man forty

Chapter 226 A Pure Person

Chapter 226 A Pure Person

Hospital canteen.

Lu Jing came down to cook, and then came to Fang Hao's place to share the table, she said: "Your face is a bit ugly, are you uncomfortable?"

Fang Hao stroked his face with his hands, he was indeed not good-looking, because his wife was having dinner with Zeng Lingtian at the moment, and there might be other activities after the meal, these were solid betrayals.

He had an urge to rush over, expose the adulterer and daughter-in-law, and then kill them.

But he has worries!

If he killed the other party, there was a high probability that he would be arrested, leaving behind an unattended son and elderly parents in the village. He was overwhelmed.

Every time a dog is slaughtered by justice, it is mostly a scholar who bears his heart.

He said: "Director, I'm a little confused. I really can't understand a woman. When she was at home, she was so weak, with tears streaming down her face, and threatened to die. But after she went out, she had another face."

Lu Jing said: "I don't want to comfort you anymore. You need to overcome your hurdles by yourself, otherwise, you will fall into it completely. Your distress now is because you are too kind. Or, you are too weak."

Fang Hao said: "I thought my world should be very simple. Find a wife, start a small family, have one or two children, and have a job to support the family. I don't want to be rich and wealthy. I just want to live a peaceful life. However, the world made a joke of me and refused to satisfy me."

"Nothing! Because you are too good, you are destined not to live an ordinary life. However, many people will save their families because of you, and they will be able to live an ordinary and stable life. Fang Hao, I think you are not in a good state. I can give you a few more days off to let you adjust."

"I'm fine. Later, you ask your senior brother to send over the medical records first. I'll take a look first, so as not to pass by and not give any advice, and people will look down on our Provincial Hospital."

Fang Hao had long since given up on Su Rou, but the disgust was still there.

After eating, when Fang Hao saw the medical records, he received a call from his mother-in-law, telling him that Su Rou was back.

It seems that there is no agreement?In two days, she still has to talk to her lover, hey!Fang Hao sneered in his heart, he had never seen such a brazen woman!

In the afternoon, the Second Hospital (the Second Provincial People's Hospital).

When Fang Hao and Lu Jing arrived, they were greeted by a middle-aged and elderly doctor. The sign on his chest indicated that Jiang Hua was the director of internal medicine.

"Lv Xiaohua, I'm finally looking forward to your coming."

Jiang Hua stretched out his hands, wanting to hug Lu Jing, but Lu Jing refused.

"Jiang Fold, don't be disgusting! Stay away from me."

Lu Jing turned back to Fang Hao and said, "Did you see his forehead? When he was in college, he had a big crease there, just like the Great Rift Valley. He thought the plastic surgery was gone, so everyone couldn't remember it."

Fang Hao smiled. Lu Jing and Jiang Hua are both old classmates, so they can make these jokes.

"It's wrong to expose the shortcoming when you meet, and let the young people laugh!"

Jiang Hua straightened his face, stretched out his hand to Fang Hao, held Fang Hao's hand tightly, and said: "Director Fang, your name has already been heard like thunder, and I saw you today, and you are indeed a good-looking talent."

"Director Jiang, you are overrated. Let's go see the patient directly. I have an immature opinion, and I need to confirm it after seeing the patient."

Fang Hao didn't want to exchange pleasantries.

"This...Director Fang, I now understand why Lao Zhang treats you like a brother!"

Jiang Hua felt that Fang Hao was that pure doctor.

"That's right, Jiang Folder, hurry up and lead the way, our time is precious!"

Lu Jing and Fang Hao exchanged glances, and saw that Fang Hao's eyes were firm, confident, and sharp, not at all decadent from the previous lunch.

This is the Fang Hao she wants to see!Jiang Hua led the way, and said: "You have also read the faxed medical records. The little girl of sixteen has vomited every now and then for half a year. She vomited just now, and she vomited so darkly that all the bile came out. The physical examination and various examinations are completely normal. Over the years, I have never seen such a strange case."

Fang Hao said: "How is the patient's family situation?"

Jiang Hua said: "It was her mother who brought the child to see a doctor. It is a single-parent divorced family, but it is not short of money."

Fang Hao said, "What about the child?"

Jiang Hua said: "A student in the city, a senior in high school, had excellent grades before the illness, and was in the top five of the grade. Because of the illness, she has been suspended from school for half a year. In the past six months, her mother took her to seek medical treatment all over the country, and she did not find any problems."

"I understand."

Fang Hao didn't say much, and soon came to the ward, and he saw a thin little girl who was infusing nutrient solution.

Beside her was a middle-aged woman with a haggard look, average appearance, but a gloomy face, a strict mother.

When the middle-aged woman saw two strange doctors coming, she was a little vigilant and suspicious, and did not stop the examination.

Then, Fang Hao and others moved into the office together with the middle-aged woman.

Fang Hao said directly: "My eldest sister, your daughter's illness... I will tell you, I hope you will be mentally prepared. Your daughter's illness is caused by you."

The middle-aged woman asked, "What did you say?"

Lu Jing and Jiang Hua were also surprised, not understanding why Fang Hao said that.

Fang Hao said: "Your daughter's illness is a rare periodic vomiting syndrome, which is a mental illness."

Lu Jing and Jiang Hua's pupils froze, and then their eyes lit up, as if someone had pushed away the clouds and let them see the sunny sky.

The middle-aged woman stared straight at Fang Hao, and said: "You said my daughter is mentally ill, what are you talking about? I see how old you are, and you haven't studied medicine for a few years. How can you talk nonsense."

Fang Hao didn't argue, but remained calm, and said, "Think again, what did you do before your daughter vomited for the first time, and why did you do it?"

The middle-aged woman didn't think about it, but looked at Jiang Hua and said, "Director Jiang, do you think my daughter is really mentally ill?"

Lu Jing didn't speak, but went out first.

Jiang Hua asked the middle-aged woman to sit down. He was very gentle and said: "Periodic vomiting syndrome is a kind of mental disorder characterized by periodic or repeated episodes of severe nausea and vomiting, and there are no symptoms in the intermittent period, and there is no mental disorder based on organic diseases. Otherwise, it will hinder the child's physical development, and the long-term excessive pressure will also cause the brain to collapse."

"Director Fang, can you tell me how to treat it?"

Fang Hao said: "There is currently no specific medicine for this disease, but you can use medicine to control the vomiting first, and at the same time give her psychological treatment to achieve the purpose of slowing down, and then spend more time patiently accompanying her, and she will return to health."

He stared at the middle-aged woman and said, "Have you ever scolded her?"


"I heard from Director Jiang that your child's grades are in the top five of the grade. She is so good, and you still scold her? No one else can bear it. If you scold her, it means that you have imposed your own complaints on the child. Therefore, I say that you caused her illness."

Fang Hao looked at the middle-aged woman, and thought, children must not be raised by divorced mothers!If the child in Su Rou's stomach is really him, after the divorce, he will do whatever it takes to snatch it!

His child must never live with that female liar!
(End of this chapter)

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