Chapter 215 Xia Zhihu Brother
At 8 minutes and 35 seconds, Pioneer has been refreshed.

But what is different from the past is that there is no jungle figure in the entire upper half of the area, and there is not even a few visions.

The attention of both teams was completely focused on the lower half, especially the bottom lane.

The director did not dare to turn his camera away for a moment.

Although Viper deliberately used ultimate moves and secret shooting in these few minutes to try to reduce the number of soldiers, under Gu Chuan's deliberate control, the endless lines of soldiers were still slowly piling up, and more and more.

With the only view of EDG's river channel being eliminated, the pressure on EDG's bottom lane duo became more and more intense, as if a pressure cooker was about to burst at some point.

Jiejie could only completely give up on the wild monsters in the upper half, and squatted in the back, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

"WBG is completely a conspiracy here."

I remember looking at the analysis of the lane situation and saying, "Now Xiaohu's middle lane is completely against you. After clearing the lane, I will miss you on the spot. If the bottom lane troops enter the tower later, there may be a wave of four for two."

"It depends on whether EDG chooses to let go of a tower. Draven's current damage will be very high, and the difficulty of operation will skyrocket without double moves."

Amid the analysis in the commentary box, the army line was moving step by step towards the first tower of EDG's bottom lane, with Draven and Titan following closely behind.

The MISS signal lit up again in the middle, and the scorched earth was spreading on the wall next to it.

Just as the WBG attack horn was about to sound, a bright light suddenly shone down from high in the sky!

"Huh? The Czar in the middle chose to hand over the T to save directly, and the blind monk also came out from behind with his cards revealed, so as long as the fight starts, it will be a wave of 4V4!"

Gu Chuan was also a little surprised.
Unlike previous teams with poor operational capabilities, EDG's on-the-spot decisions were more decisive than imagined.

In this wave of Scouts, they chose to sacrifice their own development. They would rather lose a few waves of troops, but also forcefully keep the first tower and personnel in the bottom lane.

As long as the transition period comes later, until EZ and Czar have about two-piece sets, it will not be that simple for Draven, who has short legs, to push the tower.

The rhythm of the wave of attacks came to an abrupt end, and the audience's hearts surged into their throats and they were relieved again.

"weiwei, come with me, let's try to hit the road."

Seeing that the plan failed, Li Yuanhao immediately suggested, "If that doesn't work, we'll go back and get the vanguard."

His thinking is quite clear now. His Rock Bird and Foego are both very mobile heroes.
Now that the TP in the middle has been handed over, and Jiejie will definitely not be able to catch up for a while, the Holy Spear brother on the road will become an isolated and helpless target.

How fragile an unprotected Jayce is has been proven countless times on the LPL stage.

On the road at this time,
With the blessing of cloth-armored shoes, Jace, who had been weakened many times, obviously had no way to defeat the Angel. He could only let theshy finish the damage, and even got counter-pressured.

Hearing that her father-in-law was coming, the experienced Cheng Lu began to operate the army line, pressing quickly and pushing slowly.

Many people think that the top laner's role restraint is very important, and the ability to line up is very important.

But Cheng Lu has long understood a truth,
No matter how hard you play individually, it still depends on whether the jungler comes to help. League of Legends is always a team game.

Angel's movements suddenly became fierce, and he kept moving forward to exchange blood with Jace, and the balance on the road was instantly broken.

Brother Holy Spear, who was under sudden pressure, did not have too much doubts and slowly retreated to the tower in a conservative state.

After all, Cheng Lu is a very vindictive person, and it is very normal to seek revenge for his earlier behavior.

But things develop quickly, and surprises always come out of the blue.

As the artillery troop line entered the tower, a wall suddenly cut off his retreat!
The little girl with some freckles jumped down from the wall vines. At the same time, the vast scorched earth on the flanks began to cover her, and the angel of judgment in the front stared eagerly!
"Flandre is going to be in trouble."

I remember silently mourning Brother Shengqiang, and I can't help but sigh in my heart.

After WBG has undergone a major overhaul this season, its offensive methods have become more varied.

In the past, the operation mainly focused on the advantages of the upper and lower lanes, but now the middle lane has begun to have lane rights, and can join together in Nosuke's rhythm.
The direct result is that the offensive rhythm in the early stage becomes more and more fierce. After making up for the shortcomings, not only can it attack with Taobo in the early stage, but also compete with in the later stage. Various tactics become more comprehensive.

If he were asked to predict the winner of the summer split, he would choose WBG without hesitation.

The distinguished Councilor Tallis soon fell under a tower without any accident.

