Alliance: The Wind Goes On!I play AD on Weibo

Chapter 247 "We received 1 message!"

Chapter 247 "We received a message!"

"The dragon is about to be wiped out."

Xiaohu looked at the time gradually decreasing at the top with a confused look on his face.

Xiaotian defeated the wind dragon as soon as this game started, and the second one that was about to be refreshed was the earth dragon.

This indicates that the selection of dragon souls later will only include water, fire, and electricity, which will be randomly selected.
These three types of dragon souls are all well-known for being strong in combat, and they are very suitable for Taobo's operation method. The terrifying scene of the moving spring water after the opponent got the water dragon soul in the last round is still vivid in their minds. They only need to focus the fire in seconds. After losing the C position, there is no ability to fight back.

But the risk of joining the team at this time is still very high. Even if his Czar joins Senna during this period, the combined output of the two people is not enough to fight against Luna.

It is unrealistic to think of recreating the previous wave of team battles. After all, Ah Shui just likes to pretend in operation, and he is not stupid, let alone Silas, whose combat ability is not bad at all.

"Let me grab it!"

Weiwei's voice was firm and powerful, "You create opportunities for me, just let me in!"

He would rather die standing than lose on his knees. A jungler who can't win a dragon in BO5 might as well retire and go farming. He doesn't have the courage to fight for a while and doesn't have any career.

Liu Qingsong next to him glanced at him in surprise, with a hint of relief on his face.

In the past, when he was in BLG, Weiwei's playing style was always hesitant and he never dared to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the team. This was one of the many reasons why they suffered repeated defeats at that time.

But when it comes to WBG this season, it is obvious that there have been changes in each of them.

"Well, I can come over in advance later."

Theshy's hand movement didn't stop at all, "But he's going to die."

In the picture, the top laners of both sides were working diligently to push the lane without interfering with each other.

This period of time is relatively ambiguous. Most of the supports have started roaming mode. In addition, the jungle brushing efficiency of the equipped equipment has been greatly improved, and they will basically not stay in the jungle. In this case, it is easy for the single-band sideline to hit too hard. Will fight in the wild.

Just when Wayward thought he could develop in peace for a while, the sword demon in front of him suddenly attacked again!
A precise evil fire chain blocked his stiff movement of finishing the last strike and threw him away, making him unable to avoid it.

Just when Gnar jumped with his E skill and tried to break away from the chain to the side, the sword demon swung his black giant blade and slapped him down from mid-air!

"The evil fire chain kicks back, and the second Q in the outer circle directly kills Wayward for nearly half of his health! Brother Shy's damage is so high that I can't understand it."

Colonel Guan was not too anxious, "But Nal still has a flash in his hand, and Bobby is also moving up quickly in the direction of the river. It should be no problem for him to leave."

Apparently Wayward on the court thinks so too.

With the mentality that he could get by just a little bit of damage, he chose to take the third section of oncoming slashing damage. The Q skill boomerang was thrown back and slowed down while being pulled towards the river.

But at the next moment, Wayward's pupils shrank slightly, and the sword demon behind him spread its demonic wings again!

"He wants to kill me? Why? Isn't he afraid of my jungler?!"

The Great Destruction brings an acceleration effect that doubles the Sword Demon's movement speed and attack distance. With the movement speed of the second-level shoes, he can follow Gnar's escape and cause continuous damage!
【I!Brought to you!victory! 】

The sword demon's eyes are full of violence, and the desire to kill makes the blade even sharper!
With the small wooden hammer and Star Eclipse's full output equipment, Gnar's health will be running low after just three strikes!
theshy immediately told him why with terrifying output.

Between the golden light flashing,
Gnar quickly handed over the flash and tried to flee back, but the sword demon behind him was still chasing after him!
"Help! Help!"

Wayward shouted urgently, and could only place his last hope on his teammates.

"I'm relying on you, I'm relying on you." Xiaotian frowned and immediately responded, "Keep on holding on! Lure him over!"

He had just stood guard in the middle lane to protect Ah Shui's lane push, and before he could clear the jungle, he had to move up to support him. He was really acting like a father and a mother at the same time, and now his level was more than one level behind his opponent Weiwei.

A blue light shines on the top soldier, announcing that the battle is about to escalate!

Silas, who originally led the lane in the bottom lane, immediately chose TP. This position was just right to cover the Sword Demon's escape route. He had been coveting the big bounty on theshy's left hand for a long time.

"I can't get through!"

Looking at the left hand that was reading the message, Xiaohu, who was farther away, quickly drifted forward towards the EQ. Although he used the sand soldiers to poke out part of Silas's health at the extreme distance, he was unable to reach the distance estimated by the ultimate move.

In order to make up for the line in the last wave, his TP has been handed over in advance, and it is still too long before the next CD.

