Alliance: The Wind Goes On!I play AD on Weibo

Chapter 227 Boil the water!boiling water!

Chapter 227 Boil the water!boiling water!
"WBG started the jungle squeezing style that they are very good at again, and the entire offensive vision is very aggressive."

The entire lower jungle area of ​​Taobo was completely lost, and even Wayward, who had grown up in the lower lane, was trembling.

It is completely different from the emperor-level treatment of the left hand at this time. The support is always around to provide vision control, and the jungler is never far away.

The nearby wild area is so dark that the angels are still eager to try.

"If you don't eat, you don't eat"

Seeing that a large wave of soldiers was about to enter the tower, Wayward was forced to abandon one tower and quickly retracted to the edge of the second tower and the high ground.

After suffering a loss once, he had a psychological shadow and would rather not do anything than make a mistake.

[The red defense tower was destroyed! 】

The next tower quickly collapsed under the swing of theshy's long sword.

After several years of career, Cheng Lu has a more sophisticated understanding of the military line.Seeing the two waves of troops being sent in, he immediately chose to return to the city to replenish equipment.

When I went out and returned to the road again, a wave of pushback lines happened to be sent back.

After going back and forth, Cheng Lu ate her fill, and her lead reached 48 dollars. This was a horror story for an angel who was already weak in the early stage.

As the Eye of the Vanguard was crushed in Foego's hands, a crab monster bounced out and slowly walked towards the defense tower in the middle of Taobo together with the army line.

"Little Dragon is about to refresh! The vanguard was placed in the middle ahead of time by Weiwei."

Colonel Guan did not dare to be distracted at all, for fear of missing the details, "On the other side, Xiaolong just refreshed the WBG double C and chose to open it directly! Then Taobo must make a decision as soon as possible!"

Under the command of Liu Qingsong, they adopted a classic two-thread forcing operation. Once Taobo wastes time dealing with the vanguard, this little dragon will have to give up.

For teams that generally like to operate, they may give in. After all, they have a dragon in their hands, and they cannot take advantage of the view near the dragon pit.

But as the league's favorite team to fight, the word "resources" never appears in their minds.

Aguo decisively ignored the approaching vanguard in the middle, went around to the three wolves to join the other team members, and started heading towards the dragon pit!

At this time, Mark was in a hurry, and his work as an assistant was very heavy.

First, you need to turn on scanning to help your teammates remove nearby enemies from view. You also need to keep the real and fake eye positions in the corresponding positions to avoid being attacked by the opponent.

The vanguard hit the first tower in the middle.

At the same time, theshy, who is on the road, is still developing single belts.

Everything tells Taobo that time waits for no one!

Soon, relying on their unwavering strength, they pushed their position to the river mouth.

However, the intersection between the blue buff and the river has been covered by WBG's real eye, and the figures of Luo and Ice Girl are looming in the shadows on both sides.

Once such a small location is reached, the explosion may occur in the blink of an eye.

"We'll have to take the lead later, so hurry up and come down early, otherwise we won't be able to squeeze into the Dragon Pit."

But Xiaotian's light words were very harsh to Wayward's ears.

He glanced at the meager last hit count and the incoming minions.

Obviously the opponent's top laner is still calmly chasing the stone man, pushing the lane leisurely, but he can't even get the basic development time.

Why are the differences between people so big?

Wayward sighed softly and pressed the TP in his hand helplessly.

The team commander had spoken, and he had no excuse for delaying.

As the red light from the flanks rotated and shot down, Pig Girl quickly arrived at the front battlefield.

With the five people on the opposite side gathering, Liu Qingsong could only retreat slightly and give up the key bayonet.

Everyone in Taobo couldn't wait to squeeze into the dragon pit and finally saw the little dragon's health.


Because the MSI version of the dragon is too fragile, WBG's speed dragon rhythm can always overwhelm the opponent, causing European and American players to pick up the dragon team before even taking out the mythical equipment.

Therefore, in the new version, Riot designers suddenly increased the health of the little dragons several times. In addition, the earth dragons themselves have rough skin and thick flesh, which makes them still slow to fight.

The shrewd director deliberately cut a small scene,
Behind the crowd, there is a bright prosthetic eye struggling to survive in the cracks.

Colonel Guan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "The fake eye Mark in this three wolf pit couldn't be scanned! If we can replace this top lane angel with Kennen, it will be a sure win!"

"It's a pity it can't be replaced."

The economy of both sides is still around 2000. Most of the economy is concentrated on Gu Chuan and theshy, which cannot completely kill the game.

"Careful about the position, pull it out and hit."

Gu Chuan was the first to speak and took over the command, "Don't rush to follow the opponent, pay attention to the second dragon, and Bo Han pay attention to the 1200 penalty."

Weiwei nodded understandingly.

The sound of the collapse of the defense tower was heard. The Canyon Pioneers worked diligently to dismantle Taobo's middle tower and continued to attack the second tower without stopping.

"Find a way to open one! We can't delay it any longer!"

