man forty

Chapter 444 The original owner

Chapter 444 The original owner
Fang Hao refused his ex-wife to come over because he didn't want his ex-wife to have too much contact with the children, because he didn't want the children to be brought to Zeng Lingtian by his ex-wife again.

From his emotional point of view, he has already issued a marriage letter to Guo Lan, which also means that he needs to keep a distance from his ex-wife.

Although Guo Lan's side is not going well.

Among the Guo family, except for two elderly people who respected Guo Lan's choice, the rest of the Guo family opposed Guo Lan's marriage to Jiangdong City, or to be more precise, they opposed marrying down.

After Guo Lan tested the family's attitude, the storm of opposition would soon sweep across Jiangdong City and come before Fang Hao.

Guo Lan...

Fang Hao sent his ex-wife to the Su Group. Looking at the back of his ex-wife walking in, he suddenly discovered that his ex-wife and Guo Lan were of the same kind in some respects, they were both at the top level.

The solidified barriers of class, even the power of love, are difficult to break through.

In the end, there must be one party who has to pay a huge price!He went back to the hospital and found that Jiang Yuqian's confidant secretary had come.

"President Fang, the matter of our group has been settled, and there is nothing to be busy with. According to your suggestion, most of the rights and interests of our Jiang family have been preserved, and the group has survived. I would like to thank you."

The secretary sincerely bowed and thanked Fang Hao.

Fang Hao was noncommittal, not greedy for credit, and said, "How is the situation of the old man? What are your plans for the next step?"

The secretary whispered: "The old man has gone to Shanghai, and he will come back after a while."


Fang Hao said: "He went for anti-aging injections?"

"This... Dean Fang, you know all about this? You are really a god."

The secretary was amazed, and said: "The old man just went to get the injection for agelessness. He had it in the last cycle, and the effect was very good. It has been disease-free and disaster-free for five years. Now that five years have passed, if you want to continue to maintain a healthy state, you have to go for another injection."

five years...

Fang Hao stared at the other party, and said: "Zeng Lingtian and the others have also gone, do you have any benefits to achieve?"

"Dean Fang, although I am young, I have been with the old man all year round and have seen some scenes. In this world, there are really no permanent friends, only eternal interests. I didn't accompany him this time. I don't know what chain of interests will be reached, but there will definitely be some understanding and cooperation."

"This is beyond the scope of my cognition. Looking back, if you know how they established cooperation again, tell me, and I will learn from it."

Fang Hao really wanted to know what Zeng Lingtian and the others would need from the Jiang family, or what people and things from the Jiang family they liked.

The hand surgery department in front called for help. A patient had an accident during the operation and was in a critical condition. Fang Hao ended the conversation and went to the clinic first.

After he arrived, he found Luo Xuejuan, who was performing the operation, her goggles were covered with blood spurted out by the patient, but she still insisted on staying on the front line, holding the bleeding point, and did not dare to move away, but the incision was like a gushing channel, and blood kept gushing out, and the life monitoring equipment beside her kept beeping alarms.

The patient was a middle-aged woman who had a sudden cervical disease. She was admitted to the hospital for examination and then arranged for surgery.Huang Yidao was very busy, so Luo Xuejuan had no choice but to perform the operation herself.

The temporary operating room of the gynecology department is already full, and it happens that there is a vacancy here, so it is filled in.

Fang Hao is the dean and is in charge of the overall affairs of the hospital. This kind of life-threatening matter is not a child's play, so he took over without thinking too much.

The bleeding stopped on his hands, but he still asked, "Why is there bleeding in this place? The patient has had multiple abortions?"

"I asked the patient, and she said she had never had an abortion."

"It's impossible. The patient is lying...Forget it, save her first, and ask other questions after she wakes up."

Fang Hao took over the rest of the operation and quickly completed the operation. He was relieved when he saw that the patient's life data was stable.

He went to see Huang Yidao's operation, it was a broken limb splicer.

