Chapter 163 Great Qin Wannian!

Zhao Gao got out of the sewer, and there was no more innocent person in it.

Yingzheng looked back to see the way, and Fusu led the armored army to block the entire first half of the sewer.


"Take fierce kerosene and pour one hundred thousand catties into it!" Ying Zheng roared angrily.

Zhao Ji's face changed slightly.

The civil and military officials who heard the news turned pale with fright.

This, this is to burn some of the clan to death in the sealed sewer!
Can't you?
"Look at these innocent women, look at those pious beasts, if I don't execute them, Daqin will die in ten years!" Ying Zheng drew his sword and roared.

The black oil was continuously pulled by the carts, and when it gathered into a convoy, it was all poured into the sewer entrance.

Ying Zheng's long sword smashed hard on the green brick!
Lie Yan quickly swallowed the entire sewer.

The screams inside quickly disappeared in the raging fire.

"Add water!" Ying Zheng shouted.

Zhao Ji walked over and held her grown son's hand for the first time.

Ying Zheng shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Mother, don't be afraid, it's just killing a bunch of animals."

"They are no better than beasts, and Zheng'er doesn't have to worry about being infamous through the ages." Zhao Ji said, "If people in the world say that my son is a tyrant, I will kill them for you."

Just at this time, there was a muffled thunder in the sky.

The clan members who were so frightened to kneel several miles away, many of them were family members of the gang of beasts who were burned to death, looked up to the sky and saw black clouds gathering quickly, as if a heavy rain was about to fall .

So they were ecstatic, and someone shouted: "Emperor, this is God's punishment!"

Ying Zheng's expression also changed at this moment, and his hands trembled slightly.

Zhao Ji lost her mind for a while.

Hundreds of officials knelt on the ground one after another, and they wanted to beg the emperor to forgive the gang of traitors.

No move, it's God's will!
Ying Zheng stared fixedly at the sky.

The black clouds became thicker and thicker, and a spring thunder rolled past.

"Zhen!" Ying Zheng uttered a word with difficulty.

"The emperor is not wrong to kill the beasts that kill human beings, and he has the merit of establishing iron laws for all generations."

"Heaven walks in the right way, people rule the world, walk side by side with each other, what do you say about heaven's punishment? Whoever says this will be destroyed!"

"From my point of view, the rolling spring thunder is to increase the emperor's prestige in killing demons in the world. What do you mean by heaven's punishment?"

"Therefore, Long Live the Emperor Qin, Long Live the Qin Army, and Long Live the Great Qin!"

This is--

Surprised and delighted, Ying Zheng suddenly looked back.

It is Jiang Bai.

He used the Mystic Tong to suppress the voices of those nobles!
Those people think that the rolling thunder is the cruelty of punishing Ying Zheng, but Jiang Bai wants to think that this is God's applause for Ying Zheng's killing of animals!
Jiang Bai's extremely strong voice instantly suppressed the panicked shouts of the entire Xianyang City.

Ying Zheng was ecstatic.

A clan shouted hoarsely: "Jiang Bai, traitor! You deserve death for violating the Queen Mother!"

"There is nothing wrong with my love; if you quibble, I should do justice for the sky, punish!" Jiang Bai's voice suddenly became more than ten thousand times stronger.

His voice of "doing justice for the sky" seemed to resound throughout the pass.

No one in Xianyang City dared to question it.

Because following Jiang Bai's voice, a purple and golden figure, I don't know how many hundreds of feet high, slowly rose from Xianyang Palace, standing in midair like a fairy.

Ying Zheng was surprised at first, and then laughed.

Regardless of whether the Taifu has shown his true face, he wholeheartedly wins the government for me!

This is enough!

"Come on, punish the traitors and protect the Great Qin!" Ying Zheng raised his arms and shouted.

Whoosh, whoosh, among all the civil and military officials, Li Si took the lead, and all Ying Zheng's confidantes rushed forward.

Don't ask, the Taifu is a god, and he has shouted "Long live the Emperor Qin, ten thousand years of the Great Qin", so what else can our Majesty be if he is not the Holy Emperor?
At this time, the entire Qin army in Xianyang was also stunned by the ethereal shadow in the sky. For a moment, they wisely roared: "Long live the Emperor Qin!"

In an instant, the sky and the earth were covered, and all the Qin soldiers shouted sharply.

"Long live the Emperor Qin! The Qin army is victorious! Great Qin Wannian!"

Yingzheng shouted: "The Great Qin has been invincible for thousands of years, and the invincible and powerful Qin army has won all victories!"

After thinking about it, I added two more sentences: "Long live the Grand Tutor and Empress Dowager! Long live the people of Qin from the south of the Great Wall to the north of the South China Sea, from the Hexi Corridor to the banks of the East China Sea!"

All the soldiers and civilians in the city said nothing, and shouted after His Majesty!

Zhao Ji laughed dumbfounded, and suddenly someone poked her lower back.

Looking back, it was that little girl Yingying.

"Hmph, big demon girl!" Yingying was very upset.

Zhao Ji smiled and said close to her face: "Little demon girl, do you want to shout for you too?"

"Shut up! I beg you!" Princess Zhao Huarong turned pale and covered the demon girl's little mouth.

But at this time, Jiang Bai was broken by Ying Zheng's shout.

This Emperor Qin's brain is not enough!

He looked at his "Dharma Body" in the sky, which became more ethereal and majestic under the purple lightning, and smacked his lips.

In other words, modern science can really scare a group of people.

That's right, where does he have any supernatural powers, he is completely scaring people.

The shadow is completely formed by small holes.

However, the "small hole" he made this time is indeed a little bigger.

It turned out that when he was designing the inner guard uniform, the thunder rolling in the sky seemed very scary, and Jiang Bai immediately realized that careerists would take advantage of this.

Then let them know what it means that Lao Tzu knows science and you have to kneel.

He quickly used his true essence to refine a huge mirror, and then used the physics knowledge in his memory to design an ingenious mechanism.

That's all the truth.

Ke Liji and other concubines looked at him as if they were gods.

To be honest, if it weren't for the overly intimate relationship between him and Queen Mother Zhao, these beauties would probably have left some red lips on his face.

"Simple scientific knowledge, but don't say it." Jiang Bai said.

Li Ji sighed: "It's no wonder the Empress Dowager falls in love with her, and that little girl Yingying also... The Taifu's methods are really unpredictable, and no one is against it."

"Pull it down, you go and ask those nobles, it's unreasonable for them to be convinced." Jiang Bai patted his butt, "Hurry up, Hu Hai, do you want to learn this skill?"

"I want to, but I can't. My elder brother has learned it, so I can learn it again." Hu Hai said with a smile, "He is unlucky, so he should be the prince. I will follow the Tai Tuo, and I will not suffer if I eat hot food and drink hot food."

Jiang Bai laughed out loud.

However, soon he couldn't laugh anymore - the system judged that he failed to die.

"Where did I die?" Jiang Bai stared at the hundreds of thousands of tons of wheat emerging from the system warehouse, God knows how many tons of milk, and a group of 10 people who can't use up to ten thousand tons a year. He couldn't even complain about the system for one-fifth of the cosmetics.

System: "There was lightning hitting the host's shadow just now, and the system judged that the success rate of death is zero percent."

I Nima...

But why are these things punished?

"Also," the system sneered, "If you want to go back to modern times, the host will continue to work hard!"

Jiang Bai took a closer look, feeling mixed feelings for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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