Chapter 102 Gentlemen, fight to the death with me!
Jiang Bai does not need to understand the rules.

Meng Jiangnu came in. She had already put on her leather armor and her long sword was sharpened. She wanted to protect Jiang Bai's safety during the battle.

Jiang Bai has also gotten up, and he is wiping the spear he captured.

"Teacher, you should be more careful. The emperor should not offend those generals too much," Meng Jiangnu said.

Jiang Bai looked at her and said: "You go to the rear army."

Meng Jiangnu shook her head.

"You fool, you are a girl, you should be protected, you don't have to die with us." Jiang Bai sighed, "Listen to me, go to the rear army and wait, in case I am really killed, you can help me, huh?"

Meng Jiangnu turned her head away, and said after a long time: "I have never met anyone who treats me as a human being. Now that I have, I will swear to protect it to the death."

"How can your parents not love you more, don't say this." Jiang Baidao, "Also, don't give them a good look at those generals, these people don't have many good things."

"The emperor can't do anything to them? That is, he can't do anything to them before he starts. Reach out to the Lishan Army, what do they want to do?" Jiang Baidao, "I even suspect that Wang Jian Mengtian is using my hands to eradicate these established generals, so that the emperor can leave a few more when he eradicates them."

Meng Jiangnu was shocked, you don't trust Wang Jian and Mengtian?

"I have a background, I am a poor ghost, so naturally I don't trust these nobles." Jiang Bai said contemptuously, "I look at the high position and authority, even if I really have this kind of power, I am still a poor ghost, and I can't get along with them."

Meng Jiangnu couldn't understand the meaning behind these words, but she heard Jiang Bai's position that he would not mix with those people.

She pursed her lips and said, "In that case, let's fight side by side together."

Jiang Bai sighed.

Why are you disobedient?

After packing up his long sword, Jiang Bai looked at the leather armor hanging on the wall, and asked Zhao Zhong to call someone.

That was a child, and his hometown was in Changping.

"You are only 14 years old, and you still have a lot of age to live, so put on the leather armor." Jiang Bai stuffed his leather armor over.

The young man cried, "Teacher, what should you do?"

"I'm older than you, of course I should take care of you, go back and dress well, remember, whoever thinks you have an opinion, you let them go to Fusu." Jiang Bai said.

He is ready to die at any time, why wear this thing?
The young man didn't know, he declined several times and was scolded, so he put on soft armor, wiped his tears and went back to his team.

This matter, Jiang Bai did not expect that too many people's thinking will undergo a huge change.

Among the 5 people left by his side, most of them are survivors of the Six Kingdoms who are unwilling to contribute to the Great Qin.

The group couldn't even believe that the boy came back in leather armor.

As the Grand Tutor and the chief general of the Lishan Army, how could he not wear leather armor?
In the morning, Jiang Bai ordered all the armies and battalion leaders to go to the Chinese military account for a meeting.

After Jiang Bai issued the order that everyone was ready to fight according to Zhang Liang's adjustment, he finally ordered: "As soon as the war starts, I will take the lead in the charge. If anyone is willing to fight with me, then sign up voluntarily. I only need 500 people. If not, I will charge and kill alone. This is not only related to the morale of the army, but also related to my bet with the gang of dead people. If I kill enough enemies, I will take their heads."

At this time, the person who thought that he had given up the soft armor to the young man was very admirable, but he was immediately shocked.

The general does not wear soft armor to fight, what is the rule?
"This is risking your life. Take the lead in risking your life. He will do what he says." All the officers and soldiers in the Chinese army were silent.

Zhang Liang disagreed with this.

"Teacher, this is not what a general should do." Zhang Liang said, "Teacher is in the middle commanding, I have my own way to deal with those people."

"To conquer people's hearts, don't engage in conspiracy and tricks. If you want to convince people, you have to do things that make them admire." Jiang Baidao, "If I say that I can't do it, how can I convince everyone? What's more, what I want to transform is not only you, the descendants of the nobles of the six countries, but also the hearts of the whole world. For this reason, if I don't fight with the Huns, everyone can't fight with all their strength. Then, can the world be okay?"

But you are the general!
"I don't understand the reason for so many formations, and I can only stare blankly when I sit in the Chinese army. You can take command." Jiang Bai said, "At that time, pay attention to cooperating with Xiang Liang, and take care of the other three armies."

Zhang Liang was filled with emotion, he couldn't help but be convinced by such a person.

A few days later, Mao Dun couldn't sit still.

He went to attack Fu County and was repelled many times by Wang Jian. Seeing that the severe winter was approaching, the news from Xianyang said that Ying Zheng was adjusting the army of the world, and an army transferred from Kanto was rushing to the battlefield in the starry night.

This time Mouton was very passive.

He currently has only two choices, or try his best to eat one of the hundreds of thousands of Qin troops in Beidi County, causing a shock in the world, and then use the superior mobility of the Xiongnu cavalry to fight guerrilla.

Or, he has to withdraw to the grassland as soon as possible.

He had a premonition that the various tribes in the grassland did not want to fight against Meng Tian, ​​they might let Meng Tian's main force go south, and then they waited for the Xiongnu to lose the big chanyu and then elected another big chanyu themselves.

However, Mouton could not withdraw.

In this battle, he has achieved a tactical goal, which is to weaken the strength of the Left and Right Kings.

But he also suffered several defeats. If he just returned to Cao Cao like this, he would be targeted by various tribes in the grassland, and even his great chanyu would be overthrown by other tribal chiefs.

At this time, Jiang Baizhu killed a group of former military officers from Beidi County, and the news sent in the name of Xiang Liang also caused Mao Dun to make a serious strategic misjudgment.

He judged that Xiang Liang and Ren Xiao were fighting for the command of the Lishan Army.

"Obviously, Ren Holding is the party's party, but Xiang Liang's move will definitely cause the Qin Army's internal confusion. We should take advantage of this opportunity to kill the Qin Army a huge scale." Takedon drinking the order. "I decided to lead the head of the head of the king and the Chinese army. The Han Division launched a fierce attack, and we just made the Qin Army from being unable to contact each other, so as to completely kill their Chinese army. "

What if there is an ambush?

"I dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops together, how did they ambush?" Mo Dun said confidently.

When the Huns moved, Wang Jian and Meng Tian hadn't noticed yet, but Jiang Bai had already discovered that Maodun was dispatched.

It wasn't that he was stronger than Wang Jian and Meng Tian, ​​he just watched the every move of Mao Dun's army, so he could immediately notice the abnormality of Mao Dun, but Wang Jian and Meng Tian had to wait for Qingqi's reconnaissance report in Beidi County to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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