The patient was a young man who was operating in a workshop, and a deviation occurred, and one hand was directly cut off by a sharp machine knife.

Fang Hao discovered that the operation time had exceeded three hours, and the operation was only halfway through. He knew that Huang Yidao was going to fight a protracted battle, no wonder he couldn't get out.

The gynecology operation went well, Huang Yidao was not free, and Fang Hao left as he couldn't find a chance to rub Hua Ziyan.

When he came to Cheng Lao's ward, Fang Hao started the treatment. When he thought of something, he said, "I heard that a batch of anti-aging injections came from Shanghai. Why don't you consider going there to get an injection?"

"That's not cheap, 1000 million per injection, even if my children and grandchildren have such filial piety, I shouldn't spend it. 1000 million, can do a lot of things for the Li family. More importantly, I heard that the manufacturing process of that kind of medicine is not humane, and I should not support it."

Mr. Cheng spoke frankly, thinking of something, and said, "Dean Fang, you have such a strong medical talent, why don't you start this kind of anti-aging research. If you have a need for this, I will be your first volunteer."

"Anti-aging research... I think if I study it, there is a high probability that I can make some achievements. It's just that medicine is not like the judiciary, and it can't distinguish between loyal and evil. I'm afraid that if the old and bad people don't die, they will become younger and cause more harm to others."

"This needs to be treated relatively differently. Of course there are bad old people, but there are more good old people."

"That's true. Looking back, I will look for information on this. I opened a special department in the hospital, specializing in anti-aging."

When Fang Hao heard that Changshengtian cost tens of millions per injection, he was very envious.

What made him even more heartbroken was that the money had flown abroad, wasted money, and was just given away to others!

Of course, it wasn't that Mr. Cheng said that, he had this idea. Last night, he had this idea.

However, he didn't intend to hand over this big deal to the provincial doctor for nothing.

He registered a company outside, and then used that company to cooperate with the hospital for development.The company provides the plan (actually he), the hospital provides the basis for clinical research, and the distribution of interests is negotiated.

He said, "Old Cheng, can you collect information about the Changshengtian Sanatorium for me?"

"Changshengtian Sanatorium is in Shanghai, thousands of kilometers away from our Jiangdong City. When I was young, I had a one-week government-sponsored study and research, and then I never went there. Fortunately, there are a few classmates there, so I can only ask them to help with the investigation. Oh, speaking of this, your other patient, Ye Xuan, he should be more knowledgeable. I remember that Zhang Jing has also been there, you can also ask Zhang Jing."

"Okay, I'll consult with you later."

Fang Hao thought, the old fox Zhang Jing is not the kind of responsive, not in line with the interests, the old fox will not ignore you at all.

He thought of something, and said again: "Old Cheng, are you familiar with Zeng Jiulong?"

Mr. Cheng is over 70 years old. When he started working, Zeng Jiulong was 40 years old. Mr. Cheng should know something about Zeng Jiulong.

"Know a little. What do you want to know?"

"Their father and son came over last night and said some wonderful things to me. They didn't seem to believe each other. This should be the reason for the inheritance of family education. Do you have any impression of Zeng Jiulong's first wife?"

According to Su Rou's disclosure, Zeng Lingtian was born to Zeng Jiulong's first wife and is the eldest son, so he has a high status in the Zeng family.

"She died of a dystocia. It happened decades ago. The Zeng family took care of the child, that is, Zeng Lingtian, and did not take care of the adults."

"How do they feel?"

"Immortal couples, the kind that envy others. In the early years, Zeng Jiulong was also very handsome and handsome. He was strong, able to fight, and made a lot of money with his fists. His wife is a member of the Provincial Art Troupe. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is the most beautiful flower in Jiangdong. Is there such a conspiracy?"

Fang Hao suddenly realized that it seemed that the ashes of the blue and white porcelain man were Zeng Lingtian's old mother.

(End of this chapter)

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