man forty

Chapter 615 Hope

Chapter 615 Hope
On the car back to the hospital.

Fang Hao received a call from Zou Yun, who received a fax asking her to cooperate with the business team sent by Zhang Jing to negotiate with the other party. In a word, the Jiulong Group was to be merged into Zhang's family.

Fang Hao told Zou Yun that it was Zeng Lingfeng who was going to be discharged from the hospital, and Zeng Lingfeng further cooperated with Zhang Jing to make her mentally prepared.

Zou Yun expressed unwillingness and suggested that Fang Hao take some things away.

Fang Hao sighed in his heart, he couldn't just think of himself and be alone, and ignore the people around him.

He reminded her to put some finances into the Blue Sky Group, and then get a letter of appointment from the old chairman Sun Jingwei, the vice president of the Blue Sky Group. After the handover from Jiulong Group is completed, she will go to work in the Blue Sky Group.

Afterwards, he exchanged opinions with Li Wei, and Li Wei didn't have as many concerns as Fang Hao, so Li Wei asked Fang Hao to point the finger at Jiulong Group's core real estate business.

In fact, he may know more about the current situation of the Jiulong Group than the brothers of the Zeng family, because he also wanted to bring down the group at one point.

This group was the place where his ex-wife and adulterer Zeng Lingtian had a tryst. He naturally hated it in every possible way. At that time, he wished that the other party would collapse immediately.But the more he learned, he found that the Jiulong Group had gone beyond the scope of the Zeng family and influenced Jiangdong City in many ways.

Even though the pleasure of avenging his personal vengeance still affected tens of thousands of people in Jiangdong City, he still chose to endure it.

He came to the hospital and went straight to see Riley, who was awake, but only awake, still very weak and in critical condition.

Fang Hao withdrew the ventilator and boosted Rui Li's energy so that she would have the strength to speak.

"Sister Li, how do you feel?"

"I don't know what it feels like. I always feel that my body is floating in the air. I don't feel any force on my back or feet. Fang Hao, I... am I not dead?"

Because Riley's cervical spine surgery has not yet been performed, her nervous system has suffered such severe damage that she has no feeling at all.

Fang Hao said: "You didn't die, and now, you can't die for the time being. You know, I have also studied medicine for several years. It is not in vain that I can become the dean."

The corner of Riley's mouth twitched slightly, wanting to laugh, but she couldn't do it.

Fang Hao said: "Xiaohu is on the way here, he is actually sentimental, he was depressed last night, went to bed early, and had nightmares at night, kicking around."

Tears welled up in the corners of Rui Li's eyes, after all her son was her flesh.She murmured: "Is it true? There is no such thing as a child who grows up overnight."

"Of course. You'll know when you meet him later, this kid has a personality and temper just like yours, and he's showing off."

"Thank you, Fang Hao."

"Thank you? When you get better, promise me your body, how about it?"


"Just kidding, you will get better, just like you before, healthy, beautiful and kind."

Fang Hao, I take it seriously, and when I get better, I will promise you with my body.

Rui Li's tears flowed more fiercely. She is not stupid. When she was healthy and normal, she wanted to sleep with Fang Hao, but Fang Hao didn't agree, but now he said this to her, obviously because she was too hurt, and it was very likely that she would not survive, so he said these words to give her hope.

And this was enough to move her.

Fang Hao wiped away the beauty's tears, and said: "The police gave me feedback that the three bad guys have already received the punishment they deserved. The couple won't be able to get out in a few years. Old Dong has already committed suicide in fear of crime. Man is doing it, God is watching, and the bad guys will be punished. You fell from such a high place, and you are still alive, which means that you are favored by God."

"Well, for the sake of my son, to sleep with you... I have long wanted to sleep with you. I must get better and recover. I want to go back to that night, when you hugged my waist, and I leaned on you. It feels so good!"

"Okay, that playground is still there, waiting for you to recover and go and relive that feeling."

Seeing that Rui Li was so tired that her eyelids were about to close, Fang Hao retracted the needle and asked her to rest again.

When Guo Xinrui brings Xiaohu over, he wakes up Rui Li and lets the mother and son talk.

At noon, Guo Xinrui came over with a lunch box and stayed in the hospital to accompany Fang Hao for dinner. She said it was to accompany him, but in fact, she just drank a cup of milk tea and then watched Fang Hao eat. She likes to watch Fang Hao gobble it up recently.

After Fang Hao finished eating, she took away the food box and said, "Sister Li asked Xiaohu to call you father. What does that mean? Is she asking you to raise Xiaohu?"

Because Rui Li's injury was visible to the naked eye, and it was too serious.

If it was in other hospitals, or even in this hospital, if the attending doctor was not Fang Hao, but someone else, the critical illness notice would have been issued long ago.

Fang Hao said: "In principle, it's not my turn, but you also know that the members of the Dong family and the Rui family are all thinking about Rui Li's money, and they won't treat Xiaohu sincerely."

"But you already have seven children, one more, then there will be eight."

"Seven and eight, the difference is not big. Besides, Xiaohu is so big, he is not the kind of newborn baby who is waiting to be fed. Let him go and let him grow freely. I just give him food and don't let him go astray. As for calling Dad, he won't. This kid is not very bright, and his heart is very peaceful!"

"Then will you and Lan Lan have children in the future?"

Guo Xinrui expressed her worries, because if there are seven or eight children in a family, no one would want to have children anymore.

This is the result of the joint control of both parties, and I don't count.

Fang Hao thought to himself, Guo Lan likes the feeling of not being separated, so it is very likely that she is about to get pregnant again.Given that the two are still young and will live together after marriage, it should be a matter of time before they have a second child.As for Su Rou's recovery, he will give her the billions, and she should stop pestering him.

Guo Xinrui said: "I think you should sterilize yourself, otherwise, your children will be in groups, and we will work too hard. Let me tell you, recently, my sister-in-law and I feel that life can be so tossing and cumbersome since we were born until we grew up. It's because your two sons and Guo Lan's three children are not around."

puff!Fang Hao almost sprayed water on the screen, he said: "After your vacation is over, go back to work, I will ask the nanny to take care of the children. You have worked hard during this time, and I will give you a big red envelope."

"How big?"

"I'll give you 500."

"Hehe, do you want to send me in?"

Guo Xinrui gave Fang Hao a blank look, and in her heart scolded Fang Hao for being a wooden fish head. I only care about your money, I only care about you!

She leaned forward, unknowingly exposing her neckline, and the scenery inside was full of fun.

She said: "To be honest, let my sister-in-law and I relax, and you will kill yourself and don't have any more babies."

Regarding this, Fang Hao laughed it off, how could he ligate himself.

(End of this chapter)

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