"It's okay, I can operate."

theshy didn't pay attention, focusing entirely on all the subtle moves of Gnar.

Playing tanks and front row have been quiet for nearly half a season. It seems that the opponent has forgotten something.
When he debuted, he was a sharp knife. His fighting style was always straight and he could go through three levels on his own!
As the battle on the top lane officially started, the bottom lane duo, who were supporting each other at the same time, collided in the river and became entangled with each other!
Two teams ranked among the top two in the LPL in bloodiness collided wildly, and the entire Summoner's Rift was instantly filled with flames of war!
The director can only lock the main battlefield in the key top lane.

"Silas TP is on the ground making dumplings. The skill CD on Sword Demon will be restored soon! Nar is still trying to find a way to escape!"

Colonel Guan's eyes widened, fearing that he would miss every wonderful scene, "Xiao Tian will come to the front soon! Can he save Da Huang?!"

A black light roared down from the sky!

Sword Demon's Q skill Darkin Blade falls on Gnar again!Suppress his blood volume to the critical point!

[Swing the hammer with all your strength! 】

Seeing that his top laner was about to die on the spot, the yordle with twin ponytails blocked the flanks with flashes of light. His W skill and his determined style forcibly collided with Sword Demon's Shadow Crush in mid-air!
"You can't get away."

theshy's expression was as cold as looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

At the moment when Poppy's ultimate move was charging up and knocking the sword demon away, the black giant blade still plunged into Gnar's body one step ahead!
WBGtheshy killed TESWayward!

behind the camera,
Wayward looked ashen.

He was obviously still a top Taoist priest at the beginning of this year's Spring Split, but why had he changed so much in just half a year?

"Brother Shy gave Narr the Death Sword Qi and sent him on the road! The success of the Great Destruction continued. Silas finally arrived but it was too late. Taobo went on the road and temporarily formed a two-on-one situation. The Sword Demon should also leave at this position. It won’t fall!”

However, the red-eyed Cheng Lu had no intention of escaping. She turned around and pulled up the troops while adjusting her position away from the wall to avoid being hit by the small sky wall.

"Stop him!"

The left hand knew that this was not the time to hesitate.

The E skill sneaks up close to receive the W Regicide thrust, and gets close to the face to let the second-level kidnapping hit steadily, and then press Yongshuang!Interspersed with passive normal attacks.

Silas wields the chain and performs a set of skills quickly and smoothly!Successfully reduced the Sword Demon's health to a quarter!

Theshy, whose skills have entered a gap period, is silently waiting for the opportunity.

Although he is now in danger, the reduced control time of the mercury shoes allows him to still have some room for maneuver.

"I'm here! I can fight!"

Weiwei, who came from thousands of miles away, finally arrived.

The powerful punches drove bursts of shock waves towards him quickly!A crazy flashing punch brought Silas's output rhythm to an abrupt halt!

Weiwei quickly punched AEA and used the penetrating strength of E skill to reset the basic attack again and hit three rings!

Wei's weapon from the divine branch does very considerable damage, killing Silas instantly with more than half of his health!

His left hand felt something bad, but before he could react, his ultimate move Tianba Hengkong Liebong had driven his body to stay in the air forcibly!

Xiaotian on the side could only try his best to hit theshy with his poor output.

But without the help of the wall, even the shield of Star Eclipse can't be broken with a burst of Q damage.

"The sword demon's skills are about to improve, why don't you retreat a little bit." Wayward, who witnessed everything in the spring, reminded him in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, the serious expression on his left hand became even more serious to the naked eye.

What's the point of talking about it now? After all the skills are in, there is no possibility of him retreating.

The only hope is to replace the sword demon with residual health!

But the moment he landed from control, a gray light completely destroyed Taobo's hopes in the middle and jungle!

"Sena's ultimate move, Shadow Rebellion, puts up a shield. The overwhelming damage can't kill the Sword Demon in seconds! Something is really going to happen to them this time!" Colonel Guan couldn't bear to see what was going to happen next. "Is there anything we can do here?" Take one!”

When all the skills of theshy cool down again, the outcome of this small-scale group has been decided.


Soon, the sword demon easily returned to the city with the two heads. After drinking the soup, Sena and Wei turned around and left with satisfaction.

The time to go home this time happened to be stuck 1 minute before Xiaolong refreshed.

When thehsy swaggered to the front of the battlefield, everyone in Taobo couldn't help but take a breath.

16 minutes, a level 13 sword demon in a two-piece suit and half with mercury shoes.

In a narrow area like the river, they had absolutely no chance of winning in a fight.

weiwei smiled from ear to ear,

It's so comfortable to have a big daddy.