After Foyego W flashed Qianzai Youyan and settled down, Yanque steadily lifted him up and threw him on the stone array. The gentle archangel gently slapped him with a few palms to wake up his sleeping soul.
In the end, Foego's ultimate move hurt Tianling's displacement and escaped the attack of the defense tower, and everything settled.

WBGtheshy killed EDGFlandre!

behind the camera,
Brother Holy Spear shook his head helplessly. The continuous control made him unable to press the flash. He was really without temper.

Jiejie didn't have time to breathe before he rushed to the second tower on the upper road without stopping, but it was already too late.

Looking at the midfielder who might not have gone far, he didn't even dare to step forward to make up the line.

"With Jess down on the top lane, the vanguard EDG must let go. Without a top laner and a mid laner, they can't take over at all."

Hitomi assessed the actual combat effectiveness of both sides and made a decisive judgment, "There is still Xiaolong in the next 2 minutes. EDG probably won't be able to pick it up. Draven's current mark will be 150 soon. As long as a wave of styles is mentioned, it may be the whole The situation is about to collapse!"

EDG had just regained its view of the lower half, but the Pioneer's screams soon came, indicating that WBG's offensive rhythm was still continuing.

At this moment, Meiko regretted that she had taken a Bronn, not a Karma or something else.

Although there is no problem from the perspective of defensive counterattack, the overall initiative is still far behind.

Now that the Titans have been roaming for a long time, Draven is still easily able to capture the line of troops one-on-two in the bottom lane. They pose no threat at all.

As the ax flew, he watched Gu Chuan's passive on the status bar getting higher and higher, and the kill line would also be higher.
This undoubtedly adds a heavier burden to their hearts.

"Are we going to pick up the next little dragon?"

Scout, who has always been determined, is inevitably a little hesitant.

The first fire dragon has been taken down by the opponent, and now it is the wind dragon soul that is about to be refreshed.

Then there is a one-third chance that a dragon soul with combat attributes will be obtained. Even the worst water dragon will be a huge blow to their POKE lineup.


"Take it!"

While Jiejie was still thinking, Meiko made the final decision for him.

The more experienced he is, the more comprehensive and bold his ideas will be.

Their EDG is very good at fighting situations where operations are pulling the strings, but high-level operations never give up blindly.

First of all, if this little dragon is lost, the suspended dragon in about 22 minutes will directly affect the direction of the big dragon. Once lost, it is equivalent to the end of the game.Secondly and more importantly, Draven's passive is still stacking.

"It doesn't matter if we lose Xiaolong, we have to kill the opponent's AD once! Cut off their offensive rhythm."

"OK, watch me start a group later!"

Meiko pushed up the frame of the mirror and could only see the figure spinning the throwing axe.

The best way to defend is to attack. You must take the initiative to do something before Yanjai attacks with his second ultimate move, otherwise you will have to watch the game end if you continue to delay.

Summoner's Rift fell into a brief calm, and both sides were tacitly preparing for the upcoming dragon.

After advancing the military line,

Gu Chuan went home again to replace the mythical costume Star Eclipse, and upgraded his shoes to attack speed shoes.

He pressed the tab and glanced,
Relying on solid basic skills, Scout in the middle has also taken out his big mask and shoes, and the Holy Spear brother in the top lane also has Star Eclipse, and the overall combat ability is not weak.

As Xiaolong's refresh deadline approaches, the visual battle beside the river becomes more intense.
Meiko, who was the first to go home, took advantage of this wave and quickly seized most of the field of vision from the middle to the inside of the dragon pit.

Not to be outdone, Liu Qingsong started scanning and with Weiwei's cooperation, the two started from the bottom triangular grass and pushed towards the middle.

The red and blue eyes are cut from the middle like the realm of Chu, He and Han.

Seeing that most of the people in WBG were in the bottom lane, Jiejie suddenly had an idea.
After he separated from the main force, he secretly touched the edge of the dragon pit and went ashore. Step by step, he successfully bypassed the blue vision on the edge of the river.

"The rock bird is eating the pushback line just now. He has a big move and can go over and join his teammates at any time." Hitomi accidentally glanced at the position of the blind monk next to him, "Why is Jiejie here?! Hasn't this been discovered? !”

Step by step, Jiejie slowly walked into the familiar F6 pit.

It seems that a certain man is arranging all this. At this time, F6 has been cleared by Weiwei early without any operational hindrance.

Xiaohu, who knew nothing about it, was still pushing the line diligently, even using stone formations and rock protrusions to clear out artillery soldiers.

