Chapter 255 Master Zou’s nose twisted in anger!

Shusun Tong's heartbeat was pounding, his ears were ringing, and he was sweating uncontrollably.

This is the feeling of oppression that belongs to Zulong!

He was such a domineering emperor, so why should he be so polite when talking to an official who didn't approve or think highly of Da Qin?

Shusun Tong is talented, but he is not to the point of being unparalleled in the country, so there is no need to be polite to him.

"I can't argue with your Majesty's words. However, I don't know if there is any reason to retain talents in the previous court," Shusuntong asked bravely, "But if it is the same as now, how can I not give up?"

Ying Zheng smiled and said: "So, now you are completely dedicated to serving the Qin Dynasty?"

Shusun Tong said: "Everyone in the world yearns to serve His Majesty, let alone the stupid ones among them."

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "Then go and pass the edict to your teacher."

This made Master Zou angry.

His theory of the Five Virtues is now a theory trusted by the whole world.

But what does Jiang Bai mean when he proposes that a gentleman must possess the five virtues?
This is to develop a more advanced theoretical system with the help of his theoretical system.

Isn't this plagiarism?

"Shu Zi is rude!" Zou Yan was furious.

Shusuntong said nothing.

Xu Fu said: "Isn't this a good thing?"

"I am just a member of the family and my words are not worth mentioning. But if the officials of the imperial court plunder other people's theories for their own use, and even use their official positions to sway the world, how can they have their own theoretical basis?" Zou Yandao said, "If things go on like this, the imperial court will completely monopolize everything. The right to speak does not use folk theory. This is not the inheritance and development of various schools of thought. This is to imprison other people's thoughts, which is not what a gentleman does."

The more he looked at it, the more annoyed he became. Everyone could tell that this theory was developed based on his theory, but he really couldn't refute it.

Then you have to admit that what others say makes sense.

This admission was tantamount to handing over his teachings to others.

This person is not yet his direct disciple.

"Why don't you refute?" Zou Yan looked at Shusun Tong a little unhappy.

Shu Suntong: "The emperor is overbearing, how can he allow me to persuade him with words. Teacher, instead of thinking about confrontation, it is better..."

"How could I not know, but how can this be integrated?" Zou Yandao said, "The development of the Five Virtues Theory by Jiang Bai can completely replace the previous theoretical basis. If we integrate it, this theory will definitely become the basis for the imperial court to fight against hundreds of schools of thought. The vanguard of Zhi Yan, the world is so big, I am afraid it cannot accommodate our family."

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, if one family's opinions were to be shared by hundreds of other schools of thought, it would not only require debate, but would also need to go through the test of blood and fire.

Otherwise, do you think that the old master can leave behind Confucian classics just by talking about it?

His old man's fists can also kill a group of dissenters!

The master and the apprentice faced each other in silence for a long time, and Xu Fu reminded them to prepare for the emperor's summons.

Xu Fu was a little envious. He was not qualified to be summoned by the emperor immediately.

At this time, the chamberlain came to deliver the edict, asking Xu Fu and Zou Yan to go to see the emperor together.

Zou Yan asked: "Where is Taifu now?"

"The Taifu is busy with official duties. His Majesty said that Master Zou will be invited to see the Taifu in a few days," the chamberlain said.

Zou Yan's eyes were a little cold.

This chamberlain seems to have a good attitude towards Jiang Bai.

"Teacher, the trust that the Tutor has received is far beyond what we expected, so don't go asking for trouble." Shusuntong warned quickly.

You can mess with anyone in this world, but don't mess with that person.Zou Yan said displeasedly: "I don't want to see the lucky person."

The chamberlain raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I wonder what Master Zou has done to stabilize the country?"

Zou Yan said: "The way of learning is beyond what you and others can know."

"Put your knowledge into practice. If knowledge cannot serve the people of the world, what is the use of learning?" the chamberlain asked with a sneer.

Zou Yan couldn't help but become angry from shame.

The Five Virtues he proposed were ultimately used by the Qin Dynasty, but he did not achieve anything to stabilize the country.

His theory did not achieve much.

But you, a chamberlain, have the right to question me?

"I'm just a slave, so naturally I can't question Master Zou, but as a man in the wild, what qualifications does Master Zou have to question the Taifu?" The servant waved his sleeves, "The Taifu can tolerate the slander from all over the world, but Master Zou can't tolerate a talented person. The words of a man who has made great contributions to the world show how broad-minded the Taifu is, but how narrow-minded Mr. Zou, who considers himself a master, is. I take my leave."

Zou Yan was speechless.

This is indeed because he is too shallow.

People recognize your knowledge and think what you say is very good, so they develop new theories based on yours. You think that although their theories are reasonable, they are at odds with you, so you don't want to admit it.

Is this the way to learn?
What's more, everyone knows whether Jiang Bai is lucky enough to be in the world.

The Huns' millions of troops were killed to the last few. This is bravery.

It is benevolent and righteous to persuade the emperor to give up the construction of the imperial mausoleum, give better treatment to the people who built the Great Wall, treat the descendants of the Six Kingdoms normally, and abolish the law that the descendants of the Six Kingdoms are inferior to others.

It is an administrative ability to preside over the re-division of states, counties and counties all over the world.

It was wise to bring Zhao Ji back to Xianyang Palace so that the emperor would not be completely alone and not allow Zhao Ji to interfere with the normal operation of the court.

For such a person, it would be extremely wicked to say behind his back that someone is a lucky person.

This is like telling a person who has conquered the world with his bare hands that you are just a loser who got there through nepotism.

Are you sorry?

Zou Yan felt disappointed.

So he went to the emperor with Jiang Bai's article. Zou Yan was willing to apologize in person and make some compensation for his mistakes, but he did not want Jiang Bai to use his theory to complete the establishment of his own theoretical system.

Ying Zheng hosted a banquet in the front hall.

Zou Yan and Xu Fu thanked him. Xu Fu secretly observed that he was somewhat disappointed when he saw that Ying Zheng did not have the legendary external manifestations of weak body and strong virtual fire.

A healthy and energetic emperor would not spend too much time thinking about illusory things.

This goes against his fundamental interests.

He wanted to use Penglai Fairy Mountain to persuade the emperor to allow him to go to sea to find the "elixir". Only in this way can a warlock like him quickly establish his own power, and perhaps establish another faction in the court.

But Ying Zheng didn't need to think about this at all.

Xu Fu was thinking about how to make the emperor trust him and use him more.

Zou Yan did not consider this. He took Jiang Bai's articles and asked bluntly: "May I ask your Majesty whether these articles should be used as the new founding theory of Qin?"

Ying Zheng said: "The Five Virtues are always said to be highly respected by the Grand Tutor."

The implication is very clear. It was because Taifu praised me that I wanted to use your teachings for a long time.

If you think you are very important, then I would have no problem changing my theoretical system.

Do you think I don’t have that ability, or that the master can’t come up with a new theoretical system?
(End of this chapter)

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