man forty

Chapter 450 Wake Up

Chapter 450 Wake Up

Su Rou broke away from Fang Hao's hand, then hugged Fang Hao tightly, and put her face on Fang Hao's abdomen, she couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Fang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you tell me now? Last time I told you, whether you cheated because you were forced, or because of your excessive desire, or because you were greedy for money and fame, or other issues, as long as you tell me, I will look at our relationship, our children and our family, I will forgive you, and I will not divorce you. Now that we are divorced, and the ownership of the children is so absurd, you are even more reluctant to leave Zeng Lingtian. What is the use of telling me these things now? Su Rou, you are so stupid! What do you want me to do now? Tell me!"

"I do not know I do not know……"

Su Rou hugged Fang Hao tightly, especially when she felt that Fang Hao's body was trembling, she knew that he was angry, if given him a knife, he would be impulsive to kill.

Telling the secret that had been kept in custody for a long time made her feel relieved.

However, Fang Hao's words were like a knife, cutting her heart back and forth.

She really missed the best opportunity to confess, missed the opportunity to be with Fang Hao in a down-to-earth manner, and she was smashed with a good hand.

Thinking of such sadness and regret, she cried even more desolately.

Fang Hao said in a slow tone, "You were forced, so why did you stay with him afterwards? You are so smart, you are so independent, and you don't have mental illness. Could it be that you are still suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?"

"Honey, stop talking, let's stop talking, my mind is so messed up now. Let me rely on you for a while, just for a while."

Fang Hao twitched because of choking.

"Su Rou, don't keep everything in your heart, you have to learn to talk, tell your parents, tell me, you are a woman, you can't bear so much."

Fang Hao suppressed his excitement, very contradictory and sad. Judging from Su Rou's performance, even if he was used by Zeng Lingtian at first, but afterwards he was willing to be with her, and he was willing to be with her, so what's the use of crying now?He said: "We are all parents, and we can also understand the state of mind of being parents. If Tiantian, Jiajia, they made mistakes, they didn't tell us, and we didn't find out, causing them to blindly go down the wrong road to the dark, what a failure we would be."

"Su Rou, you and I keep your mouth shut, and you also hide it very well. Zeng Lingtian is also good at deceiving and deceiving, so your parents don't know about you. From the perspective of parents, they don't know what the children who get along with each other face and suffer. They are also failures. You should tell them now and give them a chance to correct. I think they will forgive you."

"Honey, I can't."

Su Rou shook her head.

"Then I can, I'll tell them."

"No, husband, give me some time, I will take the initiative to tell them."

"Su Rou, you are so stupid. When we divorced, we gave up a lot of things. We can be said to be strangers. And your parents and you are blood relatives. You are their only child. They will never abandon you. They will only protect you more. I will have the operation first, and after it is over, I will go back with you and have a frank exchange with your parents. Put all the problems on the table and have a good talk."

"My... parents are not at home, they have all gone to the capital."

"Why did you lose the chain at this critical moment... Su Rou, you have today, and your parents are responsible for neglecting guardianship! They must bear the unshirkable responsibility for what happened to you and Zeng Lingtian! What are they going to the capital for? A career? They can't even take care of their family members, what career can they do! I'll call and ask them to come back immediately."

"Husband, they want us to remarry and try to persuade Guo Lan's family not to agree with you and Guo Lan."

Su Rou didn't hide it this time.

" still want to get in my way?"

Fang Hao suddenly smiled wryly, shook his head, and said: "Su Rou, you see, if you don't confess and don't take the initiative to explain the problem, your parents will only complicate the situation, and then our misunderstanding will continue to deepen, and finally become a mess, why bother?"

He took a deep breath, and continued: "Guo Lan's family came and stayed here today. Except for Guo Lan's mother, the other three are quite satisfied with me. You should be able to see what this means. Oh, and one more thing, Aunt Guo Lan likes Jia Jia very much, and she wants to recognize Jia Jia as her goddaughter... This girl, without going into her origin, seems to have all the good things about her."


Su Rou's crying paused, then she hugged Fang Hao tightly, and said, "My husband, I'm sorry, I really don't want to hurt you. The thing I regret most now is the blind obedience that night. I didn't respect you, and I didn't respect myself even more. I actually did such a bottomless thing. I...I regret it so much!"

The wound was exposed, Fang Hao frowned violently, the anger that had just been suppressed soared up again, his fists were clenched tightly, and he really wanted to hit someone.But he still suppressed it, he sighed, and said: "Isn't this normal? Your mind is full of Zeng Lingtian. If he told you to go east, you wouldn't go west! You are still like this now. Isn't everything you do for him?"

He held Su Rou's face, stared at the tearful eyes of the other party, and said fiercely: "Su Rou, wake up! He said that Zeng Lingtian could give Jiajia the property, which is his own daughter, I believe. But for you, it is impossible. Don't forget, what he really likes is the woman hidden in the Nanhuajing, the original owner of the statue. You are too easy to be controlled and brainwashed by him. It's in the hands of a woman. You are too...he won't cherish it!"

"Husband, I..."

Su Rou felt like being struck by lightning, her body trembled inexplicably, she wanted to refute, but she hesitated to speak.

"Su Rou, don't be stupid. Zeng Lingtian is a madman. He can do anything! I have a conjecture. Although I haven't confirmed it, I think it is true in all likelihood. Zeng Quan, a dead man, do you remember? I suspect that he is willing to die. Except for the fact that he murdered Chen Mei, he coveted you. Another thing is that he also violated other things and made the Zeng family completely abandon him. Zeng Quan is a nephew. Zeng Lingtian gave up when he said he would. How old are you, woman?"

"Zeng Quan...I have a suspicion. He may have something to do with Zeng Yuehua's decision. After Zeng Quan's death, Zeng Lingtian was very angry and reprimanded Zeng Yuehua, saying that Zeng Yuehua had made his own decisions and disrupted the arrangement...My husband, I am not speaking for Zeng Lingtian, what I said is true. Zeng Yuehua is not as impulsive and incompetent as she seems, and she is also very resourceful."

Su Rou thought of something, and said again: "But you are right, I may really be an outsider and have been used by them all the time. Husband, will you treat me as an outsider?"

"You are the mother of Tiantian and Jiajia, that's all. Now, in the future, everything I do, and everything related to you, is for the children!"

Letting go of his ex-wife, Fang Hao returned to his seat and saw a surgery reminder, and he will have the next surgery in 15 minutes.

He stroked his face and said: "Su Rou, I hope you are not lying to me this time, otherwise, everyone will really die together."

"Honey, I really didn't lie to you, and I won't lie to you again in the future."

Su Rou hurriedly promised that when Fang Hao was about to go out, she said, "Husband, you still have to have surgery now, can you calm down? You have to know that you still have arrangements, and I'll wait until you finish the surgery."

"Su Rou, I think you still have something to hide from me, you go back and think about it, what else can you tell me."

Fang Hao left the office.

He is so calm and composed now that he himself feels terrible!The ex-wife suddenly told her that she was raped. Apart from winning her sympathy, she must have other intentions.

Husband, are you just for the children?Su Rou looked at Fang Hao's leaving back, and subconsciously stroked her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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