man forty

Chapter 588 Changeable

Chapter 588 Changeable
After a while of busy work, Qin Jinyu was transferred from the plane to the intensive care unit.

Fang Hao also saw the miserable Qin Jinyu, who had undergone surgery in Shanghai for so many days, and the wound hadn't fully healed yet.

She was deeply comatose, severely aged, and the healing function of her cells had almost degenerated.

This, could it be the potion I gave to Su Rou? The poison I gave is not so harmful, and the pathogenesis is not like this... Oh, could it be that when I was in Shanghai, Professor Zhang Qing and his group also experimented on Qin Jinyu?Zhang Qing?He did tricks on Qin Jinyu, made Qin Jinyu like this, he didn't want to deal with the aftermath, so he pushed her to me and let me take the blame?

Wait, if they don't want me to take the blame, then they want to treat Qin Jinyu through me, so as to get some inspiration?

You are watching me, and I am watching you!

After Fang Hao checked Qin Jinyu, he saw that there was no family member, so he went back to the office directly and waited for the preliminary inspection results. As he expected, Qin Jinyu was not rescued, but he could not die for the time being.

He arranges his work a little bit, and then he gets off work.

Back home, Guo Xinrui and his aunt had already sent the child back. After arguing with the children for a while, he went to the study to study the cases of Qin Jinyu and Zhao Chunqiu.

At the same time, he also asked Li Xiaoxi to find all the patients that Zhang Qinglin Zhixue and others had examined and treated after they arrived at the women and children, as well as the treatment records, etc., if they could be found for him.

What you want to do will be invisible in front of me!

Fang Hao is full of fighting spirit and full of confidence.

After Guo Xinrui left, Fang Hao unexpectedly discovered that Qin Shuxian had arrived with a suitcase, and she opened the door and entered the house without knowing where she got the key.

Fang Hao blocked her way and said, "What are you doing here?"

"But I am also Guo Lan's mother. You are about to marry Guo Lan, so I will be your mother-in-law. You are my son-in-law and half of me. Am I eligible to live here?"

Qin Shuxian was not annoyed this time, but surprisingly calm, with a slight smile on her lips and cunning in her eyes.

She didn't flinch either, she just looked at Fang Hao directly like that, and even moved forward a little, the top of the proud Xuefeng was only [-] millimeters away from Fang Hao's body.

Women are fickle!What is the reason for her change?No matter what she plans, it is better for her to support me and Guo Lan than to oppose me and Guo Lan... Fang Hao took advantage of the situation and said, "That's right, from this point of view, you are qualified."

Fang Hao asked Qin Shuxian to go to the house where Guo Xinrui lived before, and saw her take out some things, went to the room to find Jiajia and Tiantian, and asked them to call grandma.

The little aunt was a little surprised, and cast a puzzled and resentful look at Fang Hao. She felt that Zhou Fen was the child's grandmother!

Fang Hao didn't think much, and continued to do his research.

Qin Shuxian washed up, put on pajamas, and came to the study with a soup, she said: "Reading is exhausting, drink some ginseng soup."

The sudden caring of the new mother-in-law made Fang Hao a little shy. He still liked the arrogant new mother-in-law, the mistress in the capital who hurt him when they met.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that there was a tendency to be masochistic?

He closed the book on his desk, stared at Qin Shuxian and said, "I don't know where Guo Lan is, you can't get useful information from me. She is an excellent daughter you raised..."

"Yes, she is my excellent daughter, why didn't you pick her up?"

With a smile on her face, Qin Shuxian hung the dragon beard bangs on both sides to her ear watch, reached out to fetch the cigarettes on Fang Hao's table, and took a look. The ordinary packaging might be migrant workers' cigarettes that cost a few yuan a pack.

But she still held back, took two more puffs, and then slowed down, she said: "The time when I found out that Lan Lan came to you was like smoking this cigarette. I couldn't accept it at first, but I had to face the reality."

She handed Fang Hao the cigarette she had smoked, but the latter refused to take it, so she continued to smoke for a few more puffs, and then extinguished it.

When she saw Fang Hao handing over the soup, she drank it first to moisten her throat, and said, "You are also a parent. When your daughter grows up, you will protect the calf just like me."

"From the perspective of a parent, I might follow in your footsteps and interfere in my child's marriage. But I am not you, and I will not rely on my children for benefits. I will fight for what I want, and then I will get my luck and lose my life."

Fang Hao also handed the paper to Qin Shuxian, and said: "You always feel that Guo Lan followed me. She suffered a loss and I was superior. What you see is not true. It is true that I am married twice, have four children, two or three elderly people, an ordinary and simple background and job, and a meager income, but I can also give everything for Guo Lan. What I can give to Guo Lan, Wang Xuan and others can't give at all. Oh, of course, what you like more is the benefits brought by the marriage and the maintenance of power."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Let's be honest, why did you change?"

Qin Shuxian was silent.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Fang Hao said, "Because grandma is starting to cultivate the second house now, have you been persecuted by interests as a big house?"

Qin Shuxian remained silent.

Fang Hao laughed and said, "It's just the two of us here, what else can we say? Is it interesting to pretend?"

Qin Shuxian bit her lips lightly, and said, "From the matter of treating Hongyu, I have seen the face of the Wang family, and there is a gap between the Wang family and the Wang family I know...Because of Lan Lan's matter, several projects I have cooperated with the Wang family have been kicked out. I... have nothing left."

"Oh, it turns out that you didn't make a fuss outside, and you offended the old woman at home. You are not a human being inside and outside. You can only rely on your daughter."


Qin Shuxian was told by Fang Hao. Considering Fang Hao's smile, she felt ridiculed.

Fang Hao said again: "So, the community where the old woman lives is a horizontal area. It is a large flat floor, which is much more comfortable than the environment here. Now Xie Mingru lives in to take care of the old woman, and you can only put down your airs and seek refuge with me!"

"You are right, but, considering that I am Lan Lan's mother, do you really want me to beg you in a low voice, kneel down for you, and beg you to take me in, then how do you face Lan Lan? My face is also Lan Lan's face. When you slap me, you slap Lan Lan's face too."

Qin Shuxian raised her hair and said, "Fang Hao, you are very smart and can see through my thoughts, so I will say it directly. Even if we feel unhappy with each other, it does not prevent us from playing the role of mother-in-law and son-in-law. From a woman's point of view, I know Lan Lan definitely needs my support. She is hiding now and does not choose to be tough with us. She wants time to pass the time and let us accept you. It is a pity that children do not get the approval of their parents. Your first marriage, Su Rou, her parents are I don’t support you wholeheartedly. I’m sorry you haven’t had a good time these years. But, I can give you enough superficial effort, I support you 100%, I can bombard the Wang family, let the voices of Lao Guo and my father-in-law stand aside. After all, for a daughter, there is no greater support role than a mother.”

Su Rou?Indeed, Zhou Fen and Su Boyuan didn't like me from the beginning, didn't realize my value, and didn't support me publicly... Fang Hao weighed it up, and agreed, saying: "Then what do you want from me?"

"What do I want? I haven't figured it out yet, let's talk about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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