Chapter 105 The general who deserves to be killed!

Jiang Bai listened to the battlefield dozens of miles away, with a mocking smile on his mouth.

Li Liang asked quietly: "Teacher, we really can't trust those veterans?"

"Remember, they have their own deep-rooted interests, and we are often reduced to their interests in exchange for props. We are poor ghosts, and they only have common interests in a small number of things!" Jiang Bai said, "I guess, Ren Xiao must not let the people he brought participate in the battle."

"But we won't give them credit either." Zhao Zhong didn't understand.

Jiang Baidao: "It's a credit for them to come here, don't underestimate the greed of these people."

Speaking of which, in fact, Jiang Bai will not suffer a loss. After this battle, he will become the new general of the Great Qin no matter what.

But the Lishan Legion will suffer a big loss.

At least 50.00% of the credit for their bloody battles should be distributed to the soldiers of the Northern Army and the Great Wall Corps.

Yingzheng needs these people to get more rewards, so they need to find the best reasons for them.

Regardless of its nature or function, the Lishan Legion is doomed not to get the reward it deserves this time.

Jiang Bai has absolutely no opinion on this point.

In order to maintain the unity of the country, Yingzheng must do a good job in the distribution of benefits, and the future value of the Lishan Legion determines that Yingzheng will not mix sand into it. Therefore, this time it is unlikely to reward the Lishan Legion with the best treatment based on merit.

"You have to remember a truth, you can get it easily, and it will be easy to be taken back by others. Our Lishan Army is a newly formed army, and we won't give us too high a reward if we win this time. Otherwise, we will become the focus of competition among all parties, and it is not good for us poor people." Jiang Bai warned.

Li Liang and Zhao Zhong didn't care at all, and said: "As long as the Taifu doesn't dislike us, then don't care about anything."

"A group of fools, I am also a poor ghost." Jiang Bai smiled.

At this moment, most of the scouts who made up their makeup and went to reconnaissance were masters of martial arts, and they came back.

The battle has begun.

"Xiang Liang's command was very good, and he wasn't flustered at all. However, he was too cautious compared to the Tai Tuo personally commanding." Several scouts reported, "In addition, we have also contacted the scouts from the son and Xiang Yu's side. They are advancing at an accelerated speed. Only the Northern Army and the gang are standing on the mountain and watching, not participating in the battle at all."

I expected it.

They were sent by generals from aristocratic families, who were going to take over the positions of officers of all levels in the Lishan Army, how could they participate in the battle.

"Two days off, let the Huns toss for a while." Jiang Bai said.

At this time, several scouts asked in confusion: "But why did Zhang Liang sit back and watch the Huns set up camp before preparing to fight back?"

"This man is worthy of being a very intelligent contemporary master." Jiang Bai understood Zhang Liang's intentions in seconds, and said to everyone, "When the Huns first arrived, they came with anger and revenge. They only wanted to fight. But if they were allowed to set up camp, they would lose that vigor. Zhang Liang's skill is very clever, and at the same time, he can avoid the ambush set by Maodun against us."

Fighting steadily and step by step, Zhang Liang did fight well in this battle.

Jiang Bai didn't expect that he was not on the battlefield, but Mao Dun affirmed that the news of his assassination was true.

For the past two days, Zhang Liang and Xiang Liang have been unable to command the troops smoothly.

This can also be understood, what kind of army is the Lishan Corps in Jiang Bai's hands?
A powerful force that has traveled thousands of miles and has never suffered a disadvantage.

But in the hands of Zhang Liang and Xiang Liang, this army could only fight defensively.

This caused some complaints from all ministries, and everyone didn't understand why Zhang Liang had to sit back and watch the Huns set up camp to fight them.

Zhang Liang is also helpless about this, this is a brave man brought out by Jiang Bai himself, and he can't command them with ease.

Ren Xiao was delighted to see it.

"The Lishan Corps was completely brought out by Jiang Bai. They obeyed Jiang Bai's orders. Zhang Liang Xiangliang doesn't have that prestige. Look, before their big encirclement circle is formed, the 20 people in the Chinese army will fight among themselves." Ren Xiao ordered, "Remember, when the time comes, we will first occupy the positions of all intermediate Zhonglang generals and lieutenants, and use our rules to restrain all prisoners."

The 500 people were gearing up, and they all made laughing voices.

Stupid Jiang Bai, do you still want to compete with us who kills more enemies?

We are here to kill you, to take control of the Lishan Corps from you.

You don't look at us, but you go out and fight the Huns yourself.

Are you also worthy to be the general of Daqin?

On this day, the scouts sent by Fusu and Xiang Yu's corps brought a notification that the three armies could form an encirclement.

But both Zhang Liang and Xiang Liang looked extremely worried.

The Chinese army questioned them more and more, especially as the positional battle continued and there were some casualties, the officers and soldiers called for Jiang Bai to come back to command.

"To be honest, in the Lishan Corps, our prestige is not as good as that of a school lieutenant." Only then did Zhang Liang feel that being a general is not easy.

Xiang Liang was also very emotional. He didn't expect it to be so difficult to control the soldiers of the six countries.

Then, why not report to Jiang Bai? !
"We don't know where the Grand Tutor is currently hiding, and the group of people from the north are also making trouble. They are trying to win over the soldiers of Qin." Xiang Liang said angrily.

This is also what Jiang Bai did not expect.

That night, when Jiang Bai was ready to attack, he asked Yan Lingji to investigate the situation of the Chinese army.

Yan Lingji came back in the middle of the night, and brought a message that made Jiang Bai angry and helpless.

The middle army of the Lishan Army may fall apart.

"The soldiers of the Six Kingdoms complained day and night that the Grand Tutor was not here, and that they couldn't even fight battles. The soldiers of Qin State were attracted by the more than five hundred people brought by Ren Xiao. Many of them were deceived, and many of them were threatened." Yan Lingji said, "Why don't you go back."

Do not!
"In this case, then publicly appear on the battlefield!" Jiang Bai knew that the Lishan Legion relied on him.

He knew how to resolve the complaints of the soldiers.

At dawn, Zhao Gao also came over.

Fusu sent him to protect Jiang Bai.

"Old Zhao came just in time, how is the fight between Fusu and Xiang Yu?" Jiang Bai first asked about the battle situation.

Zhao Gaodao: "We are fighting with Liu Bang's East Road Corps. It is estimated that within half a day they will be able to destroy the small tribes left behind by the Huns along the way. It is very likely that they will meet on the main battlefield before dark tonight."

Jiang Bai calculated the time and let everyone rest immediately.

Not in a hurry?
Do not!
"You two led 200 people, dressed as Huns, and took advantage of the cold weather and the chaos to lurk in the camp of Maodun. Tomorrow and night, you set fire to the Huns camp, and we will launch a general attack on them." Jiang Bai ordered.

He was talking to Meng Jiangnu and Yan Lingji.

(End of this chapter)

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