He had just gone on a road trip, and when he came back he was a step behind in replenishing equipment, resulting in the overall situation being a little behind Scout.

But I didn't care too much.

"Jiejie is still waiting, he is still waiting!" I remember keeping my eyes on the battle situation in the middle, "Scout is also following the action, pretending to push the line forward, this distance is already very ambiguous!"

White sound waves suddenly shot out from the blind area of ​​vision!A steady hit that caught the rock bird off guard!

A yellow figure shuttled out!Red ribbons are floating in the air,
Just before the echo attack landed, the blind monk W quickly landed behind the rock bird and drew a perfect seven characters in the air!

Xiaohu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly panicked.

A library!
"What a fast R flash!"

I remember blurting out, "Xiaohu couldn't control himself and flew into Scout's arms. The Czar took the big move and continued to follow up with the relay! The perfect pass was sent directly to the viper's face, which explains what surprise is!"

Ezreal waved the Explorer Armguards in his hand,
The arcane shooting drove the essence to jump and shoot out at the same time. The last arcane jump steadily hit the face and threw a basic attack, taking away the remaining HP of the rock bird!
EDGviper killed WBGxiaohu!

The indifferent female voice echoed in the venue, and the cheers of EDG fans in the stands resounded through the sky!He banged the support stick in his hand crazily.

They had been frustrated for the whole game and finally saw a very successful counterattack.

[The elusive movement of this hand around the field of vision is so perfect that it reminds me of a blue man. 】

【I see!This is the outcome caused by Weiwei secretly eating F6 just now. Jiejie is asking God! 】

[Qi Jiang: The world is focused on you, come on!My fourth prince! 】

【Xiaohu~!you again!Summer has just passed and you started to get sick, right? 】

[Tiger Emperor of Spring, Tiger of Summer? 】

Behind the camera, Li Yuanhao scratched his head helplessly,

Jiejie's sudden kick narrowly missed his Li Ning's kick.
Today's young people really don't care about martial arts, so they came to sneak attack and deceive this 27-year-old old man.

"Jiejie stood up again at the critical moment! One kick that determined the situation!" I remember being very excited. "Then the next Xiaolong WBG can only let go. One less mid laner will reduce the combat effectiveness a bit."

A sudden bright light cut off his voice.

"Brother Shy, after replenishing the equipment, go to the middle tower and hand it over directly to T!"

Hitomi took over the words, her excitement inevitably made her voice sharp, "WBG chooses to continue! Then EDG must fight quickly. You must know that the early resurrection time is very fast, and Xiaohu also carries TP."

Seeing that the opponent still planned to fight to the end, everyone in EDG obviously understood this truth. Brother Holy Spear saw that the situation was not right and immediately handed over TP to the first tower in the middle.

Meiko's Q from the front, Winter's Bite, first triggers the dragon's hatred, and slowly pulls it towards the upper half.
Since their ability to start a team was really limited, and the only point of starting a team was the Tsar and the ultimate move, EDG could only give up its position in the lower half, trying to get you into trouble.

The two sides confronted each other in Xiaolongkeng, forming a temporary four-on-five wave!
"My, my." Xiaohu transformed into the commander of Quanshui, sitting in the VIP seat and staring closely at the battle scene, "The blind monk has no R or dodge, and the tsar has no ultimate move. You still have ten seconds to think of a way to drag me down. !”

"Robbing the dragon or fighting,"

weiwei asked the most critical question.

The blind monk's Q punishes Q with beheading, so they won't have the advantage if they try to punish them.
But now they fight with only one person, and the result of the team battle depends entirely on the individual's operational ability. He dare not make this key decision.

"Fight them!" Liu Qingsong's violent temper was triggered again, "You kill people and still want to take the dragon, what the hell are you dreaming about!"

"Don't rush into the field. Pay attention to the pull in the first wave. It's best to trick Braum's shield out!"

[A powerful blow! 】

Gu Chuan sped up and turned around to avoid the shot from Brother Holy Spear, but he did not forget to remind him softly, "We can win, remember to keep your lineup position."

His passive has reached more than 200 levels, and now there are only some blood stains on the ax to embellish it, so he is not opposed to being aggressive.

Cheng Lu, who was standing nearby, also pinged her ultimate move a few times, and her meaning was very clear.

As Xiaolong's blood volume dropped further and further, the front rows of both sides began to get closer and closer, reaching a distance where they could take action at any time!

With the golden light flashing, Liu Qingsong's Titan suddenly moved forward to launch a surprise attack!A seismic wave is approaching Viper!

[Stand behind Bronn! 】

(End of this chapter)

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