Seeing Xiaolong's blood volume declining, Xiaotian was a little anxious.

Anyone who is a normal professional player knows that Xia will keep his E skill barb to cooperate with the jungler Second Dragon, and he is no exception.

The lineups of both sides are approaching again, and the long-range firepower can even reach the front row!
"Pig sister is using her frankness to keep pushing in!"

"Theshy finally got his T! He still chose that very risky back ward position! Xiaolong 2000!"

A beam of blue light flashed behind everyone in Taobo, but at this time their attention was completely focused on the dragon and the enemy in front.

Frontal team battles are imminent!
"Pig Girl Jihan Assault rushed forward! She threw her big move towards Jibing Domain Xia! The team battle started!"

Colonel Guan shouted, and the folding mirror led countless sharp blades to fall into the crowd!

【Feathers flying all over the sky! 】

Gu Chuan used his ultimate move, Storm Blade, to avoid the ice thrown in front of him in time, and after landing, he maintained the rhythm of output against Pig Girl!

In the blink of an eye, the front rows of both sides collided violently!
"Luo enters the stage! Qingwu doubles up and lifts up Aphelios!"

"Little Tiger Ice Claws entered the field and poured a set of skills on Ah Shui! But Weiwei next to him was kicked out by Xiao Tian! WBG's back row couldn't keep up!"

At this moment, no one paid attention to Xiaolong, who was about to enter the kill line. Before the LPL game, it was just a reason for both sides to fight in a team.

"Look at me!" Xiaohu frowned.

Seeing that his blood volume was almost exhausted, he quickly pressed the stopwatch to delay time.

Although his entry position is quite good, overall Taobo's lineup remains more tidy.

Coupled with the major changes in the version, as a normally developed AP mage, he can only barely remove about half of Ah Shui's health after completing a set of skills, which is much worse than in previous versions.

"Nate fired a relatively good ultimate move! Shiman cooperated with the hostile takeover to completely divide the battlefield! Plus Xia can't get rid of Pig Girl's single defense for the time being! WBG didn't hurt!"

TESKnight killed WBGxiaohu!

The rock protrusion on his left hand perfectly suppressed Xiaohu's rising moment. Lissandra was suddenly lifted up and hit the stone formation. A shot of solidified rocks completely emptied his health!
Tao Bo's front row output fire arrows immediately went forward and penetrated deeply, forcing Liu Qingsong, who was still alive, to dance back to Gu Chuan in a double dance, making another grand appearance to try to persuade Aphelios to retreat!Ah Shui is full of smiles,

The status bar flywheel at the top has been stacked up to 11 levels. Looking at Xia, who was about half health, he felt extremely evil for a moment!
In the flash of golden light, Aphelios avoided Luo's lifting to the limit, and the flywheel wrapped around him was thrown forward with a whistling sound!

"Got you."

An imperceptible smile appeared on Gu Chuan's lips.

At the same time, countless feathers on the ground finally found their outlet at this moment, and instantly retracted in the same direction!
Aphelios's health bar couldn't stop falling, and he fell to the front row in an instant, and even the strong wind in his hand could not be pressed out.

WBGchuan killed TESjackeylove!

"E Flash!"

Colonel Guan stared at the screen in disbelief, "While avoiding the Tianyin Wave, the barbs were drawn to 3! The half-health Aphelios suddenly disappeared! What kind of explosion is this, what kind of damage is it!"

The cheers in the venue went straight to the sky!

WBG fans stood up excitedly and banged the cheer sticks in their hands crazily!He shouted incomprehensibly!

Mark was also dumbfounded.
All this happened so fast that the timely rescue in my hand didn't even have a chance to come out.

"Pull it, pull it!"

Watching his AD team suddenly die again, Xiaotian had an indescribable feeling and could barely maintain his sanity.

【Witness the supreme fire! 】

Just when Taobo was on the defensive, the archangel holding the flaming blade suddenly appeared in their weak back row!
There is no need for any fancy operations. The high-speed basic attack drives terrifying AOE damage, completely cutting off Taobo's last hope of retreat!
"The angels are back! The double C's are still there! Weibo can fight!" Colonel Guan's throat was hoarse, "Taobo was attacked from both sides and had no way out. They had no choice but to fight to the end! Pig Girl finally couldn't hold it anymore! He The equipment is really poor!”

WBGchuan killed TESWayward!

Huang Renxing took his hands off the keyboard and covered his face weakly.

He tried his best and tried his best, but in the end he was unable to stop Gu Chuan.


A sound like broken ice sounded, and the blood bar on his left hand turned gray first, successfully triggering Lenata's timely rescue.

Emergency at the same time!
In desperation, everyone in Taobo could only turn their attention to theshy in the rear, trying to save the life of their own mid laner.

But the golden invincible shield will completely absorb all kinds of damage.

"Nate can't stand it any longer! No one can stop the merciless slaps from the Angel of the Lord! All of Taobo's double C's are down!"

"And the bulky Mark couldn't get away either. He was forced to stay behind by Weiwei. Is the group annihilation going to be a group annihilation?!"