I originally thought that I was going to the Dragon Pit to fight for my life, but the situation was reversed by a force attack from the other side.

With the big brother's position in the top lane, Liu Qingsong quickly cleared the field of vision next to the dragon pit and inserted a few key back wards at the same time.

At this time, Xiaohu, whose TP had cooled down, was able to continue single-band interference on the sideline.

The economic panels of both sides were displayed on the big screen in a timely manner.

"Brother Shy, the opponent's economy is ahead by more than 4000 points? Wayward's lane is completely destroyed!" Hitomi made a firm judgment, "This wave of dragons cannot be caught by Taobo, but they also have a dragon on their hands. , you can definitely postpone it for 10 minutes and then look at the situation."

Colonel Guan agreed, thinking it was correct, "That's right, and there is a czar on Weibo who is behind the scenes, so there is no need to worry about delaying it."

But just when everyone thought Taobo would choose to avoid the battle and wait for an opportunity to make a comeback.

Brother Taobo once again resolutely chose to assemble five people and head straight towards Xiaolongkeng.

It is impossible to operate, and it is impossible to operate in this life.

Since this season, they have only had one system.
If the wind is favorable in the early stage, use team battles to snowball and end the game quickly.
Just like if there are early headwinds now,
Then it is even more necessary to play in a team. Relying on the personal operation ability of Double C to perfectly display heroism has always been their practice. As long as the team battle is won, there will be a chance to come back.

As Xiaolong refreshed, a group battle that was considered tragic to Taobo fans took place at the mouth of the river.

The imagined scene of Lucian's showmanship and Silas turning the tide and harvesting did not appear.

When Weiwei simply put a lock on Ah Shui and theshy simultaneously activated the Great Destruction and entered the field, Taobo's front and rear rows were instantly destroyed. Even if Poppy had hammered Senna away, he was unable to fight back.

The devastating team battle ended in only 20 seconds, and in the end only Xiaotian managed to escape in a flash.

In this regard, Ning Wang, who was pointing in front of the live broadcast room, could only say four words: the fire will produce juice.

"The 30-minute game! Theshy's Sword Demon completely dominated the battlefield! We would like to congratulate Weibo for successfully pulling back a game from the edge of the cliff! The suspense of the game continues again!"

Amid Guan Zeyuan's shouts, Taobo's crystal exploded into a ball of fireworks.

"Taobo also relied on his personal resilience and managed to survive until the late stage. Unfortunately, Lucian's hands were still too short compared to other ADs. Tianfei's Sword Demon and Wei Shuang rushed into the field, and the entire output environment was quite harsh."

"As long as Taobo makes good adjustments in the next game and bans some heroes that are difficult to deal with, I believe the probability of winning the game is still quite high."

The camera was shown to the player seats on both sides of the base at the same time.

Weiwei stood up and rushed towards theshy excitedly. The two of them first gave a tacit high-five to celebrate and looked at each other with a smile.

In this round, they relied entirely on their upper and jungle advantage to finally conquer the bottom lane, which at least gave the team a little momentum. If Taobo continues to go wild, they might still have room to make a comeback later.


Assam let out a heavy breath and quickly took out a few tissues to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

I casually clicked on the game record and saw that my damage was barely a fraction of that of the top laner. It could even be described as suspected of playing.

"Work hard. This is your first time playing this kind of game. The main thing is to learn from experience."

Liu Qingsong gently patted the little AD sitting next to him, stood up pretending to be cool, and walked outside while maintaining his aloof persona perfectly.

But the moment he opened the door, he was stunned by the figure walking towards him!


the other side.

The five members of Brother Taobo walked out of the game room side by side, chatting and laughing in a calm manner. From their expressions, it was completely impossible to tell that they had just lost a game.

"It's okay. Once I'm on the opposite side, let's treat it as a practice lineup for the finals." Ah Shui carelessly put his arm around Mark's shoulder and sat down. "I'll be more steady in the next game and hit the opponent on the way. I was a little too rough just now."

"You're more than a little promiscuous."

Xiaotian rubbed his forehead, "I almost didn't treat the other person as a human being."

"Well, you guys were too hasty just now. Just be more stable in the next game. As long as you wait until the later stage, the opponent will lose AD."

"We will delay the next round."

White Crescent Moon did not blame them, and began to talk about the BP ideas for the next game.

In his opinion, this is not a big deal. With the huge strength gap between the two sides, winning the BO5 is only a matter of time.

"We have obtained the information for the next game, and Taobo continues to choose the blue side."

Colonel Guan's tone suddenly became excited, "But! We received a message here! The WBG team has made a request for personnel replacement. In the next game, their main AD player will be replaced, and Gu Chuan will play!"

"From another perspective, the BO5 between the two sides may have just begun. Let us take a short break and wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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