man forty

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Zhou Fen came again, she had dinner with Fang Hao and his son, and Fang Hao went into the study to study the case without washing the dishes. There was a thick stack of medical records, and God knows how long it would take to study.Anyway, don't study mathematics.

This village guy is really not doing his job properly.

She left angrily.

Through case studies, Fang Hao found out that Yang Wenjin started his career in gynecology. He treated the family members of a retired veteran cadre, and he was made a star of provincial doctors, and then skyrocketed.

This was nearly twenty years ago.

No, Yang Wenjin didn't study medicine before, she studied... literature in college?Abandoning literature to practice medicine?so smart?Fang Hao looked at Yang Wenjin's treatment process in the early days, and found that although it was quite satisfactory, there were no mistakes.Considering that he is not from a major, but has such success, then Yang Wenjin can be regarded as a talent.

Zeng Lingtian can spot talents.How did he persuade women to give up their original major and study a new one?

Yang Wenjin gave up literature to pursue medicine, and Cheng Yu also gave up finance and entered the legal system?Is this a coincidence?Fang Hao lost his mind for a short while, and saw his ex-wife calling on WeChat again, and he asked his son to answer it.

Thinking of something, Fang Hao couldn't help becoming more suspicious, and his face became more gloomy.

When the phone returned to his hand, Fang Hao asked, "Su Rou, before you married me, what was your best field in college? Or what was your greatest hobby?"

Su Rou was puzzled, and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"If you want to say it, say it, if you don't say it, pull it down."

"Husband, you asked me. Your attitude is still so bad, really. At that time, my mother wanted me to study mathematics, and my father wanted me to study economics. I am very good at both, and I am still very good, hee hee."

"I remembered, you changed your major in university, you changed from mathematics to financial management, business management, and human resources. You are a bit big in cross-industry... Zeng Lingtian asked you to change. You really listen to him in everything, haha!"

"Honey, you..."

"Stop talking, I'm busy, hang up."

Fang Hao hung up the phone, frowning solemnly.Zeng Lingtian made Su Rou change from learning mathematics to learning related to corporate finance. This kind of temptation is extraordinary.Moreover, Fang Hao also recalled Su Rou's grades, judging from the grade point of changing majors, it is indeed better than studying mathematics.

After graduating, Su Rou gave up going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang with her aunt to start a company and stayed in the city to do financial work in the Jiulong Group. Although the results she made were excellent, it was unreasonable.

At first Fang Hao thought it was because of Su Rou's pregnancy and childbirth, but in fact, it was because Zeng Lingtian was in Jiangdong City.

His mind wandered a little far, Fang Hao hurriedly pulled his thoughts back to let his son take a bath and sleep, while he continued to analyze Yang Wenjin's treatment records.

noon the next day.

Huang Yidao meets Fang Hao.

Huang Yidao tapped Gen Huazi and said, "Have you gained anything?"

"Yang Wenjin abandoned literature to pursue medicine, and she is still very talented as a doctor. Her treatment methods are quite satisfactory. There are no major breakthroughs, but there are no major mistakes."

"That's useless? I thought I could find some faults in her past. It seems that I can't get out of Lu Jing's tone. I'm really depressed."

Huang Yidao was very frustrated.

"Not necessarily. Sometimes, it's quite satisfactory, and sometimes it's a mistake."

Fang Hao took out two medical records and said, "Look at these two."

Huang Yidao took it over, looked back and forth, looked up at Fang Hao suspiciously, and said, "Is there any problem? The operation is complete, no one is dead."

Huang Yidao felt that if he came to perform surgery and treatment, he would do the same.

Two cases, one is a minor operation on the liver.The other one is surgery on the male prostate.

Fang Hao said: "The operation was completed without failure, but it wasn't perfect. Pay attention to timing. Let's take Zhao Fu's case as an example. If his operation had been performed a day earlier, he could have preserved his male function. Now that he has had his prostate removed, he lost his function, and his happiness index in life will definitely decrease. If you don't care about this kind of thing, it's okay, but if it's a real arguing, who can tell for sure?"

Huang Yidao's eyes lit up, and he carefully compared the data, and then entered the computer to find the relevant records. After all, the operation happened eight years ago, and the data preservation work was quite advanced at that time.He could see CT photos and other materials at that time.

He said: "What do you mean, if the operation is performed one day earlier, then Zhao Fu's situation will be different?"

"I think it should be possible to advance, because you see, these indicators..."

Fang Hao pointed on the computer and asked Huang Yidao to pay attention to these data.

"Yes, yes, Fang Hao, you are a genius."

Huang Yidao was overjoyed, he looked at Fang Hao thoughtfully and horribly, this guy's ability to find fault was too terrifying.

This ability is a double-edged sword.

Huang Yidao hesitated, then called Zhang Jing and roughly reported the situation.

Fang Hao still wanted to continue the communication, but he received a call from the inpatient department. It was the pregnant woman he was attending. The other party said that he was not feeling well and asked him to go over and see what was going on.

He went over and found that the pregnant woman was in a very good condition, without the discomfort mentioned on the phone.

The pregnant woman also admitted that she asked Fang Hao to come because she wanted to see Fang Hao.

Fang Hao was quite speechless.

In the evening, two strange visitors came to Fang Hao's house, a lawyer, and the patient Zhao Fu who had undergone prostate surgery.

He was keenly aware that it was Zhang Jing who made the move.

He did not expect that Zhao Fu turned out to be a policeman.

It turned out that Zhao Fu was a criminal police officer eight years ago. In a fight with gangsters, he was stabbed, beaten and sent to the hospital.

Zhao Fu was very nervous and asked: "Director Fang, is my condition really misdiagnosed? Can I completely skip the surgery?"

Fang Hao said: "It's not necessarily a misdiagnosis, but a judgment on the timing of the operation. From my standpoint, if I come to perform the operation eight years ago, I can advance it a day or two, and it will be a different result."

Zhao Fu said fiercely: "Then I was ruined by that woman Yang Wenjin? She completely ruined me! I'm going to kill her!"

The lawyer next to him comforted Zhao Fu, and Fang Hao said, "Because of what happened to Mr. Zhao, his wife divorced, and he was beaten. He was forced to leave the front line of the criminal police and work behind the scenes to handle files. It can be said that the bright future in life has been ruined. Doctor Fang, if we sue Yang Wenjin, will you appear in court?"

Fang Hao said: "Shouldn't you need to go to court, Mr. Zhao can get the corresponding compensation. Mr. Zhao, now you have to control your emotions and stay rational in order to obtain the greatest benefit."

"I understand."

The lawyer understood and took Zhao Fu away.

Fang Hao sent them to the elevator door, but unexpectedly, when the elevator came up, his ex-wife Su Rou was inside.

He said goodbye to the lawyer, and when he turned his head to see Su Rou staring at him, he suddenly felt something bad, and hoped that his ex-wife wouldn't see anything, and wouldn't be a hindrance.

He also pretended nothing had happened.

He said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Sure enough, the ex-wife asked, "What do these two people do?"

Zhao Fu was obviously wearing a uniform, so he couldn't hide his identity... Fang Hao said, "I'm going to be on TV in a few days, and they came here early to discuss some details with me. What are you doing here?"

"Let me see if you have found a stepmother for my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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