man forty

Chapter 678

Chapter 678

After the autopsy, the two sides summarized the conclusions, and the results were completely different.

Fang Hao's conclusion is that the deceased did not suffer from internal bleeding, and the operation should not have occurred at all. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the hospital.

The conclusion given by Director Song was that the deceased was bleeding due to internal injuries, and the doctor's rescue measures were appropriate, so there was no medical accident, and the cause of death was a work-related injury!
The conclusions of the two parties were obviously contradictory, so they applied for third-party intervention, that is, the national and ministerial level of forensic medical office dispatched experts to carry out the third round of joint autopsy!
"Principal Fang, you are a doctor. You are a doctor. You are really good at proving that doctors kill people. If this gets out, how will you survive in the medical world? Hehe!"

Director Song said to Fang Hao with a smile. On the surface, he looked down on Fang Hao, but in his heart he had to admire Fang Hao as a talent, proficient in medical anatomy, and he was also very skilled in forensic anatomy!

He has been immersed in forensic technology for so many years, but he is not as good as Fang Hao!

People are better than people, you have to throw it away!

But such a person is helping others to prove his scandal in the medical field, and he is destined to be despised by his colleagues!

"Director Song, you don't need to worry about my affairs, you should worry about yourself."

Fang Hao also responded with a kind smile, but he was greeting the other party's family in his heart. It was because of the other party's ignorance that his precious time was wasted in this kind of intrigue.

When he returned to the Provincial People's Hospital, he received a call from Lin Zhixue, who complained about why Fang Hao had to go to the autopsy center and gave such unfavorable conclusions for their women and children.

Fang Hao directly reprimanded the other party for not saying anything at the time, because he deliberately covered up!This kind of murder of human life can be done, it is really insane!

He directly sent a notice of this incident on the internal mail of the hospital, to strengthen the education of doctors' morality and responsibility.

Fang Hao recalled the doctors who had previously arranged for women and children to practice before the women and children did not cooperate with the relevant departments to review the relevant doctors and did not come to the truth.

Huang Yidao, Dean Qi, and Professor He successively called Fang Hao to inquire about the autopsy, and then expressed their support for Fang Hao.

Mr. Cheng also made a decisive attack. Her people slapped the table at the relevant meeting, and the Zhang family's people were short of doing it, and forced to organize an expert group to enter the investigation of women and children.

Fang Hao returned home and received a call from Guo Lan. She first expressed her support for Fang Hao, and then intercepted the Wang family's Guo family and other people who interfered in Jiangdong City.

What happened in Jiangdong City, the Wang family also want to get involved?It's a little too hasty... Fang Hao secretly thought that Zhang Dexun would not magnify this matter, and tomorrow the Zhang family will push out Director Song as a scapegoat!
Qin Shuxian also came over. She gave toys and other gifts to the children, and went to the study to find Fang Hao.

She pulled up a chair and sat next to Fang Hao, watching Fang Hao answering emails on the Internet, saying that he was busy but not busy, she said: "You Jiangdong City, are you really playing this time?"

Fang Hao turned his head to look at Qin Shuxian, and found that her complexion was pale and red, and her eyes were charming. She was accumulating desire, and she should need a vigorous exercise to release it.

He thought to himself, it seems that Mu Shanfu's medicine last time had invisible side effects. Once human desires are aroused, it is not so easy to suppress them.

He also remembered that sentence, the more beautifully dressed, the more slave to desire!

He said: "At present, if the Zhang family wants to be the boss, compress the living space of others, or not give others a way out, then disputes and strife are inevitable. The Zeng family has fallen, and the Zhou and Su families aim at Sijiu City, leaving the Cheng Li family."

"But you played a bit too big this time, and you have used the power of the national weapon. Qin Shuxian expressed concern."

"This is not normal. Two migrant worker brothers were murdered for no reason. Isn't the original intention of the national power to protect the people? If it is not used now, when will it be used?"

"But the ending is hard to control."

"It's okay! I have nothing here, so I'll go to your Guo family to marry."

"Hehe, do you think I will believe it? No matter what, you have to be careful, the Zhang family is also very powerful in Sijiu City."

Fang Hao nodded, he didn't underestimate anyone, but he wasn't afraid of anyone who messed with him!

The next day.

Fang Hao and Cheng Lao talked on the phone, and the latter said that the third forensic expert team would not come down for the next two days because both parties were competing for the candidates for the expert team.

Mr. Cheng doesn't have any powerful contacts in the capital, but Fang Hao does!

Fang Hao has Guo Lan!
Mr. Cheng was not idle either. Last night they found the family members of the deceased and tried to find out their feelings for their benefit. One of the family members pointed the finger at the women and children and called the police. Then the police dispatched and arrested the two doctors who performed the surgery.

Fang Hao also learned that Cheng Lao and the others were not in a hurry to interrogate, but left the suspect doctor inside, so he sighed, sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy!
Cheng Lao hoped that Fang Hao would assist the interrogation as an expert consultant, which surprised Fang Hao.But Fang Hao still agreed and asked Cheng Lao to prepare some things.

He finished his work in the hospital first, and at noon, led by Li Jun's girlfriend, he went to the relevant department and entered the interrogation room.

The suspect doctor on the opposite side is a girl with average appearance, wearing glasses, elegant and virtuous, an eight-year medical student with a master's and doctoral degree, who has entered the stage of doctoral dissertation, and can be regarded as Zhang Qing's capable graduate student.

Fang Hao did not ask directly, but recited the medical student declaration with the other party.

Health is linked to life.

When I step into the holy medical school, I solemnly swear:
I volunteer to devote myself to medicine, love the motherland, be loyal to the people, abide by medical ethics, respect teachers and discipline, study hard, work tirelessly, strive for perfection, and develop in an all-round way.

I am determined to do my best to eliminate human illnesses, help improve health, maintain the sanctity and honor of medical skills, save lives and heal the wounded, spare no effort, pursue persistently, and strive for the development of the medical and health cause of the motherland and the physical and mental health of human beings for the rest of my life.


Seeing that the other party relaxed, Fang Hao took out a CT to take a film and let the other party watch it to judge whether there was internal bleeding.

The female doctor was silent.

Fang Hao took out another CT film, which was from the deceased, and he asked the female doctor to judge.

The female doctor remained silent.

Fang Hao said: "The first CT photo is yours. According to your previous judgment, do you also have internal bleeding and need surgery?"

The female doctor's pupils bulged, she shook her head quickly, and said, "I...I'm not injured, could I have internal bleeding, I'm healthy. The previous injured person had internal bleeding because his body was pressed by a heavy object."

"However, there is no bleeding point on the CT. Doesn't this mean the same thing as your CT? Could it be that I read it wrong?"

You misunderstood the female doctor's words, and she had to swallow it down, because Fang Hao's medical skills are higher than hers, and she is more authoritative than her. It is good for her to question anyone, but Fang Hao cannot be questioned.

Fang Hao said: "Actually, if you don't speak, the evidence collected now can also form a closed-loop evidence chain, which is enough to judge you. If you confess, you will get a lenient end."

The female doctor panicked and asked weakly, "I...will I be shot?"

"It depends on how you behave. If you were instigated by someone, you don't have to bear full responsibility, and the sentence will be lenient."

Seeing this, Fang Hao knew that he could get a breakthrough from this female doctor. The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he invited another inmate!
(End of this chapter)

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