Taobo had no possibility of resistance at this moment. Angel and Xia, who had extremely strong ability in continuous combat, completely harvested the entire battlefield. Only the agile blind monk managed to escape the encirclement by touching his eyes and flashing two stages of displacement.


Gu Chuan scored a wave of three kills and entered an unstoppable state!
"One for four!" Tong Xi suppressed her ecstasy, "WBG gave Taobo a small group annihilation at the little dragon, now they are going to take the big and small dragons together!"

Gu Chuan and theshy had a clear division of labor. One accompanied the jungler to defeat the baron, while the other singled out the small dragon.

Xiaotian, who was still in low health, was not even qualified to come over and take a look. The balance of victory in this game fell to WBG at the end of the team battle.

The house was leaking and it rained all night, and the second tower on Taobo Middle Road was also taken down by the canyon pioneers and soldiers in a single band.

Taking advantage of Tao Bo's resurrection, the director quickly gave a replay of the team battle.

"In this wave, Ogawa first used the Q skill, pretending to be defeated and pulling to the flank to trick the enemy into pursuing him. Then, while pressing the E barb to pull back, he used flash displacement to forcefully pull out a line, completely locking Taobo's double C. Front row!”

Zoom in to No. 1 and let Kasumi's movements unfold in slow motion.

The entire audience can clearly feel every step of Gu Chuan's operation.

Even in the chaotic headwind team battle, you can still see his calmness in operation, as well as his decision-making and response in the face of crisis!

"This is our LPL ADC!"

Colonel Guan finally took a breath and said proudly, "Until the last moment, facing the sudden advance of countless enemies, he faced the difficulties without fear!"

The chat channels in the live broadcast room are overwhelming, and barrage and various gifts are flooding the screen!

[Brother Chuan, I never know what cowardice is!Flash always only moves forward! 】

[Thank you, Huan Feng, thank you for stepping aside to make way for someone more worthy. 】

[Have you forgotten that Ah Shui also flashed forward just now, but he just happened to receive a skill and died suddenly on the spot. 】

[One person, I will take three lanes, I will have zero output in team battles, and I will play AD? 】

[Obviously this is some kind of group created by Wayward. All the ultimate skills are empty, and so is this support. I can only watch from the side, causing my brother to accidentally die while being hurt. 】

[Can this blame be passed on to the support and top order?Wasn't he the one who went up to pick up the skills and died? 】

"So damn handsome, no one is left cute!" Weiwei shouted excitedly.

"Ness, Ness!"

Xiaohu looked at his 0-2 outsider record in embarrassment, "This barb was pulled too hard, but why did I die so quickly just now?"

Gu Chuan picked up the cup and took a sip of water, forcing himself to calm down.

At first, he didn’t think about pulling a few.

It was at a critical moment, and the opponent's various skills had already attacked, and the angle of retraction and damage could not be calculated very clearly.

He could only rely on his six-star proficiency and muscle memory to operate.

"You helped us with so many skills and delayed so much time. Your death was very valuable."

After taking a few breaths, Gu Chuan did not forget to give a thumbs up to his teammates, "After completing the equipment, push it. It's time for us to end the game."

After a wave of small group annihilations, large and small dragons, and the loss of three defense towers, the economic gap between the two sides has now reached nearly 8000.

At this early 25 minutes, this economic difference is enough to kill the game.

Soon, the five members of WBG gathered under the high ground in the middle road.

Everyone in Taobo had no chance of defending, so they could only hide beside the highland tower with difficulty, using Aphelios's clearing ability to try to continue to resist.

"Ogawa Kuangfeng moves forward! Critical hit! Another critical hit! Why twice! One-third of Aphelios' health is gone! What kind of damage is this!"

Colonel Guan exclaimed, "Taobo can only choose to let go of the high ground, and Yanque's ultimate move is to block the road."

Hitomi next to him looked at him with contempt,
Who knows just now who said that Xia A didn’t hurt during the BP stage? Does it hurt now?
But everyone in WBG continued to advance towards the Twin Towers with the big dragon BUFF, without any intention of retreating.

A golden flash of light flashed across the air!
Liu Qingsong's Luo instantly cut into the center of Taobo's lineup and lifted up the key Aphelios!
"Ah Shui has been attacked again! Weibo wants to make a direct wave! Ice Girl enters the scene! Everyone is gathering fire to clear the back row!"

The angel who has reached level [-] has finally reached his peak time. The damage caused by the three-piece suit is more realistic than the real damage. The pig girl in the front row cannot withstand the damage at all.

Ah Shui, who had no double moves this time, died faster, and his left hand that was innocently affected also fell down immediately.

Once the crucial double C was gone, Taobo completely lost the possibility of struggling.

At 26 minutes and 40 seconds into the game, Gu Chuan's last basic attack completely destroyed Tao Bo's main fortress!
 The pace has been a bit slow lately. I won’t go into details about the next games. I’ll just jump to the playoffs and then the World Championships.
(End of this chapter)

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