought this was a charity exchange event, so he happily participated.

But when he showed up there, he discovered that it was just a Vanity Fair red carpet.

He walked onto the red carpet in a T-shirt and jeans, surrounded by screams. The female stars in front of him were wearing high-end custom-made evening gowns, as if they were attending the Oscars.

Perhaps in order to wait for the opportunity to be in the same frame as Su Xi, the female star moved at a speed of less than one meter per second in front of the red carpet.

Until Su Xi was level with her, she quickened her pace and walked to the host together.

The host interviews Su Xi and asks Su Xi to sign her autograph.

Su Xi declined the interview, but signed her name and handed the marker to the female star next to her who was known as a popular actress.

Su Xi didn't think anything at the time.

But afterwards, it triggered some discussions on the domestic Internet. Many netizens ridiculed the female star out of boredom: Sure enough, even if she flies on her finger and turns into a phoenix, she still cannot escape the fate of being a maid. In front of Su Xi, no matter how international she is, is she just a maid?

The red carpet was enough to make Su Xi uncomfortable, and the subsequent charity auction made Su Xi very uncomfortable sitting in the audience.

However, so-called big guys and celebrities kept coming over to say hello to Su Xi. Su Xi looked out of place among this group of people, partly because he was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and partly because of his height.

Of course, Su Xi didn't get angry, he just sat there quietly.

Although he doesn't like this kind of exaggerated behavior, as long as these donations can appear in the hands of people in need, let's be exaggerated.

Fame circles are similar all over the world.

Su Xi also doesn't like to get involved in the fame and fortune circle in the United States.

Halfway through the dinner, a staff member came over to review the script with Su Xi. Because when Su Xi accepted this charity invitation, he agreed to take out an item for auction in order to attract more people to pay attention to grassroots basketball.

What he took out was the regular season MVP trophy.

This trophy means a lot to him. Looking at the entire basketball circle, it is also a very, very important collection.

Su Xi is sincere.

"Who is this S?" Su Xi suddenly asked.

"A mysterious guest." The staff said with a smile: "You will definitely want to see her. She is here specifically for you and for China's grassroots basketball charity."


(End of this chapter)

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