man forty

Chapter 235 Wife Wants to Sell the Marriage House

Chapter 235 Wife Wants to Sell the Marriage House

"I refuse to answer this question!"

On the TV, Fang Hao answered the host's question very flatly, because the other party asked him a personal question, asking him to elevate the social status of women, and on the premise of belittling men.

For this kind of female boxer, he doesn't give face!The hostess froze for a moment, then smirked professionally, and moved on to the next question.

Su Rou just watched TV, just looked at Fang Hao, her mood was complicated.

Just now when Zeng Lingtian was asked if he would marry her, the other party still did not answer, but the meaning was obvious, the other party would not marry her.

She went to watch TV, and watched her husband on it, and she found that her husband's personality became more and more distinct.

The professionalism is extremely high, and the eloquence is endless. If the host hadn't interrupted him, he would have been able to babble all day.

He didn't realize that before I cheated, he was also talkative like this, and what he said could be sweet to death.But after he knew about my cheating, especially after he mentioned Zeng Lingtian, he didn't want to talk to me, even when he saw me, he felt disgusted.

After the TV interview ended, Su Rou also stood up. She looked at Zeng Lingtian, who was sitting in front of him, who was very elegant and solemn. She sighed and said, "Tomorrow... I still have half a day left. I have to give my husband an answer. After signing the agreement, I have no face to stay in Jiangdong City. I will leave, I will not meet him, and I will not see you either."

"Susu, you're so crazy! Little Guigui doesn't have any evidence, so he's just bluffing you. Let me put it here, if you don't divorce him tomorrow, he won't do anything to you."

Zeng Lingtian frowned, but didn't express his opinion.

"I didn't want to understand my husband before, but now I understand that he will not do things that are not sure."

Su Rou left, got in the car, and took a look at the convalescent unit, with deep unwillingness in her eyes and an indescribable relief.

The man inside will not marry her.

She asked more than once, but the other party didn't answer. This was his attitude and answer, and she still didn't give up.

After paying so much, but getting nothing, she was not reconciled.

And it's because I didn't get anything, so it's time to let go.

Husband, are you really no longer giving me a chance?


Over there, Fang Hao ended the interview.

The hostess cast a contemptuous look at Fang Hao, feeling a little resentful in her heart. Fang Hao didn't cooperate with her just now, and refused to answer questions several times, which made her almost unable to turn back.Seeing how handsome Fang Hao was, she wanted to give Fang Hao a chance to invite her to lunch. Now, Fang Hao is not sensible, so she won't give Fang Hao a chance!

Hmph, smelly man, if you beg me, I won't give you a chance!

The executive director Fang Hao who came later was more polite. Even though Fang Hao didn't cooperate with the hostess' questions and answers very well, Fang Hao was very handsome and had professional advantages. Judging from the temporary ratings of the initial feedback, it showed a climbing trend. At the end, the data was still rising.

From the analysis of the existing data, although it is not the most popular program data on the TV station, it can be regarded as the best data among similar programs in the past six months.

The executive director still wanted to continue working with Fang Hao, so he made an appointment with Fang Hao, but was rejected by Fang Hao, and he secretly felt it was a pity.

Fang Hao left the main building and hurried back to the office of the director of the outpatient department because Zou Yun was still inside.

He saw that Zou Yun was still lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly like a pig, even though she was a middle-aged mature beauty, the female chairman of a large group, she still snored.

He asked the nurse to confirm that Zou Yun hadn't woken up, so he let him continue to sleep.

Not long after, Lu Jing came over, and she saw Fang Hao motioning not to wake Zou Yun up, so she asked, "She fell asleep like this, is she okay?"

Fang Hao said: "It's okay, she just thinks that she didn't sleep well last night and was tired."

"How did you know?"

"People with headaches shouldn't be able to fall asleep. Oh, Director, you're not going to the clinic anymore? What's up when you come back?"

Fang Hao didn't say anything about being with Zou Yun last night.

"The girl named Xiaoxiao with periodic vomiting syndrome in the Second Hospital, do you remember? She came to my clinic and asked you to treat her."

"Oh, the treatment is fine. Is it easy for Director Jiang Hua to explain? After all, this is a patient from his side. After we went for a consultation, the patient came here. I am afraid that Director Jiang will say that we abducted him."

"It's okay. I told him just now that he has a big head too. Don't think he knows the cause, but there is no specific medicine for this disease. He has no idea. He wants us to take over the offer. Fang Hao, if you can take it, take it. If you can't take it, forget it, and I will push it back."

"You can take it. Last night I studied the topic of brain nerves, and I made some discoveries. I think I can try it."

"Okay, with your words, I can rest assured."

Fang Hao went over and asked Lu Jing to give Xiaoxiao a checklist, do brain CT and [-]D CTA, and then he followed. He came to the rear and saw first-hand videos and images.

In his mind, the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, anatomy of western medicine, and the synthesis of these images constituted a complex virtual three-dimensional modeling, and then found an abnormality.

Sure enough.

Fang Hao was full of confidence, and then took the picture to explain to Xiaoxiao's mother, proposed a treatment plan, and consulted the other party's attitude.

Xiaoxiao's mother didn't understand the theory, and she only cared about the curative effect. She learned that she might be cured soon, and ideally Xiaoxiao could go back to school in ten days, so she agreed.

After an hour of treatment, and nearly half an hour of observation, Xiaoxiao didn't even intend to vomit.

It became.

Fang Hao was overjoyed and let their mother and daughter leave.

Lu Jing said: "Is this method feasible?"

"Actually, it's not a complete cure, but also a balance. As long as she doesn't vomit within these ten days, she won't get sick again unless she is stimulated far beyond her ability to bear."

"Balance? Just like how you treat Lao Zhang and myasthenia gravis, is it also a kind of balance concept?"

"Yes, after all, I'm an ordinary doctor. I can't do anything about the diseases that medicine can't solve now."

"But you are also ahead of others. Come on!"

After get off work, when she returned to the office, Lu Jing saw Zou Yun who was still sleeping, and said, "What should I do with this person?"

"Don't worry about her, let her sleep."

As long as Fang Hao doesn't remove the silver needle from Zou Yun's sleeping point, she will sleep forever.As long as Zhang Jun doesn't give him any information, he will continue to drag Zou Yun.

Considering Zou Yun's behavior last night and Zou Yun's past medical history of headaches, even after she woke up, she would not suspect that Fang Hao had done something wrong.

Ding Ding!

Fang Hao received a message from his mother-in-law, reporting his wife's actions.

His wife contacted a real estate agency and wanted to sell the wedding house where she had lived there for four years.

Fang Hao was surprised, his wife sold the house, and she will live with Zeng Lingtian in the future, will they all live in Tianzhifeng?

It seems that she has settled the matter.

Fang Hao suddenly felt empty in his heart, and his love had nowhere to go.

(End of this chapter)

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