Chapter 257 A black hand controls the court?

Jiang Bai still remembers that when he was in college, he never looked down upon any debate competitions held by the school.

Is this necessary to learn logic?

Taking advantage of the time when others were busy preparing for debates, he only looked for part-time jobs to make money.

Instead of arguing with others about ridiculous topics, it is better to earn more money so that your family does not have to pay for your living expenses.

Didn’t you also learn logic while looking for a job?
Therefore, he persuaded Zou Yan to ask for a debate, which made Master Zou furious.

He said: "It is better to be a down-to-earth person than to make money by talking too much. I am not good at debating. I am only good at persuading people and convincing them with my fists."

Isn't this looking for trouble?

Zou Yan was so angry that he jumped up in the middle of the night and cursed: "The country of tigers and wolves, the king of tigers and wolves, and the ministers of tigers and wolves!"

This actually annoyed the descendants of the old master.

Kong Yu arrived in Xianyang in a low-key manner and moved into the posthouse in a low-key manner.

In the evening, he received an order from the emperor to invite him to meet at the imperial court the next day.

Kong Yu felt slightly relieved. It seemed that the emperor was not ready to attack the Kong family yet.

This is a great thing.

But if the court's manners and procedures were wrong, he was sure that the emperor would embarrass him.

In order to preserve Confucian efforts, he had to bow his head.

So, Kong Yu was about to go to bed early, and he was woken up as soon as he lay down. He listened carefully, Zou Yan!

Why was he making such noise when he didn't sleep in the middle of the night?
After putting on his clothes and going out to take a look, Kong Yu said angrily: "Master Zou, what are you doing if you don't rest in the middle of the night?"

Zou Yan opened the window and shook Jiang Bai's reply and asked: "Is this the way to learn?"

"Qin has always been like that when it comes to learning, so why should you be angry?" Kong Yu said calmly.

Zou Yan was stunned for a moment, closed the window and did not speak to the master again.

On the surface, he was saying that Qin did not respect academics, but in fact he was criticizing Master Zou for being unable to keep his temper.

The next day, Jiang Bai yawned and prepared to take a turn, while Fusu jumped up and down and ran back from the front. As expected, there was a huge noise in the front.

Xin Wude finally said that he was very disliked among the ministers. The ministers discussed it all night last night and decided to oppose Jiang Bai's opinion.

The new Five Virtues theory, agriculture, industry, commerce, and military education completely abandoned the source of the Qin Dynasty's strength, that is, taking Legalism as the first academic ideological foundation, thereby abandoning the powerful and powerful system they were familiar with. How could they agree to this?
Jiang Bai didn't care about the reaction of most of the old Qin people. He only asked about Li Si's performance.

Fusu said that Li Si was as immovable as a mountain.

He was worried that Li Si was preparing to object.

Jiang Bai was not sure whether Li Si had the ability to suppress the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, but he was sure that Li Si would not object to replacing old ideas with new doctrines.

His interests are not those of those people.

"Master, my father seems a little angry. I'm worried that he might kill someone." Fu Su said.Jiang Bai gave him advice: "Go and propose an edict to the nobles of the six countries to go to court."

call them?
"Their interests are not in line with most of the people in the court. What will the courtiers think if they are allowed to go to court?" Jiang Bai said, "Your father was a great man who suppressed Eternal Times. What he was determined to do was to unify the world. You know it. So those courtiers did not dare to completely fall out with your father. Therefore, once the nobles of the six countries came to court, they had no foundation in the court and could only stand with the emperor. In this way, the new five virtues Since Zushi said that as a doctrine trusted by the emperor, it will be implemented throughout the world, and the nobles of the six countries can also gain a lot of benefits from it, how can the people of Old Qin not object?"

In this way, the people of Qin were against the people of the Six Kingdoms, which was more conducive to Qin Shihuang's mediation.

It is also helpful to debate Zou Yan’s theory of the beginning and end of the Five Virtues.

"It's impossible for me to argue with him, and there's no need to argue with him. Your father and I have the same idea, and everyone can only follow it, so let him argue with others." Jiang Bai said, "What about Kong Yu? "

"He is someone who is extremely uncooperative and does not want to cooperate with us," Fusu said angrily, "I don't like these guys."

Jiang Bai raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Is it stupid? If they don't join us, where does their confidence come from?"

"Master," Fusu said.

"That's it. I can change Zou Yan's teachings for the Qin Dynasty, but can't I change the knowledge of Old Master?" Jiang Bai said, "At this time, it is unlikely that Kong Yu can see the profound significance of our promotion of punctuation marks. Let him agree with this decision first. Then you can tell him that there are still some teachings left by the old master and his disciples in the forbidden world. As for which ones, you can use specious and different views from mainstream Confucianism to tease him. Remember to let them move first.”

Must we use Confucianism?

"We have promoted the development of productive forces very quickly. If the ideological foundation cannot keep up, the country will definitely be destroyed. Confucianism is very good, and the Old Master is very good. What we have to do is to inherit their ideas and develop new ones. It's like using the Five Virtues to talk about it from beginning to end, rather than completely denying them." Jiang Bai said.

Now the court became more lively.

As soon as Ying Zheng heard Jiang Bai's suggestion, he immediately thought of a word.

Muddle the water.

He decisively issued an edict, ordering King Wei to wait for the six royal families and Confucian scholars who were willing to cooperate with the court to go to court.

After a while, the king of Wei took leave, and Wei Bao and others hurriedly came to the former court wearing Qin's court uniforms.

Li Si couldn't sit still immediately.

Xin Wude always said that he admired what he saw, but he wanted to wait until it was time for him to take action before supporting the emperor.

But he didn't expect that the emperor would come up with such a trick - if you don't support it, I will find someone who supports it. If you are not willing to cooperate with the method I want to use, then I will find someone who is willing to cooperate.

Correspondingly, if you get results, you can't even expect to get credit.

As the left prime minister, Li Si had to take the credit for promoting new ideas, otherwise he would lose the basis for his political career.

So, Li Si immediately stood up and shouted: "Your Majesty, I have listened to the debate among the ministers for a long time, and most of them said they did not understand the new five virtues, or even did not understand them at all. This is not the behavior that a minister should behave. Your Majesty. I suggest that those who do not understand, do not implement or do not want to do things should be ordered to go home and study the new fundamentals of the country for a few years."

Some of the ministers who were slow to react immediately yelled: "Li Sizhen is a villain!"

Li Si retorted calmly: "On the surface, you people seem to be worried about the future of Da Qin, but in fact you are afraid that under the new academic system, your exploitation will lose theoretical support. Not to mention the New Five Virtues, oh, Master Zou doesn't admit it? Then let's call it the theory of the end of the Five Virtues of the Qin Dynasty! Who proposed this new theory? Has Taifu ever made any mistakes since he returned to the court? From this point of view alone, there is nothing wrong. What's more, His Majesty is wise and powerful. Back then, it was His Majesty's decision to unify the world, so what do you have to object to now?"

This time, the hornet's nest has been poked.

The descendants of the three tribes of Mengxi and Bai in Hexi Province immediately shouted in unison: "Your Majesty! Now it seems that there is a black hand controlling the court of Great Qin!"

Li Si: "..."

I just want to drive you away, but you want to kill yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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