man forty

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Going downstairs, Zhou Jiajia took out her mobile phone, took a photo of the Mercedes-Benz, and sent it to Su Rou, saying, "Miss Xiaorou, I saw your husband in college."

Seeing that Su Rou's call came quickly, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly, answered, and said, "You don't believe it?"

"Jiangdong University?"

"Yes, it's at my school."


"The Pathology Building of the Faculty of Medicine."

"That's not far from me, I'll go there now."

"What? Are you at Jiangdong University?"

Zhou Jiajia was taken aback when she found that the phone had been hung up. She looked at the Mercedes-Benz again, and then thought of Fang Hao alone in the laboratory.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Zhou Jiajia saw Su Rou driving over, and then Su Rou got out of the car, went to ask the property security in the building, and went straight up.

She hurriedly retreated to the side, and she happened to be able to see Fang Hao's laboratory above. Not long after, she saw Su Rou arrive at the floor of Fang Hao's laboratory, and then went in.

Damn it!This Fang Hao was originally mine!Zhou Jiajia stomped her feet angrily.


"How did you come?"

Fang Hao was a little surprised, it wasn't that Su Rou would come, but that he could come so quickly.

Knowing that she is here, Zhou Jiajia will definitely tell Su Rou, and Su Rou will not just come and take a look, as if he lives in a hospital dormitory, and Su Rou also went for a checkup.

The fact that Su Rou can come so quickly means that Su Rou is in the university.

Zhou Jiajia seduced me just now, could it be that they colluded?If I really took advantage of the lonely man and widow to be alone in the room, and then married Zhou Jiajia, and then Su Rou suddenly rushed out, wouldn't I have been caught and raped there.Su Rou sneered at me, if she threatened me not to get a divorce, then she would occupy an absolute high point.This is a trap?Are they so insidious?They are not good people, they were really dangerous just now! ... Fang Hao was a little lucky, glad that he once again resisted Zhou Jiajia's temptation.

"Husband, you should answer me first, why are you here? The computer, printer, and these books are all from your hospital dormitory. Why did you move here?"

As Su Rou spoke, she thought of something.

Has the husband been kicked out of the hospital dormitory?Pitiful!She came behind Fang Hao, hugged Fang Hao, and said, "Honey, go home, home is your strongest shield."

Fang Hao frowned and said, "Are you here to mock me?"

"No, husband, you are my dearest husband, no matter what happens to you, I will support you."

"Don't hold back! Laugh if you want! I'm not as good as you when it comes to work and employment. As soon as you enter the company, you will have noble people to help you, and then your salary will be raised and your promotion will go smoothly. You are qualified to ridicule! Not only am I frustrated at work today, but I also caught fire in my backyard. No, just after installing the computer, someone sent me a photo like this."

Fang Hao clicked out the photo and showed it to Su Rou.

Su Rou poked her head around, and the first thing she saw was Zeng Lingtian, and then a woman.She focused her eyes for a moment and said, "Husband, who is the person above? You don't think that woman is me, do you? That's not me, I've never been to the beach."

"Isn't that girl you? I remember that you have this type of sunglasses, this type of swimsuit, this hairstyle, this figure, don't they all?"

Fang Hao asked again.

Su Rou hurriedly said: "Sunglasses and swimsuits are produced in batches. They can't be exclusive. There will be similar ones in the vast sea of ​​people. Husband, do you think, when have I been to the beach? Look at the surrounding environment. There are many foreigners around. This is a foreign country. I have never been to a foreign country. Husband, how many times do you want me to say that I did not betray you, I only love you alone."

Bitch, you really won't admit anything!Really stubborn... Fang Hao said: "What about this man? You should know him, right?"

"do not know."

Su Rou directly denied it.

Fang Hao said: "No way, some time ago, he took the key to our house and opened the door. You explain to me that he is your cousin. It's only been a few days, and you tell me that you don't know him?"

"Husband, how can you trust me?"

"I said, I don't believe you."

"Honey, why are you so cruel to me..."

Su Rou didn't look at the screen, but hugged Fang Hao tightly from behind, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she choked up, "Honey, can you stop treating me like this? I'm pregnant with your child now, not one, but two, twins. If you don't treat me better, then can't you treat your flesh and blood better? My mother is in a very bad state of mind now. She always says some world-weary words, saying that she regrets not being the first, and today she asked me to come here to do retirement. Her body is very pessimistic. I am pregnant with a child now, and I still have to look at my mother. I am a woman, and it is difficult for me. Husband, don’t abandon me at this time, okay?"

Pretending to be pitiful... Fang Hao's first impression was this, he said: "I made you abort the child a long time ago, why didn't you listen to me."

"Husband, you are a doctor. You protect other pregnant women, why are you so cruel to your own child?"

"Because you cheated, you are not the only man I am, you have a relationship with other men, so I am not sure that the child in your stomach is mine, so why should I keep it?"

"Husband, I, Su Rou, swear, if the child is not yours, I will die immediately, and I can also bet on a household registration book."

"Bet? Then you bet that you don't have a man outside, you bet that no other man has entered your body except me, if you bet, I'll bet with you! If you bet on your life, I'll bet on your life. If you bet on your account book, I will bet on your account book. Do you bet?"

"I do not have!"

Su Rou didn't expect Fang Hao to be so cruel, her heart trembled slightly, she let go of Fang Hao, and instantly calmed down, she said: "Honey, I won't quarrel with you, my mother is still waiting for me to go back to take care of her. If you think this place is quiet, you can stay here for now. I won't disturb you. My child and I will always love you!"

After she finished speaking, she folded her hands, shrugged her shoulders, and left.


Su Rou is leaving now?What did they talk about?Looking at Su Rou's appearance, she is not in a high mood.

Zhou Jiajia was very concerned, she went outside first, and when Su Rou drove out, she stopped the car and went up.

"Miss Xiaorou, are you crying? Did you quarrel?"

Zhou Jiajia could see that Su Rou's eyes were a little rosy, it was because of crying, she handed over a tissue.

Su Rou frowned, and parked the car on the side of the road, she said, "Why does my husband have your photos? Why do you keep photos?"

"What picture?"

Zhou Jiajia asked the question knowingly.

Su Judao: "Last June, you and Ling Tian were traveling abroad. Someone took a picture of your intimacy on the beach. Now this photo is in my husband's hands. He thought it was me. Why are you so careless? Now my husband misunderstands me so much. How can I explain this?"

Zhou Jiajia said: "You check the date and itinerary with him. You haven't gone abroad, so why can't he figure it out?"

"My husband was investigating me and was going to divorce me. Now that there is this confuser, even if he thinks he understands, he still has to pretend to be confused. You are going to kill me again."

"Miss Xiaorou, let me make an appointment to explain to your husband."

"Well, that's all there is to it."

Zhou Jiajia didn't expect Su Rou to agree, she said: "Okay, I will have a good talk with him."

Su Rou suddenly turned her head and stared at Zhou Jiajia.

Zhou Jiajia panicked inexplicably, and hurriedly said, "I... I'll just explain about the photo. I'll post my ticket record, and I will definitely not overdo it. He is your husband, and I don't miss him."

"No, I want you to take him down! Take him down with your means, at all costs!"

(End of this chapter)

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