man forty

Chapter 212 Mixing Old Silver Coins

Chapter 212 Mixing Old Silver Coins

Close the study door.

Su Boyuan said in a low voice: "Fang Hao, the matter of my life style is just me playing around. I didn't affect my work or my family. You shouldn't hold on to it."

"I know, you don't care about your heart. I said that as long as you don't mess with me, I won't care about your shit. Calm down, I won't talk about you this time. I have a photo to show you. "

Fang Hao took out his mobile phone and called up a photo of Zhou Jiajia and Zeng Lingtian on the beach. Considering his father-in-law's tolerance, he didn't directly upload the photo of the most explosive Mum Zhenjun.

This photo is a photo of Zeng Zhou and the two of them walking on the beach hand in hand, and they saw their backs.

"Is this Xiaorou her new man?"

Sure enough, after Su Boyuan saw it, he really identified Zhou Jiajia as his daughter Su Rou. Then, the other person was obviously his daughter's new man.

Because it was a candid shot, only the back was seen.No matter how you look at it, this figure from the back is not Fang Hao.

He thought to himself, could this be the evidence Fang Hao said.

That's right, when a man sees his wife wearing a beach bikini and walking on the beach hand in hand with another man, he will definitely think that his wife has a new love and has cheated.

He put on his reading glasses, turned on the desk lamp, looked at it seriously, and said, "I can't tell who this man is just by looking at his back. Do you know who this man is?"

Fang Hao asked back: "How much can you accept?"

Su Boyuan looked up at Fang Hao, and said, "What do you mean? He has a family? He doesn't want to divorce and marry Xiaorou?"

"Besides, what about age and social status?"

Su Boyuan looked down at the photo again, and said: "Looking at his age, he is of a certain age, at least older than Xiaorou, and I guess he is in his early forties. This beach is a relatively high-end tourist attraction in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. It is affordable and should have a certain economic foundation. Those who can fall into Xiaorou's eyes should also have a good income. His skin is very white, and his neck, shoulders, and back have no work marks. He should be good at work, and he is a mental worker. top of the board."

Fang Hao asked: "Can't you see who he is?"

"I don't have much impression... What do you mean, I should be familiar with this person?"

"I thought you've read countless people and are well-informed, but it turns out that you can't see anything."

"I...Fang Hao, you can't say that. Your photo has only a background, how can I recognize it. You are a doctor, you are more familiar with the human body, what can you see, then tell me."

"I said this person is the same age as you, do you believe it?"

"What? This man is 60 years old?"

Su Boyuan could see confidence from Fang Hao's mocking eyes. He couldn't help looking at the photo again, and said: "If this person is 60 years old, he will be more than twice as big as Xiaorou. Your mother and I have studied for a Ph. D., and we are going to be associate professors. Xiaorou was conceived at the age of 30. can she fall in love with a 40-year-old man in her junior year? What is she trying to do to him?"

Fang Hao said: "Well, you have experience, don't you?"


Su Boyuan's words were choked back, which was very unpleasant.

That's right, he helped many young female assistants, and was obsessed with their youthful youth. Every time his dry and rough hands touched the delicate and smooth skin, his soul could be seduced.

What an enchanting boulevard.

But now, when another pair of the same veteran claws reached out to his precious daughter, they slapped him hard.

Old thing, your old cow eats other people's tender grass, and when your own tender grass is also eaten by other old cows, it's really bad retribution.

Su Boyuan seemed to have heard the torture of his soul, which made him ashamed, remorseful, and angry.

He got up, stared at Fang Hao, tremblingly said: "Fang Hao, I looked down on you before, I was sorry for you, I was wrong. Xiao Rou... this should be her confusion for a while, she should regret it now, she has your flesh and blood in her stomach, and she really loves you, you... can you give her a chance. As long as you don't divorce her, don't let this scandal go out, what conditions you put forward, I, Su Boyuan, can do it, I will definitely do it. This villa, and my savings, I can do it right away Transfer to your account. Fang Hao, you have also seen that your mother is not in good health, and she can no longer be stimulated."

He basically believed that the one above was his daughter, even though he had never seen the front.But his daughter's hairstyle, as well as her figure, he had seen growing up since she was a child.

What's more, Fang Hao took it out.

Fang Hao sighed, and said: "For the dignity of your Su family, you think I should wear this green hat and let me suffer humiliation? You only think of your Su family's face, have you ever taken my feelings into consideration?"

"Fang Hao, I know this is very unfair to you and wronged you. We can only compensate you. Only you take care of the overall situation. We will listen to you in everything in the future. If you feel that Xiao Rou has wronged you, and you have another lover outside, we will turn a blind eye."

Su Boyuan said anxiously: "This has already happened, and it has caused harm to your interests, and it is irreversible. We should calm down and stop the loss in time. The condition I promised you just now is that you will get the greatest benefit, and you will continue to benefit. Fang Hao, your career has not developed smoothly these years, and you should have seen some social rules clearly. If you want to enter the upper class of this society, you need the support of our Su family, our full support."

"I can't swallow this breath!"

"Fang Hao, don't get excited. You are not a young man now. You have a family and children. You have been in this society for four years. Don't be impulsive or impulsive. You must start from your own interests."

Su Boyuan quickly comforted him.

"Let me think about it. Don't let Xiao Rou see this photo, and don't mention to her what I talked to you about. Don't try to ask her about traveling abroad. Don't mention to her about today's matter."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Su Boyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You really listen to me?"

"Of course, I must listen to you."

Su Boyuan thought that Fang Hao acquiesced to the interests he mentioned and would not choose to divorce. In response, he naturally had to support Fang Hao's request.

Fang Hao said: "About Zeng Lingtian? How much do you know about him?"

Su Boyuan said: "I know a lot. I don't know him very well. When we were young, we slept together all night, drinking and singing K, happy life. Oh, he won the planning of Chengnan Park, and he told me that he first made the surrounding area, let the government plan some commercial facilities, and at the same time bought some hooligans, made the Chengnan Park a mess, and then asked the citizens to write complaints, and through the exchange of interests, finally got the government to agree to his land transfer plan. These methods are secondary, mainly him. I am amazed by his precise strategic vision.”

Fang Hao sighed. He didn't expect Zeng Lingtian to be such a mixed-up old silver coin. He felt the trouble, and said: "Sure enough, meanness is the pass of the mean, no, meanness is the pass of the noble. Where is he now?"

Su Boyuan made a phone call, and after asking clearly, he hung up and said, "Ling Tian has gone to recuperate."

"Healing? Is he sick? That's easy. You lead the way at night, and we will visit him."

Hearing his wife came back outside, Fang Hao said: "Don't tell Xiao Rou about what we just talked about, just the two of us know."

(End of this chapter)

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